Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 208 - 206

Chapter 208 - 206: Damien Vs Gracier 2

Let's rewind time a little.

It happened the moment Gracier was sent flying by Damien's light spear. While rolling on the ground she recalled a piece of advice her brother Alex gave her. 

'In a fight you know you can't win, just go all out, doesn't matter the result, just fight to your heart's content, maybe a miracle can happen.' He had said. 

'Damien isn't it an opponent I can fight while holding back. He is strong. I will go all out and fight with no regret.' Gracier said to herself before removing her eye patch, somehow she felt free. 

'I shall check how MP I have left.' She murmured. 

Like her brother, she kept training every night. Especially last night, she trained like a madman.

'Status' Gracier murmured.

『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

「 Rank 6」

Level 52

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Race: High Half-Elf

Experience Value: 1500/7500

Magic Power: 1760 (+25) ✒ 1785


Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 705 (+15) ✒ 730

Defense: 470 (+25) ✒ 495

Agility: 370 (+25) ✒ 395

Intelligence: 360 (+25) ✒ 385

Luck: 370 (+25) ✒ 395

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 4] [Meteor (???)] [Fire Snake Level 4] [Flame Shield Level 5] [Presence Detection Level 5] [Chantless Magic Level 8] [Fire Lotus Level 5] [Archery Level 5] [Blaze Steps Level 5]

Special Ability: [Dragon Eye Level 10 Max] [Flame Wings Level 3] [Dragon's Breath Level Level 2] 

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] [The Diligent]』

'1650 MP left. Huh! That's not bad.' Gracier said. 

By now the dust hiding her figure was cleared, she immediately used Dragon's eye on Damien who stopped moving. 

She flashed next to him and said, 

''I will not go down so easily you know?" 

At the end of her words, she drove her knee into Damien's stomach sending him flying in the air. 

''Kuh!" Pain assaulted Damien.

Gracier switched her weapon from scythe mode to bow mode. 

Aiming the golden bow at Damien, she pulled the bowstring. 


A fire arrow was shot toward Damien. Twisting his body midair he dodged the arrow, before landing on the ground. 

Just as he landed, Gracier had executed her next attack.

''Double shots.'' She said before pulling her bowstring. 

Two fire arrows were sent toward Damien, he quickly rotated his spear deflecting the arrows. 

Kicking the ground he tried to approach Gracier, however, the latter jumped back and kept shooting fire arrows after at him, making it impossible to approach her. 

Damien pressed his lips together, he started to feel frustrated as he couldn't approach Gracier, he must approach her to deal serious damage that could end the fight.

Sighing he pointed his finger at the sky while shouting: 

''Arrows of Judgement''

A white sphere was shot out from his body to the sky before expanding and transforming into countless blades of light. Those blades of light rained down on Gracier.

Tapping her foot on the ground thrice, Gracier chanted, 

''Blossom and protect: Fire lotus.'' 

A big fire lotus came out from the ground and protected Gracier by wrapping its leaves around her. 

Outside, a lot of people's eyes and mouth opened wide, the eyebrows raised, they hadn't thought Gracier's Fire lotus could be used this way. 

Even though he was also surprised, Damien didn't lose his composure, he disappeared to reappear in front of Gracier, he sent five spear thrusts at her. 

Gracier dodged the first ones and with her bow, she blocked the remaining. 

Clangs! Clangs !!

Both pointed their fingers at each other and said,


''Light Ball.'' 


They got pushed back. 

Damien used his skill movement to jump back before rolling on the ground to dodge, Gracier's dragon breath.


Clank! Clank! Clank! 

Using his spear he deflected all the fire arrows hurled at him. 

''Damn it.'' Damien roared as he was feeling insulted. If he continues being played with like this by Alex's sister, who's weaker than him, wouldn't this mean Alex will play his to death? 

This is unacceptable, he must teach the little girl a good lesson which she will remember forever. 

Taking a deep breath to calm down his emotions, Damien closed his eyes and haughtily shouted.

''Absolute Monarch of Light.''

A blinding light enveloped his body for a moment before disappearing. 

Just after the light disappeared, Damien appeared in what seemed to be paladin armor with a red cross on it. The current him was emitting an immense pressure that could be felt miles away. 

Gracier gulped audibly, her head throbbed steadily and her throat was rough and dry, sweat was pouring off her forehead. She knew this sensation pretty well, it was fear. 

The Damien in front of her was making her feel fear, absolute fear. It was like he must not be could not be challenged. 

Biting her lips to regain control of her body, Gracier was astonished to find her body flying in the air. 

Since when? She wondered before an excruciating pain assaulted her all over her body. With her left eye she saw numerous spear rain down on her, she couldn't dodge as those spear lights were too fast. 

''Divine Severance,'' Damien muttered. 

More than fifty spear lights were shot toward Gracier in the air, they punctured her body. 

Gracier puked a mouthful of blood while feeling dizzy, she knew she was about to lose and she didn't like it, not in the slightest. 

'I mustn't lose. I need to find a way to get out of this situation.' She murmured before trying to twist her body to dodge Damien's attacks, however, no matter what she does she couldn't escape Damien's grape, he kept appearing in front of her and attack her without giving her any rest. 

To Gracier this feels like an eternity, however, in reality, only minutes passed since Damien used his domain: Absolute Monarch of Light. 

Because it was daytime and light was everywhere, Damien could move faster, almost at the speed of light.

''This match is set.'' Someone among the spectators said. 

Nobody said anything as they were too focused on the fight not blinking an eye, afraid of losing even the smallest detail as most of them did not believe that the match will end like this. 

Indeed it was what happened.

Gracier fell to the ground with a thud sound, silence descended upon the whole stadium. 

While fighting against the drowsiness assaulting her, 

'Move, move. I said move.' Gracier kept shouting this in her mind. 

However, her body refused to listen as she was too injured. 

Suddenly, she heard a voice she longed for so much. It was Ignia's voice. 

[Sigh! Just I'm back I'm seeing my child being beaten up this badly. Hah! This won't do. Little Alexandra we will use spirit possession ahead of schedule. You can only control it for three seconds. You will be extremely tired afterward, you may sleep for a month. Even knowing this do you wish to use it?]

'Yes, I do.' Gracier answered without hesitation.

Ignia smiled, [Very good. Don't worry, your current injury will disappear when using spirit possession, say after me...]

''1st Dragon mode.'' 


A big fire vortex appeared around Gracier pushing Damien back. 

Not waiting for the fire vortex to disappear before attacking as he could feel extreme danger coming from it. Damien executed, 

"Divine Severance.'' 

A hundred small spears made of light were shot at the fire vortex. 

However, something astonishing happened from the other side a white hand appeared and knocked all the small light spears flying.  josei

''Too weak.'' said an alluring voice. 

Damien was gobsmacked, the audience was gobsmacked by the figure that appeared from the fire vortex. 

It was an extremely beautiful woman, the men's mouth felt dry when they saw the hot figure that appeared. This type of woman could turn any man into a beast.

She was dressed in a long red robe with an opening on both sides that clung tightly to her body, cascading long flaming hair, golden dragon pupils, and pair of curved horns on her head, she had a pair of big breasts. 

''Little cier?" Elseria muttered in disbelief as the woman in red even though mature looks exactly like Gracier, a twenty years Gracier. 


Gracier who was in dragon mode appeared in front of Damien, the arena cracked under the sheer force of her speed. 

Damien couldn't move due to the pressure put on him by the dragon mode (dragon eyes) and how fast she was. 


Like a rocket, he was shot in the air, his armor cracked, he vomited a large mouthful of blood. 


As if she teleported, Gracier appeared under Damien and kicked in into the sky like a cannonball.

He vomited another mouthful of blood, his right arm was broken. 

Looking at the flying Damien, Gracier lowered her body before jumping high into the sky. 

''Flaming Meteor Fist.''

Her right hand turned red as if there was flame around it, fire appeared on the sole of her foot that propulsed her toward Damien. 

Just as her flaming meteor fist was about to collide with Damien, the latter opened his eyes and thrust his spear forward with his uninjured arm.

Both attacks passed each. 

Boom! Crack!  Puh! 

Damien was shot further into the sky, his armor was destroyed his uninjured arm got twisted into a weird angle, meanwhile, Gracier got pierced Damien's spear and fall toward the ground, her dragon mode had just ended.

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