Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 613

Chapter 613: Battle of Next Heaven (3)

Just as he finished communicating with Lucy, an astonishing pressure suddenly appeared in the sky. Alan raised his head and a wave of dark light quickly swept through the sky. Following that, beams of light condensed from the dark origin energy continued to pierce through the sky, shooting towards the human starships and experts. One of the beams of light descended towards Reese's starship. A dark flame flashed in Alan's eyes, and the space above him suddenly twisted. As the water rippled, the beam of light suddenly turned and flew past the side of the starship. A black fireball exploded downwards.

The ability of the Calamity Circuit "twisted" and successfully guided this energy jet, letting the people on the starship breathe a sigh of relief. However, in the blink of an eye, two starships had already been shot down by the Dark Titan. Each of the escape capsules ejected from the ship and landed on the boundless earth below. At this moment, the starship's left airflow surged, and the Dawn rose from below. Above it, Rena was kneeling on one knee, holding a bone piercing warhammer in his hand, looking up at the Dark Titan.

When the two starships were parallel, Raynor turned to Alan and said, "That guy probably can't be dealt with by any of us alone … Should we try to cooperate?"

Perhaps this was a good start. Allen thought, but did not answer. He directly flashed onto the Dawn, and had already spoken the answer with his actions. Rena nodded, stood up, and looked at the Dark Titan alongside Alan. The two teenagers with the same bloodline finally stood on the same side. Dawn began to fly, carrying the two brothers towards the Dark Titan.

Dawn flew above the Dark Titan. Rena jumped down with his hammer, and Alan followed closely behind. The two of them charged towards the giant. The giant that was slapping away several human experts suddenly turned around and opened its mouth as it looked at Allen and the other two. It actually spat out a mouthful of pure Origin Flame formed from Dark Origin Energy. The Origin Energy Flame pounced on Allen's face, and Allen was in a hurry to come to his senses. He kicked Rena heavily, sending him flying, but at the same time, he also dodged the flames. josei

However, the black flames were so strong that Alan's reaction was already fast, but he was unable to dodge them all. When his body was stuck by a few black flames, a contradictory feeling of coldness and scorching heat instantly came from him. He couldn't help but snort. The Origin Energy within his body rumbled as it exploded through his body, scattering the black flames. However, the armor that was licked by the black flames was charred, the clothes melted, and the skin was charred black with blood. It could be seen how domineering the Origin Energy flames were.

The Dawn circled around and caught the two brothers. The two of them found a new direction to force them again. This time, the Dark Titan spat out a beam of light from his hands, forcing them away once again. Then, he raised his right hand, and beams of dark tide light continuously gathered above his palm, condensing into pitch-black balls of light in the blink of an eye. The ball of light was two meters in diameter, and its center was pitch black like a black hole, surrounded by black lightning snakes. The giant locked onto a dense corner of the human camp and threw the ball of light out forcefully.

The dark ball of light swept towards the human side and did not explode. However, hundreds of black jets continuously shot out from the sphere. Thousands of dense beams of light scattered like a rain of light, causing the human experts to flee in a sorry state. The starships activated their magical shields to forcefully receive this attack. Alan saw that the area was already occupied by black flames, and the human starships and experts were suppressed by the giant.

"No, they can't even get close to the Titan of Darkness! We need to distract that big guy's attention." Luma shouted.

Christine nodded.

Reese, who was in the starship, also ordered the starship to take off. At the same time, all weapons platforms opened fire and bombarded the Dark Titan indiscriminately. Now, he no longer cared if he could kill the Dark Titan. As long as he diverted his attention, he would be able to achieve his goal. On the starship, Luma also squatted down. Tyrannosaurus rex raised his sniper, and a huge engraving appeared on the back of the burly man, causing his aura to immediately become rough and violent.

The sequence on the heavy sniper was activated at the same time, and the lines lit up. The ability of the heavy artillery shells was being attached to the shaped Origin Energy bullets. This was an upgraded version of the heavy-armored warhead. A sniper with a heavy artillery shell was enough to blow up an armored main warhead!

"Fuck you!" Luma cursed rudely and pressed down the trigger heavily. The Tyrannosaurus rex sniper shot out a violent gunshot. The terrifying recoil caused Luma's arms, which were as thick as women's thighs, to tremble. The muscles on them wriggled, allowing the burly man to cancel out the recoil.

A dark Origin Energy bullet pierced through the air, creating an incomparably clear trajectory in space, hitting the Dark Titan's left shoulder. The attack with the heavy artillery shells caused the giant's shoulders to explode with blood. The black rock's armor-like skin scattered everywhere. The giant was in pain and let out a roar mixed with pain and anger.

He twisted his head and looked in the direction of Luma. He swung his hand and a jet of darkness shot out.

The starship shook and almost threw Luma off. Christine had already jumped out of the starship and landed on a passing enemy ship. The two blades staggered and slashed across the Catu warship, causing sparks to splatter everywhere before jumping onto another human flying ship that passed by. With the different starships in the surrounding space as a foothold, Christine approached the giant and shot towards him.

The giant noticed the human woman, but it didn't care too much. It stretched out its hand to catch Christine. Unexpectedly, the girl was very nimble. Christine clung to her body and was caught empty by the giant. Taking this opportunity, she landed on the giant's arm and used this hand as a bridge. Christine leaned forward, almost horizontally with the giant's arm. She spread out her hands and sprinted forward with all her might. Before the Dark Titan could retract his hand, Christine had already leapt towards him.

In the giant's left eye, the girl drew out a snowy saber light. He couldn't help but close his eyes, causing a violent friction between the two blades and the giant's eyelids. Sparks flew out from where the blades passed. Although he didn't injure the giant, he made the Dark Titan extremely angry. He raised his other hand to slap the annoying bug Christine to death, but something violently hit him on the back, causing his movements to stagnate.

Belmond came to the back of the giant. He was in midair, and a pitch-black mist rose from his body. Cheetahs, tigers, lions, venomous snakes, eagles, and other birds of prey pounced out of the mist and flames. These exotic beasts were formed from mist and fire. They either tore and bit on the Dark Titan's body, or exploded. In addition to Christine's harassment, the Dark Titan's attention was finally attracted to them.

"It's our turn!" Allen shouted as he once again pounced towards the Dark Titan with Blood Hidden in his hand. "Rena, I will create an opportunity for you. You must grasp it well!"

Rena's bone-piercing warhammer was good at attacking, but he couldn't tear apart the Dark Titan's skin, which was harder than the armor of a starship. This time, he didn't object, only nodded with emphasis. Mist flames soared behind Alan, releasing a nightmare projection. The one-eyed Demonic Wolf Heralis shone with a mysterious light, adding a painful multiplication ability to Blood Hidden. The lines on the blade armor lit up at the same time, and the white light emitted by the sharp sprint increased.

The Sky Calamity Circuit and the Prairie Blades were activated, and Allen's might was as fierce as flames. He locked onto the Dark Titan's chest, and the Blood Hidden Saber drew out an extremely dense bloody light. The blood-colored light disappeared in a flash, and when it reappeared, it was already imprinted on the giant's chest. The Dark Titan's entire body trembled violently as he let out a heaven-shaking roar. He lowered his head, his eyes filled with fear for the first time.

With the addition of many abilities and the power of the Heavenly Calamity Circuit, this bloody aura stubbornly burrowed into the giant's body. The Dark Titan's proudly abnormal defense seemed to be nothing before this blood aura flashed. The skin that was harder than the alloy armor was constantly being penetrated, disintegrated, and annihilated by the blood light. A two-meter-long bloody light streaked across Dark Titan's chest. Then, countless streams of red light shot out from both sides of the bloody light. They quickly spread out, making the giant look like a piece of broken porcelain.

However, the cutting jet, which used to be able to penetrate people's bodies, now only extended up and down to less than half a meter in width before stopping. The dark Titan's eyes were filled with raging waves, and he didn't even dare to move. Suddenly, the void became quiet. At this moment, a "pa" sound came from the giant's chest, followed by a wave of blood. Countless pieces of skin and muscles sprayed out from the broken body into the surroundings, revealing a hexagonal core covered in dark metal particles in front of the bloody giant's chest!


Alan shouted, and the end of the sentence disappeared. Rena had already pounced on the giant with a volcanic aura. The Dark Titan let out a scream of anger and fear, and he was about to pounce on Rena with his open hand. Suddenly, a starship wrapped in a magical shield collided horizontally with the giant's hand, bouncing it away. Reina took the opportunity to step on the giant's hand and leapt towards the Origin Core of his chest. The bone-piercing warhammer was raised high up, and the Reyna armor markings were activated. The warhammer emitted a ball of dim yellow flames from the inside out, like a ball of slowly rotating magma.

Shouted, swinging the hammer.

The warhammer smashed into the Origin Core of the Giant's chest with violent flames. The Giant's skin's defense was astonishing. However, the Origin Core was extremely fragile. After being smashed by Rena with all his might, the Origin Core was immediately filled with soul-shocking cracks. Afterwards, dark origin energy rushed out of the cracks like a blowout. Reina was overjoyed and was about to eject the giant. The giant screamed and reached out to catch him. His palm was on the verge of catching Rena, but his body suddenly stiffened.

At this moment, Reina kicked the giant away like a cannonball. The light in the giant's eyes quickly dissipated. Just like that, the Origin Core on his chest continuously sprayed out dark Origin Energy, but his body quickly fell to the ground. When the Dark Titan turned into a black dot, the black dot quickly shook and exploded, turning into an incomparably pitch black fireball. The fireball rumbled non-stop. The flames continued to burn for a few seconds before gradually disappearing, replaced by rising smoke.

Smoke billowed out, forming the shape of a giant mushroom in midair!

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