Eye System

Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Preparation

Angela along with her parents set their preparations into motion.

Their relationship was only professional and for their mutual benefit.

Angela felt no affection towards her parents, while her parents also felt no affection towards Angela, but were regretting their actions and shunning her, after seeing what she was now capable of.

They began by sending their fastest messengers riding their fastest mounts to the Earth Country, that would take them around a week to reach, to alert the Earth Leader of their alliance.josei

Ella made sure to add information about when she had watched Lex within the underground meeting room killing the traitors, which only Lex would have known about, to prove their identity and the authenticity of the letter.

Following after the messengers were thousands of carriages with large storage space, sent to receive food, resources and people and take them back to the Gamma Country.

On the letter, it instructed them to send large amounts of food and anything valuable and useful in the current situation, then load their own carriage and the carriage sent out by the Gamma country.

Then to bring all the people along with them and everything to the Gamma country, which would be a long arduous journey for the people, but with the cooperation and assistance of both countries, they would be capable of achieving it.

They planned for hours together in the same throne room and planned for the initial preparation to be completed within 3 months,

The initial preparation was to move all the living people to the Gamma country and stock up on food and a large amount of resources, that would be distributed in rations and used to strengthen the soldiers.

Then with the final 2 months, they would fortify defences and arm and train as many fighters as they could as they moved the weak towards the centre of the country and the stronger towards the edges of the country.

However, the layout of strengths wasn't for statuses and selfish means, but was to defend those that couldn't defend themselves and the condition for them cooperating was to minimise the deaths of innocents.

While the plan also included strengthening those that could to strengthen themselves quickly, no matter the cost, and the royal family, without any choice, began to burn resources at much faster rates by gathering more and more of those with talent and providing the more resources to increase their strength and the speed at which they train.

Angela after setting the plans into motion and intrusting it to the upper echelon of the country, working under the royal family, had went into a reclusive retreat to cultivate along with Ella, her parents, and all those above the Sky Mortal rank, who were prioritised.

The main aims of the continent's and Angela's preparation were to form a stronghold that had resources and food necessary to protect and feed the people, while also enhancing and gathering all strength that they could in preparation, forming an army, for what was to come.

As that was occurring Lex was also preparing and was forming an army of his own with the beasts that he was controlling and gaining the loyalty of, with his power and the Dominant Eye.

Within 24 hours of encountering the red foxes, under the orders of Lex, they managed to take over the entire area as their own.

Lex had after feeding them, ordered them to pick off the weakest of the beast tribes.

After being fed they had regained some strength and with the methods of attack that Lex had ordered them to use and was teaching them, they were able to take out their first tribe, that was the weakest out of all of them, in an hour.

After doing so they devoured the bodies and took over their territory, then under the orders of Lex they continued to pick off more and more tribes and as they did so, Lex in the same way as he did for the red fox tribe, gained the loyalty of the other 4 fox tribes.

Gathering all of the fox beasts from all 5 of the fox tribes, after weeding out those that were disloyal, Lex had around 300 fox beasts that he regarded as his main beasts to nurture.

While they continued to take over the area, Lex sat down comfortably, seeing any beast in the area as merely a work Mortal beast that couldn't harm him in the slightest, and began to cultivate.

But his cultivation wasn't as productive and efficient as he wanted and needed to be, as, within his mind, he was still thinking about something that he had felt, but couldn't explain.

[System my instinct tells me there is something different and valuable about the fox beasts, but from what I can see they are just normal Mortal beasts that don't hold much value to me] stated Lex.

The main reason he had chosen to nurture the fox beasts, other than the potential he saw and the similarity with Kano from his past reality, was because of his instincts that made him feel as though they were worth nurturing.

Lex trusted his instincts and knew that they were almost correct every time, but was now wondering why and couldn't get the thought out of his mind.

{Ding, what the host sensed may have been their superior potential compared to other beasts the host had come across. The host must have sensed that from each fox beast tribe, they all had their own characteristics and the host's plan to breed them would form extremely talented and powerful fox beasts over time} stated the system.

The system had aligned everything that Lex had instinctively gathered and confirmed what he had assumed, relieving his curiosity.

[From what I know it usually takes 1 to 2 months for fox beasts to give birth after being impregnated, but if I continued to feed and train them arduously, I should be able to shorten that time massively and unlock their hidden potential. And should gain complete loyalty from the new borns, who from birth will see me as their master. I will continue to order them to hunt and take over more areas and while they get stronger, I will also cultivate myself] planned Lex.

[This is another heaven-sent opportunity, maybe fate is pitying me for once and lending me a hand] thought Lex to himself.

But knowing that every time he was struck with some good luck, he was then bombarded with troubles, he knew that complacency, especially with the opportunities he currently had, would be the worst thing he could do.

"Time to prepare myself and my army to defeat anybody that attempts to take over and massacre my continent" declared Lex.

[System how many areas filled with Mortal Beasts in the area] asked Lex.

{Ding, the system can see innumerable areas of similar size underground that have all kinds of beasts at different ranks. However, the deeper underground and the closer towards the centre, that is towards the north to the host, the stronger the beasts are} described the system.

[After they have cleared this area, I will lead my fox beast army to as many areas as it takes for them all to break through to the Earth Mortal Rank, while I also cultivate, then we will head deeper into the Underground Coves] planned Lex.

After Lex's 300 fox beasts slaughtered and devoured all the other beasts within the small area of the underground coves they were in, Lex led them to the edge of the area, that from what he had seen and heard from the system, assumed was the entry point to the next Mortal beast area.

While scouting the area, Lex had his Scouting Eye activated, and while circling the perimeter of the area, he found the area that had the thinnest walls and led to the rest of the underground coves.

Looking at his fox beast army, none of them had become fat or grown much even after how much they had eaten, which went to show not only how hungry they were, but also their potential to grow and the amount of energy they were capable of absorbing.

Launching a powerful fist at the wall, it took Lex a single fist packed with power, to completely shatter the dense wall and make an entrance large enough to lead all his 300 fox beasts into.

"We will aim to continue to take over the Underground Coves and hunt, but if you find any other fox beasts of a similar kind to that of yourselves, bring them to me" ordered Lex to his fox beasts' without the use of the Dominant Eye.

All the fox beasts howled, in unison, in affirmation, with complete loyalty to Lex as their leader who gave them food and dominated them while also treating them well.

"We don't want any casualties and you must all work together to be able to keep the army strong" stated Lex.

"And also feel free to breed with each other and mix between different kinds of fox beasts to form a stronger breed of fox beasts" hinted Lex, giving them complete sexual freedom.

The fox beasts split into groups and spread throughout the area to hunt and invade the area, while Lex sat on the ground and cultivated.

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