Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 610

Chapter 610: Blockade

"You chose Coldfrost?"

On the communication screen, Leon's mouth opened in the shape of an "O": "That planet is famous for its cold weather. Brother, staying in the extreme cold for a long time is not good for your health, especially for men." josei

His ambiguous expression made Alan want to beat him up.

"It's better than you going to the Dragon Nest. You don't seem to know that the planet is the most dangerous." Ellen shook his head and said, "Leon, don't you think you don't have enough trouble?"

"You don't understand. The more dangerous a place is, the easier it is for those who are playing tricks on their backs to reveal their footing. Furthermore, the Dragon Nest is pretty good. I heard that those dragons can be tamed. When I get one back to Earth, I'll take a stroll around Babylon. I'm afraid everyone will recognize me in the future." Leon leaned closer to the screen and said, "How about I get you such a powerful mount?"

"Forget it, my taste isn't as strong as yours."

Leon looked behind him and whispered, "Stop talking. That woman is coming. Alan, be careful. Don't die."

"You too."

After turning off the communication, Allen asked, "How long will it take for Coldfrost to arrive?"

"We're almost there. Look, it's over there." The pilot pointed to the front of the cockpit, in the spaceship's front window, in the boundless universe. A dark blue planet appeared in people's eyes. The color of the planet's surface was slowly changing. However, the slightest change was a terrifying snowstorm within the planet.

Information provided by the Federation has highlighted the need for full speed passage into the frost atmosphere. The ubiquitous icy winds can seriously affect flight. Most seriously, it can cause starships' engines to freeze and eventually freeze or even stop working. Once the engine stops working while passing through the atmosphere, it will be a disaster for the crew on board.

As the squadron that chose frost got closer and closer to the blue planet, the information from Sunrise constantly reminded the starships of what they needed to pay attention to when crossing the frost atmosphere. After three consecutive reminders, the sunrise disconnected. Atmospheric ice storms can affect communications, even within a fleet. In fact, it was lonely for every starship, and in federal records, there were many tragedies that occurred when an ice storm froze an engine without enough power to travel through the atmosphere.

But no matter what, frost looked exceptionally beautiful from space. It was like a sea-blue gem, and its surface was constantly changing with dreamlike colors. It was like a beautiful dream, making people sigh with admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

"Prepare to enter the atmosphere. Please fasten your seat belts. The respiratory system is activated. The starship will be very bumpy when entering the atmosphere. Please be careful." The pilot was using the radio to warn everyone on board, and at the same time, he used his seat belt to secure himself in the pilot's seat.

A respirator descended from above each person's position. After Alan grabbed his respirator and put it on, fresh oxygen slipped into his nose. Frost Star was expanding in the front window. For safety's sake, the armor shield in front of the window began to descend. Only the open projection window was used to observe things outside the starship.

Soon after, the countdown began. After the pilot gave the last number, the Dawn shuddered. The violent tremor almost shook people off their seats, if they didn't have seat belts. It was followed by frequent vibrations, but the starship began to enter the atmosphere. The deeper he went, the more powerful the ice wind that enveloped the surface of the planet became. The storm was still pounding the starship with hailstones of all sizes. Fortunately, the outer armor of the starship could withstand such an impact. Apart from leaving some traces on the surface of the armor, there were no other injuries.

However, for the sake of safety, the Dawn was still unleashing its magical shield, and the starship's tremors immediately lessened considerably. Everyone felt relieved when a dark patch of darkness suddenly slid past them, but it was a starship that had gone out of control. The stern of the starship was already covered in frost, and only one of its three engines could still work. However, the blue flames that shot out from the tail became thinner and thinner, eventually extinguishing.

Without the impetus, the starship would be like a small boat in a sea of rage in an ice storm, unable to control its own destiny. He could only let the icy wind take him away. In the end, a flash of fire appeared in front of the window and the starship exploded!

A few low shouts came from the cockpit, and Alan shook his head. I wonder which unlucky fellow died on the way before he could reach the battlefield.

After more than ten minutes of frequent shocks, the starship finally broke free from the ice storm and entered the relatively stable interior of the planet. The armored shield rose again, allowing the people in the cockpit to clearly see the situation on the surface. From the sky, it looked like everything was white. Whether it was mountains, forests, or plains, they were all covered in frost. However, in this white world, there were blue patches of various sizes.

It was the planet's specialty, the Frost Snow Crystal, and it was also the greatest value of frost. Frost crystals contain natural frost origin power, and they have a wide range of uses. Apart from providing additional support for those who possessed ice and snow type Origin Energy, they could also be made into eternal frozen utensils that could be used to preserve some special items. Or they could be made into special-attributed ammunition that could also provide energy for weapons platforms such as frost cannons.

After the starships that escaped the ice storm gathered at high altitude, they dispersed according to the coordinates they had previously assigned. The Federation had several supply bases on the frost, which would be the landing area for Allen and the others. There, participants could receive missions, register military contributions, and replenish supplies. These bases would be important nodes supporting the Frost Star Battlefield.

After confirming its coordinates, Dawn was adjusting its direction when a khaki-yellow high-energy beam suddenly struck a nearby starship without warning. The starship was blasted to the left and right, but fortunately, it didn't hit the vital point. Even though a portion of the armor exploded, the shield quickly spread out. However, more beams of light were coming from below. Amidst the flickering beams of light, Alan could see the figure of the Grai Giant!

Judging from the dense beams of light below the fleet, the enemy squadron had already set up a blockade net on Frost Star, waiting for them to deliver it to them. Alan was almost certain that the other planets would have the same arrangement, but he had no time to care about the lives of others. He shouted, "Charge over!"

The two fleets quickly entered into an exchange of fire, with earthen yellow, azure, and scarlet energy beams crisscrossing the air. The collision between the beam of light and the starship's shield lifted up fireballs. If one looked up from the ground, they would find fireballs of all sizes appearing frequently in the sky. The explosive flames almost ignited the sky!

The most threatening thing in the battle was not the Catus' flying ships, but the Grai giants who were not affected by the gravity of the planet and were born with the ability to fly. They mingled with the Catu fleet, often using the cover of airships to get close to human starships at high speeds, followed by fists and kicks. There was no need to detonate the starship. All it needed to do was destroy the starship's engine and cause irreparable damage to the human side.

Occasionally, starships would be beaten half-crippled by the Grai and blasted apart by the Catus' warships. Fortunately, this place was already inside the planet. Before the starship exploded, the crew used their escape system to escape from the starship. However, due to the energy beams coming and going and the continuous explosions, it really took a lot of luck to reach the ground safely.

Another human starship was shot down, and the Grai Giant leapt towards the Dawn. In the cockpit, Alan could see the Gray Giant's figure expanding in the window ahead. He said in a deep voice, "Evade immediately!"

Blue lightning shot out from the bow of the Dawn, canceling out some of the propulsion from the stern engines. The pilot then bit down and pressed down the joystick heavily. The Dawn immediately lowered its altitude, allowing the Grai Giant to pounce over the ship. The first starship behind them became a scapegoat. The giant and the starship collided head-on, and both sides slid forward and backward.

"We have to get rid of those big fellows. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for us to pass through the other party's blockade net." Ellen unbuckled his seat belt and stood up. "Stay here and I'll deal with the giants."

"I'll go too." Reina, who had been silent for a long time, stood up.

This time, Ellen did not object, and Reina did not wait for him to agree as he headed straight for the door. Belmond and Regis also stood up, but Alan only allowed Belmond to fight. Regis told him to stay in the ship and protect the rest of the crew on the Dawn with Lucy.

The three of them arrived at the exit hatch. When the hatch door opened, the strong airflow blew them out of breath. After getting used to it for a while, his breathing returned to normal. Outside, beams of light traveled through the sky ten thousand meters high. Star ships chased after them, and giant figures could be seen from time to time. The scene was both hot and chaotic. Alan took a deep breath and shouted, "Let's go!"

At the end of his sentence, Belmond had already disappeared. In an instant, a ball of black fog appeared above an enemy ship that was chasing after the Dawn. Belmore pounced out of the black fog and landed firmly on the enemy ship. He pressed down with both hands, and black sparks sprayed out from between his palms, spraying them on the armor outside the enemy ship. The Catu starship's armor instantly sparked, staggered out of control, and began to fall downwards.

Belmond locked onto another starship and activated the Shadow Passage. In the blink of an eye, three enemy ships had already been shot down by him. Just as he was about to pounce on the next target, his heart suddenly turned cold. Belmond looked up and saw a Grai giant pouncing in the air. The shadow cast by that enormous body completely enveloped his body. He dodged backwards. The giant had already smashed his fist down onto the Catu starship, smashing the starship into the ground. A moment later, it exploded into a fireball below.

The Grai Giant roared angrily as he stretched out his hands towards Belmond like a waterslide.

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