Dragon Monarch System

Chapter 348 348

Chapter 348 348:- Battle Of NewMoon Woodlands [II]; An Enemy From The Past

After dealing with the undeads, Aditya did not join the Army. He instead stood in the air and watched as both sides were about to clash.

Meanwhile, the enemy commander who was a beast-man swung his axe at Adam with a roar. The enemy commander was 2.5 meters tall. His body was muscularly built. He had tan skin and a scary face. In front of him, Adam looked like a teenage boy even though Adam is tall and muscular. He had a violent Aura around him.

The enemy commander's appearance was scary. There were numerous long and small scars all over his body. He wore a Silver chest plate. He did not bother to wear any protective gear on his arms and shoulders.

If Aditya had to describe the enemy commander then he would say, 'Badass violent beast.' Being a beast-man, the enemy commander was taller than humans. His muscles were filled with raw power and strength. Those long scars of his reflected the countless life and death battles he had over the years.


Adam blocked the enemy commander's attack with his greatsword which weighed tons yet Adam had no problem using the greatsword.

As both weapons clashed, they created sparks of flames. "It's nice to see you again, Mr. Adam." The beast-man grinned while looking at Adam.

"Lawson, I see you're in good health." Adam kicked Lawson. But the beast-man was able to block Adam's kick with ease.

"Mr. Adam, you have gotten weaker in the last few years. I heard you have become a family man. Is it true?" Adam's face darkened hearing Lawson mention his family. He did not reply as he knew that Lawson was just taunting him.

Seeing Adam remaining calm, Lawson was disappointed and very unhappy. Lawson took a step back before diagonally swinging his Axe at Adam again. Adam blocked the attack but felt the impact of the enemy's attack on both of his arms. The impact of the attack nearly forced Adam to take a step back.


"Mr. Adam, you have changed. Where is the Lion Wild of Echo Dominion?" Lawson asked while swinging his Axe at Adam again. This time, he put more strength into his attack.

As Adam blocked the attack, the impact of the attack traveled through the greatsword and reached his arms. Adam felt his arms becoming numb from too much pain. This time, Adam couldn't control and hold his ground anymore. He had to take a step back. This surprised Adam as he and Lawson had similar cultivation ranks and similar strength the last time they fought.

Seeing Adam's shocked face, Lawson felt angry. He spat on the ground and looked at Adam in deep hatred. "Pathetic! I guess the Wild Lion has died. Becoming a family man has weakened your resolve."josei

Lawson and Adam had fought many times back in their young days. Lawson was sent by the Mystic Spring Empire while Adam represented the Echo Dominion Empire. Back then, whenever both of them fought, Adam who was in his prime days, always managed to defeat Lawson even though he had more men and resources than Adam.

On this same border, he and Adam had fought many times. Each time they fought, Lawson was severely injured by Adam to the point where he would need to stay in bed for months. Even with the advanced healing pills, Lawson would need to stay in bed for months. Back then, Lawson was the only one who could take on the Wild Lion. But Each time they fought, he always narrowly escaped with his life.

Over time, Lawson began to see Adam as his number of enemy and rival. A deep respect grew in his heart for Adam. As a beast-man, Lawson respected the ones with power. Adam had earned his respect by defeating him even though the odds were against him.

In their last battle, Adam did not kill Lawson. Instead, he spared his life. Adam even took the unconscious Lawson to the border of Mystic Spring Empire. If Adam hadn't done that, then Lawson would have died either from bleeding or he would have been eaten by some Wild Magic animals.

However, this is exactly what Lawson hated. As a beast-man, Lawson lived his entire life as a warrior. Lawson never saw the need of having family and friends. His life was full of training and training. As a Warrior, Lawson believed that getting killed Adam who is his enemy and his biggest rival would be the greatest way of moving on to the next life but he didn't expect the Wild Lion to show mercy.

Lawson hated it whenever people pitied him. He felt he was being looked down upon.

After years, nearly 2 decades later, Lawson had come here fully prepared to face Adam one last time. Lawson was greatly disappointed by his biggest rival. But this wasn't the Adam that Lawson wanted to face. This Adam had lost his sharpness. This Adam had become an old blade full of rust. This Adam was dull and lacked the fighting spirit that the Adam from 2 decades back had.

This pissed Lawson. He continuously pushed himself for 2 decades just for this moment. Yet his rival had left his past and had become a family man. This angered Lawson very much.

"You're not the Adam that I know. Bring him out. I want to face that Furious Lion." With a crazy grin, Lawson looked like a madman. He kicked Adam in the chest.

Adam was able to block the attack by placing his greatsword in front of his chest. But the impact of Lawson's kick, sent Adam flying.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Bang!!!

Adam crushed landed on the ground and groaned in Pain. From the impact, the ground beneath him had cracked like a spider web and a small crater had formed. Without even realizing it, a few drops of blood came out of Adam's mouth and fell to the ground.

Adam felt all of his ribs nearly been broken from the attack. "He has gotten stronger." Even though both of their cultivation were in the same rank, while Lawson regularly trained his body, Adam had neglected his body from any kind of training. Physical training is important for all cultivators.

Also being a beast-man, Lawson had an advantage over his strength. Compared to an average human with no cultivation, an average beast-man with no cultivation was stronger. Beast-man were basically half-animals and half-humans. This is what made Lawson's attacks so deadly and powerful.

Adam raised his head and looked at Lawson who was 110 meters away from him. Carrying the large black axe on his right shoulder, Lawson was slowly walking in Adam's direction.

A few soldiers saw the enemy commander walking without any guards, the soldiers tried to take out the enemy commander which would instantly end this battle in their victory. But before the soldiers could even attack Lawson, arrows from the sky started raining down on them.

Looking back, behind Lawson, 50 archers, riding magic horses were protecting Lawson from any kind of sneak attack. Whenever any enemy soldier got close to Lawson, these archers would shoot arrows and take down the soldiers.

"Lord Adam, are you alright?" A few soldiers stopped fighting and came to help Adam stand up. Using their bodies as support, Adam stood up while keeping his eyes on Lawson.

"I am alright. You guys focus on taking down the other soldiers. I will handle this guy."

The soldiers hesitantly looked at each other. They have seen that Adam cannot match Lawson in strength. They were not sure if Adam can win against the enemy commander. If something happened to Adam, who is the commander, then the enemy will win this battle. The same could be said for the Mystic Spring Empire's commander.

"Let Lord Adam fight this guy. I will stay with Lord Adam if in case, he needs any assistance." The soldiers looked back and saw the second commander, Eddie who was Adam's right-hand man. Seeing Eddie, the soldiers felt relieved.


Meanwhile, Adam ignored the conversation between Eddie and the soldiers. He knew in his heart that other than Aditya no one here can kill Lawson. Adam wasn't confident in defeating Lawson. In the past, he has defeated Lawson countless times. But now times have changed and Lawson has grown a lot stronger.

'We won't know if I can without trying.' Adam wasn't afraid of facing someone stronger than him. This was not the first time he was going to do something like this.

But it was just as Lawson said before. Adam had gone soft. The rage and the violence that he used to have back in his Prime had long been erased from his character. Adam was now a different man. And he didn't regret his choice. Life gave him a chance to enjoy life with his family and Adam took that chance.

"This reminds me of a quote that my old man used to say."

[The Older you get, the more quiet you become. Life humbles you so deeply as you age. You realize how much nonsense you've wasted time on. You start to accept things for what they really are. You stop forcing friendships and connections with people and you just learn to grow.]

'Although cultivators can live for millions of years. But not even immortals can escape time and its influence.' Adam thought while staring at Lawson.

Remembering these words, Adam fueled his determination to defeat Lawson. His time still hasn't ended yet. There are so many things that Adam wanted to do in life. His days as a Wild Lion might be over but his life as a father,

As a Duke,

As a husband,

As a Family man,


As a Head is still far from being over. After all...

"Life is all about changes."


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

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