Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 416 The One Called Grandmaster

Chapter 416 The One Called Grandmaster

Everyone's head was raised high, staring at the choppers descending the scene.

"Sir, we have eyes on the targets."

The agents and officers on the scene quickly reported the matter to their superiors on the other end.

Many already had weapons on hand, ready to fire if need be. 

They were indeed told these people were guests.

However, that didn't mean they would compromise their primary objective, which was to keep Mr. Elric safe. 

In the back of several people's heads, this whole thing was playing like a setup.

On the other hand, they were unwilling to admit that a case they couldn't figure out or find a starting point with was already solved by people who hadn't even been on the crime scene before. 

Wasn't that an insult to their nation'sintelligence? 

It meant that no one, police or agents, could solve the case. 

In other words, they had worse detective skills than foreigners.

At least, that's what many, including the news headlines, would say once word goes out.

The media would eat them raw with all sorts of made-up stories. 

So how can they not feel insulted?


Many inwardly scoffed, looking at the descending Choppers. 


Are you saying the great helper who arrived solved the case by watching the live broadcasts? 

What's more, how can these people be so confident that the missing streamers were on the hill and also alive?


They didn't believe it!

But what can they do if their superiors had already permitted these mysterious guests to the scene?

They inwardly felt these people were too suspicious and won't be able to help much. 

Thus, they had a hint of hostility in their eyes but dared not show it. 

After all, people who can make their superiors polite.

Plus, don't you see the famous Field Marshal Wiggins, Harry, and Berry here too?

To be able to call these powerful and famous people to gather here means these strangers might also hold powerful titles. Or perhaps they were overthinking things. 

Maybe it was solely because of the case that Wiggins, Harry, and Berry came over.

Either way, everyone felt cautious of these strangers in the chopper, despite their inner thoughts. 


Whoop. Whoop. Whoop~

Many people's thoughts were spinning, seeing the Choppers' propellers slow down. 

The 23-year-old Company commander Julius stood by his father's side, curiosity gnawing at his heart. But he stayed silent, listening to the old goggles by his side converse.

Elric's ball rolled up and down his throat, looking at the already landed choppers. "Wiggins, the famous Field Marshal Gia called in for them?"

"Hmmm... His tone was of utmost respect. We must be careful of the one called Grandmaster."

Berry and Harry raised their brows.

"I'm curious to know who this Grandmaster is. According to Old Gia, pissing him off Is equivalent to pissing off the world itself. Meaning there will be no way to run if we anger him?"

"I heard that part too. But how can a single person hold so much power? Why do I think the old man exaggerated?"

Whether it was Elric, Julius, or the others, their eyes widened the more they heard.

Who is this Grandmaster they speak of?

They had already pictured an old sage man with years of wisdom in his eyes, running fleets and groups of powerful forces and organizations in the shadows located everywhere in the world. 

After all, if angering this person means angering this world, wouldn't it mean his influence was everywhere, including the city they were currently residing in? 


Didn't you hear what Wiggins said? Even the powerful Elric will not be able to compete with such a force if irked.

Lost, spurious, and confused, everyone was on edge, seeing the Chopper doors finally open.

Should they advance, or should they wait for the guests to approach them? 

Left leg forward, right leg moving backward...

Their feet were confused on what to do. 

But those in the Choppers had already jumped out. 

Eh? Uniforms?

The uniforms were school-like and well-fitted with high collars and simplistic yet elegant designs, as though they were students of some rich academy. 

Everyone expected to see people in military wear, but they were met with such a scene. So how can they not be taken aback? 

They had to admit that these people looked too good in their attire. 

And what the hell was up with their skin? josei

Could it be these people were in a beauty club or something? 

Their skin and looks were dashing, making Elric's secretary Kim and several other female soldiers, agents, and officers feel aggrieved.

Who can tell them why so many people from the east have such bouncy, clear, and youthful skin? 

If it were just one person, they would think it was a coincidence. But when everyone is like this, then it can be said there's something they do in the east that they in the west don't do. 

As people in their positions, they had met many people from the east before and confirmed that these people had good and delicate skin types. But those standing here were on another level. 

What they didn't know was that these guests had far better and more youthful faces because they were exorcists on the path of cultivation. 

"Look! Isn't that the famous Old Hou of the medical world?" 

"Oh, my heavens! He looks far younger than what his pictures show!"

"Tsk. They didn't do him any justice at all. And there... That's his son, no? Jung Hou?"

"What? That's the 31-year-old Jung Hou? No way. Why does he look 21? What the hell are these eastern people eating to look so young?"

Old man Hou looked to be in his late 30s, while his son looked to be 20 to 21.

Seeing the famous Old Hou, many felt a strange sense of liberation, as though Old Hou's experience had made the entire group of eastern foreigners credible. 

But old Hou and Jung Hou weren't the only ones they recognized.

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