In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1559-1560-1561

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1559-1560-1561

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1559-1560-1561

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1559

When I flipped to the next page, a notice regarding the change in the company’s personnel caught my eye.

I proceeded to read it out loud, “As decided by the company’s higher-ups, Ms. Scarlett Stovall has been appointed as the president of Fuller Corporation. This change is effective immediately.”

Upon closer inspection, I realized that this notice was released one week ago.

Doesn’t this mean that it was published two days before we crafted the plan to seek out Tiffany’s headquarters?

Immediately, I looked at Ashton with suspicion. To my surprise, he already had his affectionate gaze fixated on me. “We’ve been married for so many years; why are you still looking at me like that?” Ashton asked with a smile.

“I wouldn’t get tired of looking at you,” I replied. When he heard my reply, Ashton’s smile broadened. After a few moments of playful banter, he finally explained, “I anticipated that Tiffany would take advantage of the situation when we made our move. Hence, I made this change in advance and froze all assets. Right now, the entirety of Fuller Corporation and all of the investments Tiffany has made to Fuller Corporation belongs to you.”

I glanced at the file in my hands and nodded. “Doesn’t this mean that I’m rolling in dough now?”

Yet, I couldn’t find it in myself to rejoice. Right now, money and materialistic assets weren’t the things I valued the most. Instead, I wanted to watch my children grow up in a safe environment and spend the rest of my life by Ashton’s side.

“I suppose you can put it that way,” Ashton replied.

“Wow!” I exclaimed in mock surprise before placing the document back on the table. “Now that I know what it feels like to be wealthy, where are the documents that you need me to sign? Why don’t you hand them to me? You don’t have to inform me of every little thing. I’m letting you take charge of this.”

After all, he had transferred the equity to me in order to trap Tiffany. Now that things were settled, Ashton must have shown me these files because he needed my signature to regain ownership of the shares. This way, Ashton would have the eligibility to sign some important documents.

Although Ashton must have given me these files out of respect, he had always been the one who handled the business aspects of our relationship. Hence, this entire ordeal felt unnecessary.

Ashton merely shrugged. “What documents are you talking about?” he asked, deliberately flashing an innocent look.

I couldn’t help but shake my head in exasperation. What trick is he trying to pull now? ”I’m talking about the document which will transfer all of my shares to you. You aren’t going to leave this wealth to me, right?”

Ashton’s grin widened as he smiled in amusement. “Why not?”

I frowned and gave him a doubtful look. “Ashton, this isn’t funny.”

To any other young woman, Ashton’s “gift” would have made them giddy with joy. However, I’m not naive enough to be fooled by his trickery. If I take over such a huge corporation, I would spend the rest of my life working my fingers to the bone. Ashton is just dumping all of the work onto my shoulders.

Ashton let out a heavy sigh as he pushed the file toward me again. “This is a betrothal gift,” he said solemnly.

Betrothal gift? ”What?” I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “Earlier, you said that we have been married for so many years. Why are you talking about that now? Grandpa gave it when we first got married. There’s no such thing as paying it twice. Mr. Fuller, even if you want to quit, shouldn’t you give me a better excuse?”

Ashton leaned back into his chair as he stretched his body languidly. With his arms crossed together, he closed his eyes. “Looks like I can’t hide anything from you,” he murmured.

The secret to a perfect marriage is to keep your wife as happy as a lark. From my viewpoint, it looks like Ashton is trying to do the exact opposite!

I shook my head with a smile. “Let’s stop joking around. You should get Joseph to prepare the documents. The earlier I sign it, the earlier we can leave. Besides, we shouldn’t keep our guests waiting too,” I reminded him.

After all, the couple looking to adopt Shaun was still waiting for our arrival. Making them wait for us was not a sign of good hospitality.

All of a sudden, Ashton said casually, “Why don’t you marry me?”

It felt as if time had come to an abrupt halt. I couldn’t even believe my own ears. “What did you just say?” I gaped at him as I tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1560

Promptly, Ashton opened his eyes and reached out his right hand to rap his knuckles against the file on the desk. “Since you aren’t going to accept the betrothal gift, this will be my dowry. Let’s get officially married again.”

We locked eyes across the table. When I saw the look of determination gleaming in his gaze, I couldn’t muster a proper response. He’s not joking at all.

On the other hand, Ashton remained as cool as a cucumber. “There are a total of one hundred and ninety-seven countries in this world. In these countries, there are about six hundred news outlets located worldwide. The cost of prime-time advertisement amounts to around forty million a day. With a three hundred million budget from Fuller Corporation’s quick turnover, it should be enough to keep the advertisements playing for a whole week.”

“Wait a minute, what advertisements are you talking about?” I blurted. Is he rambling to himself? Has he forgotten that I’m still here?

My question seemed to jolt Ashton out of his daze. However, his look of surprise was quickly replaced with a solemn one. “I’m talking about the advertising for our wedding. Since you are getting married to me, shouldn’t we broadcast it to the world?”

Oh my God, who on Earth taught him to say such absurd things with a straight face!

“Pull yourself together. Stop talking about marriage!” I gulped nervously. Did Simone’s tragedy freak him out? I couldn’t help but ask in worry, “Are you all right?”

For several moments, Ashton remained silent as his eyes locked onto my face. Wordlessly, he rose to his feet and circled the desk to make his way in front of my seat. All of a sudden, he lowered his head until it was mere inches from mine. Startled by our sudden proximity, I shied away. Yet, Ashton merely inched closer. Both of his hands clamped around the armrests of my chair, keeping me trapped against it.

It wasn’t until I had my back pressed against the chair that Ashton finally halted his advances. His mouth was so close to mine that the slightest quiver meant that our lips would meet.

“Does it look like I’m not all right?” A playful look flitted across Ashton’s dark eyes. “Is it so hard for you to take the title as my wife?”

Given the look of arrogance on his face, Ashton must have predicted that I was afraid of getting the short end of the stick.

Although I was reluctant to admit that Ashton’s assumptions were correct, it was fortunate that I had past experiences dealing with money. I won’t let him intimidate me with such ease.

With a deep inhale to regain my composure, I straightened my back. Startled by the sudden movement, Ashton flinched backward.

“Did I scare you?” I teased him with a smug smile. “Weren’t you so full of yourself when you asked me to be your wife?”

When Ashton realized I was only pulling his leg, the corners of his lips twitched upward into a smile. Swiftly, he planted a kiss on my lips before he drew himself to full height and backed away. “I’m being serious. In the past, the love I had for you was always restrained and limited. Now that we are spending the rest of our lives together, I want the entire world to know that we are a couple. Whenever someone sees your name, I want them to think of me too. Scarlett, even if we became inseparable, it will not be enough to convey the undying love I have for you.”

Ashton paused before he continued, “Once Shaun has been sent away, let’s go to Illurasia and register our marriage. We can hold our wedding ceremony there too. John can take care of the children while we embark on a honeymoon.”

Finally, I realized that Ashton was being serious.

He wanted to use our honeymoon as an excuse for some privacy. This way we could do as we pleased.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out the reason behind Ashton’s sudden yet romantic suggestion.

Now that I had a clear grasp of Ashton’s intentions, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to laugh or cry. “I know what you are trying to do. However, it’d be best if you dismiss that notion. We aren’t children; we should not spend on such extravagant things. Spending hundreds of millions to promote our wedding is too excessive. Ashton, you were raised with a strong military background. You shouldn’t forget the values of diligence and thriftiness that you’ve learned growing up. If I let you spend as you pleased, Grandpa will be rolling in his grave. He’ll be sure to haunt me in my dreams.”

Before Ashton had a chance to retort, I quickly rose to my feet and grabbed my bag. “I’m doing this for you,” I said as I strode out of the room. “If word about our marriage spreads, everyone will think that one of the most dignified men in K city has been reduced to nothing but a pathetic son-in-law who married into his wife’s family. To avoid a situation like that, we should keep a low profile, all right?”

After putting more emphasis on my last sentence, I yanked the door open and dashed out. I was afraid that Ashton might try to stop me. In haste, I headed into the elevator. It wasn’t until the elevator doors slid shut that I finally smiled in relief.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1561

I knew Ashton’s stubborn personality like the back of my palm. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. To achieve his goals, it was likely that he’d already started to brainstorm for other ideas to convince me.

Nevertheless, I was happy that he had his attention fixated on something else. It meant that Ashton was finally breaking free from the Hall family.

After waiting in the car for several moments, Ashton finally arrived late on purpose. When he got into the seat next to mine, there was a dark expression that loomed across his face.

Even when the car started, Ashton did not spare me a single glance. Instead, he kept his hands firmly on his knees. It looked like he was drawing an invisible boundary between us.

Although I had only ever seen women sulk in silence, Ashton’s sullen demeanor was no different. In fact, the petulant pout on his face looked extremely out of place.

The sight of Ashton’s clenched jaw caused me to stifle my laughter. In an attempt to catch a better glimpse of his face, I leaned forward. At the same time, the car drove over a sudden bump that sent my flying forward because I’d forgotten to put on my seatbelt.

The next thing I knew, a pair of muscled arms had wrapped around my waist and guided me back to my seat with a firm yet gentle grip.

Immediately, I looked up and saw a deep frown across Ashton’s forehead. A look of exasperation and frustration was present in his jet-black eyes.

It felt like I could read his inner thoughts. Even though he’s angry at me, his rage wouldn’t stop him from protecting me.

Unable to hold back my laughter anymore, I burst into a fit of giggles.

When he heard my laughs, Ashton’s mood seemed to worsen. After all, he must have never faced such a predicament before. In the past, he was the one who put others on the spot. Now that the roles have been reversed, he must be feeling very gloomy.

Despite his foul mood, he kept one of his hands stubbornly wrapped around my waist. Ashton spent the rest of the journey with his face turned to the window as we sat in silence.

On the other hand, I followed in Ashton’s past footsteps. Brazenly, I ignored his foul mood and leaned my head on his shoulder throughout the entire car ride.

The couple who planned to adopt Shaun were a pair of university professors. Although they spent a long time waiting for our arrival, they did not complain. Even when they greeted us, the couple was amicable and cordial.

From this act alone, I could discern their true personalities and character.

Ashton and I quickly settled down opposite them. Although we were supposed to discuss Shaun’s adoption, Ashton’s subordinates had already done a thorough background check on the couple. Hence, we made idle small talk.

After mulling it over, I said to Yuna earnestly, “Shaun is introverted and shy. Once you bring him home, I hope you and your husband will be patient with him. Please give him ample time to adjust.”

Throughout our entire conversation, Yuna had a warm smile on her face. When she heard my advice, she quickly nodded. “Mrs. Fuller, please relax. We can’t bear any children of our own. Shaun will be in safe hands. We promise to treat him like he’s our own child. Eventually, we believe Shaun will accept our sincerity and love.”

While she spoke, Yuna glanced at her husband as they laced their hands together. I could see a spark of gratitude and joy gleaming in the couple’s eyes.

I nodded my head in satisfaction. It looks like Shaun has found the perfect home. Fate has led him to this loving couple.

Right then, loud yells echoed from the back of the house.

“Oh no, Ms. Audrey fell into the water! Please help!”

“Quick, she is choking on water!”

When I caught wind of the panicked cries, it felt like a bolt of lightning had struck my body. Instantly, my entire mind turned blank.

Immediately, I jumped to my feet and hurtled toward the back of the house without any regard for my appearance.

When I got to the scene, the bodyguard had rescued Audrey to shore. Judging from her limp body, she must have fallen unconscious. Without any delay, the guard began to perform CPR on her.

Fortunately, Audrey’s condition was not severe. It only took the guard a few pumps before the water she’d swallowed earlier came spluttering out of her mouth.

Swiftly, the maid wrapped a large towel around Audrey’s wet body as Ashton scooped her into his arms and rushed into the house.

Now that Audrey was out of harm’s way, I heaved out a huge sigh of relief. However, just as I began to follow Ashton, I noticed a few guards hovering in a circle nearby. When I ventured closer, I realized Shaun was also a victim of the drowning incident.

Although another guard was trying to resuscitate Shaun, the young boy showed no response.


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