In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1562-1563-1564

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1562-1563-1564

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1562-1563-1564

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1562

“What’s the matter?” I exclaimed in worry.

Even the guard’s shirt was drenched with water. “When we hurried over, we saw him pulling Ms. Audrey out of the pool. He must have choked on the water while he tried to rescue her!” the guard replied as he continued to pump Shaun’s chest.

Even after the guard completed the first-aid measure, Shaun remained unconscious. In haste, the guard carried him into the house. “Move aside! Contact Dr. Evans right now!” he yelled as he ran.

Since Dr. Evans was the Fullers’ private doctor, he lived in the neighboring villa. After a quick phone call, he arrived in just two minutes.

The sudden incident threw the Fuller residence into a state of utter chaos. Worried about Shaun’s wellbeing, Yuna and James trailed after the guard’s heels.

Although Ashton was keeping Audrey company, I decided to pay her a visit and calm her emotions.

As expected, I heard Audrey’s sobs the moment I made my way upstairs.

After all, she’s still a young child. She wouldn’t be able to control her emotions after such a huge fright.

When I entered the bedroom, Audrey was huddled in Ashton’s arms. Furthermore, there were tears and snot streaked across her entire face.

“Mommy, I want a hug,” Audrey whined when I arrived at the foot of the bed.

I quickly hugged her and patted her back to calm her down. “It’s all right. Daddy and I are here now. There’s nothing to be afraid of,” I murmured to console her.

After a long moment, Audrey’s sobs finally subsided.

Promptly, I noticed that Audrey was still clothed in her wet garments. Afraid that she might catch a cold, I ushered Ashton out and helped her into a new outfit.

“Mommy, how is Shaun?” Audrey asked when I brushed her hair.

It took me a moment before I realized she was asking about Shaun.

“Do you like Shaun?” I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss. I urged Audrey to turn around and face me before I continued, “Audrey, tell me the truth. How did you fall into the swimming pool? Didn’t Uncle John teach you how to swim?”

“Yes.” Audrey nodded with a look of innocence.

“Then how did you drown?”

Audrey pursed her lips as she looked at me pitifully. “Shaun didn’t know how to swim. Although I wanted to teach him, he refused to go into the pool. Hence, I decided to swim alone.” Audrey lowered her head in guilt. “But I swam too far from the edge. In the end, I didn’t have the energy to swim back to shore.”

“So Shaun leaped into the pool to save you even though he didn’t know how to swim. If the guards hadn’t arrived on time, the two of you might have drowned. Audrey, do you know what you’ve done?” Although I didn’t want to reprimand her. The situation at hand was too severe for me to brush it off. I needed to be strict enough so Audrey could understand the consequences of her actions.

However, Shaun’s bravery caught me by surprise. In an attempt to save Audrey, he didn’t even think twice about his own life.

When I chastised her, Audrey hung her head even lower. “I’m sorry, Mommy. I won’t do something like that again…”

Toward the end of her sentence, Audrey sounded like she was on the verge of tears again.

Usually, Audrey had a bright and cheerful temperament. She rarely cried or sulked. Judging from the guilty look on her face, I’m sure this incident will serve as a lasting reminder.

“All right, it’s good that you learned your mistake. However, don’t forget that Shaun was the one who saved you. What should you do?” I asked her.

“I will pay Shaun a visit to thank him. I won’t forget to apologize too,” Audrey replied earnestly.

I nodded in agreement before helping her tidy up her appearance.

When we walked out of the room, Ashton was waiting right outside. With a single glance, he could tell where we were going. He quickly carried Audrey in his arms and led the way.

Outside Shaun’s room, Yuna and James were pacing back and forth anxiously. When we arrived, they tagged along and followed us in.

“Mr. Fuller, Mrs. Fuller,” Dr. Evans greeted us politely. He was in the midst of gathering his medical equipment.

Ashton merely nodded his head before he asked, “How is he?”

“He’s out of danger now. However, he still needs to avoid any strenuous movement as the lack of oxygen has weakened his body. It’d be best if he has a good rest.”

“Doesn’t this mean that he cannot travel today?” Unbeknownst to us, John had entered the room. With his hands in his pockets, John leaned against the doorframe and said darkly, “This accident doesn’t

seem like a coincidence.”

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1563

When Audrey first brought Shaun back from the orphanage, John was displeased with the boy’s sudden arrival. Right now, it seemed like John was deliberately picking on Shaun.

Although Shaun had saved Audrey’s life, I couldn’t help but agree with John’s suspicions.

In comparison to Summer and Gregory, Audrey had always been more playful and lively. However, she still knew how to control herself in the right situations. Knowing Audrey’s character, this drowning accident did not sit right with me.

When John said that, a tense atmosphere filled the room. No one tried to refute his statement too.

After a few moments, Dr. Evans was the first to break this awkward silence.

“Although he’s in a stable condition, he’s displaying some symptoms of malnutrition. During this period of rest, it’d be best if you could be more mindful of his diet. If not, it might have devastating consequences when he’s older,” Dr. Evans instructed.

“We will keep that in mind. Thank you so much, Dr. Evans,” I said gratefully.

“Mrs. Fuller, please don’t thank me. I was merely fulfilling my duty as a doctor. If there isn’t anything else, will it be all right if I take my leave?”

“Sure,” Ashton replied nonchalantly.

After Ashton dismissed him, Dr. Evans and the nurse left the room.

In the wake of the doctor’s departure, Yuna, James, and Shaun were the only outsiders left in the Fuller residence.

Clearly, John’s pointed remark had affected Yuna and James. Their delight upon hearing that Shaun was fine had morphed into one of worry and pain. Before we could say anything, Yuna stepped forward. “Mr. Fuller, Mrs. Fuller, since Shaun is in such a weak state, it wouldn’t be wise for him to go embark on a long journey. Why don’t we bring him home another day?”

Judging from the look of worry scrawled all over Yuna’s face, she must be feeling sympathetic toward Shaun. As a woman myself, I could empathize with her feelings.

Shaun’s adoption was something Ashton and I agreed on. Hence, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Nevertheless, it wouldn’t hurt to delay it for a week. This way, we can repay our gratitude to Shaun for saving Audrey’s life.

Before I could reply, I heard Ashton’s husky voice echo behind me. “Can you stand it?”

Immediately, I whirled around and noticed Ashton looking at Shaun. Clearly, Ashton was telling Shaun that his adoption would proceed no matter what.

Even when talking to a young child, Ashton remained as headstrong as ever. How is he so bold? If I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t even know where to start. Maybe that’s why we are so compatible together. After all, opposites attract. There are some things that we just can’t do alone.

Promptly, silence descended over the room. We were all stunned by Ashton’s coldness toward Shaun. At the same time, everyone was waiting for Shaun’s reply. As everyone waited with bated breath, the room was so silent that one could hear a pin drop.

We had kept Audrey in the dark about Shaun’s adoption. Hence, she assumed that Ashton was merely asking Shaun if he was strong enough. “Shaun, Daddy is asking if you can stand up and play with me! Quick, stand up! I’ll cheer you on.” Audrey clapped her hands excitedly to encourage him.

The stark contrast between Audrey’s cheerful demeanor and our solemn expressions was glaring. Despite that, everyone remained silent as they did not reveal the harsh truth.

Ashton’s gaze was devoid of any pity. In fact, it was as cold as ice. Wordlessly, he stared at Shaun as a menacing aura began to emanate from his tall figure.

After Shaun locked gazes with Ashton for several moments, he seemed to admit defeat. Quickly, he yanked the blanket away and clambered out of bed.

“Mr. Fuller, I’m fine.” Shaun raised his head to look at Ashton. “The housekeeper has already informed me of this arrangement. I will leave at once.”

“Shaun, where are you going?” Audrey asked cluelessly.

Shaun glanced at Ashton before he tilted his head to look at Audrey. He smiled at her and said, “I’m going to buy the world’s sweetest lollipop for Ms. Audrey! Can you promise me to stay at home until I return?”

“The world’s sweetest lollipop?” Audrey mulled over Shaun’s offer before a bright smile broke across her face. “All right! But you have to promise to return as fast as you can. If you don’t, I won’t play with you again!”

“I promise.” Shaun nodded before his gaze darted toward Yuna and James. “I’ll be leaving now,” he murmured.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1564

With that, Shaun walked toward Yuna and James.

Yuna was told that her family had to avoid Audrey. While keeping Shaun close to them, Yuna and her husband nodded emotionally and looked at us in gratitude. After that, they brought Shaun to leave the


When they walked to the door, Audrey suddenly shouted, “Shaun, I’ll wait for you!”

When they stopped for a moment, a glint of sadness flashed across Shaun’s face. However, the next moment, they continued walking and disappeared very quickly.

Audrey felt disappointed because Shaun didn’t even look back at her. She pursed her lips sadly, fiddled with Ashton’s necktie, and murmured, “Hmph! Since Shaun ignored me, I’ll ignore him next time!”

Nevertheless, I thought Audrey would forget about it very soon and wanted to play with Shaun once they met again.

However, Audrey didn’t know that the little boy she liked wouldn’t return to this house again.

Children were pure-minded and wouldn’t pretend to love or dislike someone. Also, Shaun was probably the first kid whom Audrey treated sincerely as a friend. Nevertheless, I supported Ashton’s decision precisely because of that.

There were no perfect matches in this world, be it couples, friends, or family members. Instead, perfect matches only existed because someone deliberately created the illusion.

We had no choice but to get rid of Audrey’s friend to ensure that no one deliberately got close to her for personal interests.

After a while, Ashton put Audrey down and instructed the housekeeper, “Bring Gregory and Summer to the swimming pool.”

“Yes, Mr. Fuller.”

After the housekeeper left, Ashton gazed at me and handed over Audrey’s hand to me. “Bring the kids there. I’ll get changed and be there later.”

With that, he left the room.

Does he—want to teach them to swim?

But John has taught the children before, and Audrey almost drowned not long ago. Is it necessary to teach them to swim now?

By the time I regained my senses, Ashton had already left. Hence, I couldn’t raise my doubts. As such, I put on the swimwear for Audrey before bringing her to the swimming pool.

Gregory and Summer had changed into their swimwear and enjoyed playing around in the water with their floats when we arrived.

Apparently, the two kids didn’t need any guidance with swimming.

Seeing Gregory swimming happily, Audrey let go of my hand and rushed toward the swimming pool via the ladder.

“Greg, Summer! I’m coming!”

Audrey cautiously dipped her legs into the water but was afraid to get into the pool. Meanwhile, she fiddled with water excitedly and wished to get closer to Gregory and Summer.

I couldn’t help but shake my head smilingly. No one can tell that she has just escaped from drowning!

Since Audrey looked anxious, Summer grabbed her hand and led her into the swimming pool.

Suddenly, a whistling sound came from behind.

John had changed into his swimming trunks, showing his muscular, flawless, and slightly tanned body.

“Uncle John, you’re so cool! Wow!” Audrey hit the water excitedly as though she had become John’s fan.

John came up to me with an arrogant smile while putting on his swim cap.

I couldn’t help but shiver and purse my lips upon seeing his arrogant face. My God! Does he know how old he is already? How can he be that shameless before the children?

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Noticing the change in my expression, John placed both of his hands on his hips and questioned, “Can you think of any of my contemporaries who still has a nice shape like me? See, I still have tanned skin and an eight-pack. Also, my V-cut abs would be more obvious if I didn’t eat a lot these few days. Anyway, you’re lucky to have the chance to look at me without paying. How dare you give me a disdainful look instead?”


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