Eye System

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Proposition

As she pushed open the door, the throne room, she was familiar with, revealed itself.

The throne room, also used as a courtroom, had a long table at the centre of the large hall with dozens of chairs around it and had two enormous thrones with all kinds of valuable materials and gems embedded into them at the end of it, that were elevated in comparison to everything else in the room.

On the left throne, sat a mature and beautiful woman, that wore a luxurious golden dress and wore a golden crown, that looked like a tiara, and went perfectly with her long golden hair.

While on the right throne sat a large man with a small beard and short black hair that also wore a crown, that was designed differently, with a more masculine appearance.

"Angela, it has been a while" stated her father.

Her father, correlating with his large and burly figure, had a very deep and projected voice that resounded throughout the throne room.

"Yes, it has father" replied Angela calmly as she stood across the hall from her parents with Ella behind her.

She had been so afraid to confront her parents, but as she did it, she didn't feel any pressure in the slightest and was calm and confident.

Angela's mother was very pompous and arrogant and didn't even bat an eyelid at the sight of her daughter after such a long time and stayed quiet.

"We thought you might have died during the invasions of the Voltiac Guild, but luckily you are alive" stated her father.

His words were caring, yet his tone and the way he said it had no emotion or care in them in the slightest.

"I am not here to converse and reunite with you two, but am here with a proposition" declared Angela directly, getting straight to the point without having to bear with her parents attempt to show affection.

"And what may that be," asked her father, curious to what she had to offer and what she wanted.

But before she could answer her mother suddenly jumped up and interrupted.

"How could you murder Jackson within the royal district. You have fallen so low and are no longer my daughter" she screamed.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" answered Angela, pretending to be baffled.

"Jackson was killed" she exclaimed, pretending to be shocked.

Angela's acting was quite believable, but her cold eyes went completely against how she was pretending to feel.

"He was killed last night, the night before you returned and was killed with ice" informed her, her father.

"You can't possibly think that I killed him mother, I have merely a useless healing ability that can't be used to attack" stated Angela.

"But your companion might be able to" accused her mother.

Despite her immature and pompous attitude, that didn't befit someone pursuant of strength, the queen didn't gain her title through status alone and was only slightly weaker than the king and was a peak Heaven Mortal, that was second only to her husband on the continent.

Dashing from her position, she rushed towards Ella, who stood beside Angela, in the hopes of uncovering her identity.

Angela stood still and didn't intervene.

Just as her mother was about to grab Ella's robe, with speeds that Angela knew was impossible for her to keep up with, Ella disappeared from her position and appeared on the other side of Angela.

"Halt your nonsense" ordered the king, seeing the ability of Ella that disappeared and appeared in another position without even him, being capable of seeing her.

'It seems Angela really was behind the murder of Jackson with her companion, but her companion is mysterious and we can't afford to offend them until we know their capabilities' thought the king to himself.

The queen thinking the same, returned to her throne and calmed down.

She had become extremely agitated because of the amount of resources and time that she had wasted on nurturing Jackson, who they found as the most talented of the next generation, to be wedded to Angela.

Then for him just to be killed without serving the country and or marrying Angela, was a slap in the face for the queen.

"So what is your proposition," asked her father, no longer seeing her as the weak daughter of his that had merely a healing ability and no fighting ability.

Angela seeing the change in the situation where Ella had shown herself as a mysterious and powerful companion, adapted what she was going to say to show her own ability and coerce her parents to cooperate with her.

"There is an incoming threat in less than 5 months that is much more powerful than the Voltiac Guild and I want to prepare to fend off against the threat" stated Angela, missing out a lot of the information.

"And what is this threat" inquired her father.

"The cultivator that was above Mason and had methods and skills much more powerful and profound than the royal families measly library" answered Angela.

Her words were extremely offensive to the power of the royal families and infuriated her mother, but she simmered down and allowed them to finish talking before she decided what to do with her daughter.

But her words also showed the extent of what she knew and also implied hidden strength that either she had or people behind her had, that made her parents wary, knowing that she had no reason to affiliate with them after the way they treated her.

"If so, what does that have to do with us and what are you offering for our help" inquired her father, not allowing family relations to get in the way of his decisions and only caring about his own gain.

"Well it is impossible for your dying country to fend off against the threat alone and the master that is coming is planning to wipe out the entire continent, for his own methods that require sacrifices" stated Angela.josei

Both her parents were shocked and angry because of her words, but still stood calmly on their thrones and didn't act.

Her words were not only disrespectful, and the royal couple had never been spoken to in such a manner in their lives, but also insulted their country and behind her words were spite and ridicule.

"So how would we be able to fend off against this supposed threat," asked her father, staying level headed and believing every word that Angela said.

He didn't believe her because he trusted her, but because he knew that Mason must have had someone behind him to have such a cataclysmic rise in power and strength and from her expression and her previous words, her father knew that Angela knew a lot about the current situation and was even letting on less than she really knew.

"It is simple, I will form an alliance with the Earth Country, that are obedient to me and my companions, and we will form a resistance and prepare for the incoming attack" stated Angela.

Her statement had multiple subliminal messages and not only showed that she was capable of, but also told them that she had other companions that could be on the same level as Ella.

Her parents had received word of the Earth Country surviving the siege of the Earth Country and had also heard about the ice queen and the white flash, which aligned with Angela's words and shocked them massively.

"So it was you who got the ice queen to kill Jackson" gathered her mother after aligning everything she knew about the current state of the continent and Angela's words.

Angela could see that her change in plan, had been extremely effective and knew that her worth and safety were guaranteed, with her parents still being wary of Ella's ability and the people behind her.

Knowing that she shrugged uncaringly and the previous innocence she attempted to show was all gone.

Yet, her mother couldn't do anything to her, despite her rage and stayed seated.

"We have food and some people, you have resources and some people. If we join together we may be able to overcome the incoming threat with the help of my companions that do include the ice queen and the white flash" declared Angela, confirming all their assumptions and cementing her power and ability within her parents' mind.

It took her parents a few minutes to digest everything they had just learnt about her daughter and what was incoming for their continent.

"We agree" both her parents stated in unison.

It hurt both their pride, especially her mother's, to have to submit and regard the daughter they shunned and underestimated so highly, after only a short while of her leaving.

But they had no choice and their country was dying just as Angela had said, and if Mason's master was coming, they would need to ally with as many powers and people as they could in the hopes of surviving.

"Then we will begin preparing immediately" announced Angela calmly, hiding the overwhelming sense of accomplishment and joy, and getting straight to business.

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