Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 226 - 224

Chapter 226 - 224: A Small Miracle

Unfortunately, Silveria's answer shattered his hope.

''Huh! Let's see around Level 90.''

''You can't be serious right?" Alex said disbelief written all over his face. It couldn't be helped previously it was around Level 75, now it's has become around Level 90. He wondered why.

''Well, I'm pretty serious, though. The reason the requirement has changed is because of what happened back then. Because Big sister intervened and saved your life it has, it has changed everything. Her seals got further reinforced, it's because of the spirit possession.'' Silveria explained the reason for the sudden increase in the requirement to unlocks the black gun.

''It is because of that. Well, I need to work hard to unlock her.'' Alex sighed.

He then added, ''Can you explain to me what spirit possession is?" 

Silveria took a deep breath before starting her explanation, ''Spirit possession: is the ability to synchronize with your Gift's soul. Only the Gifts that have souls and are powerful enough have this ability. Some conditions must be met to be able to execute this ability. You must have the acknowledgment of your Gift first. Your souls must have the same wavelength to be able to synchronize. When you can perfectly synchronize with your Gift, it is called Absolute Duo. During the Absolute Duo, you can use the original ability of your Gift to seventy percent.'' josei

''I see. I wonder what is your race? I believe that at the start you weren't the weapon's spirit. What's your origin?" Alex asked as he was curious about Silveria's true identity.

Facing Alex's question, Silveria did not immediately answer, she stayed silent for a moment as if thinking about something before saying. 

''You are right. I and others are from the ******** race. Well, you can't understand even though I said it. We are prohibited from saying it. Even if we said it, you won't be able to understand. Let's forget about that and focus on completing the task at hand. You will learn everything in due time.'' 

Alex couldn't help but sigh, when he asked that question earlier he had expected something like this to occur hence he was not too surprised.

After talking with Silveria for another hour she excused herself leaving Alex alone. 

Before leaving she murmured, 'A big surprise awaits you, tomorrow master.'

Alex was too lost in thoughts to heard what she said.

Staring at the night sky, Alex sighed once more. He wondered how many times he sighed today. He needs strength, strength to protect himself, his loved ones, strength to decide his fate. 

''I need to slowly build up my strength. Let's start by clearing the Endless Forest tomorrow.'' Alex said, he knew it was going to be easy, even so, he would try his best.


The next day morning, Alex woke up, and after getting ready he departed toward the core zone of the Endless Forest. 

En route he didn't encounter any monsters, it was kinda boring as he was expecting a bit of action. 

Two hours later, Alex managed to leave the gigantic ice forest. He was sick of seeing white every time he looked around.

The moment Alex left the ice forest and entered the last zone of the Endless Forest: the Core Zone. He was first shocked because in front of him was endless white plain as far as the eyes could see, nothing else. 

Alex even wondered if it was some kind of joke, he almost turned around and leave, however, he decided to continue, who knows maybe a big surprise awaits him over there. 

Having decided to continue, Alex stepped into the core zone, the moment his feet touched the ground his expression changed, he felt his vision shifting as if he was being teleported somewhere, he unconsciously closed his eyes.

When Alex opened his eyes again, the entirely different scenery stunned him. At that moment, it was no longer the endless white plain, but a vast, pitch-black forest instead. The sky was also incomparably dark. At a glance, the entire world seemed to only be dyed in two colors; black and white. The winds gliding across the black forest brought along slight pain. But before Alex reacted to where exactly he was, the calm shadows ahead suddenly warped. Seconds later, along with deep roars that echoed through the forest, mysterious creatures emerged one after another. They had strange appearances, swaying constantly like shadows and snapping their huge jaws open to reveal terrifying glow from their razor-sharp teeth. It was like a mix between goat and lion. Above their heads, you could see. [Abyss shadow Creature Level 70] 

The moment Alex was sent to the real Core Zone, Silveria also follow him. Looking at her master, she smiled and said ''Let's see how you will handle this stage. Unlike others, this is an underground forest. The dark abyssal forest, most beasts here have the shadow element making them appear like a ghost. Normal weapons won't work on them. Will, you immediately notice their unusualness or you will suffer at their hand first?"

As usual, Silveria decided to watch everything from the sky. 

~Back to Alex. 

"Seems like you guys are my enemies huh!."

Alex smiled and squinted, he sent his knives back as he noticed the monster's unusualness, he was not a paladin so his normal knives won't work. Summoning the silver gun Alex immediately used Xerox. Holding the two silver guns he was ready for battle.

At the next moment, the shadowy creatures howled and pounced on him like a violent wave. Hundred of shadowy creatures leaped toward him as to devour him not leaving even bones behind.

No matter who witnessed this scene, perhaps they would think that Alex would be devoured at the next second.

But the truth was otherwise.

The shadowy creatures dashing from all directions were wild and aggressive—a few seconds ago. The instant they launched their attacks on Alex, he wouldn't have been able to stop them even if he had a normal Gift. But in that instant, along with Alex's action, everything changed. His Gift is not normal.

Facing the shadowy creatures, Alex didn't even glance at them. He stared at the silver guns in his hands that were emanating a brilliance that was as bright and glistening as the full moon. Then he moved, first by removing his eye patch and.

Bang! Bang!!!

Bullets flew killing monster after monster, it only takes one bullet to kill one monster. 

Silveria's bullet seemed to work on the monster as if she was their natural nemesis. This assumption was partially right, the magic bullet indeed has the ability to injure shadowy creatures, however, it was only to the extent of injuring not insta-killing them. There was something else mixed with Silveria's bullet, no mixed with Alex's magic power because it's his MP that is used to create bullets. Something himself was unaware of, a miracle even Silveria was unaware of. 

Silveria was gobsmacked as she watches Alex slaughter the abyssal creatures as if they were goblins. 

''No way! What's going on?" Silveria was surprised, really surprised. As matter of fact, she knew that she could affect shadowy creatures to some extent, however, able to eliminate them like that must be impossible. It's almost like her bullet was enhanced with the Light element. 

''Impossible,'' Silveria mumbled. She decided to verify what happened later.

While Silveria was surprised, her chained big sister was even more shocked. Her expressionless face showed for the first time some kind of expression, she was smiling, she couldn't help but be happy. If her hypothesis was right then Alex possesses an ability that his successor did not have. With this ability, things may change. If truly possess that ability, he would be unrivaled. Previously, she frowned upon her little sister's suggestion, however, now it's different. Alex must follow Silveria's suggestion. He will become the strongest, the most feared of all.

'Let's wait and observe the situation first.' she thought while smiling for the second time, does who knows would be left speechless if they saw the current her, the Death Goddess smiling.

Back in the abyssal forest, Alex danced around while shooting bullet after bullet.

Bullets producing white light were being shot repeatedly, they were like harmless Holy light that didn't seem to have any aggression at all. But despite that, the shadowy creatures wailed and were shredded into bits by the white bullet instantly. Before they struggled, they were like thick apple skins being peeled from the flesh. The white light dazzled, dismantling the shadowy creatures into worthless remains in an instant. Fragments of their bodies drifted in the air, before disappearing into nothingness like melted snowflakes, into a black snowflake.

Like the other Alex was surprised that he was able to easily eliminate the Abyssal creatures, he attributed this success to Silveria unaware that the latter was even more confused about what's happening. She rubbed her eyes several times wondering if she was not dreaming, alas it is the reality no matter how many times she checked. For the first time something happened that Silveria could not understand, she couldn't explain, her brain couldn't find the answer, she could only watch and hope to unravel the mystery later.

Silveria could not help but shout ''Can someone tell me what hell is going on?" 

Unfortunately, nobody answered her. Alex was busy eliminating the shadowy creatures while her Big sister being what she is wouldn't answer Silveria even if she were to beg her. 

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