I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 611

Chapter 611: Future Promise

Chapter 611: Future Promise

“What are you doing? Let go of me.”

After a moment of hesitation, the class leader struggled and broke free from my grasp.

It’s not like I couldn’t restrain the class leader, but I was afraid I would injure her arm if I used any more force.

So I could only let her pull her army away from from me.

The class leader led the confused Obama and got as far from me as possible.

The young girl who had long hair down to her waist and the Husky who had his tongue hanging out of his mouth, quickly followed along the brook and moved over ten meters.

It looks like she was afraid I would catch up to her.

I was originally at a loss, but then I suddenly realized something.

If the class leader didn’t want me to catch up, then why didn’t she walk upstream? If she went back to a place with more people, then I wouldn’t bother her anymore. Now that she’s walking downstream, doesn’t it mean she’s getting further away from everyone else?

But at this distance, even the class leader wouldn’t be able to smell anything foul, right?

As expected, when I caught up to the class leader, not only was the air around me fresher, but the brook was widening and the clear water reflected the sparkling sunlight.

A gentle breeze blew by which caused the class leader’s hair to rise up slightly, revealing the hidden words that were usually printed on the back of the white t-shirt.


It was supposed to be ‘those years, we were together’, but the other words were blocked by the class leader’s hair.

If it wasn’t because of the wind, then I wouldn’t see the word together either.

I suddenly lost my breath and thought if it was a revelation from the heavens.

But then, in an untimely manner, it occurred to me that Fang Xin had predicted: the one I love the most will die unless I go to him to find a way to break it.

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. I’m an atheist, I only believe in the laws of physics.

Also, how did I get onto the topic of who I love the most, I only wanted to clear up a misunderstanding with the class leader.

“Ahem.” I cleared my throat and the class leader stopped but still had her back facing me.

“Nothing happened between me and Winnie, it’s a misunderstanding.”

I didn’t know where to put my hands, so I simply stuck them in my pockets and kicked the pebbles along the brook to cover up my embarrassment.

Just like what the class leader did not long earlier.

“Why do you need to tell me what you did with Winnie.”

The class leader still didn’t turn around and she didn’t show me her expression.

But her shoulders were fluctuating up and down along with her rapid breathing.

“Because you’re the class leader, so I have to report it to you.” I relaxed my tone a little, “I at least wanted to let you, who cares about our group reputation, know that Winnie and I didn’t violate the ‘100 rules against intimate contact between boys and girls’.”

“Really?” The class leader was skeptical, but her tone returned back to normal when I mentioned the class’ reputation.

“It’s completely true.” I said, “Since Winnie and I are both PE committee members, and she… is good friends with my distant cousin, so the two of us are in contact quite a bit. But you know how Xiong YaoYue acts around boys, so she only treats me like a buddy…”

The class leader, however, did not want to listen to my one-sided defense. She opened her mouth like an interrogator and recited with her back still faced towards me: “Rule 1, boys and girls are not allowed to hold hands on campus…” josei

Eh, class leader, are you going to recite all the rules? Do you want me to respond to each one to prove Xiong YaoYue and I are innocent?

I rose my right hand like a witness in a courtroom, “I’ve never held Winnie’s hand other than arm wrestling.”

After examining my movements and the expression on my face through the reflection in the water, the class leader continued to ask without stopping:

“Have you two followed the second rule where boys and girls are not allowed to write each other love letters?”

She asked in a tone of “I’m asking for the reputation of the class, so don’t misunderstand”.

“Do you think Winnie and I are the types to write love letters?”

The class leader nodded as if to say ‘that’s true’, but continued to ask:

“The third rule, boys and girls are not allowed to give each other gifts of special significance…”

“I’ve only bought Winnie ice cream as thanks for helping me out in PE class…”

“The fourth rule, boys and girls are not allowed to go on dates on holidays to parks, amusement parks, etc…”

My right hand was still raised up in the air, “I’ve never been on a date with Winnie.”

The class leader wasn’t tired at all, and actually kept asking rule by rule without even omitting one like she was playing a game.

As I answered “no” one by one, the tone of the class leader seemed to be getting more and more relaxed.

Honestly, why does it feel like a wife questioning her husband if he had another lover.

My mouth was already dry from answering questions when we finally reached the fiftieth one.

“Boys and girls are not allowed to have lip to lip contact for any reason, either on or off campus. Otherwise their parents will be notified and they will be criticized by the school…”

The class leader stopped halfway. Through the reflection of the water, I could see her face was dyed crimson red with shame.

The smart class leader actually forgot a simple principle: “If she can see my face with the water’s reflection, then I can see her face too!”

The class leader must have recalled the time when we accidentally kissed because she had to pluck a white hair from my forehead.

As the class leader, as someone who memorized the “100 rules against intimate contact between boys and girls”, knowingly violated the rules. If she keeps reciting the rules, then when she gets to the rule about checking out rooms, she will think about how we slept in the same hotel room. Not only were we in the same room, but we also slept together.

“Class leader, don’t ask anymore.” I said loudly, “I’ve never done any of the things I did with you with Winnie.”

“Gong CaiCai didn’t explain it clearly and made you misunderstand.”

The class leader fell into a short silence, same as me.

Actually, Gong CaiCai wanted to say Xiao Qin and I had an ‘affair’ while Xiong YaoYue was covering it up for me.

But I feel a little reluctant to confess to the class leader t that I have an awkward relationship with Xiao Qin right now.

The class leader had already accidentally overheard Dad and Auntie Ren’s conversation and knew that Xiao Qin and I might have a brother (or sister), so it was only logical that the two of us would become brother and sister.

Having a step-sister be your girlfriend is a bit unconventional. Also, the brother (or sister) that I share with Xiao Qin, will she have a distorted view of life and think that it is normal for a brother and sister to get married?

Ah, so annoying, let’s forget it for now and first explain the misunderstanding with Winnie.

The class leader suddenly sighed, “I’m indeed not a good model.”


“After a careful review, I realized I already violated the rules many times…”

She put the hand that wasn’t holding the leash over her heart, “I don’t have any rights to rebuke you and Winnie…”

For some reason, I connected the word ‘rebuke’ to what Gong CaiCai said earlier about the class leader not being able to get married.

In the heat of the moment, I blurted out: “Class leader, stop being so unhappy all the time, I will take responsibility for you.”

The class leader’s body shook and she barely was able to suppress her emotions, “What silly words, what do you have to be responsible for?”

“Why not?” I gave examples, “We kissed, hugged, slept…”

The class leader made an action like she was going to release the dogs and I hurriedly swallowed the words “slept together” and “spanked” back into my stomach.

“Some were unpreventable and some were misunderstandings.” The class leader said arrogantly after taking a deep breath.

“I don’t need you to take responsibility. I’ll thank the heavens if you can become a self-reliant and useful person to society in the future and not cause me any trouble.”

Class leader, you’re planning to be a police officer in the future, so if you hope that I don’t cause you trouble, do you mean you hope I won’t turn into a criminal?

“No way…” I waved my hand. Although Xiao Qin’s dad was a mafia boss, there’s no reason for me to follow his footsteps.

“Do you promise or not.” The class leader suddenly turned around to ask me.

I don’t think it would be hard for me to not be a criminal.

“Alright, I promise.” I scratched my head.

The class leader then immediately brushed passed me as if she was worried other students will discover we broke rule 22 for talking alone for such a long time.

But at the last glance, I noticed the corners of Shu Sha’s mouth were turned upwards into a confident smile.

Do you need to be that happy when I only promised I wouldn’t be a criminal?

Or was I not paying attention and I also agreed to something else?

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