In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 911-912-913-914-915

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 911-912-913-914-915

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 911-912-913-914-915

“You seem to like the color black,” I commented. To be honest, I did not want to encounter these negative things again.

She nodded frankly in response. After observing the image for a while, she turned to me again and raised her brow. “Are you a staff of the Fuller Corporation?”

“Yes.” I nodded.

“I see.” Then, she continued, “The man who was sitting beside you just now is your husband, isn’t he? I can see that he treats you well.”

I did not deny her words and pursed my lips.

After a short pause, she lowered her head, looking pensive. “It’s good that he can heal you.”

I kept quiet for a while before saying, “You also know that business is not suitable for you. So, why don’t you do the things that you want to do? The only way to heal us is to seek for the things that make us happy.”

She merely smiled and did not reply.

Just then, Ashton finished his discussion with Rachel and walked over to us. He knitted his eyebrows in confusion when he saw that I was talking with Hailey. Seeing Ashton, she left without saying anything.

I stood there and waited for Ashton to come closer. He asked, “Someone you know?”

I shook my head in reply and changed the topic. “Are you done with your discussion?”

He nodded and asked, “There’s a celebratory banquet tonight. Do you want to go with me?”

Ever since the incidents I had with Tessa, Ashton had been insisting that I stay with him 24/7. I nodded in response and looked in the direction Hailey had left. An indescribable feeling swept through me at that moment.

When a person who had undergone rhinoplasty saw a retracted columella scar on the other person’s nose, he would know that the other person also had a rhinoplasty like himself. The same principle applied to Hailey and me as well. The moment we first met each other, we instinctively knew that both of us were depressed.

Depression could never be cured; the symptoms could only be alleviated or suppressed as time went by. What we could do was to search for the light at the end of the tunnel and fill the emptiness in our hearts with warmth and happiness. Hailey was right; I was lucky to have Ashton in my life. He was the one who healed me and brought me warmth.

However, this did not mean it applied to everyone else. I had no idea what she had gone through in her life, but the emptiness in her eyes told me that she was still struggling in the dark.

At night, we went to the dinner as planned.

I often attended banquets similar to this, so I was quite familiar with the process. Normally, the people involved from the two companies would gather for a dinner together, exchange pleasantries, and get acquainted with each other.

I was rather reluctant to join this banquet as it was hosted by Derek. However, what surprised me was that Dante and Danny were at the banquet as well.

It had been a while since I last saw them. Dante did not change much, except that his skin had turned fairer, probably because the UV rays were weaker in our country.

He was dressed formally with black-framed glasses, and currently, he was raising a toast to Derek obsequiously. On the other hand, Danny was still the same. He was now standing in the corner, enjoying the food on his plate heartily. I guess he is still a foodie.

Seeing that I was observing them, Ashton asked curiously, “You know them?”

I nodded in response. When I was about to go to Danny, Derek came over to curry favor with Ashton. Hence, Dante, who was tagging along with Derek, saw me as well.

He squinted slightly and raised his glass towards me with a smile. “Ms. Stovall, long time no see. I didn’t expect to see you here. Fate has kindly brought us together again.”

Derek was going to toast Ashton, but when he heard Dante’s words, he smiled and asked, “Both of you know each other?”

“Of course. We are good friends indeed. I initially thought that we would never meet again, but look at us now! It must be fate!” He sounded so sarcastic when he said that we were “good friends.”

I pursed my lips and shifted a bit towards Ashton. I really can’t bring myself to smile at a devil.

Just then, Ashton caught my movement and looked at Dante. “May I know who you are?”

Dante was indifferent to my attitude. “You must be Mr. Fuller. My name is Dante. Ms. Stovall and I met each other when we were in Venria, but now she seems to have forgotten about me. My heart is broken.”

At that, Ashton furrowed his brows slightly and exchanged a few more words with them before sending them away. Then, he turned to me and asked quizzically, “He said both of you met in Venria. Is that true?”

I nodded. “He is Abe’s subordinate.” As I replied to Ashton, I looked over to Danny, but he was gone. I glanced around, looking for him, but to no avail.

Ashton seemed to want to ask more questions, but I said, “We’ll talk later. I need to go out for a while.” Without listening to his reply, I immediately went to the corner where Danny was standing just now and walked along the corridor to find him.

I searched around again, but he was still out of sight. However, when I passed by the restroom, I saw Tessa standing at the door. She seemed unsurprised to see me here. She smiled mirthlessly and said, “What a coincidence. We’ve met again.”

In love, never say never chapter 912

At that time, I had no intention to chat with her, so I told her calmly, “I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”

Glancing around, I did not see Danny, so I turned around to leave. But Tessa stopped me and said, “Oh, why? You seem to be looking for someone.”

“Get out of my way!” I had no time or patience for people like her.

However, she continued to use her chubby body to block my way and taunted, “Why are you so aggressive? Are we not good friends? Don’t you remember all the dangerous situations that we had been through in Venria? Do you treat Nora and the others like this, too?”

I glared at her and scoffed. “Friends, huh? What kind of friend would put me into a mortuary cabinet? And what kind of friend would plot my death every day? Tessa, you’ve insulted the term ‘friends.’ Don’t compare yourself with Nora and the others. You’re downright disgusting!”

Suddenly, she burst into laughter. “I’m disgusting? Scarlett, did you forget that you were the one who caused me to be sexually assaulted in Venria? Did you seriously think that I could act like nothing had

happened after we left there? Do you know the feeling of being gang-raped in front of everyone else? No, you don’t. You were the one who saw me being violated by those men. You knew that they raped me because of you, and yet, you did not do anything to help me. And now you even have the audacity to think that it’s not your fault. Maybe everyone else had forgotten about it, but I can’t. It will forever be engraved in my memory. From the moment I left Venria, I vowed to make all of you suffer as much as I did!”

She looked at me sinisterly as her eyes blazed with hate and wrath. I was rendered speechless as I thought that she had let go of the past. After all, I knew that there was nothing I could do to undo the hurt that I had inflicted on her. That was why I did everything I could to make a deal with Armond to let him send us back to our country and even begged him to find the best doctors to remove the kyanine in their wombs. I naively thought that she would forgive us and move on.

But she’s right. Why does she have to forgive us, especially me? She would not have been hurt if it weren’t for my little mistake. Hence, it was understandable why she hated me and wanted to seek revenge against me.

Completely absorbed in my thought, I did not know when she had left. When Ashton found me looking devastated at the corridor, he frowned. “Anything happened?”

I shook my head, lay my head against his chest, and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. It was my fault. I know that it happened because of me, but I don’t know what I can do about it now!”

“What happened, Scarlett?” Ashton hugged me as he patted my back.

I did not know how to tell him about the incident in Venria, so I just shook my head and remained silent.

After that, Ashton brought me back to the villa. I lay on the bed and felt dejected, but I did not want to continue to wallow in misery. Whenever people were accused, they would always defend themselves and find numerous reasons to convince themselves that it was not their fault. But, wrong is wrong.

I also kept trying to comfort myself, reminding myself of what I had done for her – I was the one who helped her escape from Venria, I harbored no grudge against her after she purposely threw away my documents at the airport, and I could even forgive her for harming me several times. However, all of these could not deny the fact that she was hurt because of me.

After laying on the bed for a long time, I realized that Ashton had not come back from the study. So, I went there and saw him staring at the monitor. When he heard me enter, he looked up and asked, “Are you feeling better?”

I nodded in reply and went over to sit beside him. As I landed my gaze on the computer screen, I was shocked to see that he was looking at some surveillance footage. “I thought the footage from the hospital was destroyed. How did you get this?”

He looked at me and replied, “I hired someone to fix it, so the footage at the elevator and the morgue had been recovered. Even though Abe and Tessa were wearing masks, we could still identify them from this footage.”

I hesitated for a moment and looked at him. “What are you going to do next?” The reason why he put so much effort into recovering the footage was to put Tessa into prison. This footage would be enough to charge her for cooperating with Abe in attempted murder. Although she could not be sentenced to life imprisonment, she would definitely be imprisoned for several years.”

Ashton watched the footage with a solemn look. After a while, he said, “It’s too dangerous to let her stay in the society. She should be thrown into prison for a few years.”

I fell silent. After a long pause, I asked, “Can you not pass this to the police?”

“Why?” He frowned, baffled.

“I owe her for that. When we were in Venria, she was hurt because of me. And that was the reason why she has been targeting me.” I was not sure if it was right to do so, but if I sent her into prison now, I would feel guilty for the rest of my life. After all, it was my fault that she was violated, even though I was not the one who harmed her.

In love, never say never chapter 913

Ashton looked at me for a long time before saying, “Okay. Since you want to stop here, I won’t do anything for now. I’ll let you keep this footage, in case one day you would need it.”

Then, he copied the file into a USB drive and handed it to me.

I took it and leaned on his shoulder, feeling touched. “Ashton, I feel like I always cause you trouble.”

He smiled and lifted my chin with his finger. With a solemn look on him, he said, “Don’t always deny yourself, Scarlett. You’re very outstanding. No one on earth would risk their lives to go into such a cold place for my stomach. And no one would reject those exceptional men to be with me. In fact, I should be the one to say thank you. You’re the one who makes my life whole.”

I blushed at his words. Is this his love declaration for me?

A sense of warmth swept through me that instant.

We would probably still argue with one another, get angry at each other, or quarrel because of some trivial matters, but we knew in the depths of our hearts that we belonged only to each other, and no one could separate us.

In a nutshell, the tender in A City was won by Derek, and Rachel would be fully in charge of the project. Winter came, and Ashton and I went back to K City.

Nora called me one day, saying that she and Armond had come back from overseas. Even though Armond was left unhurt, the Murphy Corporation had suffered a great loss from the previous incident. Thus, he did not have the ability to retaliate against the Fuller Corporation for the time being.

Time flew by, and it was now the end of November.

Two days after arriving in K City, I settled down and phoned Sasha’s mother. Previously, I had transferred about a million into her bank card, so she told me not to give them any more money. She also said that they had given up on the medical treatment, so they had left the hospital and brought Renee to see the outside world.

After a few rings, the call went through. I could hear the sound of wind blowing from the other side of the line, and Sasha’s mother greeted, “Mrs. Fuller, it’s been a long time since we’ve contacted each other. How are you?”

I greeted back and asked, “Mrs. Brooks, where are you guys now? Is Renee feeling better? I really think that you should come back and bring her to the hospital again. I believe it can still be cured.”

Upon that, she sighed, “Mrs. Fuller, thank you for all that you’ve done for Sasha and us. Actually, my husband and I have brought Renee to Turlen. We’ve never traveled overseas, so this time we brought Renee here to fulfill Sasha’s wish. As for Renee, we won’t continue the treatment anymore. Thank God she has been well these few days. Maybe when we’re done traveling around here, her health condition would have improved by then.”

I was taken aback for a second, but when I was about to reply to her, the call was disconnected. It was probably because of a bad signal.

Everyone perceived the meaning of life differently. Thus, I respected their decision to bring Renee to Turlen. Maybe she could be cured by the vast blue sky and the towering mountain peaks there. After all, who would know?

After putting down the phone, I headed straight to the Moore Residence. Cameron said that Summer was having a fever again. When I reached there, she was sleeping soundly on her bed.

“She took her breakfast today, and she’s been sleeping since then,” Cameron said as she looked at Summer worriedly.

I placed my hand on her warm forehead and sighed, “Summer was born prematurely and did not get much breast milk when she was a toddler, so I guess that’s why she is a sickly child. That time when she was at R Province, her health was not as bad as now. Perhaps the poor air quality in K City causes her immune system to become weaker.”

When I said that, Cameron sighed as well, “These few days I’ve been preparing a lot of nutritious food for her, but she doesn’t seem to eat much and gets thinner and thinner. Indeed, R province is a place of nature, so it would be a better place for her. Perhaps both of you should bring her there and let her convalesce at R province. The most important thing for a child like her is to have a healthy body.”

I nodded in agreement. Recently, I had been thinking about this matter. Now that I did not need to work at the Murphy Corporation anymore, I was actually quite free. But if I brought Summer to R Province alone, Ashton might want to follow along, and that would interfere with his job. Besides, Armond was still a threat to the Fuller Corporation. If Ashton were to make a slip or two, I’m sure Armond would pounce on the Fuller Corporation immediately.

“After Ashton takes care of everything here, we will move to R Province for some time,” I replied, looking at Summer’s sunken cheeks. Sasha’s daughter is about her age, too.

Cameron nodded and said, “You should advise Ashton not to spend too much time on work. The two of you are not young anymore. I had consulted a doctor about your condition, Scarlett. You’re not infertile. It’s just that you needed time to recover from your previous injury. After so many years have passed, I believe your body can conceive again. Therefore, I do hope that both of you would go to the hospital

someday. After all, you two need to have a baby of your own. By the way, a few days ago, I bumped into Sally at the hospital. She was with a man about her age, and I saw them going to the obstetrics and gynaecology department. I was curious, so I asked around and was told that she was planning to conceive.”

In love, never say never chapter 914

That was unexpected. After everything that had happened to Sally, she moved to the suburbs of K City for a change of environment. I assumed she would be living out the rest of her life peacefully herself. Never did I expect her to find a new partner, much less a kid.

I replied, “That’s good to know. After all, she spent half her life embroiled with the White family. Now that she’s found someone she wants to start a family with, she won’t be lonely anymore.”

Cameron nodded. “Indeed. As we age, we fear loneliness. That’s why you and Ashton should hurry up and have kids to liven up the house. Look at Emery, her child’s almost six months old now. Don’t worry, I’ll pass my work responsibilities to Nick and help you with child-rearing.”

“I’ll just let nature take its course. Besides, Summer is practically under your care now. You’ll have a hard time handling two kids.”

“No biggie. I mean, isn’t your dad very free nowadays? Get him a child to curb that bad temper of his.” She laughed at her own words.

Afraid that Summer might wake up, we tiptoed our way out of her room.

After my chat with Cameron, I drove over to Fuller Corporation to meet Ashton for dinner. In the lobby, I saw Stella coming out of the lift, holding a pink lunchbox. Her rosy cheeks radiating with happiness. Is she dating?

“Ms. Collins!” My sudden greeting almost caused her to drop her lunchbox.

“M-Mrs…” Her face turned pale from shock. I felt a pang of guilt for frightening her.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you’d seen me.” She was probably too immersed in her own happiness to notice her surroundings.

Stella took a few deep breaths to calm her palpitating heart. “I’m so sorry Mrs. Fuller! I wasn’t paying attention.”

“No need to apologize. It’s my fault for calling you out suddenly. Are you… dating someone?”

She instantly hid the lunchbox behind her. “No! I was just delivering for a f-friend.”

Judging from her coy response, she either just started dating or had a crush on someone. “Go for it! Women look the most charming when they’re taking the lead.”

Stella paused for a few moments before looking up at me. “Mrs. Fuller, it really isn’t like that.”

“I know. I know. Don’t worry about it.” I patted her shoulder before entering the lift. It sure is good to be young.

Just as I arrived on the floor of Ashton’s office, I saw one of his secretaries printing some documents. She was flustered by my presence. “Mrs. Fuller, you’re here!”

Although her expression seemed a bit off, I paid no heed. “Is Ashton inside?”

“He is.”

As usual, I entered his office without knocking and saw him in front of his desk, buttoning up his shirt.

Hearing footsteps, he shouted, “Get lost!”

That startled me for a moment. The atmosphere in his office was dreary. “Who made you this angry?”

He paused his hands and looked up at my voice and his expression softened upon seeing my face. “What brings you here? Aren’t you supposed to be visiting Summer?”

I walked over to his side, intending to help him button the rest. Then I noticed the red patches on his neck. “What happened?”

“Joseph’s not here. The other secretary was careless and spilled some hot water on me.”

Hearing that, I hurriedly went to the cupboard to get an ointment for his scald. I made Ashton sit on his chair as I unbuttoned the rest of his shirt. There were large red patches on his chest. “If there’s really no one reliable, get Joseph to come back and leave the issues in Moranta to someone else.”

“There are too many things to handle there. I won’t feel safe unless it’s Joseph. Although, I’ll be happy if you come to visit me more. Will you?”

Looking at his reddened chest made my heart ache. I nodded. “All right. Summer’s with Mom, and I have nothing going on anyway. I’ll see what I can help around the office.”

In love, never say never chapter 915

Ashton leaned back against the backrest. His smile widened. “My wife’s the best!”

While attending to his wound, it dawned on me to ask, “Ashton, tell me the truth. You must have said or done something for the secretary to pour hot water on your chest. What did you do?”

His eyes dimmed. “Do I seem like such a person to you?”

I shrugged. “That’s hard to tell.” Unknowingly, I increased my pressure on his wound. As an act of petty revenge, he bit my lips lightly.

“Heartless creature.”

After attending to his wound, I helped him with his shirt. “Summer’s down with flu. Ever since she arrived in K City, her immune system has deteriorated. After discussing with Mom, we are thinking of bringing her back to R Province to recuperate.”

For a few moments, Ashton lowered his head, deep in thought. “All right. I’ll tie up all the loose ends. When Joseph comes back from Moranta, we’ll bring Summer to R Province.”

That went so smoothly, it was almost unbelievable. “If you leave, can Joseph manage?”

“There’s still Joe. Nothing to worry about.” Still seated, he hugged my waist playfully. I noticed the cute lunchbox on his desk. “Did you eat out? Or did someone send you food?”

“I ordered takeaway. There wasn’t time to eat out.”

I nodded, not intending to ask any further.

Over the next couple of days, Ashton and I stuck to each other like glue; we ate, lived, and went to work together. One fine day, while we were lazing around in his office, I received a call from Hannah.

“Scarlett, are you at K City?” Her voice sounded hoarse.

“I am. How’s Quilo?”

“He’s fine. Actually, I have a favor to ask.”

This was out of the norm. “Did something happen?”

“It concerns your family. Actually, John didn’t want to trouble you about this, but Scarlett, you’re the only one I know who can help us! Can you get Uncle Zachery to use his connections and find out how Uncle Louis is doing?”

“What happened? Tell me everything.”

“Someone reported Uncle Louis for jobbery. They accused him of using his power to open a company for John, which is a violation of the law. It has been two days since he was taken in for investigation! John’s frantically searching, but no one has any news concerning him. Uncle Zachery’s been here for many years. I’m sure he’ll know who to look.”

“Hannah, calm down. I’ll definitely ask Dad for help. Are you alone at home? Can you contact John?”

“Quilo’s with me, and John’s phone keeps going to voicemail.” I could tell she was about to cry.

I got up from Ashton. “Don’t worry. I’ll call Dad now.” Then I hung up the phone.

Just as I was about to dial for Zachary, Ashton took away my phone. “Based on Uncle Louis’ standing, I’m sure they won’t do anything to him. He’s probably at someplace nice, answering a few questions. Give it a few more days. If your dad gets involved, how would the top brass think? A high-ranking official being friends with a dubious businessman. It would just make things worse for him.”

After considering his words, I realized how rash I was acting. If they found concrete evidence against Louis, he would have already been convicted. This silence could only mean that they had nothing against him. In this case, no news was good news. It wouldn’t help the situation one bit if I meddled blindly.

“Then what should we do now? John and Hannah must be panicking. We can’t just sit still and do nothing.”

Ashton frowned. “How would you know about John’s condition? If he’s able to lead Stovall Corporation well, I’m sure he must have thought about this, too. Don’t worry about Hannah. I’ll get someone to watch over her.”

His words were implying something. I asked, “If John knows he can’t get involved with Uncle Louis’ matter, why didn’t he tell Hannah about it? Why’s he making her worry?”


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