Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 639

Chapter 639: Crazy Woman

The scorpion spear turned into a streak of jade lightning in Catherine's hand, stirring up a stream of air that flicked her long black and gray hair. The angle of the spear was so crafty that no one could see the shadow of the spear, and only a dazzling azure flame could be seen in her eyes.

Alan never dreamed that Catherine would suddenly attack. His face was red with anger, but he didn't have time to accuse Catherine of making a surprise attack. He didn't even have time to remove the Blood Hidden Heavy Saber from his back, so he could only touch his back and draw out the devil's praise. Without even giving him the time to release the Origin Tool, Allen's dagger drew out a thin, cold light and placed it on top of the Azure Light Battle Spear.

With a loud sound, Alan's entire body trembled. Catherine deliberately used her spear, causing the origin energy on it to surge like the Yangtze River, shaking Allen's arm to the point of almost losing consciousness. She could only barely catch the devil's salute. At this moment, the spear light suddenly retracted and Catherine smashed into him. Her shoulder arched on Alan's chest, as if she had been hit by a running ancient mammoth. Alan coughed out blood and flew back.

Catherine didn't chase after him and stood still. However, his aura continued to rise, and the space behind him distorted, giving off a projection.

Alan fell to the ground, his back muscles twitched, and he instantly flipped over. Xue Yin pulled out his heavy saber and pointed it at Catherine. Alan said coldly, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's very difficult for me to pass through the lava guards alone, so I want you to distract them for me. In order to achieve this goal, I'll probably have to let you bleed." Catherine's expression was so serious that she didn't have the slightest hint of a joke.

"You crazy woman." Alan couldn't help but curse.

Catherine used action instead of words. Although the projection of the ancestor hadn't been released, her aura continued to rise. If he closed his eyes, Alan would think that a storm was coming at him. Catherine had no intention of concealing her might, and her rising aura had finally caught the attention of the lava guards. Mother Earth used them to form a protective circle, and now, the guards at the edge of the protective circle had discovered Allen and the others. Closest to them, the two guards a few hundred meters away immediately threw down the beast corpses they were gnawing on and took large strides towards them with a low roar.

Behind them, a series of guards threw down their food and squeezed out a threatening roar from their chests. The lines on their chests and bodies lit up as if they were about to burst out of flames. When they moved, they would even leave behind a long-lasting flame in the air!

Alan realized this as well, but Catherine didn't give him much choice. The Major General's scorpion spear turned into streaks of green lightning, and its fierce attacks spread throughout the space around Allen's body. Obviously, he intended to drag Allen to the same spot, not giving him a chance to escape. Alan could only raise his saber to face the battle, and Xue Yin drew out a red light. The blood energy on the saber surged like flames, sweeping across the azure spear light and annihilating it.

The azure mist blood flames between the two of them surged, and the storm and jet of Origin Energy collided with each other, blowing up mud powder from the surrounding ground. The dust floated around the battlefield, forming an obvious boundary.

At this moment, a lava guard drilled into the smoke ring and his body was immediately swept by the energy jet, causing flames to explode. The rock-like skin on its body splashed with debris. Under such a threat, it still forcefully squeezed into the battlefield between the two sides. Just as he was about to raise his hand and charge towards Catherine who was closest to it, a cold glint that was as thin as a glimmer suddenly floated past it. More than half of the guard's head was immediately lifted up, and lava and flames sprayed out from within!

Catherine retracted the snake sickle and fired another shot, forcing Alan to fight in a sorry state. At this moment, more and more guards were approaching their battle circle. Outside the smoke belt, at least twenty lava guards were eyeing them covetously.

Almost there. Catherine thought. Suddenly, her figure blurred.

Alan's heart was filled with alarm, but his calf still felt a chill. A clever force lifted him up and threw him down. By the time he regained his senses, Catherine had already flown back with a cold expression and was instantly far away from the two of them. Alan frowned. Catherine had made a big wound in his leg. The wound wasn't deep, but it was enough to cause him to bleed all over the place, and it caused much inconvenience to his movements.

His blood flowed on the ground, quickly evaporating due to the high temperature on the ground. However, the blood energy became denser as well. More guards in the distance smelled the blood energy, put down the food in their hands, and turned around to walk in Allen's direction. At this moment, Alan felt as if he had fallen into the sea surrounded by shoals of sharks. The fire on the lava guards made his eyes hurt.

All of this was thanks to Catherine.

Alan didn't even have the strength to curse her. He took out a first aid injection from his bag and stabbed it into his thigh. A trace of coldness immediately came from the wound. The medicine was working. He tore off another corner of his shirt and quickly pricked the wound on his leg. After doing all of this, Alan immediately rolled to the side. Two fists that were blazing with flames smashed heavily onto the ground, creating a shockwave that caused the already rugged ground to be lowered and arched, and then a circle of mud and sand sprayed out from Alan's surroundings.

As the dust flew, the Lava Guard's body, which was filled with a sense of strength, crashed out. He lifted his thigh and stomped heavily on Alan's chest.

Ellen snorted coldly and stretched out his hand to press down on the ground. He immediately changed directions and let the guards step on the ground. At the same time, he extended his leg and hooked the guard's thick foot, causing the guard to lose his balance. The lava guard fell to the sky, and Alan had already taken the opportunity to bounce up. Xue Yin forcefully stabbed into the guard's thick and short neck and used another card. The guard's entire head flew out, and lava and flames sprayed out from under his broken neck, causing Allen's side face to turn red.

Alan smiled bitterly as he raised his saber. He was surrounded by dozens of guards. He could only take a long breath. The blood energy of the heavy blade was like flames. Alan shouted in a low voice, "Come on!"

The next few guards let out wild roars as their entire bodies leapt towards Ellen.

Catherine's figure could be vaguely seen in the air. Her speed was not fast, but her movement frequency was very high. She stayed in the same place for less than half a second. In such a high-frequency movement, she stealthily broke into the protective circle formed by lava guards, but not a single guard noticed her existence. This was a rather superb teleportation skill. Every time Catherine appeared, she was at the blind spot of the guards' line of sight.

To accomplish this, apart from the high frequency, one had to accurately calculate the range of sight of the lava guards around one's body before they could accurately appear in their blind spots. Otherwise, the guards would have noticed it long ago. Even Catherine began to sweat after crossing a certain distance from the protective circle. She couldn't help but frown slightly. The reason she attacked Alan earlier was to attract the attention of the guards and attract their attention.

According to Catherine's imagination, Allen had to go all out in the face of this battle that he could not choose. The more this happened, the more powerful the aura he released would attract more guards for Catherine. Until now, Allen's aura was still very obscure. On the contrary, the aura of the dozens of guards on the other side had risen, completely concealing Allen's weak aura. josei

This undoubtedly made Catherine's actions more difficult.

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