In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1568-1569-1570

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1568-1569-1570

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1568-1569-1570

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1568

“It’s not too late to try it now.” Ashton narrowed his eyes and put on a naughty grin.

I waved my hand in response and turned around to leave the room. “Forget it. Mr. Fuller, if you’re so nostalgic about the good old days, feel free to look for your old friend. After all, Rebecca will be more than happy to take you in.”

I couldn’t help but spurt out some rancorous rant once we talked about Rebecca.

Fortunately, our conversation ended because Ashton didn’t respond to it.

Surprisingly, Joseph was already in the living room when I came out. It appeared that he had been waiting for quite some time.

My eyes darted from him and the wardrobe at the back. After a while, I said expressionlessly, “Have you heard everything?”

At that moment, Joseph only lowered his head but did not speak.

I was irritated when he refused to answer me at the wrong time.

As such, I crossed my arms in front of my chest and said with a stern face, “You might not want to listen to me, but I’ll make it clear anyway. Your boss and I are a family. Please don’t keep things as secrets from me as though you are wary of an outsider. Get it?”

Usually, I wasn’t naggy and wouldn’t continue to ask something that I wasn’t supposed to know. However, since Joseph always kept things from me, I couldn’t help but confront him directly.

“Got it!” Joseph replied with his head high. Besides, he was only gazing at the ceiling instead of me.

Although Joseph had answered me, I still felt that it was rather weird. Is he trying to play games with me? Could it be that he promises me now but intends to only follow Ashton’s orders as usual?


“What Mrs. Fuller wants is what I want.”

As I wanted to threaten Joseph, Ashton suddenly came up to me. At that time, he looked gentle with his casual outfit and loose hair.

Since Joseph didn’t respond, Ashton added, “From now on, you have to tell Mrs. Fuller everything that she wants to know.

Hearing that, I felt a sense of relief and held my head high.

Joseph looked at Ashton for a while and turned to me. The next moment, he stood straight and saluted us. “Understood!”

Bang! When Joseph suddenly stepped on the floor with his leather shoes, I was frightened and patted my chest to calm myself down.

Before I came to my senses, Joseph put on a stern face and explained, “Mr. Fuller was wounded because Mr. Moore shot him. Back then, Mr. Moore shot Mr. Fuller in his knee, hoping to fulfill his daughter’s wish to marry Mr. Fuller. Mr. Moore even threatened to put a bullet in Mrs. Fuller’s belly if Mr. Fuller refused to marry Ms. Larson—”

“Shut up!”

The room fell silent instantly, and Ashton’s expression turned grim.

“I asked you to tell Mrs. Fuller things that she wants to know. It doesn’t mean that you have to confess everything on your own.”

At that time, I could imagine that Ashton asked himself why his long-time assistant suddenly had a low IQ.

Sometimes, one could see things clearer from an outsider’s perspective. Although Joseph was probably not good at words, he cared about Ashton and remained silent as Ashton bore the unpleasant past for a long time. Now that there was a chance to speak up, Joseph decided to use the opportunity to let me know the truth.

Meanwhile, I hoped that Joseph would reveal secrets in the heat of the moment more frequently.

“Forget it. Leave us alone.” Ashton cast a cold glance at Joseph and sent him away.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Fuller,” Joseph lowered his head and said in a deep voice before leaving the house.

Nonetheless, I could see his visible smile once he lifted his head.

He’s indeed Ashton’s subordinate. It looks like Joseph has become braver lately and even dared play a trick on us.

Meanwhile, Ashton murmured, “How unruly! It’s time to recruit a new assistant to make him more vigilant.”

Initially, I thought that Ashton was irritated. However, when I looked up at him, he was neither angry nor delighted. On the contrary, he looked gentle in his pajamas and slightly messy hairstyle.

Unknowingly, I pursed my lips and smiled. It’s not that Joseph had become bolder. Instead, time has ground away Ashton’s anger and softened his heart.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1569

John was the one who helped me out of depression back then. On the other hand, Ashton’s salvation came a bit too late.

After pondering over it, I thought it was better late than never. After all, many people were entrenched in their toxic mindset and couldn’t escape from it. In comparison, both of us were considered lucky to be blessed by God.

Meanwhile, Ashton felt a little uneasy and embarrassed as I stared at him. Nevertheless, he pretended to be cold and said, “Joseph is aging and suffering from memory problems. I don’t blame him.”

It seemed to me that Ashton had acquired another skill acquired by most married men—lying through their teeth.

I crossed my arms, behaving like I wouldn’t let him go until I got an answer. Then, I narrowed my eyes and glared at him as though I was telling him that I wouldn’t believe his nonsense.

After scanning me from head to toe, Ashton rested his forehead on his palm and laughed aloud. “I can’t hide anything from you now.”

Ashton then placed his arms on his waist and heaved a long sigh. Then, he beckoned at me with his finger smilingly and said, “I’ll tell you everything. Come here.”

Knowing that I got my way, I wasn’t in a rush and refused to do as he said right away. Instead, I merely raised my eyebrows and shrugged. I wouldn’t move an inch if he didn’t give me a satisfying answer.

In the end, Ashton had no choice but to explain everything.

“On the same day you were abducted, there was a guest in Rebecca’s birthday party who knew my parents’ whereabouts. Since he left the party midway, I rushed over but was ambushed. The Moore

family’s subordinates rescued me.”

Ashton paused for a while and continued, “Back then, Dad thought Rebecca was his biological daughter, and so he wanted me to get engaged with Rebecca to repay him. He felt humiliated after I refused. When I was about to leave, he shot me in the left knee with a gun. Hence, I had no choice but to rest in the Moore residence under their surveillance.”

Although Ashton remained composed, I noticed that he instinctively moved his body a bit as he talked.

Perhaps worrying that I wouldn’t believe him, Ashton added, “My knee was shot, but the nerves on my leg were not injured. Since Dad loved his daughter so much, he wouldn’t be heartless enough to cripple me. That is also why I can still stand and walk before you now. After that, problems came one after another, and your emotions were rather volatile. Hence, I chose not to bring it up for the time being.”

With that, Ashton went on in a self-mocking manner. “Since I brought everything upon myself, I wouldn’t mind if I were to become a cripple. At the very least, I can treat it as my redemption.”

Immediately, I knew that he wished to seek redemption for our first kid—Macy.

It was perhaps true that Ashton was stubborn and obsessed with seeking revenge. However, no one knew that Ashton was under immense torture deep down.

Also, no one could foresee the terrible consequences that a wrong decision could bring about to others. Since we had come so far, I believed God wanted us to cherish our future instead of punishing ourselves with the past.

After taking a deep breath, I tiptoed toward him and kissed his lips gently.

Instantly, Ashton was stunned as though he was struck by lightning. A few seconds later, he lifted his arm and touched his lips.

“Consider it a small prize.” Gazing at him, I grinned and said, “I’m rewarding you for opening your heart to me. Mr. Fuller, expect more rewards to follow when you’ve finally reconciled yourself to letting go of the past.”

Ashton opened his heart to me not because he failed to hide his secrets. On the contrary, he chose not to hide them from me anymore.

None of us could claim that we didn’t do anything wrong in the past. Hence, I believed we didn’t have the right to put someone under torture permanently. Instead, we could choose to let go of the past and embrace each other.

I competed with Rebecca and resented Ashton in the past. However, it turned out that I gained nothing from it. Now, I knew that nothing could change if we refused to free ourselves from the chains of the past. Instead, we ought to calm ourselves down and treat our loved ones gently and sincerely.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1570

Ashton pursed his lip as though he was still tasting the kiss. The next second, he suddenly pulled me toward him.

Before I could react, I was locked within his embrace. He stared right into my eyes passionately. “Let me have some interest first.”

I was stunned momentarily as I struggled to get up. “There’s no such a rule…”

I almost forgot. It’s useless to talk rules with him. Forget it. I’ll just let play along…

After diner, it was almost nine. However, Audrey had no intention to go to bed as she stared at the door while hugging her doll.

Without a doubt, she was waiting for Shaun.

I nudged Ashton slightly, signaling him to ask Audrey to go to bed. After all, Shaun would never appear, no matter how long she waited.

A moment later, Ashton put down the tablet in his hand and uttered faintly, “Audrey, what time is it?”

Audrey took a glance at her watch casually. “It’s eight fifty-seven, Daddy.”

She seemed to have deliberately ignored the fact that it was three minutes until her bedtime.

Ashton’s tone turned stern. “And?”

Audrey’s heart skipped a beat. She immediately stood up and pretended to tidy up the toys.

I felt helpless as I watched her go about it with a turtle-like pace. With that pace, it will be morning by the time she finishes tidying.

With that thought in mind, I interrupted her trick to stall the time without hesitation. “All right, I’ll tidy the toys later. You need to go upstairs now and freshen up together with Summer. After that, you’ll go to bed. I’ll tell you guys a bedtime story in a while.”


Ashton and I were startled by Audrey’s sudden shout.

Audrey lowered her head immediately as she realized she was misbehaving. “Shaun isn’t back yet. I’ve promised him that I’ll wait for him. Daddy, Mommy, I’m not sleepy yet. So can I please wait for a while more?”

The three kids had always been obedient, and they knew they should never disrespect their father. Nonetheless, the atmosphere turned tensed as Audrey remained stubborn despite Ashton’s numerous


Audrey would probably comply with Ashton if the latter took on a stricter gesture. But still, Ashton did not show any sign of persistence.

One would quickly act up when one was emotional, especially kids. If the parents gave in to such moments, it would send the kids the wrong message. They would think they could achieve the things they wanted by acting innocent. It would be challenging to educate them in the future once they had that kind of mindset.

“Ahem…” I pretended to cough, reminding Ashton not to be softhearted.

Yet, Ashton turned toward me and furrowed his brows, his expression extremely reluctant.

I was left speechless by that.

How could a man be so useless? I thought men should be the cold-blooded ones. Forget it. Let me be the bad guy, then.



Before I could call her name, someone else did. I turned around and saw Summer at the stairs.

Summer nodded at me, signaling me not to be worried. The next moment, she walked toward Audrey and squatted down to her level.

“Audrey, what’s wrong? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Why haven’t you come upstairs?”

Summer was only a young girl, but she behaved exactly like a mature adult. Whenever she talked in such a gentle tone, it would remind me of Macy.

Even though Macy was more of a loud character, most of my memories were about her mild side.

Audrey lifted her head and pursed her lips, looking aggrieved. In that instant, tears rolled down her cheeks. “Summer, Shaun said he would be back. I’m not being naughty. But he doesn’t have a family, so I want to be his family. I can’t just go to bed without seeing him first…”


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