Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 430

Chapter 430: The Future Is Dark

Darkness descended upon the earth, and all things fell into the darkness. There was no light, only despair. The hungry hunter had waited bitterly for a long time in the jungle. Unable to restrain his fangs, he was about to move!

In the northern border of the empire, there was a vast mountain range. The mountains here rose and fell, and the rarely inhabited forest was the uncrowned king of this place. In a few villages, there were terrifying legends. In the pitch-black night, if someone entered the forest, they would never be able to walk out again. This black forest is evil and is called an unclean land. It was as if the forest would also move along, so it was called the walking jungle.

There were dangerous hunters in the jungle. No one knew what they were, only that they were powerful and dangerous enough. They could easily tear apart trees, and even steel shields could not block their fangs. Therefore, no matter how powerful a hunter was, the people living in the mountainous areas would not wander through the jungle at night.

This night seemed no different from before, with a bright and large moon hanging above the starry night sky. On this clear day, one could even see the majestic mountain ranges on the moon. Moonlight shone in the primeval forest in the mountains. This black forest seemed to refuse to let the moonlight in. The dense, black ancient trees were desperately trying to strengthen their crown, so much so that the branches and leaves intertwined with each other, leaving behind only the slightest slit that was difficult to detect.

The forest was very dark. Suddenly, a ball of fire exploded in a corner. This frightened a wild beast that was foraging at night. It raised its head and its eyes shone with the flames. A few shadows seemed to flash through the flames.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! That thing is coming!" josei

"Team A and Team B, disperse. Team C, continue forward. Young Master, please follow behind me."

"Attention, the target has entered the predetermined war zone."

"The hunt begins!"

Short words traveled back and forth through the tactical helmet's communication channel. Soldiers in light green armor held magical energy rifles that the world had never seen before and entered their respective battle positions according to the plan. The three soldiers who served as bait quickly advanced forward. Behind them, a tall figure blocked the fire. When it jumps down the exploding hill, it can see its appearance by the light of the fire.

It looked like a rhinoceros man. It was over three meters tall and was definitely a big fellow. The big fellow's head and back were lined with thick, rough scales. Elsewhere, there was a thick layer of light brown skin. On the rhinoceros-shaped head, a thick, pointed horn was also erected in the middle of the nostrils. Two arms as thick as legs held warhammers made of wood and rough iron.

When it jumped to the ground, the entire forest seemed to tremble, and a circle of sand and mud rose up. The rhinoceros man opened his mouth and let out a threatening roar. His two hammers landed on the ground, shaking the warriors in front of him to the point of losing their footing.

"Fight!" A man's calm voice rang out on the communication channel.

Suddenly, a dozen fully-armed warriors jumped out from the surrounding bushes. The magic energy spear patterns on their hands lit up, and then a dense Origin Energy barrage enveloped the Rhinoceros. The Origin Energy Bullet easily broke through the thick armor and thick skin on the rhinoceros man's body, but in just one face, it turned the rhinoceros man into a sieve. This big fellow's entire body was dripping with blood, but he still hadn't fallen, instead, it aroused fierceness. He spun around and threw the hammers to the left and right.

The warhammer pierced through the air and let out a shriek. The warrior fell to the ground knowingly. Only one of his movements was slightly slower. He was smashed into the tactical helmet by the warhammer, and his entire head exploded. The headless corpse flew backwards, leaving a shocking trail of blood on the ground.

At this moment, countless leaves floated down from the sky, covering the space within ten meters of the rhinoceros man. The big man looked at the leaves doubtfully. One of the leaves gently brushed past its body and immediately made a deep cut on its rough surface. The rhinoceros man cried out in alarm. The seemingly harmless leaves were sharper than the blade!

Hundreds of leaves formed from Origin Energy scraped past like blades, and the rhinoceros man coughed out blood all over his body. The scales, rough bark, and even the horns of the head were all cut off by these leaves, and the thick smell of blood immediately began to float in the jungle. At this time, a cold light shone in the dim forest. The cold light disappeared from the rhinoceros man's chest.

The rhinoceros man paused for a moment before spitting out a stream of blood from his chest. Finally, his eyes lost their vigor and he fell to the ground without moving.

At this moment, the soldiers discovered that there was another figure next to the big fellow's corpse. Seeing him, the soldiers exhaled from their helmets. That was their Guard Commander, Langdon. What Langdon had just used was precisely his most proudest battle skill, the Fallen Heroes Shattering Dance.

After withdrawing his sword, Langdon turned back and said, "It's safe. You can come out now, Young Master."

Moments later, his eye makeup had been completely worn. Diego, who looked like he was in a sorry state, came out from behind the bushes with his gun in hand. He stabbed the rhinoceros several times with his spear, and then shouted nervously, "Isn't this damn planet, in Allen's report, a planet dominated by humans?" Why would we bump into Catus who only live on Desolate Stone? Shouldn't these berserk hunters appear on the chaotic battlefield? "Why are they here?"

Langdon was speechless about these questions. Diego pulled a family squad to form a hunting squad and rushed over excitedly with the coordinates of Heavenly Star. However, when their starship passed through the skies above the mountain forest, it was suddenly attacked and forced to land. After that, they had been active in the mountains and forests. Not long after, they discovered that the planet that attacked the starship was actually one of the chaotic life forms in the Yordon Domain.

The Catus were powerful creatures that lived on Desolate Stone Planet. Adult Catus were nearly five meters tall, and they were the most violent hunters. His temper was just as violent as their appearances, and if he had to talk about his shortcomings, he would probably be left with a weak brain. As for strength, physical strength, and stubborn vitality, all of them were the advantages of the Catus, which also gave their enemies a headache.

Although the Catus living in this forest were much inferior to their fellow countrymen on Desolate Stone, Diego's squad had less than 30 people. Facing the Catus who ruled this forest, they had no choice but to flee for their lives.

Langdon had a worried expression on his face. Perhaps this expedition was not as beautiful as he had imagined before he set off. It was true that the planet was rich in resources, but the native life here was also very dangerous. Coupled with the fact that the starships had been taken away by the natives, their future was like this night, without any light of dawn.

It was also night, far away on the other side of the empire, but the night on Pearl Island could only be described as gentle.

After the daytime disaster, the islanders cleaned up the mess. Fortunately, there weren't many people living in the direction that the sea demons had attacked. Most of them were woods and wastelands, so the losses on Pearl Island weren't serious. A few families who had lost their homes could only move to other places and rebuild their houses.

The Paradise had been repaired all afternoon and was almost ready. Like Roger said, we can sail tomorrow. Unexpectedly, the Blood Shark Merchant Guild left Pearl Island in the afternoon. Alan would never forget Sal's resentful gaze when he left. He knew that his enmity with the Blood Shark was settled, and he also knew that behind the Blood Shark was Earl Eric, who was even more powerful.

But even if he did it again, he wouldn't change his decision during the day. After all, compared to the threat that the Bloody Earl would face in the future, the threat posed by the Naga Clan was more direct. If the Blood Shark didn't hand over the Nagas, then Pearl Island might be doomed.

At that time, Ellen could not imagine sitting leisurely on the dock fishing like he was now.

The sound of people swimming could be heard, and a few campfires were lit on a beach not far from the dock, where Regis and the others were swimming and playing. Life is like this, you always get some, but also lost some. Harvesting friends naturally meant harvesting enemies.


Alan's heart skipped a beat as he looked at the sea beneath his feet. The seawater bubbled continuously, and strings of bubbles kept popping up. Then, a head of white hair emerged from the water. Underneath her hair was naturally Lily's young and tender face. She raised her head and saw Alan. She immediately revealed a frightened expression, just like an ordinary little girl. Alan couldn't help but laugh when she saw him.

"What are you laughing at, rude human!" Lily protested.

Ellen put away his fishing rod and said, "Your Highness, we have already returned your clansmen. Are you going back on your word?"

"Your Highness is not the kind of person to go back on your word. You are too timid, aren't you, human?" Lily looked to the side and whispered, "I'm here for you."

Ellen looked at the Naga girl with a flattered expression. Lily suddenly glared at him and said, "Don't think wrong, just the elder said. Although you released Vivian and the others under my coercion, it wasn't you who captured our clansmen. So, as their princess, I have to thank you on their behalf."

"This is called etiquette!" "I hate etiquette," muttered Lily.

"Your Highness, there's no need to thank me. I just made the right choice."

"It's best if you say that. You actually want to thank you humans? How disgusting!" Lily stuck out her tongue and said.

Alan saw that she had a deep prejudice against humans, even though she knew that it was largely humans' fault for causing Lily's mentality. However, he was still a member of the human race. Even though he was not a living creature on this planet, he still felt rather uncomfortable. His tone immediately turned cold, "Since that's the case, Your Highness can go back now."

Lily narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "No one dares to speak to me in such a tone!"

'"Your Highness is a princess of the Naga Clan, not a princess of us humans. Doesn't Your Highness feel that you are being too lenient? Besides, even if it is a princess of us humans, if you want to gain respect from others, you must first learn to respect them. Otherwise, even if others say so, they might not respect you in their hearts. What do you think, Your Highness Lily?" Alan said calmly.

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