Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 244 - 240

Chapter 244 - 240: Discussion With Elseria

The next morning, after freshening up, Alex left the Blue Haven Villa, his destination was the Guild headquarter.

A few minutes later he was already inside the Guild, as usual, it was bursting with activity. 

After a quick chat with Ella, the Elf receptionist that resembles Elseria. Alex was sent to the seven-floor, Elseria personal space. 

Just as the teleportation light faded, Alex was greeted by the same beautiful scenery that is the seven-floor. He couldn't help but marvel at how well done the whole floor was.

And as usual, Elseria was sitting in the pavilion sipping tea. She was alone. Today she was dressed in a casual summer robe, even so, she was still breathtaking. Every action of her spoke elegance as if it was innate. 

Alex couldn't help but wonder if she was still hiding another identity. Shaking his head to discard this thought as now wasn't the time to dwell on such a subject, he approached her and greeted her.

''That was a beautiful match. I have never doubted you, I knew you would win. Strong as she may be, she was still lacking, still incomplete to truly overwhelm you.'' Elseria said after greeting him back. 

Alex's eyes narrowed as from Elseria's words he was able to understand something, she was incomplete and how so, this will need a bit of thinking. 

Suddenly, it dawned upon him that Silveria had said something about Artemia's Gift being in an incomplete state. He couldn't help but wonder what her complete Gift look like, how strong she would be armed with a complete Gift? 

Alex's blood boiled in anticipation, he quickly calmed down as another realization hit him. Maybe the goal of this expedition had something to do with Artemia's Gift because the dungeon they are about to raid was said to be special. 

''Why did you say such a thing?'' Alex probed. He had more or less guessed why she said that, though. josei

Chuckling Elseria took a sip of her tea and said, ''Boy, do not ask a question to which you already have the answer.'' 

Alex's expression turned dark and Elseria couldn't help but giggle. 

''What? Dissatisfied with my words?" She asked.

''Yeah, I do not like being called Boy,'' Alex told her. 

Elseria was surprised at first before smiling. 

''I see, Noted, I will stop calling like that. Well, from now on I will call you Kael as I prefer this one to Alexander or Alex.'' 

Even though he found it weird to be called Kael as it was only his grandfather who called him such, Alex couldn't only accept as Kael is one of his names, it's better than being called Boy. It was like she was putting a distance, a gigantic wall between them and he had the feeling that if he did not do anything about it right now, it may never change. 

Unaware or she chooses not to talk about it, Elseria continued. 

''Smart, as you are you, have understood what I meant when I said Artemia was incomplete, not her, her Gift, though. Your dungeon's raid will be related to finding out how to complete her Gift. They exist an inheritance altar in the depth of the dungeon. Whether or not it contains something that can help her complete her Gift is yet to be known. Be aware that it wouldn't be easy.'' 

''I see. Thanks for the information. I heard about disappearances inside the dungeons. Should you not postpone the dungeon's raid until the culprit is found?" Alex asked. 

Elseria heaved a sigh while leaning deeper into her chair she answered.

''Well, normally yes. However, we will lose a lot if I were to order to seal off the dungeons as dungeons are essential for the economy. We can't bring ourselves to do such a thing. Adventurer's life is full of danger, you may die today in search of wealth and fame, so disappearances or not adventurer life continues. I know you are concerned about your sister, don't worry nothing bad will happen to her.'' 

She knew why he asked that question, it was because he feared the possibility of his sister getting targeted as they won't be in the same group, the same dungeon. 

Alex couldn't help but smile as his intention was seen through, and before he could place one, Elseria teased him. 

''Don't worry, nothing will happen to your women as well. Not after you just get engaged, congratulations by the way. I never knew you were the fast type.'' 

Unsure if she knew what her last words meant or not, Alex was hurt, therefore he decided to tease her in turn. 

''Shall we test out? You will see whether I'm fast or not.'' 

Not immediately understanding what Alex meant, Elseria wanted to raise a question when abruptly she finally understood it. The dignified Guild master, the one feared across the world blushed. If this news were to be known, it would flip the world upside down.

Seeing such an unexpected reaction, Alex was surprised beyond words, at the same time he was momentarily smitten and he couldn't help but said as he touched her cheek.


A powerful pressure bore down on him almost making him coughed up the tea he just drunk. 

''Now, now, little Else. No need to act so unreasonably just to hide how embarrassed you are. Don't you think?'' 

Silveria who had not spoken a word since Alex left the villa came out and shielded Alex from Elseria's power. 

Elseria quickly gets control of her emotions. She couldn't help but sigh as finally learned that she still has a long way to go before totally having control over her emotions. Just a casual touch and she almost becomes crazy. Well, the truth was that Alex's finger, his touch sends an electric jolt down her whole body, an unknown emotion coursed through her body. Something she had never experienced. Afraid of this unknown emotion she released a bit of her power, if not she had the feeling that she would sink without the power to fight against this emotion, this truly scared her. 

Looking at Alex's fingers Elseria couldn't help but find them dangerous. Well, if Luna was here she would have nodded at how dangerous Alex's fingers are.

''My bad Alex, I wasn't myself,'' Elseria said looking apologetic. 

While scratching his head Alex waved his hands,

''No, no, it was me who should have not done what I did. I didn't know what got into me for me to act like that. Truly sorry.'' 

Seeing Alex like this, Elseria couldn't help but chuckle a little finding the current him cute. Well, there is no she was going to tell him that. 

Looking at them being in their world and act as if she didn't exist pissed her. 

''I say you two. Go find a room will you.'' 

Both Alex and Elseria rolled their eyes at Silveria. 

''Elseria I want to know where Sera is at the moment?'' 

Finally remembering his last goal, Alex asked. 

''Ah! It seems that she went out to buy some material for her father. Maybe she is already back I don't know. Why do you ask? Finally missing her?" 

To Elseria's question, Alex nodded, not hiding the fact that he indeed missed her. 

''The truth is that he can't wait to start his second conquest,'' Silveria said while eating the ice cream one of the maids brought. 

Alex wondered why someone would eat so much Ice cream. As for what Silveria said, he chose to royally ignore it. 

Looking at Elseria he thought about his plan. 

Having noticed his stare Elseria knew he had something to say, curious about what it was she probed. 

''Do you have something to say?" 

Alex nodded before asking her to lend her his ears, though confused she still did it. 

Leaning forward, Alex whispered something into Elseria's ears. The latter eyes couldn't help but widen until she started laughing. 

She found Alex's plan, calling it a deal will be more accurate, she found it interesting.

''Interesting proposition. While I'm inclined to accept it, I will fully acknowledge it only when the other party accepts. Do you understand my point?" Elseria asked with a smile, she was curious about how Alex came to such a conclusion, and more importantly how he plan to make it works. 

''Of course, I do.'' Alex's answer brought Elseria back to reality.

''Good, we have a deal then.'' She said. 

Too busy to care about what those who were saying, Silveria was eating her fourth serving. 

After spending another hour talking with Elseria, Alex decided to head back. 

Looking at the leaving Alex's back Elseria couldn't help but chuckle wondering if that little girl knew what this man planned. Her expression would be priceless, too bad she would be busy here, if not she would have secretly tailed him to see how he plan to do it. 

''Time to get to work,'' Elseria mumbled and the scenery around her shifted. 


On his way back, Silveria couldn't help but ask him, 

〖Master how do you plan on checking-〗

Cutting her off before she could finish Alex said.

''You will soon find out.'' 

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