Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: It is impossible to admit...

Him, Ivan Hals!

The werewolf savior, the second-level Merlin Medal winner, how could the little wizard known as the Dragon Knight be willing to be an owl locked in a cage and being teased by a group of little witches...

Therefore, Ivan naturally struggled to resist, using the form of an owl, in a fierce chase with a group of little witches in Hufflepuff’s girls’ dormitory, he managed to escape.

But this matter, it is impossible to admit it, and it is impossible to admit it even if it is killed...

Otherwise, there will be some strange rumors in the school tomorrow.

So Ivan pretended to be calm and shook his head, saying that he had never seen such a strange owl.

Professor McGonagall glanced suspiciously at Ivan.

She had just taught Ivan Animagus Transfiguration for not long, but after more than a month, there was suddenly a rumor of a strange owl.

After hearing the news, McGonagall guessed Ivan’s body for the first time.

But it's just a guess, and it's impossible to determine the authenticity.

After all, the most critical step before the Animagus potion takes shape is to wait for a storm that is big enough!

Hogwarts has not had a storm at all in recent months, so theoretically it is impossible for Ivan to learn Animagus at this time.

Ivan also knew this, so he didn't panic. After thinking about it, he said again.

"Professor, don't you suspect that my owl, Maca, ran out? It stays quietly in the dormitory these days and hasn't been out for a day. Harry and both of them can testify."

"Really? I hope so..." McGonagall raised his eyebrows, packed up the organized textbooks, and walked out of the classroom.

After Professor McGonagall left, Ivan breathed a sigh of relief.

I couldn't help but feel fortunate that I had pushed the exploration mission to more than 70% in advance, and for the time being, I couldn't use the Animagus form.

Otherwise, Ivan is really worried that Professor McGonagall will be caught on the spot when he sneaks into the female dormitory to explore.

Thinking of that scene, Ivan couldn't help shivering.

After sorting out his emotions, Ivan walked out of the classroom door. Hermione, Harry, and Ron were already waiting outside.

"Ivan, what did Professor McGonagall say to you? I saw the professor frowning when he left." Hermione asked curiously.

"Maybe the professor is not satisfied with my learning progress, right?" Ivan didn't want to mention his dark history, and casually explained.

Harry and Ron were speechless, but they knew how high Ivan's transfiguration was. Professor McGonagall wasn't satisfied yet?

"The professor is too strict with you." Hermione couldn't help but said.

"It's okay, it's not too strict..." Ivan scratched his head. He just talked casually, and then quickly changed the subject.

"Let's go to the Quidditch stadium, today is the last day of practice."

The four came all the way to the training ground, where George and Angelina were already waiting, and Wood held a long package in his hand.

After seeing Ivan, Wood handed the package over.

"What's this? Is it for me?" Ivan reached out and took it, unwrapping the bag.

Inside is a brand-new broom. The stick made of mahogany is engraved with the words "Guanglun 2001", which looks golden in the sun.

"Light Wheel 2001? Who bought it?" Ivan asked in surprise.

"Of course it's Professor McGonagall!" Wood said with a smile on his face, and then explained.

"I got the Slytherin team to Seven Light Wheels 2001. I told Professor McGonagall about you, a new flying genius, so maybe Professor McGonagall thinks it is necessary to add Granville. The winning percentage of the Fendor team..."

Ivan's expression was very strange. He didn't expect Wood to be such a chicken thief, asking Professor McGonagall to help him get a new broom.

Thinking that he had just fooled Professor McGonagall, and turned around holding the broom bought by Professor McGonagall, Ivan always felt a little weird.

"Halse, try it on the ride, take advantage of the time today, hurry up and get acquainted." Wood said.

Ivan nodded and stopped thinking about the mess. Professor McGonagall bought him a broom, obviously wanting the Gryffindor team to win.


On Saturday morning, Ivan, who trained late last night, was called by Harry early.

Thinking of playing a Quidditch match today, Ivan hurried to the large exhibition hall, and after a quick breakfast, he rushed to the Quidditch arena.

Although the game didn't start until eleven o'clock, the seats of the four major academies were already crowded with little wizards who came to watch.

Ivan couldn't help but sigh with Quidditch's charm in the magic world. It seemed that most of the students at Hogwarts had arrived.

Ivan walked into the locker room and changed into a gold and red team uniform, while Wood routinely gave a speech before the game.

"This time it’s Slytherin. Don’t take it lightly just because you defeated them in the last practice. Seven Light Wheels 2001 gives them a great advantage in speed, and it’s likely that they have already worked out The way to deal with Hals..."

"Then they will be surprised, because Ivan is not a hitter at all this time!" George interrupted with a grin.josei

There was also a smile on Wood’s face, but he still seriously warned everyone to show 200% strength and let the Slytherins take a good look. It’s not just a good broom that can make a good game. !

After reviewing the new tactics again, time quickly approached eleven o'clock.

Seeing that he was about to play, Ivan suddenly remembered that Harry seemed to be hit by a runaway ball in the original, and he reminded him aloud.

"George, you will pay attention to Harry later, lest he is targeted."

"Harry? What's the matter? Why do you say that?" George asked strangely.

"I'm worried that those Slytherins are cheating, so just be careful." Ivan said in a vague tone. He couldn't say that there would be an elf named Dobby who would control the wandering ball to attack Harry, right?

Besides, it is not certain whether this will happen or not~www.mtlnovel.com~ After all, Hogwarts is very stable these days, there is no basilisk, and no heir to Slytherin.

This made Ivan feel that he had obtained Tom Riddle's diary before, which was indeed the right choice, otherwise he would have to worry about the attack by the basilisk now.

"Okay, I'll look at Harry." George nodded casually, patted his chest and said.

Although he didn't quite believe the Slytherins and dared to play some tricks in the Quidditch match, if Ivan said that, he would naturally pay more attention to it.

Ivan nodded, vaguely feeling what might happen to this Quidditch match.

At this time, the door to the arena had been opened, and Ivan had no choice but to converge and ride out on his light wheel 2001...

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