Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 845

Chapter 845: Expellee

On one side of the circular platform, Hubble's figure suddenly jumped up. The Catus roared and pounced on the two Grai giants. The energy beams that landed on his body were either bounced off by Hubble's own defensive force field, or were casually swept away by him. Apart from blazing flames in front of him, it didn't have much of an impact on him.

In an instant, he collided with the two Grai giants.

Without activating the Fallen Body, Hubble was only at the waist of the two Grai Giants in terms of height. However, it was the Grai Giant that suffered the loss in the collision between the two sides. The two giants snorted and were knocked back by Hubble. Hubble aimed at the giant on the right and stepped heavily on his knee. The giant's knee immediately broke, and he screamed and knelt on his knees, making him as tall as Hubble.

"I hate guys taller than me the most!" Hubble laughed sinisterly, his hands holding the giant's head. He raised his head and smashed a heavy hammer on the giant's head. The giant didn't even bother to scream. Its nose collapsed, and a few bloody lines were thrown out of its eyes and mouth at the same time. It tilted its body and fainted.

The other giant stopped moving and charged forward with large strides, punching towards Hubble.

Hubble twisted his waist and punched down as well.

The moment the two fists collided, the entire power room seemed to jump. Then came the screams of the giant. A dense noise rang out from one of the giant's arms. Shattered bones continuously stabbed out of his flesh and blood arrows splashed out. However, the terrifying force of Hubble's fist shattered the bones of his entire arm. For a moment, this arm had completely deformed. Hubble stepped forward and stabbed his fingers into the giant's tough skin, killing him alive. Then, he shouted loudly and lifted the Grai Giant up. Then, he smashed into the Catus Guards that were constantly pouring in by the door.

The dozen or so Catu warriors were caught off guard and were knocked backwards by the flying Grai Giant to the point of vomiting blood. They were tightly suppressed by the Giant and were unable to move for a long time. Hubble laughed loudly. At this moment, the black shadow outside the door finally came in. Ohm raised his leg and kicked the giant and the Catu guards away. He scolded "trash" and then looked at Hubble. josei

Dozens of different reconnaissance modes landed on Hubble's body and compared it with the figure that killed Orchid. After a short moment, the compatibility between the two was 71%. Ohm then said in a low voice, "Did you kill Olchira?"

"That big black guy?" Hubble waved his hand at the back, and the long saber on the ground flicked into his hand. Hubble waved his saber and said, "I killed him, and his saber is not bad."

"Thunder!" Ohm's eyes narrowed slightly and he smiled sinisterly, "It's really you. Then I'm relieved. It's just that you're all here. Let me kill you all together. It'll save you a lot of trouble!"

Then, he began to walk towards the circular platform with large strides.

By this time, the last detonator had been modified, and Catherine had connected them to the bomb with a lightning cord and set a time limit. Alan handed them over to Belmond and called Laura over. "You guys are responsible for installing these things on the reactor. Once you're done, don't worry about anything. Leave this place. Catherine and I will try to hold the giant back and find out where the escape hatch is, right? We'll meet up there."

Belmond had previously looked at the map of the mothership and noted down several important areas, including the location of the mothership's escape hatch. "I know what to do," he nodded.

Alan smiled and said, "See you later."

When he mentioned Xue Yin, Laura suddenly caught him and kissed him on the face like a bolt of lightning, "Be careful." Catherine narrowed her eyes. Laura seemed to have sensed something and smiled at her demonstratively. Then, she went to help Belmond. Catherine snorted softly without saying anything. Lifting the Scorpion Spear Snake Sickle, he focused his attention on the expeller.

On the other end, Hubble and the bandit had already exchanged hands.

Hubble brandished the saber lightning he had taken from Orchilla and slashed at Ohm one after another. Hubble's combat skills were very simple, only a few moves came and went. However, every saber poured all of its strength into it. The sound of the saber was like thunder, and the light of the saber was like lightning, launching a direct and violent attack on the expeller. A pair of alloy armor appeared on Ohm's hands. This pair of armor completely wrapped around Ohm's forearm. Short and thick sharp thorns extended out from the tip of his fist and fingers. These items could be nailed to the opponent's body, creating a row of bloody holes. If necessary, you can also jam your opponent's weapon and exert resistance.

With the protection of these two pairs of alloy armor and the giant's abnormal defense and body strength, as long as the lightning hadn't struck his vital area, Ohm wasn't afraid of Hubble's attack at all. After a few punches with Hubble, Ohm grinned. Hubble's eyes glowed, and he felt that his movements had slowed down a lot.

It was as if he had crashed into a marsh, and the resistance of the air had become more than ten times greater than before. This caused his offensive to immediately slow down. This was definitely fatal on the battlefield. Ohm took the opportunity to sweep through the lightning with one hand and smash Hubble's chest with the other. The inferior steel armor that Hubble had taken from one of the unlucky Catus was immediately torn apart, and blood sprayed out of his mouth as he retreated. Suddenly, a large eyeball appeared in front of the bandit's chest, and circles of brown lines appeared in his pupils. Suddenly, a huge force surged out from beneath Hubble's feet for no reason. Hubble felt as if he had been struck head-on by someone, and he involuntarily flew into the air with a muffled snort.

In the direction of Hubble, all of Ohm's eyes lit up at the same time. He shouted loudly and stretched out his palm to suppress it. Suddenly, a terrifying force field pressed down on Hubble's body. The high pressure field, which weighed tens of tons, instantly smashed the Catus to the ground and continued to press down on the ground. A crackling noise sounded throughout Hubble's body. The armor on his body could not withstand the tremendous pressure and was shattered. Then, his muscles and bones began to groan.

It seemed that as long as he put in more effort, he would be able to crush Hubble into mincemeat. At this moment, Katherine's figure appeared in his eyes, and then the scorpion spear that was dragging a few green ribbons of light lightly flew over.

Ohm let out a terrified cry. He didn't know how Catherine got close to him. It was possible for others, and even Judge Glenn might not be able to detect the high-speed and bizarre movements. However, he was an expeller, and this name was not in vain. The numerous eyeballs on Ohm's body were special organs that other giants did not possess. They have different modes of reconnaissance, ranging from thermal imaging to infrared scanning. With these special organs, ohms can perform composite imaging of a particular environment through different modes of scouting.

In other words, in his eyes, the world he saw was three-dimensional. In this three-dimensional image, there was no such thing as a sneak attack. No matter how fast the opponent moved or how strange the method was, he could not skip Ohm's perception. Unless he used the Shadow Passage's spatial shuttle ability, there were traces to be found.

However, Catherine overturned Ohm's understanding. In the blink of an eye, the Federation Major General appeared from the other side of the circular platform at the entrance. As for the middle, it was a blank space!

Catherine's scorpion spear floated over like a wisp of green smoke, without the slightest smell of fireworks. But for some reason, every cell in Ohm was screaming, warning him not to underestimate this shot. Thus, the giant chose to be loyal to his intuition. He roared and retreated violently. At the same time, his eyes constantly flickered as he applied layers of force fields of different attributes onto Catherine's body. For a time, sluggishness, gravity change, gravitational traction, and even space vibration. Many force fields, large and small, with different levels of ability, covered Catherine's body. With Catherine's ability, she was unable to move freely under the influence of so many force fields.

As a result, her brows furrowed, and a few ribbons of light suddenly lit up on the gun. In an instant, Ohm almost thought that those were not origin energy ribbons, but galaxies hanging upside down!

The shot was still stabbed out.

Of course, it only stabbed into the air, but the many forces that Ohm had exerted on Catherine's body shattered at the same time. The collision of the force field and the Origin Energy on the spear caused a jade green flame to rise on the ground between the two of them, followed by an earth-shattering explosion. The range of the explosion involved Catherine and Ohm. The Origin Energy flames that pounced on the giant's face surged with energy, continuously assaulting the giant's nerves like an ocean of rage.

Only then did Ohm know what kind of power Catherine had contained in her seemingly weak spear!

If this spear stabbed into his body, even if he didn't die, he wouldn't be able to fight anymore. This terrifying woman! The expeller cried out in shock in his mind, and then his back seemed to have bumped into something. He turned around and saw that he had already arrived at the door. Looking forward, the Origin Energy flames were still rising, and Catherine stepped on the fire with her spear. The flames were like courtiers kowtowing to a king. When Catherine arrived, the flames in front of her suddenly disappeared. After she passed by, she suddenly jumped high again!

The expeller's face suddenly turned hot. He could not believe that he was actually afraid of this woman. Even if it was only an instant, it was still unforgivable. He shouted loudly, as if he wanted to use his roar to suppress his fear. Origin Energy continued to gush out. At this moment, many of Ohm's eyes sank, leaving behind the largest demonic eye on his chest. On his back and shoulders, a prismatic crystal rose. Of the three crystals, the one behind them was the largest.

After the three jingshi floated up, nine light balls appeared behind Ohm's head. The light balls formed a circle and formed an array. These spheres emitted blazing white light, and a pitch black halo gushed out from their core. The black core continued to rotate like eyeballs. As the three jingshi behind him sprayed out black flame tails at the same time, turning and churning like three banners, the aura of the bandit was completely different from before!

Ohm raised his head and smiled sinisterly again. This was his true strength and posture. In this state, the fear Catherine had brought him had dissipated. At this moment, the giant only wanted to tear apart this seemingly weak girl in front of him!

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