Deus: We are all Lords

Chapter 64 14

Chapter 64 14



Type: Global

Title: Birth of the Deus Kingdom

The Territory under the Lord [Kingsley] has been officially recognized as its own Nation and under the name of the [Deus Kingdom]. All territories belonging to the lord [Kingsley] shall be upgraded to suit their titles.

Prepare for evolution... Upgrade impossible

Lord [Kingsley] is not allowed to have certain system abilities as Compensation, five (5) more acres have been added to his territory


With the announcement came a weird feeling of authority overwhelmed him. It was a familiar feeling but this was elevated to the next level. He felt as though his entire being had undergone a huge qualitative change.


Health: 2000 (+1000)

Physique: 1310 (+1000)

Spirit: 1337 (+1000)


A simple look at his status showed him exactly all that had changed. He just leveled up and his health was at 1500 points but whatever upgrade the system had made had taken him to 2000 points. Due to his powers though, he couldn't feel any difference in fact he hadn't felt the difference in each level up ever since his level two (2).

The system may have restricted his abilities to only being used for other things and not on himself but he could still amplify his strength, speed, stamina etc even though it is temporary and he also had his items that he could modify to increase his prowess.

"Guess that answers it then" Kingsley said as he put aside the ticket since he now knew what to do with it

With that taken care of, Kingsley finally turned his attention to the next course of action. He already had soldiers in the territories of all his governors who were as spread out as butter on toast. Together with the thousands still remaining, he could begin his conquering, his initial issue of transportation has been solved with the Golems.

The Wyverns and Griffons he captured were all flight-capable creature but they were still biological creatures at the end of the day and this planet was fifty thousand times (50,000x) bigger than the Earth so there was no telling exactly how big this region alone was.

However, with the Golems, they were living inanimate objects. They could remain in motion for as long as they wanted without tiring and if He could manage to shape them in the way he wanted then all was set, he could transport both the griffons and his soldiers freely to and from whatever battle, they may participate in.

"I feel like I am going too overkill" Kingsley thought to himself

He already had modern weapons and overpowered troops working for him while the other Lords could barely get by one day, now he was adding powerful flying machines and even possible tanks to the mix. If this wasn't overkill then he didn't know what is.

"Well Overkill means more efficiency" Kingsley consoled himself as he relaxed into his throne and continued his experiment with the Golem… well an incredibly tiny golem he just created.


The Next day

7:00 AM

Outside the walls of the territory, thousands of people could be seen standing neatly in a line. Each person fully kitted in combat fatigues and holding an M16 along with a sword, and standing at height of at least 8ft or 2 meters tall. The entire army looked as imposing as possible and their numbers made it even worse.

Kingsley stood on a small make-shift platform watching as Viktor addressed his men. His was King but Viktor was the commander of the Armed forces, in fact Kingsley believed that if Viktor was one day to leave him alone with the Demon goblins, they would never listen to him.

As for why Kingsley finally gave the weapon to his soldiers, it was simply because there was no point to it anymore. The compound bow and arrow the normally used was good enough for them but he already came to the conclusion that 'Overkill means more efficiency'. They were already trained in the used of the guns so it would only be incredibly stupid of him to continue denying them the weapon.

Looking a bit further away from the soldiers, a large clearing could be found and in it stood several somewhat familiar vehicles. Kingsley had succeeded in reshaping a golem into a CH-47K Chinook…. well, a heavily modified version of the vehicle. The only problem, Kingsley actually encountered in developing the vehicle was the pilot.

If the region was as big as he thought then a demon goblin pilot wouldn't do so he had to find a way to automate it…. well, the answer was


Name: K-5 Auto carrier

Rank: Disaster

Pilot: Hestia

Health: 200,000


Spirit: 100,000,000


A sophisticated automaton created by the Lord [Kingsley]. It is an aircraft carrier capable of lifting up to 100 tons, it is equipped with a modified [Next-Gen Core] that allows it to operate independently and free from any aid. Equipped with several weapons that make it a dangerous foe in times of battle.


Flight: The automaton possesses an internal mechanism that allows it to achieve flight. Capable of achieving speeds as high as 500 Km/h and strong enough to propel it even through tough storms

Absolute Protection: It is equipped with a shield that when activated allows it remain invulnerable to all forms of damage.

Maximum Turret: The automaton is equipped with several turret guns that can be mounted in it for either manual or automated shooting

Solar Charging: The Automaton is equipped with what is known as a [Mana Battery] which stores mana, along with a battery, it is equipped with several mechanisms that allow it to recharge said battery through the sun.


In simpler terms, the K-5 Auto-carrier was a massive fashionable box that could fly and tank a whole lot of damage without any problems. Kingsley had designed an entirely new form of cargo aircraft rather than just remodel the Chinook.

Though the effort had begun with redesigning the Chinook to fit the automaton parts but after the first four (4) redesigns, he realized just how wasteful it was to add the rotor blades. The Vehicle as it was now needed Mana to fly but even with the Rotor blades also needed it so Kingsley saw no point to it.

From watching Viktor, Kingsley could tell that magic was a better option than the rotor blades so he designed the Mana Batteries which as its name implied, were just a set of batteries that held mana within them instead of electricity.

The Mana Batteries allowed the automaton, mana beyond anything Kingsley had ever seen. With said mana, it was able to achieve lift and then consequently flight. The only problem that faced it was the piloting part of it.

Kingsley had rejected the idea of using the Griffons or wyverns for long distance transportation because that would only tire out the creatures so it didn't sit well with him for a Demon Goblin to pilot it. If this region was as big as he thought it was then a biological pilot was useless.

To combat said problem, Kingsley simply created a golem core out of Hestia's body, allowing a tiny portion of her will to remain in it for her to gain control of the automaton. The experiment surprisingly worked and Kingsley was grateful for that even though he knew his abilities made the experiment possible.

"… your mission is simple, search and occupy all you see… be it an Orc, goblin or even an Ogre village, they will bow or you beat them into submission… am I clear?!!" Viktor shouted

"Yes Sir!!" the entire army replied

"Excellent, this exercise will only last for four (4) hours... as soon as the alarm goes off, you return back here" Viktor said but in a much softer tone as a smile bloomed on his face

"Why only four (4) hours?" Alex asked Kingsley who was standing beside her

"Because they aren't fully trained yet and also do you know how much these guys can cover in four (4) hours" Kingsley retorted

The Mission where Alex was found was only carried out because Viktor was worried that there may be some big Orc tribe in the area of the territory which didn't turn out to be as true as he expected but even then, that small tribe was located at least 3 km away from territory yet, it had taken them only a few minutes for them to get there.

Only God knew how far they could go in the newly created carriers, Kingsley would have added in some ground vehicles but considering that they were in a densely packed forest, it was better to wait until later on when a road has been established.

"So, are you ready?" Kingsley asked the fully kitted girl close to him

"I think so?" Alex replied still visibly traumatized by the event

"Why so nervous, you have not only Hestia following you, you have an entire squad following you on this mission each one equipped with advanced weapons… that Orc King and his army stands no chance" Kingsley said trying to console her

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