D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 737

Chapter 737

Chapter 737: Chapter 737 Vivian’s Tragic? Backstory

After that there really wasn’t much else to ask. Well, in Kat’s mind that was the case. Lily was still bursting with questions Kat could occasionally feel across their link but even Lily knew that it wasn’t quite right to press Callisto further for those answers. Perhaps Callisto would have been fine with it, but neither were willing to risk that. So Kat and Lily, or really, Kat with Lily surprising, helped put away the ladder and bucket while Callisto washed her hands and got started on breakfast.

It was a bit later that Vivian and Sylvie wondered downstairs. Sylvie’s eyes lit up when she saw the demonic duo and instantly commandeered their attention. Sylvie took Kat’s lap, and Sylvie cuddled Lily on her own. They did have to be a little careful with the seats because the table was not so high that their triple stack of ‘people’ could fit their ‘legs’ underneath it. To avoid this Kat pushed the chair back a bit. It did mean that when food came things would be a bit awkward, but they’d make do... maybe. Lily would probably jump on the table solving the problem anyway.

Callisto was making omelettes for everyone with slight variations in the ingredients. Kat’s had extra chilli, eating up a large number of the chilli seeds from Callisto’s and Vivian’s alongside a few finely chopped chilis just for herself. Sylvie and Lily both had half sized omelettes that didn’t have any chili at all in them, with Lily’s getting diced ham added in and Sylvie getting bits of apple. Vivian’s had quite a few herbs thrown in and Callisto added shredded spinach to her own.

Well that was going on Sylvie asked, “Hey Vivian... what tragic backstory do you have?”

“Pardon?” asked Vivian confused.

“Well, I know Callisto’s and Kat and Lily just heard it as well... and I also know Kat knows Lily’s now. Kat and I are both orphans. What tragic backstory do you have?” asked Sylvie again, the picture of innocence.

“Sylvie... I don’t... I don’t really have one? I mean, I enjoyed school, I didn’t get bullied, I was popular and even if that caused its own share of problems they were problems I could handle. My parents were, wait no ARE good people... I didn’t exactly have a tragic upbringing or some major childhood trauma. Things are good. Sure I had a few... interesting incidents in my time as a child but nothing like the rest of you,” said Vivian, her normally beaming smile somewhat awkward.


“You might not have anything tragic but you do have a few interesting stories from when you were younger,” yelled Callisto over the exhaust fan.

Vivian rolled her eyes. “I suppose Callisto is right. If it’s just an interesting story you want...” Sylvie nodded, “ok. I guess... the first one that comes to mind is from when I was nine, about your age I guess, and I was sick on the day of choir practice. There was a solo number required and nobody wanted to volunteer. I’m not sure who thought of it first, but one of the girls in the choir decided that it’d be a great idea to put my name forward instead.

“So, I come back the next day and I’m getting all these strange looks from a few people. The choir had already spread the word I was doing the solo. I’m not sure who was responsible for THAT either. I suspect it was a girl called Gracey. She probably wanted me to make a fool of myself, either by declining the role and being known as the one who didn’t sing,” Kat frowned, “yeah kids are like that. She wasn’t singing either of course, but that was the first ‘win’ condition.

“The second would be making sure that I freeze up on stage. Which... is a reasonable fear I suppose. I’ve never been all that great at singing. I’ve heard I have a nice voice a few times, but it just doesn’t translate to singing. I joined choir because I LIKE singing not because I have a good voice for it or any real skill.”

“Of course, Vivian being the singer in question meant she had no issues just getting up on stage and singing,” called out Callisto.

Vivian smiled at the interjection but shook her head, “Callisto is making it sound much easier than it was. Being aware of my lacking vocal talents I didn’t expect a good show... but I was willing to get up and sing anyway. We were young and I did still find it fun. What my housemate is neglecting to mention is that I spent the next month practicing every afternoon to bring my performance from ‘screeching monkey’ to ‘out of tune piano’ which was a massive improvement to my ears. My only wish is that video cameras were more common back then. Not to record my performance, but to record the standing ovation I received for the solo at the end,”

Kat’s face started to open up in shock before Vivian shut that line of thought down, “No it wasn’t THAT good. My parents were just very supportive and saw how hard I practiced. They hopped up clapping first, then a few of their friends joined in and after that people felt like they had to get up or they were spoiling the mood. Mob mentality is a powerful thing. What I wish their was a recording off is the rest of the choir. I’d love to have seen whichever bitches thought I was going to fail. The shock and horror on their faces as I got a standing ovation would be glorious!” josei

[I didn’t think I’d ever see Vivian being the slightest bit vindictive,] Kat internally agreed, but also managed to think of a few moments Sylvie got back at people who caused issues just to give Kat the run around. It made the whole thing less surprising. Sylvie was the one to say it though, even if perhaps she didn’t mean it, “I didn’t think you’d be vindictive at all...” in a sing song voice.

Vivian gave a light shrug as Callisto finished up with the cooking and started to hand out the plates. Lily hopped off to the other end of the table away from everyone else who was eating. Callisto grinned and quickly sliced the omelette for her into much smaller slices. “Well Sylvie... I’m not really but sometimes the opportunity is just too good to pass up. I didn’t even have to do anything to them to get back at whoever it was. It’s the best of all worlds really, and just because I don’t seek out those kinds of things doesn’t mean I’d shy away from it either. I just wish there was a camera so I could see their faces. I was forced to stand ahead and slightly to the side for my solo, so I wasn’t able to look back and check what they were doing without it being noticeable,”

“Honestly that does sound like something I wish you’d recorded. Though I’d be more interested in hearing you sing then the revenge,” said Kat.

“Oh, I suppose I could still try... as long as you’re willing to sing a few songs as well?” offered Vivian.

Kat gave an shrug as she reached around Sylvie to pick at her own food. She appreciated the extra spice Callisto had tried to add but it wasn’t really the same. Her tastebuds weren’t human anymore and as such she didn’t react to capsaicin the same way a human would. Oh it tasted nice and did give the dish a bit of extra flavour, but if Callisto was trying for spice Kat could actually feel she’d never get there. “I don’t mind if I sing as well. I’m sure Lily would enjoy that. Though... any other interesting stories from your youth?”

Vivian tapped the edge of her plate with her fork a couple times. “Well... there is a few I suppose. I’m just trying to think about what you’d find interesting. Like... there was the time I almost burnt down the shed in our backyard. That was rather harrowing at the time but I’m not sure it’d be interesting in the retelling. I was just trying to help set up the fire with my Grandad, but I was wearing long sleeves I was too close when we lit the fire up together.

“My sleeve caught fire and I had just enough presence of mind to quickly take it off before I could get any severe burns... but not quite calm enough to realise it was a bad idea to throw it into the wooden shed we had in the backyard filled with tools... and fuel for the lawn mower. It was all very scary for a young girl, well, I think I was fourteen so not THAT young, but Grandpa planned ahead and had a bucket of water off to the side ready. He just chucked that on my burning shirt and crisis averted.”

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