Becoming the Luna

Chapter 282

Chapter 282

"Yanis?" Hayden mumbles in surprise, his eyes widening. "Yanis! Oh my goodness! You're back!" He whisper yells as quietly as he could manage, he didn't want to wake up Pixie.

Yanis was already calmly introducing Virgil to the wall, his hand clutching the Alpha's collar.

Maggie is quick to retrieve Pixie from her grandson arms, muttering under her breath that she was going somewhere else that didn't have people yelling all the time, Grant gets up to follow her with an amused expression.

"No blood on the walls, please boys." He throws over a shoulder to them as he leaves.

"Grandpa!" Hayden calls in frustration, hurrying over to Yanis to still had Virgil in his hold.

"Yani, let him go, I'll explain." Hayden tries to placate his friend.

Yanis shakes his head resolutely. "No, let him explain, how I leave for a couple years only to come back and find out that this idiot not only married you but also made you a moon creature." He says darkly, French accent thick.

Renee and Candy in the background were barely suppressing their laughter, enjoying the show.

"You don't understand, he didn't make me a…"

"Technically, I did." Virgil interrupts him calmly, face blank.

Hayden gives him an incredulous look, half wanting to tell Yanis to move aside so he could punch his mate. "Are you kidding me?" He asks in disbelief when Virgil's words only serves to inflame Yanis.

"I knew it!" Yanis exclaims, already pulling back a fist to knock out Virgil's teeth.

Hayden grabs on to his fist and the surprise on Yanis face is priceless, when Hayden easily pulls down his hand to his side.

"Minou? Did you get stronger?"josei

"Maybe but just let go of him let me explain." He says again, finally able to get Yanis to let go of his mate.

"Fine." Yanis agrees gruffly, rubbing the hand that Hayden had touched. "Come here first." He stretches open his arms, finally smiling a little when Hayden comes to hug him, mumbling a gruff 'missed you' under his breath.

Hayden laughs out at this, stepping back to look up at Yanis who had changed a lot as well, he had grown his hair out and had a day's growth of beard, his jaw dark.

"I missed you too, Yani, are you leaving soon again?" He asks hopefully.

Yanis brushes stray wisps of hair out of his friend's face and smiles. "Nope, I'll hang around for a while, I wanted to surprise you by showing up on your front door today but you beat me to it."

Hayden's eyes grow wide at this. "Y-you're coming back with us?"


"In a different vehicle? Of course." Virgil interrupts, cold blue eyes fixed on Yanis's head.

Yanis doesn't even spare him a glance. "Of course." He mimics. "Now, what I want to know is why you're a moon creature…"

"Yanis, the term is Werewolf, you know you can just say that." Hayden eyerolls.

Yanis just crosses his arms, peeved. "This has to be a prank right, it can't be true." He denies.

"I just stopped your fist…" Hayden drawls.

"So?" Yanis sniffs, nose in the air. "Who's to say you haven't been working out."

"Yeah… no." Hayden shuts down that line of reasoning. "Wait, look, my eye color changes." He pipes up excitedly, leaning forward so fast he nearly slips, supporting himself with Yanis's shoulders.

Yanis cringes, staring intensely at Hayden's face, he manages to not flinch when Hayden's familiar grey eyes brightens into a soft amber, his canines slightly peeking out.

Yanis was currently holding up Hayden's weight, eyes wide but he's not spooked out and Hayden takes this as a plus, reflexively purring out his relief.

This unfortunately startles Yanis, the poor man hopping back a couple feet with a cry of alarm.

This makes Hayden lose his balance but Virgil catches him in time.

"Did you bite him?" The Alpha asks hopefully, looking over at Yanis who was still cowering to a corner.

"No!" Hayden responds incredulously.

"Then what happened?" Renee asks curiously.

"You don't even flinch at my sharp teeth but you're running away because I purred? Really Yanis?" Hayden complains seriously, making the sisters laugh.

"Give him some credit, Hay, it's not everyday you find out that your childhood friend got turned into a moon creature." Candy teases.

"But I didn't get turned, it doesn't work that way, I've always been part wolf."

"But Virgil had to bite you for you to find out." Candy points out the flaw in his explanation.

Hayden just makes an exasperated noise.

"So," Yanis starts after putting himself together, taking a couple steps closer. "What does this mean? Does anything change?" He asks in slight worry.

"Not really." He shrugs, looking thoughtful. "I've not tried shifting, I'm a little scared to honestly." He admits, feeling Virgil squeeze their held hands comfortingly. "And… there's something else I'm not…" he frowns.

"We still need to ask about your dad, remember?" Virgil cuts in, keeping steady eye contact with his mate.

Candy notices something is off and it finally clicks, she needed to have a couple words with Virgil, she surmises, her lips in a tight line.

Hayden perks up at this, furrow between his brow disappearing as he tugs his hand away from Virgil's hold to go over to his mother.

"Did you know that my dad was a Werewolf?" He asks carefully, watching his mom's body language.

Something flashes in Renee's eyes but she quickly hides it, looking down at her son with love in her eyes. "No, I knew about Werewolves, sure, I mean my sister is one but I didn't know Alex was also a Werewolf."

"You never met him Auntie?" Hayden directs at Candy.

Candy's expression shutters as well but she also shakes her head. "I almost thought he didn't exist." She shrugs. "Plus I graduated before Ren and she met him in her final year." 

Virgil looks thoughtful. "If we can get his full name and some info in him we can try doing some research."

"What for though?" Renee asks in an emotionless voice. "He didn't want to have anything to do with Hayden, what could change now?"

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