In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 916-917-918-919-920

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 916-917-918-919-920

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 916-917-918-919-920

Ashton grazed me gently on my nose. “Remember the last time he came to find you?”

I was reminded of the dinner I had with John at La Morera some time back. Not only did he get drunk, but he got Ashton drunk as well. I had assumed his moodiness was due to a couple’s fight with Hannah, so I did not probe any further.

Now that I thought about it, it was probably more than that. “Wait. Are you saying, John is not coming home not because he’s looking for help but he’s avoiding Hannah?”

“You’re heading in the right direction. Continue.”

“And since John and Hannah are not on the best of terms now, he probably wouldn’t have mentioned Uncle Louis’ news to her. This means that someone must have told Hannah about it. That person must have known she would call me for help. Naturally, I would…”

Ashton looked at me with admiration. “Looks like your brain does have some merit.”

I pursed my lips in annoyance. “That doesn’t sound like a compliment. Anyway, who exactly is going in such a roundabout manner to get us?”

He looked at me with his obsidian eyes.

“It’s the Murphys, isn’t it?”

“Smart girl!”

Knowing all this, I decided to give John a call. After that conversation with Hannah, I did not expect my call to go through. To my surprise, he answered.

“How rare is this? I thought you were having so much fun, you’ve forgotten about me.”

I chuckled at his childish remark. “I was busy with a few things. Hannah called. She told me about Uncle Louis. Are you all right?”

“Why’d she call you? There’s no need to meddle in Uncle Louis’ affair.” His voice was evidently annoyed.

“I understand. But did something happen between you and Hannah?” I could tell it was beyond a regular lovers’ quarrel.

“What else? It’s just the usual problem. Are you free tonight? Let’s go grab dinner together. I’ve been so bored by myself recently, I need someone to talk to.”

Beneath his playfulness, I could detect some weariness in his voice. “All right. Let’s have dinner together.”

“Great! I’ll text you the address.” With that, he hung up the call.

I turned to Ashton, smiling. “Shall we eat out tonight?”

“You promised him?”

I nodded.

He remained silent, which I presumed was a yes.

Right then, someone knocked on the office door. Ashton responded, “Come in!” Meanwhile, I went to his private restroom to pick a jacket for later.

“Mr. Fuller, we’ve just received some documents from Mr. Campbell. There are a few that require your endorsement. I’ll mail it back to him first thing tomorrow.”

“All right.”

After some moments of silence, I thought the secretary had left the room. To my surprise, she spoke again, “Mr. Fuller, here is an employee promotion name list compiled by the HR department. They need your approval for this. If there are any issues, you can leave a note on it.”

“Ok.” Like before, Ashton was curt with his reply.

I waited for her to leave before exiting the private restroom. While holding on to my jacket, I looked at Ashton working fast on his documents. “Do you have to finish all these by today?”

He nodded. “It’s not a lot. We’ll meet John for dinner once I’m done.”

Noticing how thick the folders were, I almost suggested going by myself, but I swallowed my words back. Then I went over to his side and picked up the name list on his desk. Seeing the few thousand over names left me speechless.

“So much for being the chairperson. How are you going to look through so many names?”

He took a glance at the list before saying, “Help me look through and circle those who have worked with us for less than three years. As for the rest, check and see whether they’ve met the promotion criteria.”

“Isn’t this a bit too careless? Although some of them haven’t worked long in Fuller Corporation, they’ve displayed exemplary performance. Shouldn’t we give those people special consideration?”

“I’ll leave it to you!”


“After settling these, do you think I’ll still have energy left to go through every single name on the list?” It was obvious he was counting on me for this.

I pursed my lips, unable to deny his words. In the first place, I did agree to help him out. Now that he needed my assistance, there was no reason for me to reject.

In love, never say never chapter 917

A request for promotion lay among the stack of promotion documents. I opened it and read Stella’s name written boldly on it. Stella wrote in a sincere, flowing manner, carefully detailing her experience at the Fuller Corporation as well as the expectations that had been placed on her. I noticed that Stella had occupied her position for barely more than a year. However, in all her time at Fuller Corporation, she had not produced any particularly outstanding work. After careful consideration, I set Stella’s request aside.

After a while, Ashton turned to me once he’d completed all his tasks on hand. He glanced at the pile of promotion letters with interest, then picked up Stella’s cast aside one and gave it a casual once-over. Ashton then commented, “There’s no need to take this so seriously. We’ve had no lack of remarkable employees. It’s not even in the criteria for promotion anymore.’

I nodded, then looked at him curiously. “Have you been very busy lately?”

Ashton arched an eyebrow and declared, “Yes!”

I sighed, “These matters used to be managed by the respective heads of department. Everything’s on you now, so it’ll be a miracle if you weren’t busy. You should be supervising the work and contributions of a few directors at most, not the entire company.”

“There’s a name list that’s already been vetted. You can take a look,” Ashton advised. I flipped through the stack accordingly and located the document. Scanning through the list, nearly all of its names had been nominated by the respective directors and senior management.

Was my meticulous analysis of each individual completely unnecessary then? I felt slightly ridiculous and laughed sheepishly. “If I told you that I didn’t see it, would you believe me?”

Ashton gave me a hand, then pulled me up. “Sure. Leave it. I’ll come back to sign these afterward.”

I had a sneaking suspicion that Ashton had been delaying me on purpose.

When we entered the elevator, Ashton pressed me against the wall. In a low, hoarse whisper, he demanded, “Aren’t you going to reward me a little?”

I blinked at him, baffled. “What kind of reward do you want?” I queried.

Looking at my bewildered expression, Ashton frowned. His handsome face looked almost petulant at the moment. He flung my hand aside and retreated to another corner of the elevator to sulk.

I was used to his pettiness, however, and leaned towards him flirtatiously. Tiptoeing, I planted a kiss on his lips, then teased, “If we don’t manage to do it here, I’ll compensate you tonight, OK?”

Childish as he was, Ashton was easily won over. The man warmed to my proposal instantly and grinned. “Now that’s an idea.”

I couldn’t resist smiling back at him. Just then, I recalled the matter with Sally and inquired curiously, “Ashton, Mom said that she ran into Aunt Sally at the hospital. She sounds like she’s seeing someone now. Have you been in touch with her recently?”

Ashton shook his head. “I’ve been busy lately and haven’t been to see her. She’s getting on in years, and it must be lonely for her, living on her own. It would be good for her to have someone keep her company.”

I nodded, approving. Sally had lived in the White residence for years. She’d spent her days fighting with Sharon when she wasn’t caring for Benjamin, then had been greatly troubled by Marcus. All these

years, Sally had never had the chance to do anything for herself. If Sally had indeed managed to find someone to enjoy the rest of her days with, that would be ideal.

When the elevator doors opened, Ashton hauled me out of it. Streams of employees getting off work flowed ceaselessly through the lobby. Many lingered leisurely around the front counter, chatting idly.

I glanced at their faces inquisitively. In the middle of the crowd, a man in his twenties was clutching a bouquet to his chest. With one knee on the ground, both his posture and face were brimming with ardor.

Curious, I pulled Ashton over to take a closer look. The man was in the middle of a proposal, and further examination revealed the object of his affections to be Stella. I was a firm believer in the magic of youth, and it was no wonder that Stella had the man before her looking so absolutely smitten.

Bashful, Stella’s entire face was suffused with red. She looked rather awkward, perhaps due to the large crowd that had gathered around them in eager anticipation of her reply. She gazed helplessly at the man who was still kneeling hopefully before her, then said in a low voice, “Justin, can we discuss this back at home? Let’s go back first.”

Sally reached out and tugged at him, but Justin seemed resolute on seeing his proposal through. He gazed at her adoringly and declared, “Stella, I really do love you! Say yes, and I promise I’ll take care of you for the rest of your life.”

The crowd was hollering and cheering. In just a split second, a chant picked up, “Say yes, say yes…”

The smile that had frozen on Stella’s face faltered. It was evident now that she hadn’t been shy. She was merely embarrassed at having been placed in this difficult spot. While surveying her surroundings, Stella’s eyes fell upon me. She gulped, then turned back to Justin, stating, “Justin, I don’t understand why you would propose to me. You know that I don’t love you and naturally won’t agree. Why are you

fooling yourself? I’ve told you this more than once already. Please leave, and don’t ever use this sort of romantic proposal to harass me ever again, OK?”

Nobody present had imagined that that heartfelt and moving proposal would end so tragically. A hush fell over the crowd, and quite a number crept off tactfully.

Still kneeling, Justin’s face had turned crimson with shame.

In love, never say never chapter 918

“You didn’t say that the last time,” Justin finally managed uncertainly. He looked immensely vulnerable, his heart having been promptly ripped to shreds before an entire crowd.

Stella looked at him coldly. “What else did you want me to say, then? I thought I’d refused you obviously enough. Couldn’t you tell?”

At that, Justin hung his head, deflated. Even the vibrant bouquet he’d brandished confidently before now hung crumpled before him. Justin had bitterly wrung it in his despair. “Why? Is it because I’m not rich enough? Or that I…”

“It’s none of those reasons! I don’t love you. It has nothing to do with your money or your abilities at all. I don’t love you, pure and simple. You can go now. I’m begging you, please don’t embarrass me like that ever again, OK?” I’d only ever been exposed to the sunny, endearing side of Stella. Thus, I was rather startled to see that she was capable of such harshness as well.

I dragged Ashton with me out of the lobby, then sighed longingly. “After so many years at university, no one has ever confessed their love to me so grandly before. It only works if the person you’re proposing to love you back, of course. But I rather like this heady rush of emotions and romance.”

Ashton’s grip on my arm tightened slightly. “What do you like?”

Glancing at his sober expression, I laughed. “I like the impulsive, romantic ways of these youths. Since we’ve gotten older, I haven’t been feeling many strong bursts of emotions. Life doesn’t seem as exciting anymore.”

Upon that, Ashton pulled me to face him. Gravely, he asked, “Are you tired of me because I’m old?”

Is Ashton approaching menopause? I wondered wryly.

I smacked my forehead in exaggerated frustration. “I didn’t say you were old. I meant that I admired youths for their wholehearted and energetic approach to life. I’ve been motivated to live my days in the same way, rather than always dragging my feet around. Ugh… Stop twisting my words!”

Ashton waggled an eyebrow at me. “What wholehearted and energetic things do you plan on doing?”

Instantly, I became speechless at his words. I should have known better than to talk about things like romance with an old pedant like him.

After a while, I laughed a little too brightly. “Let’s not dwell on such things! It’s getting late, and John should have already arrived. We shouldn’t make him wait.”

I then wrenched my hand away from Ashton’s steel grip and forcefully terminated the conversation.

A question lingered in my mind, however. Stella’s blushing, rosy face resurfaced in my mind, and I couldn’t help but ponder. Does Stella already have someone she loves? Is that why she rejected Justin?

At that time, John had indeed already reached the restaurant and was midway through his meal. Looking at the half-eaten dishes spread out over the table, as well as the nearly empty bottle of wine, I cried ruefully, “Mr. Stovall, you’re really getting more and more impolite.”

John looked at me in amusement and sniggered. Then he called for a waiter to bring another round of dishes. “I had to fill my stomach first before the sight of you two behaving all lovey-dovey made me nauseous.”

I shook my head wordlessly at John, then sidled into the seat opposite him. “How’s Uncle Louis?” I asked.

John shrugged. He filled Ashton’s glass with wine, then answered, “There’s no concrete evidence. His superiors are biased against him. Uncle Louis has always lived an open, honest life. All the ammunition that those green-eyed monsters have against him are their own baseless rumors. There’s nothing for them to uncover. Uncle Louis should be able to return within a few days.”

I nodded. The waiter laid out another round of dishes, and we tucked in eagerly. Ashton and John fervently discussed the state of the market between glasses of wine. I had planned on asking John about his relationship with Hannah but refrained as Ashton disapproved of gossip.

Midway through the meal, I rose to go to the bathroom. When I emerged from the stall, I heard a woman’s voice saying, “Don’t you pity Rebecca? Her ex-boyfriend got stolen from her, and now her current partner’s cheating on her. She’s really unlucky!”

Another voice answered, “I don’t know about that, but I heard Mr. Quinn’s woman used to be with Mr. Crest. Clearly, Mr. Quinn isn’t too picky. After all, he’s even willing to accept his friend’s hand-me- downs! It’s strange, but there you have it.”

“That’s right. Don’t forget, Rebecca was tossed aside after Mr. Fuller got tired of her too. These rich people have no morals at all. They treat women and clothing alike, to be used and then cast away.”

I furrowed my brow, looking over at those two women airily gossiping away. Judging by their elaborate outfits and appearance, they were probably socialites. I wasn’t part of that circle and naturally didn’t like to concern myself with their affairs.

Yet, I was bothered by what those two women had just said.

Mr. Crest? Jared?

Had he ever taken a woman for a ride? Who was it?

No one came to mind. However, Joe was practically groveling at Rebecca’s feet, so deep was his affection for her. Having gotten this opportunity to prove himself to her, why had Joe ended up offending her instead?

Bang! My deep reverie was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a door being flung open. A woman dressed entirely in black strode out from a stall.

I automatically looked up, then started in surprise.

Kristina? Isn’t she in W City? Why did she come back?

Our eyes met. A glimmer of hesitation appeared in Kristina’s gaze before she looked away. Sauntering towards the sink, she asked icily, “Don’t you think it’s a joke?”

In love, never say never chapter 919

I was momentarily taken aback by Kristina’s sudden confrontation and grasped for a reply. Finally, I said, “I’m not a fan of getting involved in other people’s drama.”

Kristina sniggered. She dried her hands and leaned against the sink, her arms akimbo. Gazing intently at me, she scoffed, “Don’t act so high and mighty. You were clearly eavesdropping. If you want to laugh, go ahead. I don’t care.”

Nonetheless, I merely clenched my jaw and turned away. I had nothing to say to Kristina.

Seeing that I was planning on ignoring her, Kristina raised her voice and challenged, “Haven’t we been friends for a long time, Scarlett? Why are you in such a hurry to leave? Since we’ve bumped into each other, let’s spend some time catching up. How can you walk off like that? By the way, how’s Jared’s daughter doing? He’s been in prison for a while now. His daughter should be missing him quite a bit.”

I frowned, then turned and stared Kristina down. “Kristina, I don’t know what your outlook on life is like. I know, however, that we’re not the same. Since you’ve already found someone, please live out the rest of your life peacefully. Stop interfering in others’ business! Besides, Summer is my daughter. Jared isn’t good enough for her, and neither are you. If you do anything to her, I guarantee that you’ll spend the rest of your life miserable.”

Kristina threw her head back and guffawed. “Are you threatening me now? I’m not interested in Summer. I was merely trying to be kind and remind you that things aren’t that simple. I thought Jared would confess everything to you at least, but it seems now that he fully intended on keeping you in the dark. If that’s the case, I’ll keep my mouth shut as well. It seems that no one appreciates it.”

At that moment, I could hear the edge in Kristina’s voice. Bemused, I asked, “What do you mean by that?”

However, Kristina waved my concern off dismissively. “Nothing! I’ll be off then. See you around, Mrs. Fuller!”

She then sauntered off with a clack of her high heels. I remained rooted to the spot, gazing after her absently. Though unwilling, I had to admit that what Kristina had said threw me off slightly. I was still taking our conversation apart and puzzling it over in my head as I slowly exited the bathroom.

In fact, I was so utterly occupied with my thoughts that I didn’t notice Ashton waiting out in the hallway. Walking straight into his arms, I gave a loud yelp, but it was already muffled by his broad arms and chest encircling me. I then looked up at him in a slight daze. “Why are you here?”

Ashton reached out and brushed my hair aside tenderly. “I was worried that something had happened to you, so I came over. What’s wrong? You look shellshocked.”

I shook my head vigorously, partially to clear the thoughts that were clamoring in my brain. “It’s nothing. I ran into someone I know. Let’s go back and continue with dinner!”

After that, I yanked Ashton back in the direction of our table. As we walked past a private room, there suddenly came the sound of glass violently shattering. Ashton and I both froze and peered in. Seated around a table was a group of middle-aged young people, as well as one familiar face.

I gaped at Ashton, then whispered tentatively, “Is that Joe?”

Ashton pressed his lips into a thin line but said nothing.

We were just in time. As we watched, a woman with her back towards us vehemently slapped Kristina, who was sitting beside Joe. It sounded like the cracking of a whip. At the same time, Ashton and I instinctively winced from the sound of it.

Kristina, however, showed no discernible sign of weakness. She merely gave a dry laugh and gazed back at her assailant defiantly. Her hands moved to clutch Joe’s arm as if holding onto a trophy.

This move clearly enraged the other woman even further. She raised her hand in the air, prepared to deal a second blow.

“Isn’t this exciting? Mr. Quinn, how’s your food?” Unable to witness this any further, I charged into the room with Ashton in tow.

At the sound of my voice, the entire room turned towards me. The face of Kristina’s attacker was now visible. I realized, perturbed, that it was Rebecca.

Rebecca’s eyes widened slightly when she saw Ashton beside me, then hurriedly composed herself. She now rearranged her features in a pitiful expression, looking every bit like a defenseless victim. “Ash, why are you here?” Rebecca whined.

Ashton glanced at her, then announced curtly, “To eat.” With his brows furrowed, he looked at Joe, then at Kristina, who was still holding onto Joe’s arm tightly.

“What’s going on?” Ashton demanded.

Joe said easily, “We’re having a meal together. It’s nothing much.”

“What do you mean, nothing much? Joe, just be honest with me about what you’re planning to do. Don’t make me sick by flirting with all these other whores,” Rebecca retorted, her voice trembled with barely suppressed anger.

Kristina was not one to be beaten. She bellowed at Rebecca, “You’d better watch your mouth! What whores? And how much better do you think you are?”

The two women looked strained, and they were ready to fly at each other. At that, I bit my lip and said calmly, “That’s one hell of a meal. You’ll have the entire restaurant in here at the rate you’re shouting at each other. Mr. Quinn, don’t you think you’re airing your dirty laundry a little too publicly? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”

In love, never say never chapter 920

Rebecca glared menacingly at me. “Ms. Stovall, since when did you become such a busybody?”

“Go home and argue!” Ashton broke in icily. The steely look that he fixed on Joe was frightening. “You may think nothing of these women, but spare a thought for the Fuller and Quinn Corporations.”

Joe gritted his teeth, palpably displeased. “Enough. Can’t I even eat in peace now? Damn it!” He shook off Kristina’s hands violently, then immediately got up and stalked out of the room.

The others around the table had been shrinking down in their seats ever since the conflict began. Subdued, they now quietly filed out and dispersed. Rebecca had dashed out in chase of Joe, whereas Kristina alone remained in the private room.

I tugged at Ashton’s sleeve and fretted for a moment, then turned to Kristina. “Don’t get Joe riled up. You know better than anyone why he allows you to get close to him.”

Having dispensed that word of warning, I then made to leave with Ashton. Kristina’s next question, however, halted me in my tracks. “Why are you helping me?”

I glanced over my shoulder at Kristina, then replied, “I’m not helping you. It was meant to be a reminder.” Joe’s feelings for Rebecca weren’t to be sniffed at. No matter what had happened, Joe had remained steadfast by Rebecca’s side without considering anyone else. It was obvious that Joe was making ruthless use of Kristina to make Rebecca jealous.

At that moment, Kristina’s smile looked more like a grimace. “It doesn’t matter,” she said bitterly. “Money is all that matters to me. Whatever happens between Joe and Rebecca is none of my business.”

I shrugged, then replied shortly, “Good luck, then.”

It was none of my business either. As a matter of fact, I had done more than my part in even mentioning the facts of the matter. Whether Kristina was receptive towards what I’d said was no longer my concern.

After all that drama, Ashton and I walked out of the private room and back to our table. John must be wondering what on earth we’ve been up to! I mused inwardly.

“Jared sent Summer to a factory in the suburbs. You can check, but I don’t suppose Jared was planning on that child surviving. I don’t know what he did to her there. Who knows what kind of scars that experience left behind?” Kristina’s voice rang out from behind us.

A shiver ran down my spine. I whipped around immediately, but Kristina was already strolling off into the distance, bag in hand.

Then I turned to Ashton, distressed. “When you found Summer back then, did you notice anything strange?”

Ashton shook his head. “I’ll send someone to investigate. Don’t worry.”

I nodded, but there was already a tumult of uneasiness stirring up within me.

Meanwhile, John saw that Ashton and I had slowly approached the table and slide back into our seats. Pursing his lips, he complained, “What on earth were the two of you up to? Didn’t you come here to eat with me? Was the lack of intimacy really that unbearable?”

Ashton ignored him. Taking stock of the empty plates on the table, he asked me apprehensively, “Is there anything else you’d like to eat?”

I shook my head. “I’m not hungry. We should leave soon.”

John, on the other hand, was outraged at having been ignored. “Can the two of you stop tormenting me like this? Is there a need to hurt my feelings in this manner? Didn’t you come out to chat with me? Or am I here to serve as an audience for your relationship?”

Frustrated, I turned to John and shot back, “What’s going on between you and Hannah?”

John lowered his gaze, then muttered thickly, “Nothing much.” He clearly wished to evade both my question and the topic.

After that, I instantly turned back to Ashton and said briskly, “Let’s go home then.”

Just as the two of us had gotten to our feet, John clamored noisily for us to sit down. “Hey, are the two of you even sincere about meeting me? Shouldn’t you behave as if you’re interested in me, at least? How can you just get up and walk off like that? Both of you look like you just came here to do your business and left!”

I was a little offended by John’s choice of expression. Somberly, I told him, “Mr. Stovall, can you be a little less crude?”

John chuckled. With a resigned air, he said, “Fine, I’m tired of watching the two of you act all lovey- dovey anyway. I’m going back home to sleep off my meal.”

With that, Ashton and I hurried off in haste. Kristina’s announcement had unsettled me, and I was terrified of something happening to Summer. Ever since she had returned to K City, Summer seemed to be in a state of near-constant illness.

“Do you think Jared would really hurt Summer?” I asked Ashton. I didn’t think anyone could bear to hurt their own child, but Kristina’s accusations had taken root in my heart.

At that time, Ashton was paying the bill for our meal. When he was done paying, he replied slowly, “Let’s wait for the results of the investigation. We can bring Summer to the hospital for a thorough examination in the meantime.”

I nodded feebly. Then, a thought struck me like a bolt of lightning. “Should we visit the prison and ask Jared himself?”

Ashton didn’t speak. Instead, he fixed me with an unfathomable gaze, his dark eyes seeming to pierce through me almost.

Upon his burning gaze, I looked away. However, I chanced upon John drawing himself up in the distance. He’d clenched the two hands that had been hanging by his side into fists. The man looked absolutely incensed.

“John…” I was about to call out, but Ashton silenced me with a sharp yank. He motioned for me to keep silent and follow after him as he stepped forward.

I only noticed the pair facing John when we arrived next to him. I recognized the woman even though a considerable amount of time had elapsed since I’d last met her. She wore a pink jacket with leopard prints that contrasted nicely with her creamy skin.


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