Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 236 - 234

Chapter 236 - 234: The Second Round

Leon's answer was a smile before he disappeared to reappear before Alex with a splitting kick.


Alex sidestepped on his left dodging Leon's kick before performing a spinning hook kick. 


Leon knew he screwed up the moment Alex evaded his kick, so he was prepared, guarded against Alex's next attack. Even so, he was still pushed a couple of steps back. 

Alex wasn't the one to miss an opportunity, he decided to try something he had seen in a movie, a kick he loved so much that he tried several. Leaning back in a proper hook position after taking a little bit of distance, he executed the cheat 720 hook kick. 

Leon was mesmerized by this kick so he was caught off guard. He was sent flying back before crashing against the ground. He quickly rolled on the ground to avoid a splitting's kick. 

Like a flash of lightning, he disappeared, taking a proper distance. 

Both looked at each other while wearing a smile on their lips. To them it was not about the competition but about having fun, learning more about each other through this fight, this will strengthen their bond.

''That was a nice kick. I hope you will teach me later.'' Leon said he couldn't hide the yearning in his eyes. He loves to learn new things, especially if it's about martial arts. 

''I will,'' Alex answered with a smile.

Leon's face turned serious all of sudden, golden lightning started to dance around him. Extending his hand a golden spear of 3 meters long appeared inside his hand. 

The moment the spear appeared in Leon's hand, the golden lightning around him became chaotic, Leon whole person seemed to have been transformed into a golden lightning person. 


One word came to Alex's mind, it was how fast Leon has become. 

Leon thrust his spear forward, Alex jumped back while looking at the small cut on his right cheek. He couldn't help but be shocked. 

It wasn't the only one, most of the spectators didn't understand what just happened. One of them asked. 

''What just happened?" 

Sighing a veteran adventurer explained. 

''You see Leon sent five consecutive thrusts with that attack. It was too fast why it looked like it was one thrust.'' 

''What?" The youth who asked that question was shocked. He couldn't believe what he just heard. 

''What is more shocking it's that black-haired man being able to dodge with almost no injury. Both of them are something.'' the veteran adventurer said while looking at Alex and Leon.

Back on the arena.

Leon was not surprised when he saw that Alex was almost unscathed his attacks. 


He vanished again and when he reappeared again it was in form of numerous spear thrusts.  josei

Alex was prepared, his heterochromia eyes moved at fast speed, he was able to perfectly follow the spear trajectory and with minimal movement, he dodged. He then counterattacks by hurtling seven knives at Leon. 

Clangs! Clangs! Clangs 

Spinning his spear Leon deflected all the knives before he sidestepped to the right just enough and Alex's knife passed a hairs breath from his face. 

Alex didn't show any expression even when his attack got easily avoided, he punched Leon in the stomach with his free hand. The latter staggered. 

While he was caught off guard by this attack, Alex's next attack was avoided. Leon caught Alex's leg, the one he used to send a kick toward him. Leon spun and tossed Alex in the opposite direction, he followed by hurtling his spear toward Alex who was still in the air. 

Alex saw a flash of golden lightning coming toward him, he knew that he couldn't perfectly dodge Leon's spear, he left the spear to come close to him before firing a bullet against the spear shaft. The spear was deviated from its original position thus making it easier for Alex to dodge. 

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Alex landed on the opposite side. 

Leon was already before him with his arms raised high. Alex almost asked why empty-handed, however, in the next moment he got his answer. 

A black hammer appeared in Leon's arms, he swung the hammer toward Alex, golden lightning was wrapped around the hammer increasing his falling speed. 

Normally, one should have been caught off guard by this attack, however, even though surprised Alex's brain reacted faster, then his left hand moved. 


A piercing bullet was fired toward the incoming bullet stopping it in its fall. 

Leon's eyes widened as he almost let go of his hammer, however, his surprise did not end up there as Alex followed with his next attack. 

Making use of Xerox, he created a second gun which he used to shoot toward Leon's stomach. 

Once again, if it was a normal person he would have been caught off guard. Unfortunately, none of them were them were normal. Freeing one of his hands holding the hammer, Leon summoned another hammer from his space ring and the flat side of the hammer to defend against Alex's sneak attack. 


Like a leaf in the middle of a storm, Leon was sent spiraling into the air while he grunted in pain because the second hammer clashed into his stomach due to the recoil produced when Alex's bullet collided with the hammer. 

Bang! Bang! Bang! 

Leon quickly wrapped golden lightning around himself in form of a protective shield to decrease the bullets' speed before dodging them. 

Just as he landed, Leon summoned his Gift, the golden spear appeared in his hands, using it he swept away the incoming bullets. 

Both looked at each other before grinning at the same time. 

''Lightning descent,'' Leon announced, arm pointed to the sky.

Boom! Boom! Zila~ Zila~ 

The sky rumbled, turning dark before bolts of lightning descended toward the arena, to be more accurate, descended upon Leon's body. 

Instead of showing an expression of fear, Leon's expression was like that of a child in his mother's embrace. 

''Oh! He activated it. The Lionheart's special ability. I wonder how the boy will deal with it.'' Elseria said as she watched more and more golden lightning descend on Leon's body making him glow in a golden hue.

Freya didn't say anything as she was also curious about how Alex will deal with the current Leon as compared to the previous one this one was stronger, faster, and more deadly. 

In another location, Luna and the others leaned forward when they saw what happens to Leon, somehow he was giving them a dangerous feeling, as if twice stronger than he used to. 

''Sigh! Leon is getting serious, the current him is almost twice stronger than his normal self.'' Kuina said with a sigh. 

The girl's eyes widened. It would a tough battle for Alex, however, Gracier, Luna, Maria, Sakuya, Artemia, and Lilith knew that Alex would not lose.

~Back on the arena.

Alex could have disrupted Leon's transformation but he didn't do such a thing as he wanted to experience how stronger the transformed Leon would be. 

After five minutes Leon's transformation stopped, his golden hair elongated, an Illusionary golden armor appeared on his body. Golden lightning was dancing around him. Holding the golden spear he looked like the God of thunder, it would have been perfect if he was holding a hammer instead of a spear. Alex thought.

''Thank you,'' Leon said because Alex did not attack him while he was transforming.

Most may think that his current form was unusable in a fight as it takes time to transform, your enemy may attack during this time. While it's true, there is a shortened version of this ability, it takes no time to use, however, compared to the one Leon used, the power is halved. Knowing that his friend wouldn't attack him, Leon opted for the full version of the Lightning descent.

Alex only smiled while getting ready for Leon's attack. 

The golden lightning dancing around Leon suddenly disappeared into his body. 

Crack! Boom! 

The floor under Leon's foot cracked and he shot forward and sent ten spear thrusts in one attack. 

Alex knew he would suffer if he didn't make use of his eye, his blue eye shined and he was able to follow Leon's movement. Responding to his command, his body rapidly moved left and right to dodge the spear thrusts. 



Alex was sent flying into the air by the butt of Leon's spear, somehow he was able to shorten his spear to strike Alex in the stomach. The blow was heavy, Alex felt like he had been hit by a heavy hammer. He coughed a mouthful of blood while feeling dizzy. 

On the other side, Leon clenched his right hand into a fist, golden lightning wrapped around it before he jumped high into the air and arrived before Alex. The latter was still under the effect of Leon's previous attack so he couldn't dodge in time. 


Alex was pummeled toward the ground, creating a big explosion. 

Silence descended upon the whole arena.

People wondered if this will be the end.



In the next moment, the whole arena shook. 

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