In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 901-902-903-904-905

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 901-902-903-904-905

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 901-902-903-904-905

In love, never say never chapter 901

Linda frowned at Rachel’s words. She didn’t know anything about the underground warehouse. Wanting to defend the Murphy Corporation, Linda opened her mouth, but she couldn’t think of anything to say because she witnessed all these before her eyes.

On the other hand, I remained silent before saying, “These are all larger-sized equipment. Are those that launched overseas smaller ones?”

Rachel rolled her eyes and pursed her lips while speaking in a disdainful manner. “Well, duh!”

Even so, I thought little about it and turned to Ashton. “What should we do now?”

The man scanned the items in the underground warehouse and made a decision. “Contact the reporters and lawyers. We’ll have to file a lawsuit against the Murphy Corporation.” Giving a cold look, he was emotionless when he said that.

Upon hearing his words, Linda started panicking. She stopped Ashton and tried to reason with him. “Mr. Fuller, aren’t you burning the bridge? Mr. Murphy is still locked up in Moranta. Shouldn’t you at least give him a chance to explain? This is way too sudden, and I believe Mr. Murphy doesn’t know about this. The architects and engineers were in charge of the construction, while he never took part. Maybe he was in the dark all along.”

I pursed my lips. If I didn’t go through the life-and-death situation in Moranta, I wouldn’t even know that Armond was a two-faced person or suspect that he was behind this. However, now that I knew what kind of person he was, I believed he had planned this for a long time.

At that moment, I was wondering if he was also behind my participation in the Fuller Corporation’s bidding. It would make sense if he had probably planned everything from the start. After all, the Murphy

Corporation had been dominating the AI technology field, and it wasn’t a desirable outcome for them if Fuller Corporation’s AI technology rose to fame.

The man wanted to use this chance to gain benefit from the Fuller Corporation’s downfall. He was playing the long game.

Recalling the time I almost got into trouble in A City, my trust toward Armond was broken. To delay time, he even laid his hands on me and set Nora up. This man was way more scheming than we thought.

I said, “Linda, let’s leave that to the police, okay?” Everything that happened after I met Armond surfaced in my mind, and instantly, I felt the temperature dropped a few degrees.

The woman looked at me and stayed silent for a while. “Let me call old Mr. Murphy. This matter involves the entire Murphy family, so I have to inform him about this. I’m sorry, Scarlett, but the Murphys mean a lot to me.”

I nodded. “Alright. Go ahead.”

At the same time, the Murphys were in a frenzy at the moment. Hence, when Robert picked up the call, he directly asked Linda to handle the situation on-site. “I’ll leave it to you. Just try to minimize Murphy Corporation’s loss.”

Upon hearing his commands, Linda was stunned. Then, she nodded and said, “Okay.”

After hanging up, Linda looked miserable. She then glanced at me with a troubled expression. “Scarlett, tell me. What happened to the Murphys?”

I figured she didn’t know about the incident in Moranta. It was a lot, so I collected my thoughts before telling her. “The gas released from the chemical factory under the Murphy family in Moranta was

carcinogenic, and Armond was involved in a murder case. That was why he couldn’t return to A City to take care of these matters. Furthermore, the police officers were now investigating the Murphys’ property, so old Mr. Murphy had his hands full with that, and he could only leave this to you.”

Linda was rather intelligent, so she knew someone was behind this. “Is the Fuller Corporation involved with the incident in Moranta?”

I didn’t intend to hide it. “The Murphy family wanted the import and export trading rights, but the Taylor family had passed the rights to Ashton. Armond then kidnapped Ashton and forced him to give it up. However, he failed, and the police officers are running an investigation on him.”

Upon hearing my words, Linda’s face was as pale as a sheet. Knitting her brows, she was at a loss for words.

Rachel glanced at Ashton with concern and turned to Linda. “It seems the Murphy Corporation doesn’t have boundaries as long as it makes them money.”

Hearing that, Linda stayed silent. After a long while, she looked at Ashton and said, “Mr. Fuller, I know I can’t hinder your decision, but I’ll do my best to protect Murphy Corporation’s project in A City.”

Ashton glanced at her before turning to Rachel. “Contact the reporters and lawyers.”

With that, he led me out of the base, and we walked all the way to his car.

In the car, I kept quiet for a long time. However, I failed to suppress my curiosity and blurted out, “Ashton, did you know there was an underground warehouse before?”

Although Rachel said that the back wall was damaged by accident because of the malfunction of the machines. However, Armond had made the area behind the base off-limits to anyone else. No one would drive the excavator to the back unless someone actually planned to enter from the back.

The man continued driving and kept his eyes on the road as he smiled. “I knew it ever since you told me there was something wrong with the structure.”

I pursed my lips. “Then why did you only expose it now?”

Upon that, he glanced sideways at me and explained, “If I expose him back then, he’ll only change his plans to oppose me. I needed time to find his flaws, so I went along with it. With this, I’ll know what he was going for.”

In love, never say never chapter 902

Seeing how he was looking at me while driving, I yelled, “Eyes on the road!”

After pausing for a bit, I continued, “You knew that Armond was going to set you up in Moranta. That was why you wanted to come back as soon as possible when you heard that he was heading there.”

The man nodded. “But I never expect him to take action so quickly.”

No wonder Armond was completely unbothered when he was making a bet with Abe in the casino. He knew the latter wasn’t his opponent. Thinking about Abe, I couldn’t help but ask, “Do you think that Abe’s really dead?”

The man pursed his lips. “According to the police report in Moranta, the corpse’s DNA matches with Abe’s.”

I was stunned by his words. “Armond actually killed Abe?”

It was way too sudden. I initially thought that Armond faked Abe’s death with a corpse to confuse us. However, I was too naïve. He actually killed his partner.

Ashton parked the car as soon as we reached the villa. Since we hadn’t been there for some time, Ashton hired a helper to clean the house. Right when we got off the car, the helper was done with the chores and was about to leave.

When she saw us, she looked at Ashton and reported, “Mr. Fuller, a tall and muscular man came and looked for a woman called Scarlett. He asked me to relay this message to you guys: Be careful.”

He’s looking for me?

I stopped the helper from leaving and asked her about the man’s features. After a series of questioning, I couldn’t think of a person I knew who matched her description, so I let her leave.

Then, I went to the living room and sat on the couch, thinking of the man the helper described earlier. Ashton looked at me and said, “Now that Abe’s subordinates know that he’s dead, they might be misguided by Armond and come looking for trouble. So from now on, you’ll have to report to me whenever you leave the house.”

I nodded, as I knew how dangerous it would be.

Suddenly, a man’s name came to my mind after I heard him mentioning Abe’s subordinates. My body trembled in shock as I sat upright and looked at Ashton. “I know who that man is now. He’s Danny, one of Abe’s subordinates. I helped him in Venria before. When he followed Abe back to the country, I gave him my contact number and address in case he needed my help. However, I forgot about this after I returned to K City.”

With these thoughts in my mind, I immediately called Nora. She answered after a while, and her voice was hoarse. “What’s wrong, Scarlett?”

Hearing her voice, I was concerned. “Where are you? Why is your voice so hoarse?”

She answered weakly, “I’m in Moranta at the moment. For some reason, I couldn’t get hold of Armond, and you guys were already back in K City. I miss him so much, so I came to see him. I’d just arrived and didn’t have any sleep last night, so I’m at the hotel trying to catch some sleep. What’s wrong?”

I froze for a while as I was shocked at what the woman told me. “You’re saying that you go there by yourself without knowing where he is staying? Do you know how dangerous it is?”

Realization dawned on her, and she was stunned for a while. “Oh yeah, I was just about to ask you. You guys stayed in Moranta for such a long time, so you know where he’s staying, right? Can you send me the address later?”

I pursed my lips as I didn’t know how to tell her about the incident in Moranta. “Do you believe me if I tell you we don’t?”

She replied, “Hmm… Yeah, but it’s so frustrating, knowing that I have to look for a needle in a haystack.”

After pondering for a while, I said, “Nora, just think of it as going on a vacation in Moranta. Maybe Armond didn’t contact you because he was busy. There are a lot of things going on with Murphy Corporation recently, so I think he doesn’t have time to meet you. Anyway, you should return as soon as possible. It’s dangerous to be alone over there.”

However, the woman was stubborn. “I know he’s busy, so I’m here to see him. Just for a bit, and I’ll go back. Oh, right! Why did you call?”

I replied, “Oh, I wanted to ask if a tall and muscular man come to find you these days.” Before I left A City, I reminded her to help Danny if he came to look for her.

She said, “Nope. No one came to see me recently.”

I figured Danny had followed Abe to Moranta, so I nodded and reminded her, “Don’t stay in Moranta for too long. I’ll give you a number, and just in case you need help, you can call this number. Don’t wander around there and always be careful.”

Nora hummed in reply and hung up after that. After a while, I sent her Holden’s number and texted Holden, asking him to take care of her.

Moranta’s security wasn’t that good, so at least Holden could help her if she got into trouble.

After that, Ashton went to the study on the second floor, while I went to my bedroom. It was at this moment when I realized that Renee had given me Sasha’s journal when I was at the hospital.

In love, never say never chapter 903

I wanted to read the journal, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Right when I was scratching my head in frustration, I realized I had left the journal in another bag as I was in a rush when packing my stuff.

Well, I guess there’s nothing I can do with that.

Without Armond’s participation, the lawsuit went on smoothly, while the cooperation between the Fuller Corporation and the Murphy Corporation could only be called off. Besides, the product launch was delayed, and it had affected the Fuller Corporation’s profits.

Rachel had paid a lot of effort on the project, so she was reluctant for it to end that way. After discussing with Ashton, he agreed to hold a public tender in A City to look for a new business partner.

On the other hand, I had nothing to work on at the Murphy Corporation anymore. But because of the public tender, Ashton and I continued to stay in A City for the time being. Meanwhile, Holden called me once and told me that Nora almost got into trouble at the hotel, but he took her to his villa.

When I heard that, I was relieved as that was something to be happy about.

For the following days, Ashton and Rachel were busy with meetings for the new public tender. On the other hand, I was looking for Danny in A City, and it was rather difficult to do so, as he didn’t give me his contact number.

What surprised me the most was Tessa contacting me personally. She asked to meet as she had some matters to discuss, but I was reluctant to see her because I had nothing to discuss with her.

However, she was determined to meet me. Bringing up the incident in Venria, she insisted on inviting me out for a talk, so I had to agree.

We agreed to meet at a café. It was November, so the weather in A City was chilly. Tessa wore a stylish orange coat with a green turtleneck. As she was rather chubby, the turtleneck covered her neck and made it seem shorter.

I sat at the seat in front of her. She looked frazzled as if she had been staying up late for a long time. The heavy makeup didn’t do her face justice, either. It seemed dirty and made me feel uncomfortable just looking at her face.

“What would you like to drink?” She asked and sized me up.

I answered, “Anything would do.”

The woman nodded and fell silent for a while before saying, “Long time no see. You’ve become prettier.”

I was stunned, as I didn’t expect to hear compliments coming from her. I looked at her for a while and went straight to the topic. “What do you need from me?”

She shrugged and refused to answer my question. “Why don’t we have something to drink first, and we’ll talk later? After all, we’re friends, so don’t treat me like an enemy. Ashton is irresistible, but since I

can’t make him fall for me, I might as well give up. Besides, it’s not worth offending you because of him.”

Listening to her words, I knew she was up to something.

After staying silent for a while, I urged, “What do you want me to do? I’ll help if I can.”

She looked at me and still didn’t tell me her intentions. Placing a glass of fruit juice in front of me, she smiled faintly and said, “Here, have a drink. Like I said, we’re not enemies, so there’s no need to rush.”

I didn’t know what she was trying to do, so I could only take a sip of the fruit juice. Maybe it was because she had touched the glass that there was an unfamiliar scent coming from the fruit juice. I had heard from Laurel that Tessa had a praying hall in her house, and she would always light sandalwood incense inside it.

The smell of sandalwood always lingered on her body, and that made me feel uncomfortable.

“I heard that Nora went to Moranta. Why is she there?” She brought up Nora suddenly.

I replied indifferently, “I’m not sure.” Since she didn’t want to tell me her intentions, then there was no point in asking. Thus, I put up with her and waited.

As expected, she finally got to the point after talking about a lot of unrelated stuff. “I heard that Mr. Fuller is going to hold a public tender to look for a sponsor for the AI project. Has he found a potential partner already?”

I furrowed my brows slightly. “I know little about this. Plus, he’s preparing to hold a public tender, and this will have to be a fair competition. I can’t help you with anything related to this.”

Hearing that, she chuckled. “There’s no need for your help. I’m just introducing someone to you.” Listening to her words, I got sleepy suddenly.

My eyelids got heavy and were trying to shut themselves uncontrollably. However, I tried to pinch my arm to wake up. The pain inflicted upon my arm made me snap out of my stupor. I looked at the glass of fruit juice and noticed something was off. “What did you make me drink?”

She smiled faintly and said, “Nothing much. It’s just something that will make you… sleepy.”

As soon as I heard that, I immediately got up, trying to leave. However, my body felt weak, and before I could regain my consciousness, I had fallen asleep.

In love, never say never chapter 904

When I woke up, I initially thought I would be in an abandoned factory, but to my surprise, I was in a room that was tidy and looked as if someone stayed in here before.

I got up from the bed and went to the living room. No one was there, but I heard a woman reciting her prayers in another room.

Heading toward the room, I halted when I was at the entrance. A few statues and books in Sanskrit characters were placed in the smoke-filled room, whereas Tessa was kneeling and putting her hands together as she recited her prayers.

When I saw her, I knew running away was impossible, so I went to the living room and sat on the ground. The apartment was comprised of three rooms and a living room. She stayed in a room, and the other room was used for her prayers and worship, while the third room was for storage.

There was nothing in the living room except for a coffee table, and it didn’t even feel like home. Laurel once told me Tessa was in her forties, but she wasn’t married and lived alone.

Seeing that the apartment was rather empty, I figured she didn’t have a boyfriend and was staying by herself.

After a while, she came out from the worshipping room with prayer beads in her hand and looked at me. “Would you like some tea?” As she spoke, she sat at the coffee table and started boiling a pot of water.

I pursed my lips and asked, “What do you want?”

“Call Ashton and tell him to withdraw his lawsuit against Armond. Then, let Armond return from Moranta.” She cut to the chase and took out some tea leaves to brew me some tea.

I pursed my lips and looked at her. “You’re doing this for Armond? How surprising! When did you guys get so close?”

She shrugged and wore an indifferent expression. “As the saying goes, money makes the world go round. Mrs. Fuller, you’re used to living comfortably, so you won’t understand our lives.”

I asked, “So, how much did Armond give you?”

The woman looked at me and laughed out suddenly. “Why? Are you going to say that you’ll give me double the amount he gave? How great it is to be rich! You guys take care of everything using money.”

I pursed my lips and waited to see what she wanted to say next.

After a while, the woman continued, “Forget it. Now that I’ve done all of this, I have no intention of backing out now. If you don’t wish to trouble Ashton, you don’t need to call him. However, you’ll have to stay here for a few days. Let’s see what Ashton will do to find his missing wife.”

I was puzzled at how calm and poised she was. Something was odd about how she brought me here directly without leaving any traces.

Hence, I was reluctant to do as she said and was just waiting for the time to pass. The sky was getting dark, and throughout this period of time, she drank some tea and recited her prayers. Meanwhile, I got more and more suspicious of how she remained that calm all the time.

If she just wanted me to call Ashton, she could’ve resorted to violence or used some extreme measures to force me into doing it. However, she did nothing to me and was just waiting calmly.

“Eat some noodles. Who knows what Ashton would do to me if he heard that you were starved.” The woman cooked some instant noodles and added some vegetables. I didn’t have an appetite, so I looked at her indifferently. “When will you let me go?”

She raised a brow at me and asked, “Are you going to call him now?”

I frowned. “I won’t do that since Armond deserves to be punished. Ashton can give you the money you want, so there’s no need to waste my time like this.”

Despite my offer, she continued eating her noodles calmly and smiled faintly before looking at me in the eyes. “As expected of Mrs. Fuller. You’re so generous. I’m sorry, but have you heard of being in the same boat? I believe in karma, so even though I dislike Armond for being two-faced, I’ll have to help since I have promised him. So, Mrs. Fuller, you only have one choice here.”

I pursed my lips as she continued eating her noodles slowly. Annoyance settled itself in my heart as I figured I couldn’t negotiate with her.

After hesitating for a moment, I asked, “I’m curious. When did you guys get so close?”

The woman raised her brow and told the truth. “We got to an agreement after returning from Epea.”

“Why?” I pressed on the matter while Tessa grew impatient. “I said it before. Money makes the world go round.”

I asked, “If that’s the case, why won’t you take Ashton’s money? Is there any difference between getting money from Ashton or Armond?”

The woman raised her eyebrows and said, “There is!”

The sky was getting dark, so I decided to call Ashton. Taking out my phone, I dialed his number, but the call was left unanswered.

I looked at Tessa, but she was just minding her own business. Left without a choice, I continued calling Ashton, yet no one answered.

In love, never say never chapter 905

Suddenly, I looked at her, puzzled. “We can’t make calls from here, can we? You didn’t mean for me to call Ashton at all. You were just trying to stall for some time, weren’t you?”

Slowly, she lifted her eyes to look at me while raising her eyebrows. She had nearly finished eating her noodles, and the foundation on her face was flaking off. Right then, she looked absolutely hideous. “You’re right. Based on my calculation, it will be over soon. Even as we speak, Ashton should be on the way to pick you up.”

I was upset at her betrayal, but I took a deep breath, knowing that it was useless to rant. Gazing at her, I said, “You have planned it well. It looks like I’ve underestimated you.”

She shrugged and laughed softly. “Don’t be angry. In the future, we’ll have lots of opportunities to compete against each other!”

I nodded, “Yes, but I’d like to remind you to try and get better makeup. After all, you are making money from this. Also, as a woman, I would remind you that it’s okay to take care of yourself. You are not even forty yet, but you look sixty. Do you know why Ashton doesn’t even want to look at you? It’s because

your face looks disgusting. It is torturous for any man to spend one day with you, not to mention a whole lifetime. Even for me, just today alone is torturous enough.”

“You…” Her face became more and more hideous by the minute, and she looked at me chillingly, “Scarlett, I should have killed you earlier so that I don’t need to be disgusted by you now.

All women were concerned about their looks no matter what age they were. Hence, naturally, if anyone were to insult them, they would have a meltdown. Tessa was the same.

Watching her hideous face, I said calmly, “Please don’t be angry because I’m just being truthful. Don’t you ever look at yourself in the mirror? You actually have the money to buy all those branded clothes. So why don’t you spend some on skincare products? Oh, besides, you should probably lose some weight, because you really are… hmm, how should I put it… fat and ugly. Most men won’t look twice at women like you.”

She was so angry that, after finishing her noodles, she tried to throw the bowl at me, which I had fortunately avoided. Infuriated, she then picked up the fruit knife on the table and headed towards me. She seemed to be completely infuriated by my remarks.

Bang! The door was suddenly kicked open. Ashton came in just on time to see Tessa holding up a knife in front of me. He quickly picked up the vase behind the door and aimed right at her head. Upon the impact, Tessa dropped down with the vase onto the floor.

Almost immediately afterward, Ashton embraced me and asked, “Are you okay? Did she injured you?”

I shook my head and noticed that several policemen had followed him in. Some policemen helped Tessa up from the ground and handcuffed her immediately.

Tessa, who was still conscious, glared at the police in disbelief, yelling, “What are you doing? Why are you handcuffing me?”

One of the police officers said, “My apologies, but you are involved in kidnapping with the intention of hurting others. We have the right to detain you!”

“Hah! I didn’t hurt her at all, and she is still unharmed. On what basis did you come to such a conclusion?” Tessa roared while struggling. Obviously, she was very reluctant to leave.

The police spoke with a cold glare, “Just so you know, Miss, attempted murder is a crime. Come with us!”

Before they left, Tessa glared at me and said in disbelief, “Did you plan this? You did this all on purpose, didn’t you? Scarlett, I really underestimated you.”

I looked at her, sank my body into Ashton’s arms, and said, “Tessa, Tessa… I treated you as a friend, so I didn’t expect you to drug me, kidnap me, and then hurt me. This time, I won’t be so merciful to you, and hopefully, you will be punished by the law.”

“You b*tch!” She yelled angrily and was taken away forcibly by the police.

After they left, Ashton and I returned to his car. That man had been cold and sullen the entire time, looking like a kid showing his temper. I knew that he was angry with me for coming out to meet Tessa by myself and almost getting hurt.

We drove for a while as I thought about how to coax him out of his mood. Holding my stomach, I started muttering, “Oh, my stomach hurts so much. I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t eaten for a whole day. Ugh…”

I pretended to be miserable while holding my stomach. Meanwhile, Ashton pursed his lips, and after looking at me, he said, “What would you like to eat?”

“Koandria cuisine!” I said, looking at him with a smile.

He looked at me without saying anything but just drove the car to the city center and got off. I watched him stood beside the car coldly, and with a pitiful voice, I said, “Ashton, I’m hungry. It’s been a day, and I was almost scared to death by Tessa just now. I can’t walk anymore. Can you give me a hand?”

He frowned and continued to watch my “act.” Seeing that I had refused to get down, he compromised a little and came to help.

I pursed my lips slightly and leaned my entire weight on him while looking at him shamelessly. “Can you hold me? I really can’t walk!”


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