I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 901

Chapter 901: Counterattack Attempt

Chapter 901: Counterattack Attempt

As they waited for the pizza to be delivered, white suit, the leader of the Seven Heroes of Dong Shan (there were 4 of them still standing), formulated a plan to defeat Fang Xin.

“It doesn’t matter whether Fang Xin needs Ye Lin as a guardian to help him become a god or not, it just means he needs Ye Lin in some way. As long as we kidnap Ye Lin, Fang Xin will definitely come to us, and when the time comes…”

White suit said as he made a cutting gesture along his neck.

“Furthermore, if I can find out the secret of becoming a god from Fang Xin, then maybe I can become one myself. After becoming a god, I can go to Hawaii anytime and anywhere. I’m here… coconut trees, a sea of ??trees, and hula dancing…”

Is that your only goal? Are you going to become a god just to go sightseeing in Hawaii?

At this time, the pizza deliveryman sent by the police knocked on the classroom door.

Xiao Li unlocked the door and let the other person in, and I discovered that the pizza deliveryman was actually Officer Ma pretending to be a deliveryman.

So he chose to lead by example instead of handing the task to another officer. He was wearing a pizza shop employee uniform and a red and white hat, which hid the determined eyes of a veteran officer. It didn’t make Xiao Li suspicious as he took the four boxes of pizza.

Not only did white suit not order food for the hostages, but he also didn’t order food for his three accomplices who were knocked out. I really don’t know why he wanted to help the police save money.

“Can you sign this?” Officer Ma took out a delivery receipt and took a step into the classroom, “Someone already paid for the pizza, but you need to sign to confirm that the pizza has been delivered to the customer…”

There were holes in his reasoning and real criminals would never let delivery people inside, but it worked pretty well for mentally ill people.

“Okay, I’ll sign.” White suit rolled up his sleeves, “I’ll show you the results of my hard-work from practicing Wang Xizhi’s calligraphy.”

“No, let me sign it.” Xiao Li took the delivery receipt and said excitedly: “I’ve always been looking for a chance to sign my name for someone. Where’s the pen? Why do you only have paper and no pen?”

“I’m sorry, I forgot to bring one. It’s a good thing this is a school, so the students should have one.” Officer Ma took another step toward the middle of the classroom, and winked at me and the other hostages as he used the brim of his hat as a cover.

Among the people present, both the class leader and Gong CaiCai had seen Officer Ma before. The class leader knew that the police had sneaked in and bit her lips to think about how to cooperate. Gong CaiCai, who was in a petrified state, had no obvious reaction.

Although Teacher Yu had didn’t remember Officer Ma, he recognized that he was a police officer, but he still couldn’t stop himself from trembling.

Loud Mouth was focused on eating the crackers from Xiong YaoYue’s desk, while Little Smart stared at Officer Ma intently, trying to determine if he was a top or a bottom.

I noticed that Officer Ma did not bring a gun, because the other party threatened to blow up gas tank, so let alone a pistol, even a taser should be avoided.

It looks like he was planning to use physical combat to snatch the gas tank from sideburns. Officer Ma learned from the bug planted on my shoe, that the Seven Heroes of Dong Shan had an internal strife. Now only four people were still standing, so it was a great opportunity to take action.

I have to admit that Officer Ma’s judgment was correct. When Officer Ma winked at me, I nodded in response, indicating that once he took action, I would assist and subdue the four criminals in the shortest possible time.

Officer Ma had been on the front lines fighting against drug criminals all year round. His marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat skills weren’t bad. At least it was incomparable to mental patients who think about becoming gods every day. Xiao Qin and I weren’t going to sit around. As long as I take action, Xiao Qin will immediately follow up, and the class leader may throw items to help. We should be able to take care of the mental patients quickly.

Just as Xiao Li borrowed a pen from the class leader and signed the name ‘Li ZongRen’ on the delivery receipt, Lolicon No. 3 suddenly exclaimed: “This smells wrong.”

“It doesn’t smell right?” White suit, who had already stuffed a quarter of the pizza in his mouth, stopped chewing after he heard, “Does it have poison?”

“The pizza doesn’t have poison.” Lolicon No. 3 pointed at Officer Ma, “I’m talking about the smell on his body. He’s a police officer, I can tell from the scent.”

This disrupted Officer Ma’s position, and my chance to assist was also gone.

“How did you know?” Officer Ma, who was blocked off from attacking sideburns by Xiao Li, simply threw his employee hat to the ground and stopped pretending to be a delivery person.

“Hmph, don’t look down on me.” Lolicon No. 3 leaned back and said, “For lolicon like us, the first thing we need to be careful about are the loli’s parents, and then the police. I could smell your scent from two miles away.”

“Teacher.” When the situation became extremely urgent, Xiao Qin raised her hand, “I want to go to the bathroom. Can you let me go? I can’t hold it in anymore.”

The teacher Xiao Qin mentioned obviously did not refer to teacher Yu, but the man in a white suit standing behind the lectern.

White suit seemed to like being called teacher very much. When he saw Xiao Qin hurriedly asking to use the washroom, he probably thought that he was really a teacher, so he nodded and said:

“Okay, go quickly and try to get back before I get to my main points.”

“No, we can’t let her go.” Lolicon No. 3 stopped her, “Students who ask to use the washroom in the middle of class may not come back before class ends, let alone those who are being held hostage. If she really can’t hold it, she could use this bucket. Anyway, I don’t mind seeing a small-breasted loli go to the washroom, hehehe…”

“You’re all perverts, let me go to the washroom.” Xiao Qin jumped up from her seat like an ordinary girl and ran towards the front door of the classroom that wasn’t closed yet because Officer Ma had just entered. josei

“You think I would let you go?” Xiao Li subconsciously went to intercept, which gave Officer Ma the opportunity to take action.

In order to free up his hands free to eat the pizza, sideburns put the lighter back into his pocket. Officer Ma ignored the others and rushed towards sideburns with lightning speed. The target was of course the gas tank in his right hand.

Xiao Qin didn’t really want to go to the bathroom, but was using it as a distraction. Xiao Li stopped her at the door, but she didn’t panic. She pointed at Lolicon No. 3 and said to Xiao Li: “Look, an alien.”

“What.” A lie usually used to deceive children actually worked on Xiao Li. He, who suffered from intermittent facial recognition disorder, really seemed to regard Lolicon No. 3 as a despicable alien invader.

While Xiao Li was distracted, Xiao Qin jumped up and chopped the back of Xiao Li’s neck with her hand. Xiao Li made a strange ‘gurgling’ sound and fell to the ground.

“Everyone, run.” After getting rid of Xiao Li, Xiao Qin opened the door of the classroom and called out to the teacher and classmates sitting in the front row of the classroom as hostages.

“Ah.” Xiao Qin was suddenly struck on the nose by a piece of chalk. Officer Ma was also hit in the corner of his eye by a piece of chalk thrown in the same direction, and his attempt to snatch the gas tank failed.

“How dare you run around the classroom during class time and yell out loud.” White suit held three pieces of chalk between his fingers like a wolverine claw, and said angrily, “Sit back down, you guys are the worst class I have ever taught.”

Teacher Yu just saw Xiao Qin open the door and was about to run outside with everyone, but now he was scared back by white suit.

“No one… no one can take away my gas tank.” Sideburns quickly swallowed the pizza in his hand, then took out the lighter again and lit it up as he pressed his other hand tightly on the valve of the gas tank.

Although Xiao Li was knocked out, white suit saved the situation in a flash with two pieces of chalk. As long as sideburns could detonate the gas tank at any time, the initiative was still in their hands.

Moreover, Xiao Li was super tough. After receiving a blow from Xiao Qin, he actually got up within a few minutes. He only suffered from brief amnesia and couldn’t remember who he had been hit by.

“My neck hurts… I must have had a stiff neck after sleeping last night.” He murmured to himself.

It was a pity that Officer Ma’s attacked failed when Xiao Qin created an opportunity.

If I could attack at the same time at this time, even if white suit’s chalk-throwing skills were amazing, we could have won.

The person who prevented me from attacking in time was none other than Xiao Qin.

When she ran out from my right to ‘go to the washroom,’ she deliberately knocked down her chair in front of my feet. This was probably because Xiao Qin was sure that Officer Ma would take advantage of the opportunity she created to attack the criminals. If Officer Ma succeeded, then I didn’t have put myself in danger.

Sideburns had a gas tank, and Xiao Li had a fruit knife, so there was a real chance of getting hurt if you ran near them. It seemed like Xiao Qin was trying to do a good thing, but she hid her selfish intentions of wanting Officer Ma (or even herself) to take this risk for me, hoping that the matter could be resolved without my intervention.

However, she didn’t expect that white suit was a master at throwing chalk. Since I was hindered by the chair at my feet from attacking, the assault failed and made provoked sideburns even more.

Xiao Qin wiped the chalk dust on the tip of her nose, but she didn’t wipe it clean and it became a mess on her face. She sent me an apologetic look as if she wanted to say ‘I’m sorry’.

Although it was a bit regretful that the counterattack failed, I really don’t want to blame Xiao Qin when she worked very hard. She deliberately created obstacles for me to attack because she didn’t want me to get hurt.

“This small-breasted loli actually knows martial arts.” Lolicon No. 3 shouted, “I hate this trait. If all loli in the world know martial arts, then what can us lolicon do?”

“Then tie her up.” White suit said calmly, “Just use the wrapping rope from the pizza delivery.”

“Don’t touch Xiao Qin.” This suggestion made me angry all of a sudden. It didn’t matter if she was my childhood friend, step-sister or cat maid, I couldn’t let Xiao Qin get hurt in front of me.

“Don’t you guys want to use me to lure Fang Xin out? I’ll go with you and the other hostages can stay behind in the classroom. They are of no use to you anyway.”

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