Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 844

Chapter 844: Pursuing Troops

When they received Allen's second message and arrived at the power room designated in the message, they saw Allen and Catherine. Alan was standing in front of the metal cylinder of the reactor, his heavy knife slanted to the side. Catherine sat on the railing at the edge of the circular platform. The major general held his chin with both hands, his face blank, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Hearing the footsteps of Belmore and the others, Allen turned around and waved his hand, "Hi, you're here."

Belmond nodded, "Young Master, how are your injuries?"

"I'm fine now. I fought a match before and I'm in good condition." Ellen said casually, "Have you brought the materials? The materials for making bombs."

"Of course, we're not idle either. We've gathered quite a few things." Only then did Belmond notice that there were traces of a battle everywhere in the power room. There were bullet marks and bullet fragments all over the passageway connecting to the platform, and there were traces of melting in the middle section. It was unknown who Allen and the others had fought against. Belmond did not ask and took two backpacks from Laura and the others. Along with his own three backpacks, he placed them under Allen's feet. Allen opened them, and most of them were solid-state batteries for Catu energy rifles. Apart from that, there were also some fragments of explosive lightning, electromagnetic gun drives, and even a few beam blades.

Seeing these things, Allen's spirits rose. He looked up and said to Catherine, "Come and help."

Catherine snorted and jumped off the fence, glancing at the contents of her backpack. Alan asked, "How is it?" She nodded and said, "It's barely enough. Solid-state batteries can be tied together with explosive lightning. Electromagnetic drives can be converted into time-delay detonators. When the time comes, the explosive area will be concentrated and the reactor will be blown up with good luck."

"What about bad luck?" Alan asked.

"If your luck isn't good, then it will only make the giants fake." Catherine raised her head and looked at the reactor. "But even if the reactor can't be blown up, as long as the energy in the transmission pipeline vibrates, it will be enough to cause some trouble for the mothership."

"Then let's do it." Ellen threw the hardest part straight to Catherine: "It's up to you to modify the electromagnetic drive. I'll take care of the rest." josei

"You're not stupid." Catherine said this, but she did not refuse. She immediately picked out a few drives from her backpack, sat down in a corner, and modified them with her bare hands.

Allen tied the solid-state battery to the explosive lightning and took out the lightning wire according to Catherine's instructions to connect it to the detonator. Belmond worked as Alan's assistant. As for Hubble and Laura, they couldn't help them with this kind of work, so they had to stay by the side.

Laura sat in the corner with her sword in her arms, looking at Alan, and then at Catherine from time to time, as if she was worried. Suddenly, Talikova's face crashed into her eyes. The girl narrowed her eyes and said, "Sister, what's wrong? I noticed something wrong with you from the warehouse."

"Is there?" Laura forced a smile and said, "I think you're overthinking it. There's nothing wrong with me."

"Stop it. You never know how to lie, because when you lie, your hands will brush your hair. This is proof!" The girl pointed her hand at Laura. Just as she had said, Laura unconsciously reached out her hand to gather the strands of hair beside her ears.

Laura was speechless. Talikova sat down beside her and snorted, "Looks like you really like that man. What's so good about him? He's thin and not as strong as his brother."

Talking about Aliman, Talikova's eyes darkened as she remembered that her brother had been killed by Rice. Laura hugged her and said, "Don't worry, we'll get revenge for Ariman sooner or later."

Talikova sighed and said, "Even if I get revenge, my brother won't come back. If you leave with that man again, I'll really be the only one left."

Laura forced a smile, "I won't leave you."

"Sister, I'm not a child anymore, so there's no need to comfort me." Talikova turned her face away and said, "I can see that the atmosphere between you and him has changed since he saved you from a dirty bomb that day. I knew you'd leave, but sister. As you can see now, you're not the only woman beside him. That Belmond also said that there was a girl called Lucy waiting for him to return. People like him only had a lot of women around them. Are you really willing to stay by his side? "

The girl turned to Laura and said, "Sister, maybe I'm being selfish. But I still want you to stay. The world is so big, why don't you catch him?"

Laura smiled. Talikova did not know that her relationship with Alan was not as simple as the girl had imagined. After becoming Ellen's follower, her life was tied to that man. It could be said that even if she did not like Alan, she could not do without him. However, Laura did not want to explain to the girl what would happen to this impulsive girl.

Talikova sighed and smiled, "I knew it wouldn't be easy to talk to big sister, but if big sister decided to stay by his side, she wouldn't be like this all the time."

She patted Laura hard and said, "I know Sister Laura, but in order to get what I like, I will spare no effort to fight for her!"

Laura's body trembled slightly, and the gloom on her face gradually dissipated. She revealed a wild smile and said, "Really, I didn't expect that one day I would comfort you, this little fellow. Thank you, though."

The two girls chuckled softly. Not far away from them, Hubble also revealed a faint smile. But the smile suddenly stiffened and moved a step faster than Hubble. Alan and Catherine raised their heads almost at the same time to look in the direction of the gate. An enormous shadow appeared outside the door, completely blocking the crack in the door that Karin had opened. The black shadow's body shone a little. It was a pair of eyeballs.

At this moment, all of his eyes reflected the figures of Allen and the others. Then, the black figure let out a hoarse voice that was like metal friction, "I found you bugs!" You guys have a lot of guts to invade this mothership guarded by my Lord Ohm. But I have to admit, you're smart enough to hide in the power room. I can guarantee that many people will ignore this place. "

"It's a pity that you bumped into me. Under my eyes, there are no insects that can hide!" As he spoke, the door slowly opened. Before the door could fully open, beams of energy had already shot in from outside. At the same time, the two Grai giants also rushed in and charged towards the circular platform under the cover of the energy beam!

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