Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 457 - 445

Chapter 457 - 445: The Punisher


It was unknown what happened for the mysterious little girl to decide to let Lilith go; however, it was a blessing in disguise.

Because of the fearsome aura radiating from Lilith's body, nobody dared to step closer to her; the fearsome aura was a mix of the mysterious little girl and Lilith's mana; thanks to this unexpected protection, Lilith remained undisturbed.

Four hours passed in a flash; finally, Lilith woke up with a groan. She felt like all the bones inside her body got broken and strengthened. It was excruciating. 

''Sigh! Who is the hell is that girl?" Lilith muttered and remembered that fight, no it couldn't be called a fight; it was thrashing; she couldn't do anything. Lilith shuddered just by remembering what had happened. 

''I thought I was strong, but I guess I'm still weak. I don't know what happened, but I should use this chance before she comes back; if not, I will regret it.'' Lilith said as she stood up, dark mist appeared and surrounded her. Inside the dark mist, Lilith took off her clothes, the damaged armor and replaced them with a new one. After finishing, the dark mist disappeared, and Lilith appeared in a purple cheongsam (a Gift from Sakuya, it has a unique property) 

Lilith's presence thinned as she dressed like this. Though she still hasn't recovered completely, she could move her body to some extent; gritting her teeth, she activated her movement skill and quickly disappeared from the fifteenth hell to soon arrive at the Eighteenth hell. She poured mana into the cheongsam she wore to conceal her present; she sneaked out of the eighteenth hell, passing through the guards who were searching through the eighteenth hell, somewhere ready to descend into the lower layer to search for her.

Once outside, Lilith breathed in some fresh air; it was already night.

The sky was black tranquility married to the poetry of stars. It was the softness that called body and brain to rest and let the heart go to its steady rhythm. Night came as a reward of sorts, a restfulness above to calm the soul. 

Lilith froze and stared blankly at the night sky; a memory flashed through her mind. 

It was a scene where the nine years old Lilith slept in a big bed covered by toys; sitting beside her was a beautiful woman; she had a gentle smile as she rubbed the nine years old Lilith head. This woman possessed long black hair and purple eyes; it was the mature version of the young Lilith; behind the woman were six wings, every time she does this to calm down Lilith before she slept, it was like a lullaby, and she would always end up by saying a profound word and today wasn't an exception.

''Little Lilly, the night is beautiful; it expands as black angel wings, protecting the world as she dreams. It is to say you must always protect this land, your loved ones like angels from above, and you must never lose your way no matter what happens; always remember this. When you are troubled, always gaze at the night sky, black as your feathers, the night would remind you of your goal and who you're.''

The young Lilith did not completely understand what her mother's words meant but still nodded. Whatever her mother said must be right as she was the most gentle, the smartest mother in the world. That night, the young Lilith slept while engraving her mother's words deep inside her mind.

Back to the present, with a troubled face, Lilith stared at the night sky and muttered. 

''Mother, I haven't forgotten what you said. I will protect this land, but in order to do this, someone has to stop him; you might say to let it go, but I can't do that even it's you. I must protect this land, protect him from himself; he has already lost himself, and only death could free him; I'm the only survivor of the race of fallen angels in this world. I'm also the Punisher; I shall punish him; please carefully watch and be proud.'' 

At Lilith's decoration, a small star somewhere deep in the cosmos trembled; it was as if this star could understand Lilith's words and was wailing at her words; nevertheless, soon, this small star shined. Even Lilith noticed this small star; she smiled, it was a smile full of happiness as she knew that she had got her mother's permission, and finally, it was time to start the punishment game.

''Let's go!" Lilith muttered to nobody in particular before wiping away the tears on her cheeks. She disappeared; her back looked lonely, but at the same time, it emitted intense light like the most ancient and tallest trees supporting thousands of people. 

At the same time, in the imperial demon castle, in Lucifer's room, he was passing back and forth, his expression was twisted, he was angry, even his right-hand man didn't dare to say something seeing his master like this.

Finally, Lucifer couldn't take it anymore and shouted, ''There still have found here yet?" 

Silence permeated the room, and Lucifer understood what this meant; he couldn't control himself anymore as he kicked the small table beside him, it was sent flying before breaking as it crashed against the face of a poor man, the glass of wine had fallen into the ground and dying the beautiful carpet red. 

''You are all useless.'' He couldn't control his rage any longer and started cussing; he couldn't believe he got played; he finally understood why his sister was smiled even after being caught; she had planned everything. Thinking about this and what happened, Lucifer felt a chill crawl down his spine, for the first time since acquiring this power, since selling his soul, he felt fear toward his sister, a fear so great that he knew if he missed her, he would be in a precarious situation as no one knows what she was playing. Lucifer had become anxious like never; he must not fail, not when so close to his goal.

As if possessed, Lucifer shouted.. ''Search for her at any cost.''

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