Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1729

Chapter 1729: Fight All the Way In

Chapter 1729: Fight All the Way In

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The army of Void City was the strongest force in the universes, an existence that no universe would dare to take lightly. Bu Fang, however, decided to fight this army alone.

What he was facing now was not the army of Void City. It was only a small team with not many soldiers, and the leader was just a Saint of the Great Path. However, such a team was strong enough to wipe out some smaller universes.

Both Whitey and Foxy responded after hearing Bu Fang’s words. Whitey’s mechanical eyes flashed, and the flags behind it unfurled. The little fox, on the other hand, opened her mouth. Deep in her throat, energy began to gather.

Since the enemy was so aggressive, Bu Fang had no other choice but to fight! He had decided to fight all the way from District B to District A!

At this moment, the four Saints of the Great Path fell and charged toward Bu Fang from different directions, unabashedly releasing their killing intent. Bu Fang knew that if given the chance, these experts would kill him without hesitation. He would no longer be merciful.

“One man can’t fight against an army?”

Bu Fang shook his head. If the strength of an individual reached an extreme level, even an army could not do anything to him. The best example was the Queen of Curses. She could easily wipe out an entire army alone.

But... Was Bu Fang the Queen of Curses? Of course not. And, of course, the army had its strengths!

In the sky, those God-Emperor-level soldiers joined their aura, while the savage beasts they rode roared wildly. Soon, they formed an array. A surge of energy burst from the array and materialized into a huge cursed snake.

This was a very terrifying cursed snake. Its scales were covered with a layer of chilly luster, and its every move was filled with explosive power capable of shattering heaven and earth. It was definitely the most deadly weapon of war.

The next moment, the soldiers attacked!

Whitey thrust the spear it was holding and collided with the troops. The spear struck the cursed snake with a deafening boom!


Beneath the cursed snake were many soldiers of Void City. All of them were under the command of a marquis and had been ordered to kill Bu Fang. When so many soldiers shouted in unison, the void seemed to be on the verge of shattering.

Impacted by the shout, Whitey took a step back.

On the other side, the four Saints of the Great Path were closing in on Bu Fang. They each held a divine artifact, and they wanted to kill him on the spot. They thought he was too presumptuous to try to start a war with Soul. josei

Shrimpy had grown larger and turned into a golden ray of light as it flew at high speed in the sky. It was moving so fast that it was almost traveling through the void. Foxy sat on its back and kept spewing Soul Demon meatballs.

The golden meatballs fell on the cursed snake and exploded with great power, causing its body to tilt. Whitey took the opportunity to keep bombarding the cursed snake.


“The marquis will reward us handsomely if we kill the chef,” said the leading Saint of the Great Path with glowing eyes.

The next moment, all four of them struck at the same time as if they had planned it in advance. The curse power spread rapidly, turning into a hurricane and enveloping Bu Fang in an instant. The gale whipped up sand and rocks, while the ground began to crumble continuously.

The battle had only just begun, but the fluctuations that it released were already extremely terrifying!

Many people were watching from afar. Some of the experts who did not support Soul chose to watch, but more people were laughing at Bu Fang for overreaching himself.

They could not believe that someone was planning to fight Soul’s army alone. It was known to all that almost the whole army of Void City was under her control, with only a handful of soldiers divided between the other two Curses Goddesses.

Meanwhile, someone else was watching from the depths of District B. Those were three experts with terrifying auras. They were not as strong as the dukes, but they were not far off. It was easy to guess that they were the three marquises.

The three marquises were the rulers of District B, and they divided up the whole district. The bad news for Bu Fang was that two of the three were supporting Soul.

Bu Fang’s Vermilion Robe was fluttering. His feet were on the ground, and he was constantly moving, dodging the deadly energy blasts that were falling from the sky like a butterfly amid an explosion.

With an expressionless face, he glanced up at the four Saints of the Great Path. They were closing in on him in a menacing manner. Suddenly, he stomped his foot and shattered the ground. His hair floated up and then began to turn white.

Since Bu Fang’s cultivation base had improved, he was already physically strong enough to carry the power of the Artifact Spirits, and all the previous restrictions were gone.

“White Tiger... kill them all,” Bu Fang said indifferently.

The next moment, his black hair completely turned white, and his aura had changed as well.

An icy, evil smile spread across the corner of white-haired Bu Fang’s mouth. He was Howling the White Tiger now, who had full control over his power. He held out his hand and spread his palm. The crimson divine flame that pulsed over his palm was turning white, too.

With a rumbling sound, four energy blasts fell to engulf and kill Bu Fang.

White-haired Bu Fang, however, only let out a long whistle, and he stomped his feet again. The ground of District B cracked, and powerful waves of air burst out from those cracks. Then, like a flash of white light, he sprinted straight toward the four energy blasts, unflinching.

Bam! Bam!

A mass of gorgeous light burst in the sky, so bright that it dazzled everyone’s eyes.

The hearts of the four Saints of the Great Path skipped a beat. They did not think they could have killed Bu Fang so easily. Moreover, the violent aura he emitted was so obvious that it could not be concealed by the explosion. They did not dare to lower their guard.

Suddenly, the explosion was wiped out. In Bu Fang’s hand, a white flame danced. He clenched his palm and crushed the flame. The next moment, the flame turned into a white tiger in midair and pounced fiercely on the four Saints of the Great Path.

At the same time, Bu Fang’s body also bounced toward them like a spring, approaching at a very fast speed. With a wheezing sound, he closed in on them in a flash.

“In front of me, Howling, you are all trash!”

Bu Fang grinned, showing his sharp canine teeth. Then, he and the four Saints of the Great Path began to fight. In the blink of an eye, they exchanged thousands of moves, their arms clashing so fast that it was impossible to see clearly.

Suddenly, a loud crunch rang out as the face of one of the Saints was twisted by a blow. His arm broke, and he crashed to the ground like a meteor. The other three Saints were also knocked away by Bu Fang.

However, this was only the beginning!

Bu Fang moved like a ghost, looking as fierce as a tiger. He put his palm on the shoulder of a Saint and cracked the guy’s bones. A large amount of blood spurted from the wound and spilled from the sky.

Bu Fang screamed like the craziest man in the battle as he punched the Saint over and over again. Suddenly, he ripped the Saint’s body in half, spilling the guy’s blood and entrails on the ground. The Saint’s divine soul managed to flee the body, but he looked panicked.

Bu Fang did not stop. From the moment he asked Howling to kill them, the tragic end of these Saints of the Great Path was already decided. When the White Tiger showed up, there was bound to be a massacre!

A ball of flame swirled, turned into a flaming spear, and pierced another Saint of the Great Path in the chest. The divine artifact in the Saint’s hand lost its luster and fell, smashing the ground. The next moment, the tip of the flaming spear shook, and the Saint’s body exploded. His divine soul escaped, too.

The two remaining guys suffered the same fate. The White Tiger never showed mercy.

Such a bloody, brutal scene shocked countless people and made them forget to breathe. They now knew that when a chef started killing, it was quite terrifying!

The four Saints of the Great Path were defeated!

After being possessed by the White Tiger, Bu Fang was so strong that he could even defeat the person in charge of the fighting pit. Although the crone’s strength was relatively weak, she was, after all, a Chaotic Saint.

In the distance, with the joint efforts of Foxy and Whitey, the battle was quickly over. After the array formed by the God Emperors was destroyed by them, the soldiers lost their ability to resist.

With every Soul Demon meatball she spewed, Foxy annihilated a bunch of soldiers. The explosion generated by the meatball was simply too much for the weaker soldiers to resist. As for Whitey, its tactics were much bloodier.

Shrimpy flew back and landed on its shoulder. Then, Whitey kept thrusting its silver spear and pierced a solder with every thrust. The soldiers had encountered their worst nightmare. No matter how hard they tried, they just could not dodge or fend off the spear.

All the God Emperors who were pierced by the spear burst apart instantly, while some of them even had their souls shattered and died on the spot. Whitey, who up until now had been just stripping off its opponents’ clothes, finally showed its brutal side.

The soldiers felt chills run down their backs. Routed, they fled madly toward the distance.

Whitey kept its steady pace. With the silver spear in its hand, it walked step by step. Under the starlight, its mechanical eyes flashed, and its white body was bathed in blood. It looked domineering and aggressive at this moment.

The battle was over. The bodies of the four Saints of the Great Path were torn to pieces by Bu Fang, and their divine souls had fled, while the soldiers were routed by Whitey with a spear.

All those who saw this ending gasped, dumbfounded. Some of the nobles in District B were shivering. They all thought that Bu Fang was a madman. The soldiers of this squad belong to the marquis’s army, and yet he killed them without hesitation!

A squad of soldiers was routed. This seemed to be a preliminary fulfillment of Bu Fang’s promise that he alone could stand up against an army.

“Let’s fight our way in,” Bu Fang said faintly. He raised his chin and played with the fire with one hand.

Whitey, Foxy, and Shrimpy followed him as they headed toward District A. Along the way, no one in District B dared to stop them. Some of Soul’s followers did run toward them, howling, but they were all impaled by Whitey’s spear or torn by Bu Fang’s hands.

The nobles of District B simply could not stop him. Bu Fang led Whitey and the others from the entrance of District B to the inner part of the district, killing anyone who tried to stop them.

“Why hasn’t the Marquis made a move? Are we just going to let this crazy chef kill people here in such an impudent way? This will ruin the reputation of District B!” cried a viscount of District B. He was covered with blood. Earlier, he had tried to stop them, but Whitey had put a hole through him with the spear.

Bu Fang and his companions had gathered momentum of their own. At this moment, they were unstoppable!

In his spirit sea, Bu Fang put his hands behind his back and looked indifferently at everything outside. The White Tiger was in charge of the slaughter, so it was the best decision to leave this task to him.

Suddenly, Bu Fang’s pupils constricted. Outside, white-haired Bu Fang and Whitey stopped, for a surge of pressure fell and blocked their way forward.

With a rumbling sound, a long, blood-colored knife fell from the sky. It hit the ground with a clang, and half of the blade was sunk into the ground.

Bu Fang felt something flicker in front of his eyes. The next moment, a heroic-looking woman wearing a blood-colored robe with blood-colored hair appeared and stood on the hilt of the knife.

Behind her, one expert carrying a bloody knife after another stepped out. They were so numerous that they soon covered the sky!

There was a moment of complete silence among the nobles in the surroundings, and then an uproar broke out.

A marquis finally struck!

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