In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 906-907-908-909-910

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 906-907-908-909-910

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 906-907-908-909-910

He pursed his lips, “Don’t eat, then. We’ll go back and get some rest!”

Hearing that, I immediately stood up straight and pouted. “C’mon. Let’s go get some food.” In just a few steps, I was inside the restaurant and had found us a seat.

He followed suit and looked at me coldly. Ignoring him, I ordered my food and rested my chin on my hand while looking at him. “Are you still angry?”

However, he ignored me.

I instantly understood how he felt, so I stopped talking. After a while, the waiter served our food. Feeling extremely hungry, I was really eager to dig in, but he stopped me. “Drink your soup first!”

At that, he placed a bowl of chicken mushroom soup in front of me. I knew he was afraid that I had been hungry for too long, and if I ate solid food right after that, my stomach would not be able to hold it.

Obediently, I drank the soup before starting to eat. He did not seem to be hungry or picking up his fork. Instead, he just looked at me gently, so I could not help but ask, “Ashton, has Armond been released?”

He pursed his lips and looked at me, “Eat your food and don’t talk with your mouth full!”

As soon as he said that, I kept quiet. After I had finished my meal, I looked at him and spoke, “Today’s incident happened because I was careless. I promise it wouldn’t happen again.”

He looked at me with a helpless gaze. “When have you ever kept such promises?”

Being a little speechless, I pouted and then quibbled, “I didn’t expect her to drug me at the café so blatantly and take me back to her place. I will not be fooled by her again next time.”

“Is there a next time?” He glared at me with a solemn expression.

I shook my head, declaring fearfully, “No, I hope this will never happen again.”

His facial expression improved slightly, and then he looked at me. “Do you understand what you did was wrong?”

I nodded. “Yes, I do!”

“What did you do wrong?”

I spoke like a child owning up, “I was wrong in being too trusting. I was wrong in being so silly. I was wrong for not obeying you!”

He grunted, looked at me and asked, “What else?”

His question had me stunned as I pondered over it and not knowing what else to say. Watching him cautiously, I asked, “What else did I do wrong?”

Unexpectedly, he got up abruptly from his seat and went straight out of the restaurant. I was a little dazed as I followed him, asking, “Ashton, can you quit losing your temper so easily? I really don’t know what’s wrong. Please tell me, so I won’t repeat it next time. Ashton! Why are you doing this?”

Nonetheless, he did not listen to me at all but continued his way out. I followed him for a few steps but realized that I could not catch up with him, so I simply gave up and sat on the steps outside the restaurant, watching him walk away.

After a while, he had probably realized that I was not following him. Thus, he looked back at me and narrowed his eyes slightly. “Don’t you want to go back?”

I pursed my lips, sitting on the steps desolately while looking at him. “What have I done wrong?”

He frowned. “We’ll talk about this at home!”

Without moving, I sat on the ground and continued staring at him. “Tell me now, or we’re not going back.”

His expression seemed down as he looked at me and said, “Are you sure you want to talk here?”

I nodded.

I had thought that he would at least turn back and tug me by the hand. Unexpectedly, he got into the car, started it, and left without hesitation.

As I watched him driving further and further into the distance, I was stunned. I sat there for a long time, lost in thought. Did he really just left?

The apologies that I had prepared mentally in my mind turned into curses. The scene of him dumping me replayed in my mind over and over again.

Standing at the entrance of the restaurant for a long time, I decided to give Nora a call. The call went through, but it was Holden who answered it, “She’s taking a shower. What’s the matter?”

That came as a big shock, so I couldn’t help but roar at him, “Holden, are you kidding me? I asked you to help me take care of her, not in this way! You’re really… Ugh! I have nothing to say to you! There are lines that you cannot cross, Holden, and Armond’s girlfriend is one of them! Is it that hard to understand?”

I admit that I was taking it all out on him. After all, I was furious with Ashton for dumping me, and I had nowhere to vent my anger. This man happened to pick up the phone, and so I acted accordingly.

On the other end, Holden was a little taken aback by my sudden outburst. “Excuse me, but you should calm down! I didn’t touch her at all. You asked me to take her to my house. While she is taking a bath,

the phone kept ringing, and it was bothering me, so I answered it. I didn’t touch her at all, Scarlett. Can you get your head out of the gutter?”

Oh… Uh…

I was a little embarrassed, but at this point, I did not want to apologize. Hence, I said, “You think I don’t know you? Don’t you dare pretend to be such an upright person. I’m warning you; you’d better not do anything to her. If you do, don’t blame me for taking action against you… Anyway, could you ask her the password for her place? I have to go to her house tonight.”

“I knew it! This was all because of what happened between you and Ashton, yes? That’s why you were so angry; even to the point that you wanted to leave home. But can’t you at least leave me out of this? I didn’t do anything wrong, so I clearly don’t deserve this.” Holden was scolded for no reason, so he started to complain.

After a while, his unhappy voice could be heard over the phone. “You’ve got a call. I swear, you women always take forever to shower.”

In love, never say never chapter 907

Obviously, these words were not meant for me.

Soon after that, Nora’s voice came over on the line. “What did you say to him just now? Why is he so angry?”

I curled my lips and said, “I thought he was messing with you, so I gave him a piece of my mind. Anyway, enough about that guy. I was just calling you to tell you that I wanted to stay at your house tonight. Tell me the password so that I can at least have a place to sleep.”

She sighed, “What happened? Did you quarrel with Ashton? Weren’t you guys at A City for work purposes?”

In one breath, she asked so many questions that I felt dizzy.

Drawing in a deep breath, I replied, “We’re here on a business trip. Just give me the password already. I’m outdoors, and it’s freezing.”

“The password’s my birthday. But what happened between you both? Why did you quarrel?”

I was not in the mood to talk much, so I hung up the phone hastily after thanking her. After that, I called a cab and went to her place, which I had visited before. That was why I knew the address.

As soon as I reached her place, a stale odor came wafting to my nostrils. I guessed it was probably because she had not been home for quite a while.

While I was tidying up, my phone kept ringing. I took a look at the screen and saw that it was Ashton, so I did not answer. Instead, I turned my phone off instantly. One could say that this is unnecessary, but that is just how I am.

After all that, I lay on the bed with my restless thoughts, unable to fall asleep. After a while, the doorbell rang. I was taken aback at first, but then I guessed that Ashton had probably found me.

Thus, I got up to check, and it was indeed him. However, I just ignored him and pretended not to hear anything. Then, I went back to the bedroom to rest, but I underestimated how determined and stubborn this man could be.

Bang! With just a few kicks, he had broken down Nora’s door. When I saw him in the bedroom, I was so angry that I threw the pillow at him and shouted, “Get lost, Ashton! Get out right now!”

He caught the pillow and looked at me. “I’m not the one at fault today!”

Upon his remark, I almost choked. “Excuse me? You’re the one who abandoned your wife and left! If it’s not your fault, then whose is it? Ashton, I initially thought that even though you’re an insensitive prick, you’re at least a gentleman. But, no… I guess I had really overestimated you. You’re even worse than that! In fact, you’re despicable.”

Clearly stunned, he looked at me and said, “I didn’t leave you behind. Joe told me that when a woman is angry, just get some cakes for her. She’ll feel better after having dessert.”

As he spoke, he solemnly handed me the box in his hand. “It’s from the shop you like. It’s matcha flavored!”

After hearing his explanation, I was exasperated. To be honest, I just wanted to ignore him. Then, I took in a deep breath and shouted at him, “I don’t want this! I don’t want to eat anything! As a matter of fact, please get away from me!”

Yet, he continued to stand there, unmoving. “It’s not safe being alone out here. Cut this nonsense, and let’s go home.”

Throwing the pillow in my hand at him, I trembled with anger, “Ashton, don’t you know me well enough? Am I a child? Don’t you know why I am angry? I had already apologized to you, so why are you still holding it against me? Are you deliberately looking for problems? Getting cakes for me… hah! I think you were driving to leave, and then you were afraid that I would hold a grudge against you, so you went to get cakes!”

With a darkened expression, he frowned at me. I thought he was going to be like before – knowing that I would win the argument, he would slam the door and leave, but he did not. Instead, he put the box in his hand next to me and picked up the pillow on the floor. Then, he looked at me and said, “I am cross with you because you know that angering Tessa is dangerous, but you still did it. I am upset that you

don’t put your safety first or take care of yourself. And no, I didn’t plan to leave; I just went to buy you cakes.”

Although he explained everything very clearly, I was still angry. Hence, I did not want anything to do with him, so I pulled the quilt over my head and said to him, “Okay. You can go now!”

Even if he had given a clear explanation, the anger in my heart still remained, so I could not think straight. I still wanted to fight with him because that was just how I was. I knew that, so I controlled myself and asked him to leave quickly.

However, he couldn’t get it, and that, I could only say, was the difference between a man and a woman. Not only did he refuse to leave, but he lay down beside me and said, “Then we will stay here tonight. Since the door is broken, I will get someone to fix it.”

I took a deep breath and held it. When I saw him crawling in next to me, I kicked him without even thinking. It took him by surprise, so he rolled off the bed and landed on the ground, his head hitting the corner of the bedside table.

Wham! A muffled knock accompanied his soft grunt. I was taken aback for a moment and subconsciously wanted to go down to help him, but I did not know what was going on as I watched him holding his head.

I refrained myself, sat up, and asked tentatively, “Are you alright?”

His pained voice could be heard, “It hurts!”

Since I was not sure if he was telling the truth, I replied, “I didn’t do it intentionally. I didn’t think you’d fall. C’mon, get up, and let me take a look at you.”

In love, never say never chapter 908

“It hurts!” He was still lying on the ground without moving and just complaining about the pain.

At that, I could not help being a little worried, so I got down from the bed and went towards him. I saw that his forehead was badly bruised, and I felt a little sorry for him. “Sh*t, what the hell happened? I’m so sorry. Let me take care of it right away!”

I helped him onto the bed, and then I went to get some ointment. Maybe because of the bump, he was sitting very quietly on the bed, without moving an inch. I got the ointment and sat at the bedside to put some on his head. In a short while, someone came to repair the door.

After I applied some ointment for Ashton, I greeted the locksmith and sent them away after everything was done. They had installed a new digital lock, and the password was set to Nora’s birthday.

When I returned to the bedroom, Ashton was lying in bed, apparently, asleep.

Seeing that the bruise on his forehead was less swollen now, I was relieved. After that, I turned off the lights and lay down right next to him. As soon as I closed my eyes, Ashton’s arm was around me. “Go to sleep!” I frowned and said.

“I sleep better with you in my arms,” he uttered childishly. This was obviously nonsense.

Due to what happened today at Tessa’s and the incident at Lavelian Village, I couldn’t help thinking of my previous accident in the hospital. I moved my body and leaned in to Ashton. “Ashton, did you investigate the accident that happened when I was in the hospital?”

He had not talked to me about this all this while. Moreover, due to the series of unfortunate events, I had also nearly forgotten about this.

The man put his arm around me and his chin on my shoulders. He was touching my ear all the time while speaking, and it was a little itchy. “This matter is related to Armond. Tessa and Abe both

participated in it, and the hospital surveillance system was damaged. There was no way to get evidence.”

“Tessa?” I was surprised. “How did she get involved?”

“The anesthesia in the hospital was given to you by Abe’s men. It was Abe who took you away. Their initial purpose was to make you disappear for a few hours, but after they handed you to Tessa, they didn’t expect her to take you to the morgue and put you in the freezer.” He put his arms around me and sighed, “Your friend is viler than you realize. Do avoid her as far as possible next time. In fact, it’s better if you don’t meet up with her at all.”

When he finished that, I was stunned for a moment. I still couldn’t fully get what he was saying, so I asked, “Did you mean to say that Abe and Tessa joined forces to harm me?”

He nodded, “After you were given anesthetics, Abe took you into the elevator. But when you got out of the elevator, Tessa took over. Their plan was to let Tessa take you to a hidden place and let you sleep for a few days so that I would not have the peace of mind to take care of the things in Lavelian Village. However, they didn’t expect Tessa to send you there, let alone that I would save you.”

I froze for a few seconds before digesting what he meant. Then I frowned and looked at him. “Tessa took me away today to threaten you, so you would not prosecute Armond. Yet you have already contacted the police and lawyers. Is it possible for you to change anything now?”

He nodded, “Before the case is filed, everything can be changed. Today is the last day to do so.”

I pursed my lips silently for a while and said, “But isn’t Abe already dead? Tessa has been with me all day, and she couldn’t have threatened you. Who else is involved in this?”

He raised his hand to my zipper while his voice was low and resonant. “I haven’t figured this out yet!”

Realizing that he was going to kiss me, I avoided him and said, “How is Armond today? Did you let him go?”

He stretched out his hand to pull me close into his arms, his voice husky, “Mm-hmm!”

I frowned at his response. “He almost killed you, Ashton. How could he let him go so easily? You’re going too easy on him.”

Nonetheless, he was distracted. The man merely hummed a response and trapped me between his legs. I opened my eyes wide and raised my hand to push him away. “Ashton, stop it!”

“Oh, for goodness’ sake, Scarlett! We’re married!” His voice was a little hoarse. I pursed my lips, pushed him away slightly, and distanced myself from him. “Not today… I’m too sleepy.”

It was true as I slept quite a lot lately.

However, he didn’t let me go, so I pursed my lips and said, “Ashton, I’m really sleepy. I don’t want to!”

This went on for a while.

That night, I was reluctant. Ashton stopped after trying to persuade me a few times. After that, he held me and muttered, “When we have time, we need to make a visit to the hospital!”

At that moment, I was too sleepy to reply sensibly.

The weather was quite rough the next day.

It had been half a month since we came to A City. Cameron called and said that Summer had been prone to catching a cold recently. She didn’t know that until she took Summer out.

It didn’t come much of a surprise to me since K City was cold, and Summer was born prematurely. For all these years, I had lived with her in R Province, and the weather there was just right, so she rarely

got sick. Two years ago, we moved to K City suddenly. Hence, with the change in environment, the girl would easily catch a cold now and then. However, this was all considered normal since she needed time to get used to the new environment.

In love, never say never chapter 909

I was on a call with Cameron when Ashton came to me and said, “We have the bidding at Oasis Hotel this afternoon. You should come with me.”

Seeing the serious look on him, I hung up the call and frowned. “Do I have to go? I’m not involved in the tender anyway. Besides, I only know that it’s to find a supplier for the project. If not, Rachel’s two years of hard work would go to waste.”

He handed me a black tie to let me help him with it. “I really think you should go with me. I can’t be at ease if you’re here alone. Tessa has been released from the police station, so I’m worried you might be in danger.”

As soon as he said that, I creased my brow, puzzled. “What? She almost killed me! How can they let her go just after a night? Is law made for nothing?”

He pursed his lips and responded, “Since she did not inflict direct physical harm, the police can’t lay any charges on her, so she can’t be detained for more than twelve hours.”

No direct physical harm? Upon hearing that, I almost fainted right there and then. “That was attempted murder! The police were even at the scene when it happened. How could there be no evidence? So they can only charge a murderer after the victim has died? How ridiculous!”

I could not help but fume as I thought about the times she had harmed me. First, she almost froze me to death in the hospital. And this time, I was almost killed by her again. How could they say there’s no evidence of her crime when all this while she’s been plotting my death?

Seeing that I was shaking with anger, Ashton placed his warm hands on me and calmed me down. “She found someone to bail her out. By the time my subordinates arrived at the police station, she was already gone.”

“Huh? Who bailed her out?” Isn’t she from a small county? And Tabitha told me that she did not have any close friends there. How could she have someone to bail her out?

“It was Derek Watson.” Ashton grabbed my hand and brought me down to the entrance. Then, he asked me to wait for him while he went to get his car.

Mr. Watson? Linda’s ex-husband?

A while later, Ashton drove over and picked me up. I looked at him and asked, “Why is he involved in this matter? I only know that there are some business relations between them. But why would he bail her out? That was her private matter.”

He turned to me and sighed, “Have you ever look into Tessa’s background?”

His question made me even more confused. When he saw me staring at him, he smiled and said, “They had a complicated relationship when they were young. And do you know that she had a tea business?”

His words reminded me that when we were in Venria, Tessa said that she used to have two houses and a Mercedes-Benz when she was in her twenties, and she even had two shops that sold tea leaves. Her assets were probably worth a few million. If she were from a wealthy family, I could understand why a young girl from a rural area could own so much, but she was not. Come to think of it, I realized there was more to her story than what she had told us.

I looked at Ashton, waiting for him to elaborate, but he hesitated and said, “I still need to investigate more before I could explain it to you.”

Although Ashton did not tell me more, I somehow understood the situation. If one looked at Tessa closely, one could see that she had a slight saddle nose deformity and an asymmetrical jaw. She probably had plastic surgery ten years ago and failed to follow up for maintenance, so her facial features had turned crooked over the years.

“How about the things that happened yesterday?” The only one I could think of was him.

As Ashton drove down the road, he deliberated for a while and replied, “I don’t think it’s him. He wouldn’t involve himself in this complicated matter.”

When we arrived at the entrance of the Oasis Hotel, there were many people gathered at the door. They seemed as if they were there to welcome Ashton. I turned to him and asked, “Were you the one who arranged this?”

He shook his head. “It’s not me.”

Later, a middle-aged man with a potbelly came towards us as we walked into the hotel. I did not recognize him at first, but as he came closer, I realized that he was Derek. When he saw Ashton, he rushed over and greeted Ashton enthusiastically. “When I heard that you’re inviting companies to rebid, I can’t wait to come and join it. Mr. Fuller, I hope you won’t ignore us this time.”

Geez, this man is really awful!

I pursed my lips and held Ashton’s arm. Derek then turned to me and smiled awkwardly. “Ms. Stovall, long time no see. You’re still as beautiful as ever.”

What I admired about Derek was that he never failed to put up a smile and ingratiate himself with the person he disliked even when both of them knew that they hate each other.

I pursed my lips and frowned, refusing to talk to him. I’ve not forgotten what he did at the bar, and I certainly won’t let it slide. Seeing my attitude, he was not upset at all. He then humbly introduced his company to Ashton and curried favor with him.

On the other hand, Ashton remained silent the whole time, looking impassive as always. I wondered if he paid attention to Derek’s words as I definitely did not listen to any of them.

However, there was one thing I wanted to comment on. I narrowed my eyes at Derek and said, “I see Mr. Watson is a man with multiple careers.”

“Oh, Ms. Stovall, you’ve misunderstood! How could a person like me own a company? It’s my ambitious wife who established the company. She’s been aspiring to become a successful businesswoman for a long time. So, I took a day off to be here today to help her bid for this project.”

In love, never say never chapter 910

I gave him a faint smile. “Oh, so it belongs to your wife? Seems like I’m the one who had overthought. But I do hope to meet your wife one day.”

Just then, the elevator arrived, and Derek changed the topic, ushering Ashton into the elevator. When we reached the destination, he excused himself and went away.

Ashton glanced at me and said, “You’re normally a quiet person, but you’re surprisingly chatty with Derek just now. Did he offend you before?”

I shrugged nonchalantly and found myself a seat to sit. “Not really, but he did infuriate me before. I really dislike him. He abandoned his wife and his child, and yet he still had the nerve to say that the

company belongs to his wife. What a jerk!”

He looked at me curiously and asked, “How did you know about his background?”

I pursed my lips. “His ex-wife is Linda, and she is a single parent. He does not have a wife at all, so it was all lies. He was the one who owns the company. Hmph, I swear I’ve never seen such a corrupt person.”

As I continued to badmouth Derek, Ashton gazed at me amusedly.

Suddenly, Rachel came over and passed a document to Ashton. When she saw me sitting beside him, she furrowed her brows, displeased with my presence. She probably thought that it was inappropriate for me to observe the tendering process.

I did not take it to heart and ignored her. After he looked through the document, he looked at her and asked, “Is Motha Group a financial investment firm?”

Rachel nodded in response. “It used to be an investment company, but it has changed into a small company recently, managed by a young girl. They are not doing so well, so you don’t have to put this company into your consideration.”

“Okay. Who would be their representative today?”

Rachel was surprised that Ashton would ask more about the company. “It’s the daughter of the former chairperson, Scott Webster. Her name is Hailey Webster. She is still quite young. Rumor has it that she took over the deteriorating company not long after her father passed away. Currently, their business is just barely managing to get by.”

He frowned, seemingly deep in his thought.

Half an hour later, the event started. Rachel had always been competent at work, so it was not a surprise that she could manage the entire tendering process without Ashton’s guidance. Hence, he did not participate in the facilitation process but only observed the tendering among the members of the audience with me.

A few hours passed, and the big companies were finally done with their proposal presentations. I was about to fall asleep when a young lady with a cold, impassive face went up the stage, instantly catching my attention.

There was nothing special about her, but it was hard not to notice an adolescent who looked about seventeen years old presenting on the stage as all the other presenters were adults.

The girl was wearing a black dress, looking a little gloomy. She stood on the stage, swept a glance over the audience, and started to present her proposal calmly.

However, her proposal did not attract any attention from the audience. An expert in construction tendering would probably comment that her proposal did not have any points that stood out, so it was rather boring and general. Therefore, my attention was not on her presentation but on her face.

At first glance, this little girl looked rather low-spirited and had an air of melancholy around her, like a dead soul in a living body. I did not know why I would describe her in this way, but this was the feeling I got when I first landed my gaze on her.

Since the Motha Group was a small company, no questions were asked from the host, and she came down from the stage as soon as she ended her presentation. Nonetheless, I could not help but stare at her as she walked past me. Noticing that someone was looking at her, she glanced in my direction.

Our eyes met, and I felt inexplicably cold; there was not even a hint of warmth in this girl.

I averted my gaze and focused on Rachel, who was announcing the tender results on the stage. The Fuller Corporation was a big company, after all. Hence, many corporations were eager to win the bid as a deal signed with the Fuller Corporation would guarantee a huge profit to their companies.

After a detailed analysis of the tender documents submitted by the participating big companies, she decided to choose Derek’s trading company in the end. The decision was fully entrusted to her as Ashton trusted her excellent capability at work.

Therefore, he made no further comments.

When the event came to an end, Rachel and Ashton still had some discussion to make, so I wandered around the room and saw the girl in a black dress standing at the entrance. As I got closer to her, I realized that she was staring blankly at a piece of art in front of her.

I believed humans had an instinct to seek only benefits and avoid danger. Standing in front of the girl, my gut told me to stay away from her and not to get involved with her. There were so many things about her that I was familiar with but unwilling to face.

When I was about to turn and leave, she suddenly called out to me. “I thought you wanted to chat with me.”

I hesitated for a moment and turned around eventually. Looking at her dark brown eyes, I said, “Business is not suitable for you.”

Unperturbed, she nodded. “I know.”

I pursed my lips and cast my gaze on the poignant image in front of her. It seemed to be unrelated to the bidding. Perhaps it was left to be displayed here merely for aesthetic purposes.


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