I Shall Evolve Everything

Chapter 138 Assault (6)

Chapter 138 Assault (6)

I zoomed in on the camp, my hand holding the rifle and aiming at the most powerful presence. Next to me was Rhea, who had done all the calculations. Although I could have done the calculations on my own, I thought it a better idea to let her do them, to give her more experience.

Mere miles away from our position was an island, structures were being built and used in mere seconds, I had no idea what they were used for. It may have been punishment, it may have had a deeper meaning but I did not care. The only thing I dared for was the leader, a tier 3 existence that seemed to take joy in the suffering of his underlings. I could honestly care less about him and his tendencies but right now they were a hostile force, someone that had invaded this realm and more importantly good target practice.

I smiled, my finger tensing as Rhea read me off the calculations.

There was no need to adjust them, she had done the calculations exactly right. As expected of my apprentice.


A shit echoed out, the bullet flying fast enough to pierce the head of the leader before he could even blink.

The rest of the Gauls panicked m, their leader dead. They ran in different directions, some organized obviously of higher intelligence and other just mindlessly walking in directions counterproductive to whatever the organized ones were doing.

The chaos only lasted for another minute, their forces finally being organized. However I wasn't idle in that time, while they were organizing I deposited my apprentice over to them, allowing her to finish off the rest.


"Hm" I hummed out, my eyes scanning the surroundings that I had been deposited in.

All around me were Gauls not just numbering in the thousands but in the hundred of thousands.

There were so many of them I wondered if I could even kill them all. I looked down to the ammunition that I had and found that to no surprise I didn't have enough ammo.

"Hah" I sighed, taking another look around, it seemed that I wasn't even going to be able to escape.

With the possibility of escape off of the table I started my combat algorithms, they may not be as good as Delta's but it would keep me alive against them.

Luckily most of them were tier 7 or 8 which while high wouldn't be too much of a problem. One well placed bullet would kill them.

With everything in place I started, my rifle was dragged into its ready position, my finger putting pressure on the trigger as my first target was determined.

A Gaul that had noticed me fell, a well placed bullet piercing its brain as it fell to the ground, dead.

A roar echoed out as thousands of the Gauls finally noticed me and the combat truly began.

Immediately I leaped into the sky, my legs only allowing me to jump so high, if my bodily functions had not been upgraded with my ascension to tier 6 during my evolution with Delta then I would have not have been able to jump even a couple of feet. However with my ascension to tier 6 my legs were powerful enough to bring me high into the air where I flipped myself around, the barrel of my gun emptying the magazine into the dense crowd of Gaul that deemed themselves powerful enough to combat me.

I sneered at them, even with all of their numbers it would still take thousands of them before they even put a scratch onto me.

Though I could not dwell on my distaste for them for long as soon I descended down into the crowd.

Moments before I was due to land though I popped the pin off of a grenade I held, throwing it into the crowd.


An explosion rang out killing off at the very least 20 or more of them. I did not dare to exert any processing power into counting my enemies, so the only estimation I had was by my sight and even then I barely paid attention to their numbers. Only the immediate threats.

With a soft thud I landed on the shrapnel infested land caused by the grenade I threw, the land around me strangely quiet, as if the Gaul were contemplating how to approach me.

However it didn't last for long as a keening screech echoed through my ears, a sort of instruction was sent to the grunts as they rushed at me with reckless abandon. All higher thinking was gone from their eyes.

I hated to admit it but whoever was commanding them was smart, the greatest advantage they held over me were their numbers but by fearing me that would be lessened as they were more cautious.josei

However with that single command any hesitation that the Gaul had disappeared along with their higher thinking.

"Tsk" I clicked my tongue, reloading my rifle as I dodged around hundreds of Gauls that were attacking me.

Claws and heads were all I saw as hundreds of them slashed and numbed at me, the only thing saving me from death was my combat algorithm that was constantly running the numbers for the optimal position of not only my feet but everything.

Where my head, my legs, my arms, torso, even the position of my toes. Everything was taken into account however sooner or later I was going to run out of bullets.

Even now I only had about twenty or so more magazines of ammo. Enough to kill at the very least thousands of them but not the hundreds of thousands that surrounded me.


The magazine fit into place and just as quickly was discarded as the hundred shots that fit inside of it were emptied upon the crowd.

It was only then, in my desperation for a solution to my problem of ammo that I remembered, the sea of data, the constant numbers that I had accessed while evolving.

Even as claws surrounded me, threatening to kill me I tried to access that realm again.

Wounds racked up as I focused my attention on that realm, of that vision.

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