Divine Path System

Chapter 658 The Birthday [2]

Chapter 658 The Birthday [2]

Chapter 658 The Birthday [2]

"I had to wait thirty minutes, not that I'm complaining. So, how was it? Your little date?" Amanda asked with a teasing smile.

Varian and Sia who just entered through the main door froze at her words. Sia stomped her foot and glared at Varian before leaving.

"I told him you'd be waiting." She ran away as if it was all Varian's fault.

But both Varian and Amanda could see the tips of her ears turned red.

"Well?" Amanda looked at her son with a teasing gaze.

"What are you talking about? It was just a training session." Varian said in a plain tone that showed his disinterest.

Amanda stepped forward and sniffed. "Really? Then why do I smell her scent on you? Hmm? Are you moving too fast?"

"Mom! You aren't a body awakener, okay? You are just imagining the smell." Varian looked at her in frustration.

Amanda's smile grew wider.

"It's not like that," Varian said forcefully.

"Like what?" Amanda's face showed a dreamy smile. "You two are such a perfect—"

"An unawakened with a genius is a perfect pair?" Varian's voice was low but Amanda could feel how much he loathed himself.

It wasn't normal self-blame. It went beyond that. It was loathing. Hating yourself for who you are. Varian despised himself to a great degree.

"…Var." Amanda hugged him and patted his back.

"I try, I really try my best, but I still can't feel good about myself. We are already close…but if we move closer, I'm afraid I'll pull Sia into this and hurt her. My mind, it's very negative. Sometimes I just wished I was never—"

Varian was silenced as Amanda put a finger on his lips. "Shhh."

"…Yeah, I'm sorry." Varian lowered his head and clenched his fists "I wish I could make you and Sia happy. But I'm just dragging you down."

"You're wrong," Amanda said resolutely.

"No! If not for me, Sia would've focused on her training and won the championship! She says she lost because her opponents are geniuses, but I know she's the real genius! She sacrifices so much time for me every day yet she's the best in our school." Varian said in a frustrated tone, his voice full of self-blame.

Then, he looked into his mother's eyes and a wry smile appeared on his face. "Mom, I can't even see you twice a week. You're working, working, working…if not for me, you would've lived an easier life."

Amanda fell silent for a few seconds. She carefully observed her son. In truth, she had only some time to spend with him and Sia every week. So, she wasn't there for him during his childhood.

To her, it felt like she saw the bright smile, and optimistic Varian yesterday. The little boy who went to the orphanage and promised to become the strongest Sovereign.

The waves of time had been harsh on him.

Now, all she saw was a young man hiding a sea of darkness in his heart.

"Varian," Amanda slowly rubbed his hair.

"…Please don't lie. I know I'm making it hard for you guys. But…what makes me even more ashamed is I don't want you to stop what you're doing.

I hope you can continue to work and send us to school until we get into college.

I still hope for Sia to train me. Not because I want to waste her time, but because I hope to awaken one day and share her burdens.

I…I really am incorrigible.." Varian's broken voice laid out his honest thoughts.

Amanda sniffed back her tears and said. "I'm not denying it's a bit harder for me and Sia."

"..I know, that's why—"

"But you are still wrong."


"Var, you are making me and Sia happy. Look at me, I'm the proudest mom of all the mothers I know." Amanda broke out of the hug and took his hands in hers.

Looking into his eyes, she said with teary eyes. "When kids his age were playing, he was training. When they were partying, he was training. When they were enjoying their youth, he was training.

Train. Train. Train.

He has been doing it every day for the past seven years. He never missed a day. Rain, fever, injuries—nothing stopped him.

He did this all so that he can grow powerful and make sure no other kids are fatherless!

How can I not be proud of you? My heart swells with happiness. I'm the luckiest mother! I'm also the happiest mother!"

Varian touched his cheeks. There was something warm and wet flowing down them.

"I…" When he was about to speak, Sia's room door opened and the brown-haired girl stepped out in tears.

She pointed at Varian and said in a choking tone. "And I! I'm the happiest girl I've ever known.

I don't care if I win that stupid tournament of a decade, but I take all the care if it's the training you do every day.

When someone says you're staying with me to use me, I want to kill them over and over."

Amanda's eyes widened as she looked at Sia in shock.

Sia, on the other hand, took a step forward and pulled his hands. Placing them over her cheeks, she said.

"They only see a talented girl and unawakened boy. They will they ever understand what he did for her.

They won't know his sacrifices, his help, his risks. They will know nothing.

So, I don't care about them. I only care about you.

I'm going to the military academy this year not because I'm keen on honing my talents, but because I can keep you safe when I'm more powerful.

Do I need to tell more to show how happy I am?" Sia looked at him with red eyes and sniffed back her tears.

But in the end, she failed and started sobbing.

Varian stood still like a statue.

It happened at some point.

He started hating himself.

Even though he tried his best, even though he always meant good for them, he thought he was making them miserable.

But hearing what they said…

He had no words. All his answers were revealed in his soundless tears.

"Ah! Guys! This is a birthday. Don't make it a crying contest." Amanda wiped the tears off her eyes and smiled brightly.

Hearing her words, Sia forcibly held back her tears and went to wash her face.

Amanda handed Varian a tissue and said. "If you cry more, I'll take a picture of you and display it in the living room."

Her threat worked and Varian quickly wiped off his tears. In fact, it was a rare occasion for him to cry. But the stress mounted and he ended up snapping.

Thankfully, he had a wonderful family who had his back.

The heaviness in his heart was lifted and Varian felt like he began a new chapter in his life.

"Happy birthday to you~ Dear cryboy~"

"Happy birthday to~ Training madman~"

Amanda and Sia's singing wiped the smile off his face just as quickly. With frustration, he asked.

"Everyone has cool nicknames. You guys suck at this."

Amand and Sia both clicked their tongues and said together. "It suits you."

"…" Varian gave up on fighting the women and blew the candles.

"This is a special birthday!" Sia declared cheerfully.

Varian's face brightened at her words.

Since he studied extra hard and discovered he was actually a genius, Varian

managed to finish the three-year high school in two.

In a few days, he'd be graduating.

Sia didn't finish her studies, but since she was kinda a genius, she could join the academy early.

As for what he'd do in the year she left for college…

"This is the pass!" Sia and Amanda handed him a golden card.josei

"You can request a team full of veteran level 2s. There will also be one level 3." Sia smiled brightly.

"Woah…" Varian was surprised.

Amanda winked with a meaningful expression. "Sia's loan doubled for that level 3. You better hurry and awaken."

"W-Wait, level 2s are plenty!" Varian stuttered and was about to return the card.

Sia shoved the card back into his arms and harumphed. "It's just a feeling, but I feel like your first dungeon trial could be dangerous. So, a level 3 is a must!"

Amanda nodded at her words.

"…Alright." Varian accepted with a sigh.

Amanda poked him in the side and said. "Cut the cake! I didn't have dinner yet."

"Ah, sorry mom!" Varian apologized and held the knife.

As the knife was about to touch the cake, the ground suddenly shook.

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