In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 876-877-878-879-880

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 876-877-878-879-880

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 876-877-878-879-880

I wasn’t really sure what to do. Since I had to stay in Moranta for the next few days, I couldn’t very well go all the way back and send her to the hospital. “Mom, can you ask one of the maids to take Summer to the hospital? She may just be going through a bad case of seasonal flu. Maybe she’ll get better after a while,” I told Cameron.

“Alright. I’ll arrange for someone to take her to the hospital tomorrow. Your dad and I have been so busy nowadays we can barely catch our breath. Come back after finishing your business at Moranta, okay? Don’t go to A City anymore. Come back to K City and learn how to manage the companies. Your dad and I are getting old, so you and Emery will be taking over soon. Since you’re both so young, it’ll be much easier for you two to take the reins. I’m sure the companies will do much better with you two in charge.”

It surprised me to hear that they were planning to pass both the Moore Corporation and the Anderson Corporation over to me. Almost instinctively, I replied, “Mom, you know I don’t like all that business stuff. Nick and Emery are both skilled enough to take over. I still have stuff I want to do in the future. You can slowly give up the company bit by bit, but there’s no rush.”

Luckily, Cameron seemed to respect my decision. She sighed and replied, “You know, you will have to take over sooner or later. You’re from the Moore family, after all. There are some things you can’t just push to others.”

I knew she was just reminding me out of kindness. Hence, I replied with a short hum, reluctant to say much more.

However, my mood got much worse after the phone call. I had never even thought of those things. In the midst of all this new information, I couldn’t help but feel slightly rattled. I turned around to see Ashton still reading.

I felt like I had to coddle him a bit. After all, I had run out by myself and got my phone broken by Holden. I even got back pretty late, so it was inevitable that he would worry.

Because of what Cameron said, however, I was already in a rather unhappy mood. I decided to just crawl into bed. Maybe it was because I was worried, or maybe it was because I was already tired from walking around all day, but I fell asleep rather quickly.

After some time, I woke up to some loud noises. I soon realized that Ashton was making those noises on purpose. He was practically slamming his books down and even made a racket when he was filling a glass of water. His typing was usually pretty quiet, but today he was stabbing each key as if he had a personal vendetta against his keyboard.

I wasn’t planning on saying anything at first since I knew he was doing it on purpose. Sometimes, men could really be more immature than I could imagine. He was just trying his best to get my attention.

How could I have not realized? At the sight of my indifference, he somehow dug out a calculator and started repeatedly pressing one of the buttons. The mechanical beeps kept coming as he continued pressing.

I finally sat up and looked at him. “Ashton, can you stop being so childish?” He was almost forty, so I couldn’t believe that he was still so immature.

He glared at me. “How am I being childish?”

I nearly choked on my spit. “So you think you’re being an adult right now?” In order to wake me up, he had already banged, beeped, and tapped everything that could make a noise in the hotel room.

He looked at me and suddenly lowered his head, chuckling so hard his shoulders started to shake.

Ever since I’d met him, we never showed our weaker or childish side to each other. Despite having been married for many years, I sometimes felt as though we’d just started dating. We had been all caught up in misunderstandings and jealousy until now when we could finally start interacting more comfortably.

I watched him as he finally stopped laughing. “What did you go out alone for?” he asked me.

I thought about it for a while before answering, “I’ve never been to Moranta, so I thought it would be fun to take a quick walk. I was getting bored staying in the hotel room after all. I didn’t know I would get into trouble, much less bump into Holden.”

He leaned next to me and sighed, looking a little pitiful. “Next time, please let me know your whereabouts no matter what. Worrying so much about someone hurts more than you’d think.”

I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him and nodded. “I’ll always let you know where I am from now on, okay?”

A relationship always ended up boiling down to two people missing each other all the time. The simplest definition of love was probably having someone apart from your parents love and care for you.

I suddenly felt his hand on me and looked at him with wide eyes. “Ashton, what are you doing?”

He had already pushed my nightdress up to my thigh. With a gentle gaze, he asked, “Aren’t you going to pay me back for what I’ve gone through?”

In love, never say never chapter 877

I stared at him in surprise before shaking my head, feeling a blush creeping up on my cheeks. “No, I…”

Plenty of times, however, that sort of stuff always ended up happening in between all the pushing and pulling…

Archie’s funeral was on Saturday.

I had roughly guessed Ashton’s schedule for our short trip to Moranta. First, he had to come over and visit Archie. Apart from that, he also wanted to break into the Moranta market. There were many things that couldn’t be done back home, but Moranta was considered a self-governed territory. Add that to the agreement he had with the Taylor family, and it was much easier to do things here than back in the country.

Early on Saturday morning, Ashton and I dressed in formal black outfits in order to attend Archie’s funeral. By the time we reached the Taylor residence, the whole front yard was already full of people.

There were plenty of people who had come to pay their respects. The atmosphere was heavy with pitiful sighs.

After saying our prayers, Holden called for the attendees to line up in two lines in front of the casket.

I didn’t recognize most of the other Taylor family members, but Ashton had told me about their situation before. Archie had four wives. His first wife had passed away a decade or so ago due to an illness and was also from a well-off family. After that, Archie took over the Taylor family thanks to this first wife’s help.

That first wife gave birth to two daughters, much to Archie’s chagrin. These daughters both turned out to be rather outstanding. One of them married into a rich family, and the other owned her own business overseas. With the Taylor family name behind her, she had made quite a name for herself.

That meant that Archie’s first two children were no longer part of the Taylor family.

Archie’s second wife was a famous celebrity from the nineties. She had never been taken seriously by the other Taylor family members because of her background but managed to improve her reputation

after giving birth to a son and a daughter. The Taylor family was one step closer to having an heir, but this heir got into a car accident a few years ago and became wheelchair-bound.

Such was the fickle fate of rich families.

As for Archie’s third wife, apparently, she had been a reporter when she was younger and got married to Archie when he was already well into his fifties. Not many people were willing to believe that such a young woman married such an old man simply out of love. One wanted money, while the other wanted youth and beauty. Since they were both already adults, no one could really say anything despite the age gap.

That reporter gave birth to two sons and one daughter. The sons were both Holden’s age, but they were both quite the black sheep of the family and didn’t have a very good reputation among their community. That was why Archie sent both of them overseas. He put in quite a lot of effort to try and set them straight, but it seemed as if that didn’t really happen in the end. Hence, Archie ended up making Holden, who was from his fourth marriage, the heir of the Taylor family.

His daughter from the third marriage was Kate, who Ashton and I had seen before. She was almost forty and quite spoiled due to the Taylor family’s upbringing. As a result, she was arrogant and had never fallen for any sons from other rich families. She had always stayed in the Taylor residence, and it was starting to seem like she always would be since she had no plans to get married.

If that wasn’t the case, she wouldn’t have been so shaken up after hearing about Holden becoming the Taylor family heir.

Archie’s fourth wife wasn’t even his wife. After all, she never even married Archie. She was simply a woman whom Archie had had a one-night stand with. Not every woman who he slept with had a chance to actually marry into the Taylor family.

Ashton didn’t tell me too much about Holden’s mother. All he told me was that she was a woman he had spotted accompanying Archie at Gastronomia once. She was probably a prostitute who accidentally got pregnant.

After Ashton and I finished paying our respects, Holden glanced at me. It was a glance full of disdain, but since he had never exactly shown respect to me, I was already used to it.

Holden then looked at Ashton and said, “Mr. Fuller, could we have a word?”

It seemed like they were about to discuss some business.

Ashton glanced at me and said, “Wait for me in the yard, okay? I’ll come and find you in a bit.”

I nodded.

The Taylor residence was quite extravagantly furnished. There was an elegant pavilion as well as a large koi pond and even a fake mountain display. The yard was practically designed to look like all nature had to offer was gathered in one place.

I could, sort of, understand why all of Archie’s wives could bear spending their time together so peacefully. As long as they didn’t actually love him, they could have the time of their lives living in an extravagant mansion with the money to buy whatever they wanted. Ultimately, they had all the freedom they needed.

There were so many shows that centered around a bunch of women fighting over some old guy. Now I kind of knew why. Rather than fight over his love, they were probably fighting for his money and power. To be honest, I simply couldn’t wrap my head around any other possibility.

In love, never say never chapter 878

“Holden is a bastard child, to begin with. If my two younger brothers weren’t situated overseas, he wouldn’t have had the right to be a part of the Taylor family.” A voice rang all of a sudden. I froze for a split second before turning toward the source of the voice to see a mother-daughter pair sitting in the courtyard.

It was Kate and her mother, Archie’s third wife, who was approaching sixty years old, but she probably took great care of herself because she only looked to be slightly over forty.

On the contrary, it was Kate who looked older than her years, probably because she was often plagued with worries and problems which then reflected on her appearance.

Her mother looked at her calmly and chided, “You should be focusing on running those companies in your hands. It doesn’t really matter who’s managing the Taylor family. We’ll still live our lives as they are. Don’t tell me you’re afraid that Holden will drive us out of the family?”

Indignant, Kate scoffed coldly. “You’ve always been so passive. If only you fought harder, my brothers wouldn’t have been stuck overseas when Father died. Holden is a nobody. His mother was just a filthy escort who used her body to conceive him. What’s more, she’s such a promiscuous woman. Who knows whether Holden really is Father’s child? But Father handed the reins over to him just like that. Wasn’t he afraid that he’d destroy our family? We’ll be a laughing stock to everyone from now on. They’re going to say that the Taylor family is being controlled by an outsider. Ugh… I really can’t stomach the thought of it, Mom!”

Her mother sighed softly and looked at her with a small smile. “My child, why are you so quick- tempered? It doesn’t matter whether or not he’s a Taylor anymore. He’s only in his twenties. How long do you think he can keep his position? Be patient, alright? You’re not the only one who can’t accept him as the head of the Taylor family, and you’re certainly not the only one who wants to see him go down.”

Kate was taken aback and whipped her head to look at her mother. She was silent for a while before asking, “Mom, do you mean there’s someone else who’d take action?”

Her mother maintained her gentle and pleasant smile. “The Taylors family business is far-reaching. Besides, we’re not the only Taylors. There are still your uncles, all of whom are waiting for your father’s funeral to create a scene, so be patient and just take care of the companies in your hands. Your brothers will be back soon. Your father mentioned before to let them join Taylor Corporation to help Holden in running the company. You’re all young and have a whole future ahead. Don’t wear down your own potential by being impulsive. Wait out the storm, and you’ll be able to reap the most benefits because brute force is not always the way to go!”

As though realization dawned on her, Kate nodded subtly and looked at her mother with awe. “Mom, as always, you’re the calm and rational one. Thank God you reminded me, or I would’ve attracted unnecessary attention to myself by kicking up a fuss.”

I watched the mother and daughter with mixed emotions whirring in me. This was probably the power struggle in wealthy families. It seemed like money and influence were all that mattered to them.

Realizing that I shouldn’t have eavesdropped, I turned around to leave. Upon seeing Holden standing behind me, I was so startled I instantly broke out in cold sweat.

Then came Kate’s voice from behind. “Mom, I think there’s someone there!”

I froze in shock. Crap. Did they discover that I’m here?

Right then, Holden abruptly grabbed my arm and led me around the yard, taking me straight to the loft. After making sure that we weren’t followed, he released my arm and said with an expressionless face, “Ashton’s waiting for you in the lounge room.”

Seeing as that was all he said, I nodded and was about to leave.

Right before I stepped out, his voice rang again. “Regardless of what you heard, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll watch what you say.”

This was a reminder as well as a warning.

I nodded in understanding and replied, “Don’t worry. I didn’t hear a thing.”

After all, I had no interest whatsoever to participate in the internal strife between the rich.

He looked at me impassively and chuckled mirthlessly. “I hope so.”

Pursing my lips, I spun on my heels and left.

The Taylor residence was enormous. Hence, it took me a long time before I found my way to the lounge room. Ashton was chatting with someone, so I approached him quietly. Glancing at me fleetingly, he tugged me closer and introduced me before ending the conversation.

He studied me and asked, “Where did you go?”

“The backyard garden. I was just taking a stroll.” I paused and queried, “Are we going home yet?”

“According to the rules here, the guests who are here to mourn should stay back for lunch and send Mr. Taylor out together with his family.”

I nodded and didn’t comment.

After having lunch, Archie’s coffin was finally brought out of the Taylor residence. It was a grand and large-scale funeral. Many guests made their way to the cemetery to pay their final respects. Only after the coffin was lowered into the ground did everyone go their separate ways.

I was slightly taken aback to see Abe at the cemetery. Dressed in a black suit, he was shrouded in his usual cold and sinister aura. The somber atmosphere and gloomy weather only seemed to amplify that

bleakness in his eyes.

In love, never say never chapter 879

When Holden saw him, other than exchanging customary pleasantries, he didn’t have much of a reaction.

Seeing him approach Ashton and me, I subconsciously hid behind Ashton as fear clutched at my chest.

“Mr. Fuller, what a coincidence. We meet again!” he said with a minute smile on his face.

Ashton kept a poker face as he met the other man’s gaze. “Mm, we meet again. I thought you already left Moranta.”

Abe released an abrupt laugh. “Of course not. This land is where I was given a new life. If I left just like that, how would I be able to see the two of you again?”

Ashton shot him a chilling glance but remained silent.

The corner of Abe’s mouth lifted into an arrogant smirk. “It seems like you don’t really like talking to me, Mr. Fuller. It’s fine. Time is on our side. We have many more opportunities for a good chat!”

Without waiting for a response, he walked away.

I sighed in relief and quickly said, “Let’s go, Ashton.”

Ashton nodded, then cast a glance at Holden, signaling that we were leaving. With that, he looked at me and said, “Let’s go.”

I followed after him and inadvertently peeked at Abe, who was supposed to leave. Instead, he stopped to stare unblinkingly at Ashton and me as though plotting some sort of conspiracy.

Terror gripped my heart, and I subconsciously grabbed Ashton’s arm tightly. Noticing my reaction, he put his arm around my waist and lowered his voice to say, “Don’t be scared. I’m here.”

I nodded meekly and continued walking alongside Ashton with my heart in my throat.

After we got into the car, my nerves finally relaxed. I watched as he started the car and asked, “When will we return to K City?”

He put the car in drive and calmly focused on the road ahead. “Tomorrow,” he replied, then looked sideways at me. “What did Abe do to you in Venria?”

I shook my head. “Nothing. After we were taken away, he didn’t hurt me because of my relationship with Armond, but he was very cruel to Nora and the other women. Abe treated their bodies as carriers for transporting kyanine to Western Europe.”

He took my hand and gazed at me earnestly. “Don’t ever leave without a word again, okay? No matter what happens, we’ll face it together. Don’t decide things all by yourself, alright?”

I nodded. Realizing that he was still driving, I exclaimed, “Eyes on the road!”

He smiled and shifted his gaze back to the road.

After a moment of silence, he handed me a box. Slightly bewildered, I turned to him and queried, “What’s this?”

“It’s from Holden. He wanted me to tell you that he’s sorry,” he clarified and placed the box on my lap.

I started opening the box, but when I thought about that insufferably arrogant man, I couldn’t help but grumble, “It’s hard to believe that an egoistic man like him is actually capable of saying sorry. But what exactly can he offer me? It’s not some kind of explosive, is it?”

Ashton chuckled deeply and observed, “You don’t have a very good impression of Holden, do you?”

I pursed my lips. “Oh, please. That’s putting it nicely. My impression of him is simply terrible. I…” I paused abruptly when my gaze landed on the phone inside the box. After hesitating momentarily, I remarked, “I’m surprised he had the courtesy to get me a phone. Scratch that, I’m shell-shocked.”

Rummaging through my bag, I found the memory card I retrieved from my old phone the previous day and inserted it into the new phone. Gripping the phone, I found that I quite liked how it felt in my hand. “What brand is this? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.”

Ashton shot me a sideways glance and answered, “It’s a new brand called Rino. It seems to have just been released in Moranta and is probably considered high-end. It’s also AI-based.”

Nodding in realization, I began to study it but didn’t find anything special. It just looked like it could be used as a projector to watch movies, which seemed rather cool to me.

After logging into my WhatsApp, a succession of messages flooded my phone within a short amount of time. They were all from Ashton when he was searching for me the previous day. Looking at the hundred or so unanswered messages, I was dumbfounded and suddenly understood why he was so angry the previous night. He must have been worried sick during the one hour of being unable to reach me.

I turned to look at him and laughed softly. “Ashton, next time, just stop calling if you can’t get through my phone. I could’ve just left my phone on silent mode or simply didn’t look at it. If I’m ever in danger, I’ll be sure to call you right away.”

He gave me a sidelong glance and scoffed childishly. Then, he sighed and cast me a helpless look. “No matter what happens, don’t just turn off your phone or switch it to silent mode. I’ll be very worried when I can’t reach you.”

I giggled while watching him. Honestly speaking, I really enjoyed his care and attention. Looking at the messages on my phone again, I noticed that some were from Nora, which were sent not too long ago.

Nora: Scarlett, are you in Moranta? Armond went there too, yesterday. Help me keep an eye on him. If he has the guts to look for other women there, tell me immediately, and I’ll fly right over to kill him myself!

In love, never say never chapter 880

I burst out laughing and typed back a reply: Ok. I’ll definitely keep an eye on him for you.

Ashton raised a brow at me when he heard me laugh. “What’s gotten you in such a good mood?”

After sending the message, I explained, “It’s Nora. She said Armond is in Moranta, and she wants me to keep an eye on him. She said that she’d fly right over and kill him herself if he messes around with other women.”

Ashton abruptly hit the brakes, causing the car to screech to a halt. Then, he snapped his head toward me. “Armond is in Moranta? Since when?”

Seeing the grave expression on his face, a sense of foreboding filled me. “Nora messaged me last night, so he probably arrived yesterday.”

Ashton’s brows drew together. Then, he put the car in drive and was about to turn the car around.

Having no idea about what was going on, I peered at him with concern lining my features. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

Boom! Suddenly, there was a muffled noise. Before I could understand what was happening, Ashton’s expression turned grim. He was initially going to make a U-turn, but the car lurched forward right then.

“Ashton…” I barely got one word out when the car swerved violently, making me feel like I was about to be thrown out at any second.

Glimpsing the solemn and anxious look on Ashton’s face, I suddenly realized that the situation might be more serious than I thought.

Ashton kept ramming the brakes, but the car went out of control and abruptly veered off course.

Realizing that the car was about to crash into an obstruction ahead, Ashton turned the steering wheel with all his might in an attempt to avoid it, but it turned out to be useless as the car still collided into the concrete wall.

The impact was so strong that I nearly flew out of my seat. When the ringing in my ears finally stopped and I regained my bearings, I looked at Ashton and saw blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

Half of his body was hit by slabs of concrete, and he was injured.

“Ashton! Ashton!” I twisted my body and leaned toward him, reaching out to touch him as I called out his name several times. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked at me. In a weak voice, he urged, “Go, quick. Find Holden. He can save me.”

Soon, I realized that there were several black off-road vehicles approaching not far behind. Ashton’s frantic voice sounded again. “Go now. Otherwise, both of us won’t be able to leave.”

The cars behind were closing in. I knew that if I didn’t run, not only would I fail to save Ashton, both of us would end up in trouble.

Within a few seconds, I twisted the other way and crawled out of the car. Then, I stumbled toward a wall not far away and hid behind it.

The black vehicles pulled to a stop and a few hulking men in black got down.

I watched as they pulled Ashton out of the car. To shield me, Ashton’s entire body was pinned down by the car and sustained heavy injuries. The men completely disregarded that as they roughly dragged him into a black car that was parked behind. Then, one of the men stepped forward. With a glacial expression, he took out a cigarette and drew a few puffs before flicking the cigarette butt next to Ashton’s G Wagon. I didn’t realize it earlier, but the collision had damaged the car’s fuel tank. Upon closer inspection, I also noticed that the car tires were completely flat. Thus, the reason Ashton suddenly lost control of the car was because someone had shot the tires.

As soon as the cigarette butt came in contact with the gasoline on the ground, flames sparked to life and spread toward the car. As though carried by a strong wind, the flames quickly engulfed the whole car.

It was going to explode soon. I glanced at the car that cost millions with pursed lips. Drawing in a deep breath, I turned and left in the other direction.

However, I didn’t go very far, only putting distance between the explosion and myself. Once I confirmed my safety, I directly called the police. Originally, I wanted to call Holden, but I didn’t have his number, so I could only try the numbers Zachary had given me. The call was picked up after only several rings. “Ms. Stovall!”

It was someone Zachary had arranged for me in Moranta. Breathing a sigh of relief, I explained, “Ashton and I were hunted down. He’s injured and was just taken away. The car has been burned down. Can you find Ashton as soon as possible?”

There was silence on the other end for a few seconds. Then, he answered, “Okay, but we’ll probably come over to ensure your safety first.”

I nodded and agreed.

Because I didn’t have Holden’s contact, I could only wait until the person arranged by my father to come over. A middle-aged man arrived after a while and made sure I wasn’t injured before informing me, “The police will be here soon, and they might bring you to the station to take your statement. I’ve sent someone to search for Mr. Fuller, but it seems like the other party made careful plans in advance. I’m afraid we’ll have to regroup and strategize our next move.”

I nodded and tried my best to stay calm. “Okay. Ashton told me to look for Holden at the Taylor residence. Maybe he knows how to save Ashton.”


The person my father sent to protect was called Boris Irwin, the subordinate he entrusted in managing the assets in Moranta. Over the years, everything here was basically handled by him.


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