Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 200

Chapter 200: Foul, you are foul!

Ivan rode a broomstick through the semi-circular passage and flew all the way to the center of the arena, with waves of cheers and cheers coming from his ears.

"Gryffindor must win!"

"Fuck those Slytherins!"


With the support of the amplifying props, the entire stadium resounded with the shouts of the Gryffindor lions, and the top of the college seats was swishing improved fireworks.

The fireworks rushed into the sky and exploded suddenly, transforming into a lively little lion, roaring loudly at the opposite Slytherin seat to show provocation!

The little wizards in Slytherin didn't look good, and their cheers and encouragement were suppressed by their opponents, but there was nothing to do.

At this time, someone secretly sold the same magic item as the opposite Gryffindor. For the rich Slytherin, he did not hesitate to give generously. No matter how powerful, Gryffindor could not give it away. Press it down!

Ivan on the field also noticed this situation and couldn't help but smile.

Unexpectedly, Fred really had a way. He bought a Slytherin to help him sell things on this occasion...

However, sales work in other academies has not been so smooth. After all, this game has nothing to do with them. Only a small number of little wizards will be willing to applaud other academies.

Just as Ivan was thinking this way, he saw a spark exploded over Ravenclaw's seat in the distance, and another lion screamed in the sky.

Ivan looked over curiously and found that the person who launched the fireworks was Luna...

The little witch, who hadn't seen her for a long time, changed into a strange dress today, with a big lion head hat on her head. The hat gave out a very realistic roar from time to time, and it shook with Luna's movements.

The rest of the Ravenclaw academies looked at Luna with weird eyes, and even deliberately sat a little farther away from her.

Luna didn't take it seriously, holding the Gryffindor's must-win flag on her own, and after meeting Ivan's gaze, she waved her hand to indicate.

Ivan wanted to respond, but then remembered that he didn't seem to know Luna, so he had to give up. At the same time, I was a little surprised why Luna would take the initiative to greet him.

"Listen to my whistle! Three...two...one!" Ms. Huo Qi, as the referee, shouted loudly at this moment on the sidelines of the game.

Ivan turned his attention back to the arena, and when Ms. Hooch said the last number, she galloped out in the lead...

The goal is the flying ghost ball in the middle of the arena!

As the latest type of broomstick, Light Wheel 2001 is fast like a gust of wind. As soon as Ivan's force, Angelina, who is also a chaser, was left far behind by Ivan.

However, during the training yesterday, the tactics were already discussed, so Angelina was not discouraged, and followed the step-by-step support from a distance..

The most shocking was the chasers across from Slytherin.

They thought that taking advantage of the speed of the broomstick could take the lead in the opening, but unexpectedly Ivan suddenly replaced it with a new broomstick.

After hitting a bad information, Ivan got the ghost fly ball almost effortlessly.

"Wait, Hals, aren't you a batsman? A foul, this is a foul!" Several Slytherin players shouted.

But soon someone remembered the position of Ivan when he entered the field. It was indeed not the position of the batsman.

To understand this, the faces of the Slytherin players turned dark, which means that they were all tricked. The effort to dodge the ball a few days ago and the mutual protection tactics of the two teams also lost their effect. !

"It's a wonderful layout!" The commentator Lee Jordan said excitedly. "Ivan Hals deceived all of us. He is not a batsman at all, but a seeker!"

"Those Slytherins can't think of this! Everyone can look at Slytherin's captain Marcus, his face is green!" Jordan's hands were filled with the free amplification props given by Fred, impassioned. The explanation sound was heard clearly throughout the arena.

"Enough, Jordan, you give me a good explanation of the game, or I will get you down and get someone else!" Ms. Huo Qi couldn't help interrupting Jordan's words.

Jordan remembered his tragic experience of being dragged off the court last time. He suddenly changed his voice and began to explain the game honestly.

At this time, Ivan on the field took advantage of the fact that the Slytherin team had not fully reacted, and the formation was chaotic. He took the Guifei ball all the way to break through the numerous obstacles and scored the first goal of the audience. In the box.

Won the first point for Gryffindor!

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from Gryffindor’s seat. Many little wizards even got up from their seats, shouting for Ivan’s cheer...

Lee-Jordan also spoke with excitement.

"Goal scored! Hals scored the first goal within a minute or so of the opening. This is definitely the fastest goal ever scored!

Damn it! I knew I should bet that Gryffindor could score more than ten goals..."

Jordan was very regretful, and complained in his heart that George and Fred had concealed his Ivan's role as a chaser, otherwise he would definitely make a fortune.

"What did you say you bet on? Jordan?" Ms. Huo Qi interrupted suspiciously.

"Ahem..." Jordan almost failed to pick it up in one breath, and hurriedly turned to explain. "I mean, I bet with people this morning that we Gryffindor will definitely score ten goals..."

Fred, who was off the court, saw Jordan running the train with his mouth full, and almost exposed the gambling situation. He had the urge to strangle him!

Fortunately, Ms. Hooch was different from Professor McGonagall and didn't mean to ask, which made Jordan escape.

On the court at this time, the situation is not optimistic. After Ivan hit the information gap and made the first goal, the Slytherins who reacted to each other organized a new tactic in just a few minutes. .

The initial mutual protection quickly changed to offensive tactics, except for the goalkeeper, the seeker, and a chaser who was responsible for containing Ivan.

The other members are divided into two teams ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to surround a Gryffindor player. They fly not only fast, but also highly uniform. It is easy to stick a single player.

Then, before the other Gryffindor players rushed to support them on old-fashioned broomsticks, relying on the advantages of the number and the speed of the broomsticks, they were driven off the field...

Even at the risk of getting a free throw for a foul...

Despite explaining how Jordan’s tongue was in the arena, the Slytherin players didn’t take it seriously. Winning is the most important thing...

Ever since, after an operation surrounded a Gryffindor player and fell off the field, Angelina, as a chaser, became their next goal...



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