Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 229 - 227

Chapter 229 - 227: The Meeting Of The Gods

While Alex was training, somewhere extremely far a meeting was taking place in a gigantic hall so beautiful that words could not be used to describe it. If words could be used it would be 'This is not a place for mortals.'

Sitting around a golden round table was several figures dressed elegantly, possessing otherworldly beauty whether it was woman or man. 

Two beautiful women sitting shared a look. If Alex and the others were here they would have identified one of the women as the that introduced herself as Goddess Mea, the one responsible for their reincarnation. The other woman was none other than Nyx, another Goddess, the one that came after Alex and the others left. 

Presently, they were looking at holographic windows in front of them. josei

Surprisingly it was Alex and other information that were depicted on these windows. 

''How are their progress?" Asked a bored voice. The owner of this voice had long black tied with a red ribbon and from his half-closed eyes, you could see a pair of dark eyes that threatened to devour you.

''Hades, stop being lazy and properly watch what is in front of you.'' A voice chided the black-haired man with the name of Hades. It was a beautiful woman with deep black hair and ocean blue eyes.

''Tch! Tits Goddess has spoken.'' Hades clicked his tongue in annoyance. 

The black-haired woman became furious and wanted to retaliate, however, he was stopped by Mea cold glare. 

''Enough! Both of you. Hestya, do not get easily provoked and as for you Hades behave or else.'' 

There was no need for her to finish her words as everyone sitting here know her temperament. Better obediently follow her advice while she was still smiling or else hell await you if you ever angered her. 

Hades nodded his head like an obedient child before looking at the holographic windows in front of him. The information of the reincarnated was shown there, their current picture and detailed status.

[Alexander Kael Touch: 

Level 65


[Maria Alexia Rosares : 

Level 62


And so on. 

''Wow! That boy with a sealed Gift is doing pretty well.'' Nyx exclaimed as she observed Alex's status. She almost peered into his life to see how he managed to become so strong with the odds against him. However, in the end, she controlled her urges as to not anger the Devilish Goddess Mea.

''Well, not bad, however, he is not the strongest.'' 

Someone pointed out, it was a blue-haired man, eyes of the same hue. Known as the God of Water, Poseidon. Poseidon pointed his finger at one particular holographic window. 

The others looked at that particular window and as he said, Alex was not the strongest as the strongest was shown on this holographic window.

It was a girl in his late teens, the same age as Alex and others. Deep red hair (bob cut style) and red eyes. 

If Alex and others were here there would have identified this girl as one of their classmates known as Erin Spencer, nicknames 'Eriri' or 'Eris'

[Erin Spencer: 

Level 85


Erin's level was the highest, meaning that among the reincarnated she was the strongest. Let's not forget that they have been reincarnated not even a year had passed and yet she was this strong. 

While it's true that Alex and the others were sent to a different world, it doesn't mean that the time in each world was different, it's the same. 

''This Erin is sure promising. I will watch her for a while before deciding whether or not she is worthy to receive my legacy.'' A voluptuous red-haired woman said. 

Hearing her words, the others decided to ignore her as it was strictly forbidden to interact with the reincarnated, order of the Supreme being. 

''Tch! What are you praising them for? They are only chess pieces not worth wasting your saliva for.'' A brawny man said, he had short brown hair and eyes of the same color. He held a spear in his hands. 

While the other Gods and Goddesses decided to ignore the brawny man as they knew how he behaves, there was one person that didn't like the way the brawny man talked, it was Nyx.

''You talk as if you are different. We are all chess pieces just that we are higher chess pieces. Unlike them who may break free from the chessboard, you are and will always be stuck on the chessboard. So, stop being complacent, it makes me sick. You may act mighty today, however, tomorrow you may be beneath their feet.''

''How dare you Nyx!!!" Bellowed the brawny man, he immediately released a powerful pressure, space around him started to crack. 

The others were unbothered by this, they could only sigh as it always what happened when those two saw each other. If the brawny man doesn't provoke Nyx, it would be her that would do. 

''What Aatox? What I said isn't wrong. You must have mud in the place of the brain to not understand me.'' Nyx added with you got the message smile.

Aatox almost exploded, pointing his trembling finger at Nyx he said, ''You! You!!!"

''You what?" Nyx asked innocently as she could. 

''I will kill you.'' Aatox bellowed, ready to charge toward her. 

''Hoh! Take me if you can.'' Nyx said provocatively. 

The others couldn't help but find her words a little bit off. 


Goddess Mea felt compelled to massage her forehead. They are all adults and yet they act as if they were five years child. It was frustrating. 

Sighing Goddess Mea said, ''Enough! We are not here to jump at each other throats. The seal is slowly being undone. This meant they are already moving in the shadow. We must prepare ahead of time.'' 

The moment the other Gods and Goddesses heard Goddess Mea's words, their expressions changed and became serious as they knew what seal she was talking about. 

Everything, (reincarnation) was done to deal with the thing sealed on the other side. If that thing were to break free now that Alex and the others are not prepared, only one outcome awaits them, total annihilation. 

''How much time do we have?" Poseidon asked. 

''Hundred years!" Goddess Mea answered. 

''What?" Exclaimed the others. 

''Well, let's wait and see what happens on their sides. How fast they will evolve. Their current pace is not bad. The dungeons will help them evolve.'' Goddess Mea explained. 

The others nodded their heads as there was nothing they could do, expect watching, this is the rule.

The meeting continued for another hour before ending and everyone left.

Another meeting will be held soon to see how Alex and his friends progressed.

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