Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 373 - The Man Is Poison

Chapter 373 - The Man Is Poison

Chapter 373 The Man Is Poison
Fu Zhengzheng clicks the prompt and finds the e-mail is from Li Yin. She can’t help laughing. Li Yin didn’t know how to use the computer in the past, but now she can send an e-mail.

When she is about to check the e-mail, Li Yin calls her.

“Have you received my e-mail?”

Fu Zhengzheng checks it while answering the call, “Yes, but I haven’t checked it. When did you learn to surf the Internet?”

“My cousin taught me.” Perhaps Li Yin doesn’t want to mention Lin Jiao, so she changes the topic, “I planned to give you a disk called ‘Angelic Music’. But there is only one kind of music in my disk. It doesn’t have an introduction and is not complete. This is the website link about ‘Magically Angelic Music” I’ve asked someone to find for you. There are many introductions inside. You can have a look.”

“Angelic Music?”

“Yes, you listened to that at my home the other day, didn’t you? I just listen to the music that can calm me down. After listening to it, I feel comfortable, so I suggest you download one according to your need. There are several types of music, and they have different functions, such as improving sleep, relieving pain and even aphrodisiac.” Talking of it, Li Yin sniggers.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t believe that, “Really? Can a piece of music have so many functions?”

“Yes. Anyway, it’s free to download from the website, and you don’t need to pay. You can download it to have a try. Many friends are listening to it and speak highly of its effectiveness. Maybe it will not be free anymore in the future.”

“Is it a new kind of drugs?” Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing and thinks her idea funny.

Li Yin doesn’t seem to realize it and explains smilingly, “Drugs are addictive, but this is not. Moreover, if it’s drug, will I introduce it to you? It’s harmful to both you and myself, isn’t it?”

“I didn’t mean that.”

“I know, but it’s normal for the police to be wary. You can check it online. If you don’t think it reliable, just don’t download it.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone and clicks the link for a look.

She opens the homepage and sees many introductions. It’s said that “Angelic Music” is the product of a reliable company that has gone through dozens of clinical trials. It’s a trustworthy product. It’s also said that the price of each piece of music is up to dozens of dollars abroad. It just entered the inland market, so it’s free to download temporarily. Just as Li Yin said, there are many types of music, but the categories are more than Li Yin mentioned. There are almost dozens of music filenames in all. Below them are experiencers’ comments. There are many rave reviews, but few people say they have a headache after listening to the music.

After reading the introduction, Fu Zhengzheng thinks it magic. She never thought a music file can be so effective. She wants to download one that can improve sleep, but because she is still working, she doesn’t finally. She is going to download it at home in case she will be sleepless.

Then Han Siqi calls her. He says Zhu Linglong has come back and they will have dinner together. He asks her to think about where to dine in the evening.

Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone smilingly and shuts the website. Then she begins to think enjoyably about what to eat for dinner.


It’s the time to go off duty. Finding the rain has stopped outside the window, Zhu Ting packs her things up and is going to the bus stop. At this moment, her cellphone rings. Unexpectedly, the call is from Fu Wenhai. She feels glad. She counts to five in the heart and then answers the call unhurriedly.

Fu Wenhai’s asks in a low and deep voice.

“Are you off duty?”

“I’m packing things up.”

“I’m off duty too. I am going to carry passengers without a license. How about giving you a lift?”

Zhu Ting laughs, “Thank you. I really hate to scramble for the bus.”

“No problem. I will go downstairs now. Go downstairs ten minutes later.”

“OK.” Zhu Ting responds crisply. After hanging up the phone, she begins to think about an excuse to invite Fu Wenhai to dinner together. In that way, they can have a better communication.

After seven or eight minutes, Zhu Ting goes downstairs with her bag. Unexpectedly, Fu Wenhai has evening waiting at the gate. She walks faster, opens the door and sits into it.

“You come so quickly. If I had knew that, I would have come downstairs two minutes earlier.”

“I can’t let a pretty girl wait for me.” After Zhu Ting is seated, Fu Wenhai starts his car slowly.

Zhu Ting laughs on purpose, “I’m taking your car home. What you say sounds like we’re dating.”

Fu Wenhai laughs, “I hope to go on a date. But I am afraid the pretty girl is not willing to.”

“Alas, it’s a pity that I’m not pretty, or I will go on the date happily.”

They meet a red light. Fu Wenhai stops the car, points outside and laughs, “If you are not pretty, the pedestrians would be dinosaurs, wouldn’t they?”

“Are you praising me?”

“Of course.”

Zhu Ting sticks out her tongue and laughs. Looking at the familiar smile, Fu Wenhai goes into a trance.

Zhu Ting pretends not to notice his improper behavior and shouts, “The light has turned green!”

“Oh.” Fu Wenhai starts the car instantly and laughs in a self-mocking way, “The pretty girl is more attractive than the green light.”

“You are so funny. It’s the first time that I have heard someone compare a pretty girl with the green light. By the way, do you go off duty so early every day?”


“I thought bosses generally work overtime until midnight.”

“Then what is the use of staff?”

“You are right. Employers usually exploit employees.” Then Zhu Ting laughs loudly. Fu Wenhai laughs too, but he doesn’t peek at her anymore.

Zhu Ting knows he has realized his improper behavior. She asks smilingly, “You go off duty early to go home earlier and accompany your family, right?”

“No, I live alone.” Fu Wenhai adds, “My parents passed away. I’m alone.”

Zhu Ting apologizes at once, “Sorry.”

“It doesn’t matter. They have passed away for many years. I’m used to it.”

“My parents are living in another city. I live alone too. I don’t want to go home after I’m off duty. It’s quiet and lonely. I have no one to talk with and even don’t have the appetite for dinner.”

Fu Wenhai smiles, “How about we get together?”

Realizing she has said something improper, Zhu Ting flushes and waves quickly, “Don’t misunderstand. I didn’t hint anything. I…”

The more anxious she is, the more incoherent she becomes. Fu Wenhai is amused, “Don’t misunderstand, either. I don’t mean as you think. I mean we can have dinner together. A single person has no appetite for dinner at home indeed.”

Hearing that, Zhu Ting smiles embarrassedly, but she feels glad in the heart.

“What do you want to eat?”

Zhu Ting shrugs, “I’m new here and doesn’t know about the local food.”

“What flavor do you like?”

“I have no demands. I’m not picky. So long as I have something to eat, that’s OK.”

Fu Wenhai thinks and takes a turn.

Zhu Ting knows Fu Wenhai has got an idea. She doesn’t ask where they will go and just says, “But let’s reach an agreement first. It’s my treat today.”

“How can I let a girl treat me?”

“I should treat you so that I can hitch a lift without feeling embarrassed.”

Fu Wenhai laughs, “OK. But we also need to reach another agreement. It’s your treat this time, while it’s mine next time.”

“OK.” Zhu Ting agrees without hesitation.

Fu Wenhai drives to Mingyang Road and stops before SensBund Western Steak Shop.

After parking the car, they get out of it, enter the shop and sit down by a window.

A waitress brings the menu immediately and asks what kinds of steak they would like to order.josei

Zhu Ting looks around and asks the waitress, “Is it steak buffet?”

The waitress thinks Zhu Ting doesn’t understand, so she explains slowly, “Steak buffet is served on the first floor. So long as you order any steak on the menu, you can enjoy all the delicious food on the first floor.”

“Oh.” After ordering, Zhu Ting looks at Fu Wenhai, “Are you afraid that I can’t afford treating you?”

Fu Wenhai laughs, “I think the environment is great. Don’t you like it?”

“I like it. But are you used to eating in public? Bosses usually like to eat in a private room and enjoy special service, don’t you?”

Fu Wenhai understands her meaning and laughs, “Isn’t it good to eat in public? You also think you have no appetite for food when you’re alone, don’t you? Except when I treat friends, I usually like to dine in such a lively atmosphere, because I feel less lonely. Moreover, I am not that kind of boss as you imagine. What would you like to drink? I’ll fetch for you.”

“Milky tea, thanks.”

Fu Wenhai rises, and Zhu Ting has an indescribable feeling.

She knows Fu Wenhai is close to her just because she looks like Li Xiaomeng.

“Fu Wenhai looks gentle, graceful and considerate, but it’s only his appearance. When you deal with him, don’t be fooled by it, especially when he takes you as Li Xiaomeng. Because of his guilt at the bottom of his heart, he is sure to be extremely nice to you. You must always remind yourself who he is. He is a suspect for several murder cases and has many secrets we don’t know.” She remembers Fu Zhengzheng’s warning.

Zhu Ting smiles with pretended lightness.

The man is really poison. If she doesn’t know that, she may fall into his gentle trap.

“What are you laughing at?” Fu Wenhai brings her a cup of hot drink.

“I have a dinner companion and don’t have to face the table alone, so I feel happy.”

“Then I should laugh too, right?”

Fu Wenhai smiles. Zhu Ting says seriously, “I think you should smile as often as possible. You look good when you smile.”


The waitress brings their dishes. Zhu Ting points to Fu Wenhai and asks the waitress, “Do you think he is good-looking when he smiles?”

The waitress thinks Zhu Ting has found she peeked at Fu Wenhai, so she flushes and is too embarrassed to look at Fu Wenhai anymore. She just nods lightly and then leaves shyly.

Zhu Ting ignores the waitress’s expression and laughs, “It proves I’m not lying.”

Fu Wenhai grins, “With your praise, I don’t know how to smile now.”

Zhu Ting is about to speak, but she is interrupted by a cry of horror nearby…

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