Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 794

Chapter 794: You should be thankful that you don’t have the talent to be a villain

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

Malfoy was silent for a while, then looked around, stammering. "I want to tell you something alone..."

"Yes!" Ivan waved his hand, greeted the little wizards onlookers to continue practicing the spell, and then took Malfoy out of the responsive house alone.

Walking in the empty corridor of the castle, Malfoy said hesitantly, seeing no one around him. "The Dark Lord wants to kill you..."

"Well, I know!" Ivan raised his eyebrows, not surprised at all.

He had previously used the mind to read the corresponding memory from Malfoy's mind, so Ivan quickly stopped, turned his head to look at Malfoy, and said.

"The one chosen by Voldemort to do it is you, right? Malfoy?"

Draco Malfoy's pupils shrunk slightly, and he looked at Ivan in surprise. He didn't understand how he knew. For these days, he hadn't acted according to the direct vision of the Dark Lord at all, and there was no possibility of revealing himself.

Could it be that there was a ghost among the Death Eaters?

Malfoy suddenly became a little flustered, and Ivan was misunderstood, so he hurriedly explained.

"Although the Dark Lord asked me to find a way to assassinate you, I didn't do that, and Snape... Professor Snape was sent by the Dark Lord to supervise me, so I must send you something every once in a while. , To show that he is working... I told him to put candy in the package to dispel your vigilance and to prepare for future poisoning..."

Malfoy confided in what he should have said or not, but what made him feel a little more panicked that Ivan's face remained the same, as if he had known it a long time ago.

"Relax, I didn't doubt what you meant..." Ivan calmed Malfoy's excitement before continuing. "But you came to me specifically tonight, just want to tell me the news?"

Malfoy hesitated, then spoke. "It's my dad who wants to see you... The last two messages to you are our sincerity..."

Having said that, Malfoy's expression was a bit awkward. In fact, Lucius was asking him to please Ivan Hals as much as possible, and to ease the relationship with the other party at all costs.

But in the face of such a "dead enemy" who has been fighting for more than four years, Malfoy can't help but choose to send gifts and send intelligence to this stupid way...

"Oh? Lucius wants to see me?"

Ivan finally had some surprises. He tried to probe Malfoy's thoughts, only to find that the other party didn't know why Lucius met him.

However, the mind of the second and fifth boy is also very easy to guess. It is nothing more than feeling that Voldemort has lost a big defeat. He is hiding in the safe house like a bereaved dog. It seems that it will be finished sooner or later, so he decisively chose to jump back...

Thinking of this, Ivan settled his mind and continued to speak.

"So, you betrayed Voldemort by following Lucius' orders? What about yourself? I remember you should really want to be a glorious Death Eater..."

Ivan's tone was tinged with a hint of sarcasm, and Malfoy's face suddenly flushed red, and it took a long time to stammer in response.

"I thought... I thought being a Death Eater would be able to..."

"Can you bully the Muggles wantonly and reproduce the glory of the pure blood wizard supremacy?" Ivan indifferently finished the next words for Malfoy, and then continued with a sneer.

"But obviously you are wrong. You discovered that the Death Eaters are a bunch of lunatics. Voldemort is harsh to Muggles and more vicious to his own people. In his eyes, you are just the most humble servants and lackeys!

He forced you to kill me, but you dare not do it, so you are afraid? If you are afraid to complete the task, he will torture and kill you and your family? "

Ivan's eyes looked at Malfoy as sharp as a carving knife.

Draco Malfoy opened his mouth to refute, but in the end he closed his mouth dejectedly.

Because Ivan didn't say it wrong, he did think so before, and even thought that becoming a Death Eater was a cool thing.

It wasn't until that day when he saw his father Lucius with his own eyes that he was tortured by the Dark Lord with a Heart-piercing Curse for making a mistake, and his illusion collapsed...josei

The rule of the Dark Lord is not heaven, but a bottomless hell.

The Death Eater’s actions are no better than usual jokes. He either chooses to kill or be killed. There is absolutely no third possibility...

"So you have too many concerns and don't have the talent to be a villain, Malfoy..." Ivan said half sarcastically and half emotionally.

Draco Malfoy remained silent, and his expression was very low. The extremely humble attitude of Lucius in front of Voldemort that day almost shattered his three views and made him understand that the so-called pure-blood glory is not worth anything at all. mention.

Paying attention to Draco Malfoy's frustrated look, Ivan shook his head, then put out the other person's mind, and said directly.

"Didn't you just say that your father wanted to see me? Malfoy? I can give him a chance to inform Lucius and let him come to Hogwarts tomorrow night... I will be in the living room on the first floor. Wait for him, the time is one o'clock late at night!"


Late on Saturday night, at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy stood in front of the hall and waited anxiously, staring into the castle~www.mtlnovel.com~ for fear of being caught by Filch on patrol. .

At ten ten midnight, a figure shrouded in black robe walked in from outside the hall.

Draco breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried to greet him. The figure also reached out and took off the hood from his head. It was Lucius Malfoy who came.

"I received your letter, Draco, you did a good job this time, now take me to see Ivan Hals." Lucius patted Draco on the shoulder and said appreciatively.

Draco nodded, and hurriedly led Lucius to the first-floor meeting room.

Along the way, Lucius asked from time to time what happened in Hogwarts since the beginning of school, especially everything related to Ivan.

This is an extraordinary period, and the envelope was intercepted, and I didn't dare to say too much when communicating, so Lucius just had a general understanding before.

All he knew was that Draco had deceived Snape by sending a package and hid some notes with intelligence in the package, thus gaining the trust of the other party, and had the opportunity to meet this time.

However, Lucius was very dissatisfied with Draco's means to win over Ivan Hals, too petty! It took only a few dozen gallons from start to finish, which made him feel very disappointed, knowing that it usually costs tens of thousands of gallons to win over a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic.

"If you don't know what Hals likes, you can also start from his friends and give them some gifts... Those little ghosts are always easier to deal with, nothing more than new brooms, gift toys and the like." Lu Husti lighted and said.

Draco kept a black face and didn't reply.

friend? Which friend?

That annoying Harry Potter? Or the red-haired Weasley? Anyway, he has no face to give gifts...

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