Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 611

Chapter 611: Battle of Next Heaven (1)

Just as Belmond was about to fight, someone behind him suddenly shouted, "Get out of the way!"

He immediately made up his mind. He opened the shadow passageway in midair and fled far away. The Giant Grai's expression stiffened, and a figure pouncing from the sky appeared in his big eyes. Alan raised Blood Concealment high up, his entire body bursting with flames, carrying with it an awe-inspiring might as he slashed down at the giant head-on with his saber. The giant let out a muffled roar and rushed out of his mouth like an echo from a cave. He crossed his hands, wanting to block Allen's momentum attack before killing this human expert.

Unexpectedly, a bloody light flashed through the blood. The blade cut through the giant's skin like cheese, cutting open its muscles, breaking open its bones and nerves, and finally slicing it to the end with a rain of blood. The giant let out an earth-shattering roar. His arms were cut off from his wrists. Blood was constantly rushing out of his wounds like a fountain, forming a bloody curtain in the giant's eyes.

The bloody curtain was suddenly broken by Alan. Before the giant could react, Alan waved his arm and a mournful red light streaked across the giant's neck. The giant's roar abruptly stopped, and a huge head flew up, falling down with the headless corpse.

One Saber Deadly Head!

Just as he killed the giant, an enemy ship rushed over. The weapons platform in front of the enemy ship continuously shot out streams of yellow light. Alan simply moved his hands and feet together and dived down, brushing past the beams of light. If there was anything that could not be avoided, he would use his full Origin Energy to slash it away, intercepting the beam of light in the air and detonating it. Fireballs continued to bloom beside him, and Alan quickly threw them behind him.

In just a few breaths, he had already pounced on the enemy ship. He could even see the Catus shouting at him from the cockpit through the window at the end of the ship. The lines on the blade armor lit up, and a faint white light immediately dyed the Blood Hidden Saber. In the blink of an eye, Allen landed on the enemy ship. He waved his heavy saber and slashed the two turrets beside him. Another saber sank into the ship's armor. After activating the [Sharp Charge] ability, coupled with the sharpness of Xue Yin's own body, the outer armor of the starship was stabbed to the ground by a heavy saber.

Alan was just about to drag his heavy saber and destroy the starship as he watched the flames jump out of his saber. Suddenly, his head darkened, but another Grai giant was pouncing towards him from high up in the sky. At this moment, a dense black shadow swept over and crashed into the giant's body. A muffled thunder immediately sounded above Allen's head. A violent shockwave poured down from above, causing Allen's silver hair to shake unsteadily, and he was almost blown off the starship.

The giant was knocked back by this heavy collision. Only then did Alan see that it was Raynor who had knocked the giant away. Reina wore dark volcanic armor and carried a bone-piercing warhammer. His entire body was almost stuck to the giant's chest, and the warhammer repeatedly smashed down. Every time he smashed it, a bloody flower would pop up on the giant's chest. A moment later, the two of them had already left. When there was only one black dot left, a fireball suddenly exploded, completely blocking Allen's gaze.

Alan gritted his teeth and didn't look at Raynor again. He took large strides forward and sprinted forward. The Blood Hidden Blade stuck in the ship's hull moved along, cutting through the ship's armor, communication sequence, antenna, or weapon platform along the way. When Alan arrived at the stern of the ship, he leapt forward forcefully. Blood slashed out, bringing with it countless metal fragments that floated down in midair. Allen turned around. After the starship staggered for a while, sparks burst out from its hull. A moment later, it exploded. Then, another wave of sympathy erupted, completely shattering it into pieces!

The fireball's light was rapidly disappearing from Allen's eyes. At this moment, he was moving freely in the void. There weren't any starships in the surroundings, nor could there be any giants. If he hadn't borrowed some strength, even he would have been smashed into meat sauce if he had fallen all this way. At this moment, a black shadow flashed beneath him, but a human starship flew past. Alan called out to himself. He simply clumped up his body and accelerated down. When they came into contact with the surface of the starship, they could only stretch their hands and feet. With another roll, he grabbed a cannon barrel from the hull turret and fixed it on his body.

At this time, an elevating platform under the ship opened, and a few figures jumped out from within. The first person shouted, "Brother, you're crazy."

Looking closely, it was Reese. Behind him were Luma and Christine. '"But that's cool. Look. It's not just us. They've all been stimulated by you. They've all gone out to fight." Reese pulled Ellen up and said, "Keep the starship level." "But that's cool. Look. It's not just us. They've been stimulated by you."

Reese looked up with a smile. Alan also looked up into the sky. Sure enough, powerful warriors from human starships constantly leapt off the starship. Like Alan and the others, they usually used the starship as a landing point to engage the enemy in fierce battles at high altitudes. From time to time, roars could be heard, and excitement overflowed on Yan Biao's face. It could be seen that these people enjoyed the excitement of fighting at high altitudes.

Alan shook his head and suddenly felt something. He pushed Reese away and a beam of light passed between the two of them. Alan looked over and saw a beast-shaped enemy ship heading towards him. He snorted and started to speed up. He stepped on the armor beneath his feet at the end of the ship and landed on the enemy ship over a hundred meters away. Xue Yin waved his blood-colored saber light and chopped apart the turret on the enemy ship.

Reese whistled, "Cool. It's a pity I can't do this. I won't play with you anymore."

He jumped up and down the deck again, signaled Luma and Christine to refuel, and then returned to the interior of the starship. Luma twisted his thick neck and suddenly crouched sideways, raised his gun, and fired. A series of movements were extremely smooth. The heavy sniper named Tyrannosaurus rex had already spat out a dark yellow Origin Energy sniper bullet from the muzzle, hitting a flying giant's shoulder in pain. The spear almost blew the giant's shoulder away. Blood flew up and the giant was knocked down.

"I'll stay here. You can go." Luma shouted.

Christine nodded her head. Her beautiful legs began to run. She ran to the bow of the ship like Allen. Then, she fell into the air and pounced in Allen's direction. As soon as Allen slashed, the blood-colored saber qi continued to advance, destroying one of the engines at the stern of the enemy ship. She heard the sound of the wind behind her. She turned around and saw that Christine had already arrived behind him. She rolled and stood up beside him.

Before the two of them had time to speak, a hill-like figure rose from the stern of the starship, but it was the giant that Luma had repelled. He squeezed out a roar from his mouth and smashed his arms down like a mountain.

"Throw me over!" Cried Christine.

Alan immediately grabbed her hand and threw it around. At the same time, he borrowed his strength to dodge, causing the giant's fists to fly into the air. However, this Catu starship had suffered a calamity. It had been heavily injured many times, but now, it had been smashed into pieces by the giant's armor. The Catus shouted angrily from inside, but they were unable to stop the ship from spinning downwards.

Reese's starship allowed Alan to land on a platform in the air. On the other side, Christine had already pounced on the giant. She pulled out her two knives from her back and nimbly and swiftly left scars on the giant's body. To the giant, Christine was like an annoying mosquito. She could not get rid of it, but she was constantly creating wounds, causing him to bleed endlessly.

After dodging the giant's palm strike, Christine jumped onto the Grai's head. The two blades waved in succession, blinding the giant's eyes. The giant cried out loudly. When she could no longer see anything, Christine took the opportunity to slit his throat, then flew back and landed on the starship. As for the giant, it had already fallen down with its neck clutched and disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

"Good job." Alan gave her a thumbs up.

Christine did not appreciate it and shook her hair. "It's still far from being you. I want to kill it a little more!"

As he spoke, he had already searched for a target in the nearby airspace. Luma shrugged at Allen and said, "She's always been very strong."

Christine's nostrils buzzed and she snorted. His eyes lit up, but he locked onto an enemy ship. Just as he was about to charge forward, Alan's expression suddenly changed and he reached out to catch her. This pull almost knocked Christine down. She turned around and glared angrily, "What are you doing?"

Alan and Luma both looked forward solemnly. Only then did Christine feel a different aura. This aura was deep, yet violent, like a brewing storm. She turned around and clenched her sabers tightly. She lowered her center of gravity slightly and squatted down a little, putting on a posture of going all out.

On the left side of Reese's mount, a deep, pitch-black figure was slowly rising. On the surface of the dark body, dark yellow lines flickered. The giant folded his arms and legs together, floating in the air with an arrogant look. His dark yellow eyes swept across the nearby warships, as well as the many human experts fighting in the air.

Dark Titan!

"This guy must be the commander," Alan said in a low voice. "We have to get rid of him first!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the Dark Titan raised his head and let out a roar that shook the entire arena. He turned into a black flame and instantly flew into the sky, pouncing towards the human experts who were in the void. A loud collision rang out in midair, and several visible shock rings exploded, causing waves of air to appear high up in the sky. The human experts were sent flying by the Dark Titan, and one of them was caught by the giant.

The giant clenched his hands, and even though he was far away, Alan could still hear the sounds of the joints on the Dark Titan's body. The giant erupted with terrifying power. When he released his hands, the human in his hands had already fallen like a twisted puppet.

The human side was filled with rage. Alan gripped the blood flames tightly and said in a cold winter voice, "Let's go kill that guy!"

Without anyone's command, the Dark Titan in midair had already become the target of everyone's attacks. Whether it was a starship or a human expert, they all began to gather in the direction of the giant.josei

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