Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 251 - 246

Chapter 251 - 246: Birthday

''After learning who I really am. Do you still want to date me?"

''I do. It doesn't matter how you are, how many people you have killed, how many more you will kill in the future. I like you and decided to make you mine no matter what. You may be the Death Goddess; I don't care. I have already made up my mind; Sera Wexon will be my woman one day.'' Alex proudly declared.

Looking at the man who had not killed half of the people she killed, say these words made some unknown emotions rise inside her heart which in turn made her heartbeat quickened. She tried to calm down her emotions quickly. 

〖Tch! When it comes to saying good words to trap women, Master, you are pretty good at it.〗Silveria commented. josei

'Well, it will be a waste on you.' Alex responded. 

〖What that mean?〗Silveria asked, furious. It was clear that Alex's words hurt her pride. 

'Better figure out by yourself.' Alex said, not continuing to entertain Silveria any longer. The latter couldn't only pout at her master's harsh treatment. 

Finally, Sera talked, ''I see. I thought you would have given up after learning who I am, but I guess I underestimate your determination. It's good to be determined. However, I will only go on a date with you only after you become stronger than me.'' 

〖Pft! Hahaha...〗

Silveria burst into laughter just after Sera announced her condition. 

Alex's complexion sank; he hadn't expected Sera to impose such a condition. It was only a date, not a big deal; it wasn't like he asked her to kiss him, so why such a condition was imposed? He couldn't understand, but he couldn't refuse either because he may lose the chance to walk into her heart further. 

Gritting his teeth, Alex answered, ''I understand.'' 

Sera's eyes widened; she was caught off guard; she was not really serious. However, seeing Alex's determination, she decided to continue to pretend. 

''That's good to hear. I shall be waiting then. It's getting late. I must go back.'' 

Sera said and stood up; however, just as she was about to leave, she stopped as if she just remembered something important; she tilted her head back and dropped a bomb.

''By the way, I'm Rank 12 a shy away from Rank 13. You have to do your best to catch up and surpass me. Fufufu! See you.'' 

Alex, who was standing, faltered, almost falling face-first to the ground. 

''She's not serious, is she?" Alex tried to find solace through Silveria's denial. However, he was bound to be disappointed. 

〖Pretty much serious, she is Level 119, 3 more levels, and she will become what they call Saint in this world.〗Silveria announced. 

Alex sucked in a breath of fresh air. He sat down and slumped into his chair; he felt compelled to massage his forehead. 

''I still have a long way to go to catch up. I wonder how older she is? I thought she is just older than me by one or two years. Guess I was wrong, maybe she is older than-" 

Sera's voice cut off Alex's words; her voice rings directly into his ears. 

''By the way, I was joking. We will go on a date after you come back from your excursion. It would be best if you used this opportunity to quickly get stronger as I believe that a storm is coming. You will need strength, strength to survive, to protect those dears to you. And one last thing, it's rude to talk about woman's age behind her back.'' 

Sera's voice disappeared after saying those words; Alex heaved a sigh of relief. Sera must have used an extraordinary method to send her voice directly to his ears; maybe this is related to the Wind element? Alex thought. His guess was pretty accurate. 

Silveria, who manifested her body outside, sat across him. 

''Happy, aren't we?" She teased him. 

Alex refused to entertain her; he was lost in thoughts. 

Seeing Alex not responding to her words, Silveria pouted before starting to eat an ice cream she had just summoned.

A few minutes passed, Alex decided that it was now time for him to return. 

''Let's go back.'' 

''No, let wait a little bit.'' 

Surprisingly Silveria refused to go back, at least not yet. Confused, Alex was about to ask her what game she was playing; however, before he could open his mouth, Silveria had already raised her next question.

''What do you think Lucifer is after? I mean, what is the thing is after? Maybe a woman? Something to make him more powerful?" 

Alex is no fool; he knew what kind of game Silveria was playing, she wants to keep him occupied. As for why he didn't know, however, he had the impression that soon he will find out. 

In the meantime, he decided to play with her. 

''I do not think what Lucifer is after is related to woman; however, I do think what he wants may help him increase his strength,'' Alex explained. 

''I see. I can't wait to snatch that thing. I wonder how kind of face he would make after learning that we stole his thing?" 

''Let's get that thing first.'' He said. 

Silveria nodded, but her expression changed, becoming unsightly because Alex just stole her ice cream. 

''I have noticed that when it comes to your ice cream, you don't like to share with others. How greedy can you be?'' 

''Indeed, delicious. Thank you, snatched food tasted better, I guess.'' Alex shamelessly proclaimed. 

Silveria's eyes were bloodshot. If a look could kill, Alex would have been dead a thousand times already. 

Taking a deep breath, she calmed down her raging emotions; she secretly vowed to take her revenge on Alex later; if today weren't a special day, she would have-, 'Let's not think about it.' she thought. 

Alex had been observing Silveria's reaction, seeing that she could restraint her anger, he chuckled. 

After spending another hour chitchatting, the two departed.

Outside, Night fell.

The last radiance of the sun vanished underneath the horizon, only to be replaced by darkness that shrouded the world. The clouds drifting in the air were also smeared in a dark hue. However, the capital looked as if it was daytime. 

Alex walked to his villa while admiring the scenery around him, and soon he was in front of his villa. 

However, he soon froze because everything was dark as if all lights were switched off. If he were not sure that this was his house, he would have walked away. 

Taking a deep breath, Alex proceeds to enter the dark villa; he knocked twice; however, there was no response. He then pushed the door open, and suddenly, the whole villa brightened.

''Happy birthday, Alexander.'' 

Alex was rooted on the spot. In front of him were his friends and employees; they all had a gentle smile on their faces. There was a giant cake in the middle of the hall, all types of food on the tables. 

Leon approached his frozen friend and wrapped his arms around his shoulder, and dragged Alex with him. 

''Happy birthday, my friend. May you live a long life filled with thrill, and I sincerely hope that I can stay beside you until the end as your brother, of course.'' 

Alex smiled, ''I sincerely hope so too.'' 

He had forgotten that today was his birthday if he follows Earth's calendar. 

''Welcome back, Lex, and Happy birthday.'' Luna approached Alex; Leon hastily separated from him, tiptoeing. Luna kissed Alex in everyone. 

Wrapping his arms around her slender waist, Alex reciprocated with a quick french kiss. Luna flushed red because she didn't expect Alex to be this daring. 

Laughing heartily, Alex welcomed his sister in his free arm before greeting the others. 

Naturally, Maria, Sakuya was present, Ferris, Eris, Kuina were also present. Surprisingly, Artemia was present as well. 

''Happy birthday. May you celebrate a lot more birthday from now on, and may you never lose your smile.'' 

''Thank you, princess. I'm happy to have you all here today. It made me realize how lucky I am to have you all. May this friendship last as long it can. Cheers," Alex said and raised his glass.


The others also raised their glass and cheered. 

After cutting and eating the cake, Leon and the others surrounded Alex; Leon was the first to tease him. 

''I never expected Alex to be younger than us.'' 

''Me too.'' 

Eris, Ferris, and Kuina said in unison. 

It was today that Alex learned that Leon and others were older than him by one year. Because they all had artifact on them that makes impossible to appraise them. 

''Alex is now 18, isn't it?" Sakuya asked; from her tone, it was sure that she was drunk. However, when Luna and Maria wanted to drag her to sleep, she refused, saying she was not drunk. 

'You are drunk, though.' Alex mumbled when he saw her. 

After celebrating for a while, Artemia excused herself, followed by Kuina, Ferris, and Eris. 

Leon was last to leave, and before leaving, he winked at his friend. 

''I hope your waist is strong enough to take them on.'' 

If Alex couldn't understand what he meant, he would be a fool. 


Alex bellowed while kicking the latter. Leon dodged Alex's kick and left while laughing.

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