In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1565-1566-1567

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1565-1566-1567

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1565-1566-1567

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1565

“I didn’t say anything.” With that, I turned around to avoid dwelling on it. At that moment, I realized that someone was standing at the door.

Ashton had fair skin as well as attractive chest muscles and abs. Besides, even his calf muscles looked perfect. I couldn’t help but feel that Ashton looked like a young and pretty boy compared to John.

After many years, Ashton still maintained his nice figure and was fitter than many young men.

I was shocked for a while, but my lips curled into a faint smile. It was probably the first time Ashton took off most of his clothes in front of many people. Moreover, even the maids who stood afar were stunned.

As soon as John and Ashton arrived, the swimming pool became virtual heaven for young ladies.

At that time, the craziest ladies were my daughters—Summer and Audrey.

“Daddy, is that you? I can’t believe you still maintain a perfect figure! Can I take a picture and share it with my friends?” Summer commended.

Meanwhile, Audrey’s jaw almost dropped, and she couldn’t utter a word due to excitement.

Since John didn’t want to be left out, he stood at the nearest springboard and jumped into the pool perfectly. Summer and Audrey clapped their hands excitedly and shouted, “Wow, Uncle John is amazing! We love you!”

After a while, John popped his head out of the water and wiped the water droplets off his face. As he was gasping for air, he wagged his fingers at Ashton provokingly. “Don’t pose for photographs over there. Come and show us what you got.”

After flashing John a disdainful look, Ashton walked toward the springboard calmly.

Slowly, he spread his arms, held his breath, and jumped.

There were almost no ripples on the water surface when Ashton dived. The next moment, he swam quickly and came up to the children in the blink of an eye.



Once Ashton popped his head out of the water, he placed Audrey on his left shoulder and maintained his balance with another hand.

After a while, Audrey came to her senses and felt excited. “It’s fun! Daddy, I want to try it again! Hehehe—”

At that moment, Ashton’s hair was wet and stuck to his head. Besides, water droplets kept dropping down from his hair. Nonetheless, he maintained his overbearing aura and said, “Do you know who you should learn to swim from?”

“I know! I’ll learn from Daddy! Also, I almost flew just now with a whoosh! I want to try that again!” Two days ago, Audrey hugged John and said she wished to learn everything from him. It turned out that she was fickle, for she only admired Ashton now.

Once Audrey finished, the two men exchanged looks. One of them showed off his victory proudly, while the other looked helpless.

“Ashton, you’re breaking the rules. I mean, anyone can lift Audrey because she’s so tiny, and thus that doesn’t count! Let’s have one more round by swimming back and forth in the pool. Whoever finishes it first will be the winner!” John shouted as he swam toward them.

Nonetheless, Ashton ignored John’s provocation and put Audrey down from his shoulder. After that, he asked Audrey, Gregory, and Summer to line up in front of him like soldiers before a commander.

“Today, I will teach you how to deal with drowning—”

“Huh?” The glint of excitement on Audrey’s face vanished once she heard Ashton’s command. She asked Ashton helplessly and cautiously, “Daddy, are we not going to play that game again?”

As Audrey was speaking, her voice got increasingly lower. In the end, she noticed Ashton’s cold face and dared not say that she wanted so badly to play the game.

Although Ashton didn’t reply to her, his answer was crystal clear—no way. As the atmosphere became tenser, John gloated over it and didn’t persuade Ashton for Audrey.

It was Ashton’s principle to do everything attentively and wholeheartedly. “Work hard, play hard” was not his motto in learning any skills. Since children’s attention could be easily swayed, I agreed with Ashton’s teaching method. Moreover, it was better to remain cautious because they were dealing with water now.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1566

Summer probably remembered that Ashton would be irritated if they refused to listen. Hence, she took the initiative to comfort Audrey, “Audrey, be a good girl. Practice it first, and Daddy will reward you afterward.”

As Summer was talking to Audrey, both of them stole a glance in sync at Ashton, who always looked expressionless.

Under normal circumstances, Ashton wouldn’t entertain anyone’s demand. Surprisingly, Ashton wasn’t angry and only fell silent. A few seconds later, he gave in and said, “As you wish!”

It turned out that Ashton’s daughters were his soft spot.

“Oh yeah!”

As Audrey lifted her hands in excitement, she slipped through her float and fell into the water. She was caught off-guard and gulped down some water as a result. Fortunately, Gregory and Summer quickly pulled her up so that she could breathe.

“Pffft! Pffft!” While coughing out water, Audrey stole glances at Ashton but didn’t notice any changes in his expression. As such, she dared squint her eyes adorably and make funny faces at him.

After that, Ashton began to teach the children seriously. Since they had learned basic swimming skills before and were intelligent, they acquired the skills soon and spent the rest of the time playing. Meanwhile, Ashton and John continued to compete secretly to please Audrey by showcasing their swimming skills.

Suddenly, Emma showed up and put a halt to their intense competition. “John! Have you abandoned the company and your son already? Let’s get a divorce if you’re tired of me!”

John shriveled once he heard Emma shouting. He heaved a sigh and swam toward the coping of the swimming pool. “Well, my leisure time has just ended.”

Nevertheless, John didn’t forget to coax his wife with a smile. “I’m coming. Anyway, don’t always talk about getting a divorce. You’re like water, and I’m like a fish. How can a fish get out of water?”

With that, he reached out to hug Emma.

Swiftly, Emma turned sideways to dodge John and pressed her index finger against his chest. Then, she narrowed her eyes and warned, “Do you want to sleep in the study again?”

John had no choice but to withdraw his hands and obediently follow Emma to the lobby.

As the sky was about to turn dark soon, Ashton ended the class and family time and brought the kids back to take a shower.

When the kids surrounded Ashton and chatted with him happily, I felt that the blissful moment would go on and on.

Suddenly, a scar near Ashton’s knee happened to catch my attention.

After going through a lot in Venria, I instantly recognized that it was a gunshot scar.

The scar was rather inconspicuous. Perhaps I wouldn’t notice it at all if Ashton didn’t wear swimming trunks and walked in front of me for quite some time.

Usually, Ashton wouldn’t deliberately show me his scars. More often than not, he would have forgotten how he got injured when I noticed his scars.

While I was at a loss, Joseph happened to lead a few maids to clean the swimming pool. As soon as he walked past me, I said, “Excuse me, Mr. Campbell.”

“Mrs. Fuller.” Joseph came up to me politely and bowed.

“Hmm.” After murmuring a response, I fixed my gaze on Ashton’s scar and asked, “How did Mr. Fuller get injured near his knee?”

Joseph followed my gaze and saw Ashton’s scar. After falling silent for a while, he frowned and replied, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Fuller. I have no idea about it.”

“Did you say you have no idea?” I felt both shocked and amused by Joseph’s answer. Joseph has stayed by Ashton’s side and served him for many years than I have. In that case, how is it possible that he doesn’t know about it? Since when does he think I’m so gullible?

After pondering over it, I stopped walking and threatened Joseph coldly, “Mr. Campbell, do you know that your ears will instinctively flinch whenever you lie?”

Joseph was visibly startled upon hearing that. Soon, he put on a calm demeanor and said, “I don’t know, Mrs. Fuller. I’m telling the truth. After all, Mr. Fuller won’t tell me everything.”

“Is that so—” My lips curled into a smile.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1567

Although I made it up that Joseph’s ears would flinch, his hesitance had betrayed him entirely.

Inwardly, I knew that Joseph was loyal to Ashton and refused to reveal anything to me because Ashton warned him against it. Well, both the master and the subordinate are stubborn. I don’t think Joseph will say anything even if I torture him.

Besides, since we had let go of the past, I thought I could persuade Ashton to open his heart to me.

“Fine, fine. I’ll let you go this time. Get in.”

After Joseph left, I returned to my room and sat on the couch for a while.

When Ashton came out of the bathroom, I looked up at him and saw that he only covered the lower part of his body with a towel. I reckoned he would then put on some clothes to cover his body.

However, when Ashton saw that I stared at him, he narrowed his eyes and grinned with naughty intentions. “I have reasons to believe that you’re hinting something at me.”

As his wife, I certainly knew what was on his mind when he glanced at me that way.

Just as expected, Ashton walked toward the wardrobe once he finished.

“You wish!” I immediately dismissed his naughty thought.

At that moment, it came to my mind that I had never seen Ashton change his clothes for a long time. Apart from the fact that he always came home late, we rarely spent time with each other in these years. Perhaps that was also why I only noticed his gunshot scar earlier on.

With that, I stood up and followed him to the wardrobe. Then, I leaned against the door frame and scanned him without embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Ashton saw that I came closer when he put on his pants.

When we were young, it was difficult for us to look into each other’s eyes. As we grew older, we got used to it and felt comfortable about it. Pursing my lips, I didn’t show any emotions. At that moment, all I cared about was the scar on Ashton’s left knee.

Meanwhile, Ashton looked into my eyes and realized that I was gazing at his left leg. In no time, he could tell that I had noticed the secret that he had buried deep in his heart for many years.

Inwardly, I had to admit that Ashton didn’t hide it from me purposely. On the contrary, I didn’t notice his scar earlier because I didn’t care enough for him.

I didn’t ask Ashton right away, for I wished to find out if he was serious about our promise—we had to open our hearts to one another.

Although Ashton wouldn’t deliberately keep his secrets from me, he wouldn’t take the initiative to tell me either. After all, he wouldn’t tell me about the unpleasant things that he went through. Despite that, I thought it was time for Ashton to confess his feelings.

As they said, the first step is always the hardest.

“Back then, you were kidnapped when you carried our first kid. I received news from K City that the truth about my parents’ accidental death had come to light. When I rushed to the city, I was ambushed and shot in the leg. Although Zachary’s subordinates successfully rescued me, I still spent two months lying on the bed.”

Ashton sounded relaxed, as though he was talking about someone else. Besides, there was a sense of self-mockery in his tone.

It felt piercingly painful to me when I recalled what happened back then. Apart from the despair over losing my kid, I had not forgotten about the two months when I was unconscious.

During the darkest time in my life, I felt depressed because Ashton was absent when I needed him the most. I didn’t feel any better even though many people cared about me, to a certain extent that I was reluctant to mention his name for a long time.

Back then, Ashton was overwhelmed by vengeance. Despite the possibility of falling into a trap, he willingly risked his life to seek revenge and neglected the baby and me.

Since we had eventually walked out of the bitter past together, I believed we ought not to be entangled in it ever again.

“Needless to say, Rebecca was the one who took care of you for two months. That was why you wanted to repay her kindness by agreeing to marry her.” I put on a faint smile and teased him.

Upon hearing that, Ashton shrugged and didn’t answer my question directly. “Well, it’s not the whole story. She always cried and even threatened to commit suicide, and I wasn’t strong-willed enough to reject her. Besides, I had no other choice because I owed Parker. Anyway, since we were only engaged, any of us could back out anytime.”

“Hmph—” I snorted in disdain and said sarcastically, “Well, it seems that I lost back then because I wasn’t coquettish enough.”


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