Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 637

Chapter 637: Mother Earth

Countless underground creatures continued to pounce out from the entrances of the surrounding tunnels as if they were committing suicide. Then, they screamed and fell downwards in sorrow. At first glance, the silhouettes of the exotic beasts descended one after another, as if they were connected into waterfalls. These numerous flesh and blood waterfalls descended into the void. Every second, countless lives were disappearing. Alan looked down and saw a dense fog floating about a hundred meters below.

The mist was orange yellow and very hot. Even though they were a hundred meters apart, Alan could still feel waves of heat rising from his feet. Those wild beasts fell into the fog and would occasionally shake off the fog, allowing Alan to see the rocky fangs pointing upwards, as well as the hot and bright lava below. There seemed to be living creatures in the mist, and black shadows would occasionally move in the mist. However, that shadow was frighteningly large, roughly the size of a battleship.

Alan could not imagine what kind of life a thousand meters long thing would be like.

Suddenly, a "ding" sound came from not far to the left. Alan saw that Catherine landed on the cliff above him. The Federation Light stabbed its scorpion spear into the cliff to stabilize itself. After that, she gently swung her hand and bounced up. His feet landed lightly under the scorpion spear and looked at Alan in a half-squatting position.

Her situation looked much more relaxed than Alan's, at least Alan could not stand on the bloodline as she did.

"Do you still want to continue?" Alan smiled bitterly.

Catherine snorted from her nose, but she also knew that the situation was strange. It was not a good time to continue chasing after Alan. She also looked down like Alan. At this moment, the hot mist below surged. Suddenly, something deep like a black hole appeared from within. It was surrounded by sharp stone thorns. The beasts that fell from the cave fell into the depths of that thing.

Suddenly, a gust of wind and clouds surged, and a large gust of wind with a fishy stench assaulted Allen from below, causing him to almost shut his breath. He could only grab Xue Yin tightly and lay on the cliff like a gecko, not daring to move a single bit. Catherine's two ponytails were blown up, and the strands of hair finally exploded with a snap, and the two colors of hair mixed together to form a strange gray hair color in the middle of the black.

Catherine's figure squatting on the scorpion spear did not even shake, but her eyes suddenly shrank as she looked down. The fog was quickly closing in, and the bottomless abyss quickly disappeared behind the fog. But Catherine could clearly see that it was not a natural abyss, but the giant mouth of a certain creature's blood basin!

"What's that!" Although Alan did not see the huge creature close its mouth and sink its head, causing the mist to stir and the wind to howl. However, he could feel an enormous and awe-inspiring aura slowly flowing through the mist. He had seen many large creatures before, such as the Empress of Heaven Star. However, even if it was the Empress, her aura was not as magnificent as the one under the hot mist. It was like an ocean, enough to crush everything.

Catherine seemed to say to herself, "It's Mother Earth. Is there really a life like Mother Earth?"

From her tone, it seemed that the Major General did not dare to believe the truth in front of him.

"A map? What is that?" Ellen looked at a rock protruding from a dangerous cliff nearby and swung over with great strength. After landing on this small platform, he stretched out his hand and released an invisible force field to absorb the blood.

Catherine looked at him and flicked her scorpion spear, landing gently beside Alan. Snake Sickle threw it away, ejected the scorpion pine, and then hooked the saber to pull it back, easily retrieving his spear. "I've read about it in federal documents," he said, squatting down. "According to some of the headhunters we worked with, they believe that underground life originated from Mother Earth, as well as being called Mother Earth's life."

The platform was narrow, and the two of them were on it, almost in close proximity to each other. A moment ago, he was still a life-and-death enemy, but this moment, he was so intimate that Allen felt a strange feeling in his heart. Especially from his point of view, Katherine's sharp profile was in his eyes. At this moment, the Major General's long hair covered her shoulders, softening her face. However, the indifference in her eyes did not change in the slightest.

Katherine continued: "Mother Earth is said to be the source of underground life, whether it's a hidden monster, an earth dragon, or a sentinel ant. The Head Hunter Tribe believed that Mother Earth had not disappeared, but was instead stung deep underground. There was a time when federal biologists wanted to capture Mother Earth, because if the rumors of headhunters were true, then the creature was simply a mobile gene pool. For scholars who are already at the bottleneck of genetics, studying Mother Earth could open another door to learning. "

"Looks like they didn't succeed."

"Of course, not to mention the frost underground is a huge natural labyrinth. Even the underground creatures scattered in the labyrinth were enough to cause a headache. In particular, Lin Shuang did not have any particularly precious resources, so it was not worth sending out experts to explore the legends of a child Wu Xu. So the research plan for Mother Earth was only put forward once and stranded indefinitely, "Kathleen frowned." But I'm not sure that it must be Mother Earth below. There were so many species on a planet that even an asteroid like Coldfrost would only be able to study the origin of its species with the help of a generation of poor people. "I have only read these records in my spare time, but I do not know what Mother Earth really looks like. After all, no one has seen it."

Alan thought for a moment and said, "You are interested in some powerful beings in the universe."

This wasn't aimless. If it wasn't for some reason, it was hard to imagine that a girl named Reaper would go through information that clearly wasn't in her interest.

"It's none of your business," said Catherine with a cold expression.

Alan shrugged his shoulders. As they talked, the monster called Mother Earth by Catherine poked out a hot mist and opened its abyss-like mouth to devour countless exotic beasts several times. However, there weren't many exotic beasts that had fallen from the exit of the cave. Most of them were lingering at the exit. They looked down in fear and hesitation, but they didn't leave, as if they were tied by an invisible rope. josei

"I want to go down and take a look." Catherine suddenly said. She always showed a rare zeal for tyrannical creatures. The Black Twilight King Snake was like this. Now that it had collided with the life of Mother Earth, she didn't want to miss it.

Alan knew where her fanaticism came from. Catherine seemed to be pursuing a longer life, and this was the reason why she was so keen on the King Snake Blood. It was just that Ellen didn't know what made her desperate for a longer life. But Catherine was not necessarily interested in it, so he spread out his hands and said, "Forgive me for not accompanying you."

'"Don't get me wrong," Catherine said without turning her head. "I don't intend to let you go. You have only two choices, one is to follow me, and the other is to separate life and death with me."

Alan raised his hand in surrender, "I'll go down with you."

He didn't want to fight Katherine in a limited space. The latter's movement skills in a narrow space were beyond his expectations. Fighting against Catherine on such a small platform was no different from committing suicide.

Catherine did not seem to be afraid that he would go back on his word and had already moved down the cliff. She used the Snake Sickle Scorpion Spear to alternately cut a foothold on the cliff wall and climbed down the cliff just like that. Alan hid the blood behind him and used the borrowing point that Catherine had opened to swim down like a giant gecko. Very quickly, the two of them arrived above the churning mist. Alan didn't dare to be careless and opened his Origin Energy Shield. Only then did he dive into the mist.

Even if he looked down, he could barely see a small dot of light. That was the fluorescence emitted by Catherine's Origin Energy Shield. This mist blocked the penetration of the light, causing the Origin Energy flames emitted by the Major General to be as weak as summer fluorescence at this moment.

Alan only felt that the lower he went, the higher the temperature of the cliff would be. As the fog gradually dissipated, wisps of hot smoke were emitted from the cliff at all times. The hot smoke rose up and formed the scorching mist that enveloped the entire space.

The mist was like clouds, forming a lingering mist in the underground world. Under the clouds and mist, his vision was clear. Alan was surprised to see this scene in front of him. All he could see was the undulating earth, and the slanted stone beams pierced into the sky like canine teeth. Pieces of hot smoke could not be removed from the top of the stone fangs. The tallest stone fangs were even inserted into the clouds above, turning into blurry shadows.

The ground was covered in golden stripes, which were scorching magma that flowed endlessly. Not far away, there was a huge lake of magma that was like a volcano crater, occasionally spraying out fire pillars and magma springs. When the sprayed water landed on the ground, it spread out in all directions, forming the unique golden veins of this land.

In this world of flames and magma, there was a mountain slowly moving. Of course, it was not a mountain peak, but the so-called Mother Earth. It was so large that Alan could only see a part of its body, not its entirety. The surface of the giant beast's body was covered with scales that looked like mountains and rocks. It was even covered with ferns and fungi in some cracks. This made it look like a mountain from afar. However, none of the mountains had short and thick lower limbs, and those thighs that looked like pillars of heaven were slowly moving on the ground.

Every step the giant beast took caused the ground to tremble endlessly. It moved towards the lava lake. When it moved, the area that had sunk into the clouds would cause the mist to surge endlessly and be refracted by the flames of the magma on the ground. The clouds surged like clouds of fire, and the weather was endless.

Finally, the beast stopped. A long and deep roar of a beast sounded from the distant clouds, instantly transforming into rolling thunder that shook Allen's ears. He focused his attention and saw that the clouds in the distance surged rapidly. Then, something poked down from the mist, bringing with it changes in the wind and clouds, smoke dragons washing away!

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