Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 68 - Going Back

Chapter 68 - Going Back

After Ban and George left Carmen's Alchemist's Shop, they went straight towards a shop that sells all kinds of maps. 

Ban bought one piece of it and just like what Carmen had said, it cost him 2 Gold Coins. 

Ban chose to hide the fact that he has a Dimensional Storage Item this time in his possession as he thought that it doesn't have a particular effect. He also thought that it might backfire and some greedy people might rob him of it. 

It's alright if those who decide to rob him are only small fries, but it would be a problem if Gold Rank Adventurer's or multiple E-Elite Rank Summoner's decided to rob him. 

Anyways, after buying the Map, Ban's action looked like he was putting it under his coat but in fact, he actually stored it inside the Dimensional Storage when it was not visible to everyone.

After that, George led Ban and they walked around the Adventurer's Market. However, Ban did not buy anything this time and he only observed the price of every item that he might want to buy or he might be able to sell in the future.josei

After what happened earlier, Ban asked the Almighty Summoner System to inject the knowledge regarding the materials that he needs to collect for the mission- Spine it Hard! 

He thought that although not the same in color, the liquid in the Adventurers Guild and the liquid in both Joana and Carmen's possession are the same- Pure River Water. 

And after the System injected the materials description and information in his brain, his guess actually came true. 

Supposedly, the Pure River Water could only be found in the origin or the source of a river. They have special characteristics that could detect evil and they have a green color, just like the liquid in Joana and Carmen's possession. The liquid on the Adventurers Guild was also a Pure River Water but they dilute it with water so as to prolong its life. 

Every vial, that is size of a human's thumb could only detect 'Evil' or Dark Guild members for up to ten times before it's effect would lose and it will return to being a normal river water. 

The Adventurers Guild diluted it so that they can use it more than ten times at the cost of lowering its efficiency. And instead of detecting Dark Guild members around it, it could now only detect it when their blood was submerged or mixed with the diluted solution.

Ban regretted at first that he did not know that the Pure River Water was actually just in front of him earlier. However, when he thought about it, even if he knew, he would also not dare to take the risk and scoop a handful of it on the Adventurers Guild's watch. And besides, it was not worth it as the System would only accept the pure ones and not the diluted kind of Pure River Water. 

Ban also familiarizes himself with the other materials or ingredients so that he won't be ignorant about them if he ever encountered some while strolling around the Adventurers Market.

They also went to a shop that sells Beast Cores, and after observing for a bit, Ban came to know that the usual price of 1000 Gold Coins was actually just for X-Mortal Rank Beast Cores and they are even the lowest of the lowest Grade. 

If he decided to sell the defective Beast Core of the Red Hermit Termite, he believes that it would be able to sell for up to 5000 Gold Coins as even though it was defective, it was still, after all, an E-Elite Rank Beast Core. 

He was even tempted to sell his defective Beast Core and buy another two of a lower grade and rank, but after thinking about it, he decided that it might not be for the best. 

Eva was not an ordinary Demon Ant after all and was that of a new Queen Variant. She will be stronger than what her mother had achieved before with the help of the [Skill] Greed. And besides, even without Greed, Ban could still train Eva to be a powerful Beast Summon as long as he follows the Book of Techniques instructions, although it would take more effort and time.

Ban also saw someone selling a Hairy Boar's spine for 15 Gold Coins, but unfortunately, he needs a complete spine while the item being displayed isn't. With his complete knowledge about the Hairy Boar's spine, he was even able to spot a defect on the part that was being sold with 15 Gold Coins. He thought that it was a rip-off but he nevertheless stayed quiet and did not point it out in the end. 

He keeps looking around for the Boney Porcupines White Spikes but could not find any even after a couple of stores they visited. He thought that getting them himself was his only option.  Fortunately, he already knew where to find them so he thought it was already guaranteed that he would get them.

It was already dark when they were done with their stroll.

Ban decided to call it a day as he still needs to go back to the Kuys Bar to help them with serving the customers and to see Emilia's performance later that night. 

Sometime later, he and George arrived at the Adventurers Market entrance, and fortunately, they did not encounter any scamming guards this time. 

George went ahead of him and a moment later, he already returned along with his carriage and Swift Snail. 

Ban did not waste time and ordered George to go and search for a place or inn that he could stay. 

At first, George recommended the Kuys Bar but obviously, Ban could only reject that idea, saying that he doesn't like crowded places. 

George only shrugged his shoulders and brought him to an Inn after a few minutes of traveling. And just like what Ban had requested, the Inn was really quiet and he even doubted if they were still open for business. 

However, he was proven wrong as when they went inside, there were actually people eating on their tables quietly. He thought that just like what he requested, these are the people who also like quiet surroundings. 

Ban nodded his head and decided to let Leon stay here. He then handed George 2 Gold Coins as thanks to his service. 

George did not want to accept or more precisely, did not dare to accept it saying that it was all on him. However, unlike before, Ban insisted that he accept it and even threatened George that he won't ride his carriage again if he doesn't accept the 2 Gold Coins.

George could only smile wryly as he reluctantly accepted it. 

The reason why Ban decided to pay him was because of the fact that he understood how hard it is to earn money if one is not an adventurer. 

If his suspicion was true, then George might not be earning more than 1 Gold Coin every day after being deducted by rental fees, parking fees, and other fees that he needed to pay.


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