Divine Path System

Chapter 450 - Balis Sadness

Chapter 450 - Balis Sadness

Bali appeared in Neptune's spaceport. Stepping out of the teleportation formation, he stretched his arms and relaxed his body.

Continous teleportations would have caused weaker people to be injured. He just felt a bit stiff, like how you would feel after traveling for too long.

"Finally here." He muttered and glanced at the exit.


Teleportation formations were present in a large hall. After you teleport out, you could walk out of the hall's exit and present your ID for the last check, and then you were free to go.

The only problem…the exit was closed.

And it wasn't just any door, it was a durasium door.

And he couldn't just teleport out either. The teleportation formations also had a special function of preventing teleportations in their vicinity, which included the entire hall.

Bali frowned and walked towards the exit. Somehow, he had a bad feeling about this.

It was confirmed when the hologram of a security officer appeared in front of the exit.

"Sir, please show your credentials and state your purpose of travel." The man with short black hair in a red military uniform asked.

Bali narrowed his eyes. He was currently in a disguise and was using a fake ID.

While a few investigations wouldn't be a problem earlier, he wasn't sure about the situation now.

"Here." Begrudgingly, he showed his fake credentials.

The security officer uploaded the relevant documents onto a hologram. The spaceport's AI connected to the military database and cross-checked.

Seeing the green tick on the hologram, Bali inwardly sighed in relief. These fake IDs were specially prepared to fool the abyssal spies in the military.

When taking on extremely important missions, officers would use these IDs. While most of these IDs would be deleted after the mission, a few got to keep them.

As the captain of the 6th Shura Squad, Bali could get a crucial mission at any moment.

So, he was allowed a fake ID and no one except the marshals—the three military Sovereigns: Albert, Kreo, and Ares knew.

"Eh? What are you doing?" He asked in confusion as the security officer sent his credentials to another hologram.

"Enigma has used a fake ID to go all the way from Mars to Uranus," The officer said, his voice turning cold. "So, the federation also ordered to check for all fake IDs. If you're carrying a fake ID, you should report your real ID to the high general of Uranus."

"Understandable." Bali nodded outwardly, but he was cursing Dreamer in his mind.

Instead of going first and causing this mess, if they waited until he got to Neptune and then used teleportation formations,? this wouldn't have happened.

In Varian's defense, the current situation was out of expectations. Sovereigns were taking Enigma's issue more seriously than he imagined.

'I need to prepare.'

Bali slowly let his space sense probe the powerhouses in the spaceport. There was only one level 9 and a couple of level 8s, which was understandable. Level 9s were very rare and mostly stationed on planetoids or patrolling space. josei

That meant…


The hologram displayed across and the security officer immediately pressed an emergency button.

A powerful aura exploded from a distance and the level 9 powerhouse in the spaceport locked onto Bali.

Bali, on the other hand, cursed under his breath and covered himself with space armor.

Then he slammed his fist into the metal door, instantly blasting it out.


A thunderous roar came from the distance and even without thinking, Bali knew it was the level 9 powerhouse.

To be honest, Bali was confident in defeating the other party in thirty seconds. But thirty seconds was too long for a level 9.

If he did fight that long, the powerhouses from the nearest military district would reach here and join the fight.

So, Bali didn't hesitate and spread his vast space sense and locked a deserted location.

The level 9 powerhouse sensed what he was about to do and snorted. "Hmph!"

Space started to fluctuate like water in a shaking glass and formed a natural obstruction to teleportation.

Bali didn't care and channeled his space power. The next moment, he was gone.

The moment he vanished, an old man with a long white beard appeared. His eyes widened in shock at Bali's successful escape.

"Report!" He yelled to the level 8s and spread his space sense. He found Bali a few hundred miles away and teleported there.

The level 8s in the spaceport hastily reported the situation to the nearest military district.


"You'll be hanged!"

"This is treason!"

The old man kept appearing and disappearing as he yelled at Bali.

After a couple of seconds, they were already in outer space.


A huge laser beam shot at Bali, who quickly escaped.

The laser rushed ahead and blasted an asteroid a few hundred thousand miles away and pulverized it.

"Line of defense!" Looking at the hundreds of space stations, space shuttles, and awakeners, Bali gulped and quickly teleported away.

Using a space shuttle was useless since they would catch up. After all, not every ship is a ghost ship and not every AI is Boo.

So, Bali didn't hold back and spent his space power like crazy.

Thus, he kept escaping the space ships and was already tens of thousands of miles away from Neptune.

He got a rare breather which he decided to use to curse. "Dreamer!!!"

"Get on." A calm voice sounded, causing Bali to almost teleport away.

But feeling that something was wrong, he turned around and saw not a patrol ship, but the fabled ghost ship. Its magnificent entrance was open, welcoming him.

"We don't have all day." Dreamer's annoying voice sounded, causing Bali to almost explode.

But withholding his anger, Bali walked right in.


The entrance closed and Bali suddenly realized that he was in the middle of a closed room.

To his horror, he couldn't recognize the materials the walls were made of. But he was sure that he wasn't capable of breaking them.

What's worse was that these walls also had some sort of anti-teleportation restrictions.

Compared to the hall, this room was even more dangerous as it even limited his space sense.

His space sense that could cover hundreds of miles without a problem couldn't even extend beyond this tiny room.

Bali's mentality almost collapsed as he felt a horrifying possibility hit his mind.

Maybe Dreamer wasn't the good guy he thought. Enigma and Dreamer were both evil beings.

The reason Dreamer revealed the secret to a dual awakener becoming a Sovereign wasn't out of kindness, but out of deep malice.

They were experimenting on him. Testing him and observing his progress. Yes, that must be it.

Now, he was fooled by Dreamer into entering the ghost ship.

Bali banged the walls and yelled. "Hey, Dreamer?"

"Who is out there?"

"I'm telling you, if you don't let me it out, you'll regret it."

"I was wrong for trusting you."

His calls were met with complete silence.

Bali sat down and stared blankly at the walls.

The reality suddenly set in and along with it came shame.

Peak level 9 Dual Awakener. The next Sovereign.

…He seemed to be kidnapped.

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