I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Legacy (4)

TL/Editor: looloo

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Here

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A scream echoed.

It felt similar to the power I wield.


A faint trace of Demonic Qi is perceived as well.

[…You're alive, Heavenly Spirit?]

[Huff, huff. Is this the voice of the Heavenly Demon?]

Nyeom was sensed.

I looked at Heavenly Demon.

"Do you know him?”

[Technically, it's a her. The Heavenly Spirit. The mistress of the Tianma from the previous generation.]

[Shut up! Why would I be that woman's mistress? I lost my innocence because of her! Damn it, if you touch me, you have to finish it! Does it make sense for me to die a virgin?!]

[I should have been allowed to go all the way!]

[You, you're still as crude as ever!]

[Who are you to act so noble! The crazy woman who moaned every time Tianma touched her sword!]

At the words of Heavenly Spirit, Heavenly Demon faltered.

The Heavenly Demon also moaned back then….

When I looked at Black Heavenly with a strange eye, Black Heavenly made a wronged face.

[Don’t look at me with those eyes!]

I turned my gaze away. To the book inscribed with Black Divine Martial Arts.

[So why are you here?]

[…It's because of Tianma's order, of course. Because she ordered me to protect this place, I can't leave here.]

[Tianma's order still binds you?]

[…I can't help it because that bitch weakened us and sealed us before she died.]

[…Heavenly Demon did?]

As Heavenly Spirit growled, Heavenly Demon made a surprised expression.

[Yes. I don't know what that damn woman saw in her last moments, but she was bitching about how we should curse her. You know too, right?]

[I don’t know. I thought I knew about Tianma...but it seems like she used some kind of trick on me.]


Heavenly Spirit sucked in a breath as if amazed.

[Of course. There’s no way Heavenly Demon wouldn’t have touched you. She must have taken great care to refine you.]

“…So do you know anything?”

[Me? I know a lot. You're the Heavenly Demon of this generation, right? You're really handsome this time. The last one was a woman, but why did she illuminate women so much?]

Heavenly Spirit chattered gleefully.

[Anyway, even though I was weakened by Tianma, my name is Heavenly Spirit...]

[Heavenly Spirit should be able to teach basic sorcery.]

[Hey! I was about to say that!]


[It’s a contingency in case the master can't master Black Divine Martial Arts. Its performance is vastly inferior compared to Black Divine Martial Arts.]

[You're stating the obvious. Black Divine Martial Art is a martial art crafted by that monstrous woman, after all.]

"So you're saying I can learn sorcery."

I made a subtle expression.

Black Divine Martial Art is an excellent martial art in and of itself, but there are times when it's inconvenient.

‘The drawback is that it all focuses on close combat.’

Despite that, the martial art that assists it is just a seeing technique.

According to the Black Heavenly Demon Sword, it thought it was sufficient as it had no equal even with just the power of the Heavenly Demon.

Regrettably, I don't possess as much talent as the Heavenly Demon. However, I believed I could craft a talent just as good.

"How proficient are you in sorcery?"

[Are you asking me to teach you? I do know a few offensive spells that could pose a threat to the highest class, but most of my knowledge lies in supportive magic. Besides, the Heavenly Demon mentioned that its memories are still unstable, right? I'll help you. I really know a lot.]

The Spirit urgently proposed.

"What if I were to absorb the Heavenly Demon's Qi?"

[I would be completely useless then! I haven't recovered from the power the Tianma used against me! Please, save me! If you keep me alive and listen to my knowledge, wouldn't that be more helpful?]

As I looked at the Black Heavenly Demon Sword, it nodded with a complex expression.

[The Spirit isn't bad. Because of its brightness-inducing personality, it's the only woman the Heavenly Demon forcibly labeled as troublesome.]

[What do you mean by inducing brightness?]

The Spirit grumbled.

"Then, among those sealed like you, are there any useful ones?"

[There are many who are useful in terms of abilities.]

"And their personalities? Are they cooperative?"

[I doubt it.]

The Spirit said in a cool tone.

[Compared to me, they are at a really good level. There's a woman who served only the Tianma. There's also one who happily stabbed my heart when the Tianma imposed restrictions. And a woman who committed suicide because she couldn't serve another Tianma.]


[Compared to them, I'm considerably good, right?]

Listening to the Spirit's story, it seemed angelic in my eyes.

[So you'll choose me, right?]

"……I'll think about it."

But that alone wasn't enough to select the Spirit. It was a bit ambiguous. It's a bit of a letdown to come all this way and leave without gaining anything......

[Ah, that's right! The damned previous generation Tianma mentioned leaving something for the next generation Tianma.]

"Something left behind?"

[Yes! You just need to infuse the Heavenly Demon's Qi into the Black Divine Martial Art scripture!]

Following the Spirit's words, I laid my hand on the Black Divine Martial Art scripture and channeled the Heavenly Demon's Qi into it.


However, the Black Divine Martial Art scripture turned black and quickly transformed into something like fragments.

"This is……"

Just at a glance, I could tell it contained a tremendous amount of Heavenly Demon's Qi. If I absorbed this, it might increase by at least 5.

[That's a part of the Heavenly Demon's Qi left by the previous owner. Of course, there should be about 24 more fragments like this.]


The Spirit said cheerfully, but it's unlikely there would be that many.

The backdrop of this world is that various dimensions have been mixed up due to the shattering of the Earth's dimension and a subsequent dimensional fusion.

'Even if there are more, they might have merged with other things.'

Still, it's good information.

The story that my power can increase each time I gather a legacy related to the Heavenly Demon.

I tightly gripped the fragment and absorbed the Heavenly Demon's Qi.

[Your conceptual stat, Spirit Against Heaven, increases by 5!]

A semi-transparent window appeared in front of my eyes.


At the same time, the Spirit's appearance also changed.


Raei Translations


Emerging from the cave with the legacy of the Heavenly Demon, I found that the day had already turned to dusk.

The deep violet sky welcomed me.

[Huzzah! It's been a while since I've breathed in such fresh air!]

The black fox, a sort of embodiment of the Heavenly Spirit's power, excitedly bounded ahead.

The moment I absorbed the mana contained in the bead fragment, the Heavenly Spirit was bound to me.

Consequently, knowledge about her magical techniques sprung into my mind.

I'll need some practice to get the hang of these.

With a simple flick of my finger, a black flame ignited in thin air.

[Indeed, you are a worthy successor to the Tianma. Your talent is already impressive.]

"The mastery over the Heavenly Spirit shown by our master surpasses even that of previous Tianmas."

"...To that extent?"

The Heavenly Spirit looked at me with surprised eyes.

This was all thanks to my conceptual stat of Spirit Against Heaven and my Unfathomable Talent at an A- rank.

[But how should I address you? Master? Dear Husband? For reference, I do like the sound of Dear Husband.]

"Just call me by my name."

[Okay, Master Seoha!]

I pressed against my throbbing head.

I hadn't done anything particularly strenuous, but I felt a headache coming on.

'Well, at least there was a gain.'

The techniques possessed by the Heavenly Spirit were quite impressive.

Most of them could be executed using the power of the Heavenly Spirit, rather than relying on magic.

Following the map sent to me by Ersil, I walked on.

After about thirty minutes, a luxurious-looking house, the type one might see in a comic or animation, came into view. It seemed to be about five stories tall.

"Living quite well, I see."

"Indeed. It seems to rival my villa."

The Heavenly Demon and the Heavenly Spirit chimed in together.

I walked towards the front gate.

As I approached, the gate opened automatically. A man who seemed to be a security guard bowed silently towards me.

'I suppose Ersil has sorted everything out.'

Upon entering, I walked for about three minutes to reach the house, where a handsome butler greeted me.

"You must be Mr. Lee Seoha. Please come in. Miss Ersil has been expecting you."

The butler led the way.

Once inside, a pool came into view, and everyone was playing around in the water.

"Oh, you're here."

Ersil greeted me.

For some reason, she was wearing a school uniform shirt and skirt.

I checked Ersil's status window.


[Name: Ersil Merhen]

Strength: 10, Agility: 15, Stamina: 15, Magic: 25, Spirit: 25, Talent: 20


-World Created by Lies(?), Dream Within a Dream(S-), Eye of Illusion(A+), Eternal Nightmare(A-), Combat Instinct(B+) and three others


-Merhen's Basic Magic Control(S), Super-Speed Spirit Shield(A+), Basic Elemental Control(B) and ten others


-True Dream Body

Her stats were similar to mine, but her status window was plastered with her skills and talents.

'The talents are truly fearsome.'

They are far more impressive than Hong Yuhwa's.

Discounting the World Created by Lies, which was made possible thanks to Melanie, there was the Dream Within a Dream that allowed reality to be eroded by illusions and the Eye of Illusion. Though lower in rank than Divine Vision, it was still a remarkable ability.

And then, the Pinnacle Transformation Physique.

Just with her talent alone, Melanie would be exasperated. But with Ersil, who also possessed the unique physique known as Pinnacle Transformation Physique, which dreams of true illusions, there was more than enough reason for Melanie to teach her wholeheartedly.

"Ugh, where are you looking?"

When I was checking Ersil's status window, she cocked a smirk, pretending to cover her chest.

"I'm quite pretty, aren't I? I even look good in a swimsuit, what do you think?"

"...What are you talking about while wearing a school uniform."

"Hmm, so you're not swayed by this level of illusion."

Ersil looked at me as if she found it strange.josei

She was testing my limit after all.

"Ah, you're too much. Kim Seohyun fell for something like this."

"Well, Seohyun is still learning."

"Are you discriminating against people? Well, it's fine. I also have a hidden spell up my sleeve."

Ersil smirked, raising one corner of her lips.

"Whoa! Wait a moment, Hong Yuhwa!"

The frantic voice of the club president rang out. I moved my gaze to see a water spray coming in this direction for some reason.


I quickly manipulated the Demonic Qi to create a curtain, a technique learned from recollecting the Heavenly Spirit.

However, Ersil got hit by the spray of water head-on.


Ersil's forehead momentarily creased.

After looking at her soaked clothes for a moment, she changed her expression.

As she looked at me.


"Hmm, so you can make that kind of face too. Well, it's not bad."

She smirked, and with a snap of her fingers.

The water evaporated. Her school uniform returned to its original state.

"Oh right, there's a small ball being held tonight, would you like to come?"

She then whispered quietly to me.

"A ball?"

"Yes, it's just a small gathering. A masquerade ball, so feel free to come. Oh, I think some students are going as well."

"To the ball?"

"Yes. The girl known as the Sword Fairy from the class next door is coming too. Her name was Seol Hwaryeon."

I was reminded of the 300+ messages piled up on my phone.

The ones that came solely from Seol Hwaryeon.

"....I'll go."

"Hmm, so this was your hobby?"

Ersil cocked her head for a moment, then soon nodded her head.

enjoy! :)

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