Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 474 - 459

Chapter 474 - 459: Advancing 2; Vs. The Sand Lord

Alex looked at the two acting as if this was some competition, and he couldn't help but shake his head, suddenly his expression changed, turning grim.

''Quickly jump high into the sky,'' Alex shouted before his body shot to the sky at astonishing speed. 

Sakuya and Lilith didn't question Alex's order before immediately doing as they were instructed. 

Just after the three jumped, there was a huge explosion followed by an earthquake, and the group saw something that left them flabbergasted.

The ground where the three were standing on rose, a huge monster appeared; it was so huge that you could mistake it for a small island instead. 

''No way, we were standing on that thing back?" Sakuya couldn't help but voice her surprise as she observed the gigantic tortoise-like monster; it had a long snake tail and two short earth-colored horns. 

''What is this? Is this the last boss? Are we still inside the dungeon?" Sakuya raised a bunch of questions at which nobody answered. Whether it was Alex or Lilith, they were both surprised; what kind of dungeon is this? If this was not the Core Region and they could face something like this, doesn't it mean it would be impossible to clear the Core Region and get what they were after? 

Alex quickly shook his head; his sixth sense started ringing; Lilith happened to be looking at him at that moment. They exchanged glances, and Alex aimed Silveria at her and fired. 

Bang! josei


The surprised Sakuya was dragged away before she could ask what Alex's action meant. What happened was simple, Alex fired a non-lethal bullet at Lilith, who blocked it; using the recoil of the clash, she spun, and her shadow whip wrapped around Sakuya's waist and dragged her away before she also followed. Just as the two escaped from where they were, two huge earth pillars with sharp edges rose all way to the sky; if there were late by a millisecond, they would have been impaled. 

Sakuya freaked out when she saw this. Finally, she understood why Alex did what he did. Never she would have expected that the giant Sand Tortoise was capable of something like this. 

The giant tortoise roared after its attack missed; it raised its front leg before striking it down. 


A terrible explosion sent shockwaves to the sky; it was like a terrible storm was happening. Alex and the girls quickly escaped far away from the explosion; it would be bad if they were to fight this monster on the ground without preparations as the monster seemed to have perfect control over the sand surrounding it; however, at the same time, they must quickly finish the monster because flying consumes mana faster than it should have. 

Alex fired a crimson bullet at the monster back from the sky. 

BANG! Kaboom! 

The crimson bullet did almost no damage to the monster after being blocked by its diamond-like shell. Alex frowned upon seeing this, although he had expected this, seeing it was another matter, it was the first time his crimson bullet, which could be considered as one his strongest attack with the most destructive force, failed to deal real damage at the enemy. 

And it went without saying that the giant tortoise was enraged, the giant tortoise of the size of a small island roared, its roar shook the whole floor. 


From the ground, thousands of earth arrows rose, their heads pointed at Alex and the girls; before Alex could have the time to curse, thousand of arrows were shot toward them; no matter how fast he was at pulling the trigger, he couldn't stop all these arrows that filled the sky leaving no room for escape.

Just as Alex was thinking about dealing with the current situation when Sakuya, who had been a spectator until now, moved, holding Lilith by the waist, she disappeared to reappear before Alex and held him as well, hugging the two gave the impression that it was a group hug. Then a green light coming from Sakuya's body enveloped the three like cocoons before thousands of earth arrows struck. 

Tuk! Tuk!!!!!

Because of the wind surrounding the three, the arrows couldn't pierce through; Alex sighed in relief; however, his expression changed when he saw Sakuya pale face, then he understood that keeping up such a vast shield must deplete a lot of mana.

There was someone who had noticed the situation faster than him; not wanting to be only a freeloader, Lilith decided to pay her share. Her hand pierced through the wind shield, which showed no resistance as her arm passed through; Lilith's right-hand thumb pointed downward, she ignored the few arrows that grazed her hand and summoned black lightning, a five meters long black lightning spear appeared and descended. 

Boom! Chi! Chi! 


The giant tortoise emitted an indescribable scream as the black lightning spear struck its body; the monster seemed to be in unimaginable pain. 

Alex was delighted; he had finally found a way to deal with this giant monster, he immediately instructed. 

''By me some time.'' 

Leaving these words behind, Alex stepped out of the green shield and disappeared. 

Sakuya and Lilith exchanged glances before simultaneously attacking; another black lightning spear was formed; however, this time, it was covered in green light to increase its speed and penetrative force. 

Swoosh! Kaboom! 


Another cry escaped from the giant tortoise's mouth, and a massive wound appeared on its back; the monster roared furiously, ten Sand worms appeared and roared at the sky. 

Alex appeared amidst this group, armed with two silver guns he spun. 

Bang bang bang! 

Puff! Puff !!! 

 Five Sand worms' heads exploded, the other five flinched. Finally, the giant tortoise noticed Alex; its eyes turned vicious. At that moment, another attack struck its back, striking the exact spot where its injury was. 


The giant tortoise froze after opening its mouth to cry. 

[Time Stop] 

[Time Decay Bullet] X2 

At the same time he stopped the monster as he was waiting for this opportunity, Alex sent two Time Decay bullets inside the giant tortoise mouth and time resumed, the monster's closed its mouth, eyes filled with confusion, suddenly its eyes widened and its opened its mouth wider than usual to cry; however, no cry came out before half of the body aged in an instant, it turned into bones, Alex kneeled as he felt mana being constantly drained from his body, soon it stopped, the other five Sandworms died following the giant tortoise death.

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