In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 921-922-923-924-925

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 921-922-923-924-925

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 921-922-923-924-925

“Hannah!” I shrieked. I fastened my gaze on the man she was clinging to. He was tall and attired in a black down jacket. That man wasn’t exactly handsome, but his height and confidence imbued him with a magnetic aura.

The five of us engaged in this stand-off without anyone speaking for a while. I sneaked a peek at John and noticed that his face had grown thunderous and his eyes wild. After a long while, John spluttered, “How long has it been?”

Hannah looked unaffected as she casually replied, “A few months.” Those words, and all the enormity of their meaning, hung in the air between us.

John suddenly gave a loud snort. Flashing her a scornful look, he asked, “Why?”

“There’s no reason why, John. All relationships must come to an end somehow,” Hannah said breezily. Her manner seemed entirely frivolous.

Hearing her response, John hung his head. He seemed to be laughing at the sheer absurdity of the situation as his shoulders shook uncontrollably. Undoubtedly, he was unable to restrain himself any further as his emotions swelled within him and burst out in a torrent.

Without hesitation, John lunged forward and punched the other man hard in the face. Due to the pure impulse of his move, however, John’s blow did not land as well as he had probably hoped it would.

I expected Hannah to cry out in indignation or beg for mercy, but she remained unflappable. She merely crossed her arms and retreated. It was as if she was a mere spectator of the fight rather than its motive.

Meanwhile, Ashton drew me behind him protectively. We, too, watched on without intervening.

It was only when it seemed that John was on the verge of beating the other man to death that Hannah finally spoke.

“Let him go, John. If you’re still mad, take it out on me. He doesn’t know what’s going on at all,” she said with an aggravating coolness.

John paused and looked at her savagely. His eyes were bloodshot. However, he simmered down and slowly walked over to Hannah. “What do you want?” he asked with difficulty.

I had always known that John was in love with Hannah. He had his demons, and to him, Hannah had always been a place of refuge from the rest of the world. I suppose John had always firmly believed that Hannah would never leave nor betray him. In his mind, Hannah was the lighthouse that would always be waiting patiently back at the shore for him to sail home.

Yet John had forgotten that people were terribly fickle beings. He had made Hannah wait for him for too long a time. She was a woman, after all, and needed a man to love and care for her. After some time, Hannah had finally grown weary of being left out in the cold.

Hannah looked at John. She either did not notice the melancholy in his eyes or merely refused to see it. Exhaling deeply, Hannah said, “Kiki belongs to the Stovall family, so I won’t take him with me. The villa and the car are both under your name, so I’ll return them to you. As for everything else, let me keep them. I’ll take them as a reward for staying by your side all these years.”

Hannah let out a deep breath, then laughed mournfully. “There isn’t much else. Other than Kiki, we don’t have any other common possessions. At least the legal side of things won’t be too complicated. If you don’t have time or energy to care for Kiki, I will. However, you’ll need to pay child support. I won’t ask for anything else from you.”

It was heartrending to see a relationship reduced thus to the stark, bare-bones of assets and payments. There was nothing left to say between John and Hannah. Even goodbye felt redundant.

John’s emotions had gradually subsided. He then merely replied, “We’ll talk about it when we get back.”

Without waiting for Hannah’s response, John walked heavily towards his car. He started it and drove off without a second glance at anyone else.

Ashton and I remained where we were. As for Hannah, she watched as John’s car gradually vanished in the distance, then turned towards the man sitting on the ground. “Are you all right?” she asked nonchalantly.

The man softened and patted Hannah’s arm reassuringly. “I’m fine.”

I stared at them, lost for words. After a while, we simply turned and walked away.

Feeling heavyhearted, I remained silent even after we’d gotten back to the car and driven off.

“Don’t worry. I’ve sent someone to follow John. He’ll be fine!” Ashton said reassuringly beside me.

I looked at him, then replied shortly, “I’m not worried about John. It’s Hannah I’m concerned about. She was clearly in love with John. Why did she suddenly decide to give up their relationship?”

Ashton rested one hand on the steering wheel, his elbow on the door of the car, a picture of placid serenity. With an air of wisdom, he philosophized, “Autumn doesn’t arrive in the middle of spring. And when it does, the leaves on the trees don’t fall all at once. Perhaps Hannah was made to wait for too long and lost hope in the relationship.”

I bit my lip and turned away. Unbeknownst to Ashton, I was no stranger to that feeling.

I’d drifted off to sleep on the drive back, and Ashton had picked me up and carried me straight into the bedroom. I opened my eyes blearily to look at Ashton, who was getting undressed and ready to shower

at the side of the room. “I don’t know what’s happening to me lately,” I moaned. “I get drowsy very quickly and feel rather weak.”

Ashton froze at my offhand remark, his hands arrested in the middle of taking his shirt off. He lowered them slowly and turned to me with a peculiar beam on his face. Delighted, he proclaimed, “We’ll make a trip to the hospital tomorrow!”

In love, never say never chapter 922

I found Ashton’s reaction rather bizarre and asked, “Why go to the hospital? It’s not that big of a deal.”

Ashton sauntered over to my side and looked fondly down at me. “Everyone should go for an annual medical checkup. I think it’s been about a year since you last went for one.”

I nodded absently, then lay back down on the bed. Since Ashton had left the bed to me, I sprawled happily across its entire width while sighing in satisfaction and comfort.

It was the beginning of winter, and the temperature in K City had plummeted sharply. Ashton was insistent on sending me to the hospital and was up and about early in the morning. I’d been disturbed from my sleep by his bustling about and sat in the living room still yawning, half-awake.

That morning, Ashton had poured out some cereal for both of us. “Would you like some chopped nuts?” he asked, popping his head out of the kitchen.

I nodded, my eyes teary from the multiple yawns I’d just unleashed. “Sure.”

It was a cold, misty morning. I couldn’t help but shudder at the thought of stepping out into the frigid air and made a mental note to myself to don a few more layers before leaving.

Ashton emerged from the kitchen with the two bowls of cereal in hand. He placed them on the table, then added, “Would you like some pancakes as well?”

I sneezed, then sniffed at Ashton, “No need. I’ll just have the cereal. Since we’re going to the hospital, why don’t we drop by my Mom’s place and bring Summer along? We can get her checked out at the same time.”

Ashton agreed. “Let’s eat, then!”

Without another word, I slurped the cereal noisily. Ashton gave me a look, then chided, “Can’t you eat a little more gracefully?”

I felt thoroughly humbled, like a child who had just received a smack on the wrist.

Just then, I recalled that Nora was back in K City, so I reminded Ashton. “Nora’s back in K City. We should bring her out for a meal to catch up and play the host. Besides, I don’t feel too safe leaving her to Armond.”

Ashton nodded, then replied, “All right. Ask her over to stay, then, or arrange for her to stay in a hotel. It isn’t safe anyway for a woman to be wandering around K City alone.”

“Armond won’t hurt her, will he?” I asked anxiously. Ever since the incident at the warehouse, my opinion of Armond had been totally turned on its head. I was thus a little wary of whether Nora could be entrusted to him.

Noting that I had finished my cereal, Ashton nudged his bowl of cereal over to me. “You’re hungry, aren’t you? Eat up!” he encouraged.

I felt a sense of warmth within me. Actually, I wasn’t that hungry, but I ate the rest of the cereal with pleasure anyway.

I’d actually wanted to probe more into the matter, but Ashton forbade me. “We can talk later. Finish your breakfast first.”

Ashton had always been rather traditional this way. He firmly believed we should be focused on gaining nutrients rather than information during meals between the two of us.

With that, I nodded docilely, then finished the rest of the cereal before me.

After breakfast, I dawdled a little all the way to the door, putting on my shoes slowly in the hallway. Ashton had gone ahead to start the car. Just then, my phone rang shrilly in my bag. I fished it out only to see Mrs. Brooks’ name flashing across the screen. I answered, “Mrs. Brooks!”

Before she could even speak, I felt a rush of woe over the phone. Mrs. Brooks gave a long sigh, then said, “Mrs. Fuller, Renee passed away last night. She said she wanted to be buried with her mother. I brought her back to K City with me today. I don’t have any close friends or family, and you were probably the one who showed her the most affection in this life. If you have time to spare, Renee’s grandfather and I would like to invite you to her funeral.”

My mind went blank. Ashton had already driven the car out to the front. However, I remained in my seat, staring ahead blankly as my head throbbed.

Ashton leaped out of the car and ran up to me, puzzled. “What’s wrong?”

I hadn’t hung up the phone, so Mrs. Brooks’ voice drifted over the line, fearfully asking, “Mrs. Fuller, are you there?”

“I’m here,” I snapped. I was choking up and struggled to get the words out of my throat. With a frown, Ashton eyed me as he placed an arm around my shoulders.

“Renee will be buried at Woodhills. She said she wanted to lie next to her mother,” Mrs. Brooks declared through her tears, her voice hoarse. She’d evidently spent the past few days mourning.

I made a small sound of acknowledgment. Heartbroken, I drew in a deep breath and said, “All right. We’ll come over in a while, Mrs. Brooks.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Fuller,” Mrs. Brooks sniffled in a low voice. We then ended the call somberly.

When I placed my phone back in my bag, Ashton squinted at me with obvious disquiet in his eyes. “What happened?”

I paused, then said brokenly, “It’s Sasha’s daughter, Renee. Her grandparents did not continue her treatment and brought her to Turlen instead. Renee passed away mid-journey, and her body will arrive in K City today to be buried.”

Ashton frowned. After a moment of silence, he suggested, “Can we go over after we’ve visited the hospital?”

I shook my head. “Let’s go to the airport. We’ll accompany them all the way to the cemetery.”

Ashton agreed after some deliberation. “OK, I’ll come with you.”

The news of Renee’s sudden departure had stupefied me. I’d always held out the hope that as long as she endured this present suffering, she’d eventually recover.

In love, never say never chapter 923

Never would I have expected that that would be the last time I saw her.

When we got in the car, Ashton took my hand in his, his warm hand soothed me. I glanced sideways at him and said weakly, “That kid, I…”

“You did your best!” He patted me and said comfortingly, “Don’t blame yourself. You did what you could, so just leave the rest in the hand of fate. The child came and left this world as a pure person, and this is

probably the best way out for her. that she left. It’s the people who are left behind that suffer the most.”

Yeah, those left behind without seeing any hope in life are the people who suffer the most.

Sasha’s parents were already waiting when we arrived at the airport. Their hair had turned white, and their faces were now covered with wrinkles and vicissitudes of life since I last saw them. Looking at the two of them made me heartbroken. They had gone through so much suffering and even had to deal with the passing of their own child and even their grandchild. Most people could never imagine the number of distressing events they had gone through in their lives.

When they saw us, Sasha’s mother, who probably had cried her tears dry, looked at me with a dry smile. “Mrs. Fuller, we’ve troubled you too much. We can never repay your kindness in this lifetime.”

I shook my head slightly and looked at her. “Mrs. Brooks, don’t overthink this. Come, get in the car!”

Sasha’s father was not a man of many words. Thus, he remained silent throughout the ride as he hugged Renee’s urn tightly. The sight caused tears to well up in my eyes.

As we headed toward Woodhills Cemetery, I noticed that the couple’s faces were both filled with exhaustion, most likely because they had not rested well in a long time.

I had originally wanted to take them to eat something first, but judging by their expressions, they probably could not stomach anything. I sighed softly and gave up that thought.

Woodhills Cemetery was the largest cemetery in K City, in which a small area of land already cost tens of thousands. When we arrived, the elderly couple got off the car and walked over to a burial plot that they had bought.

Ashton and I merely followed behind them as they walked. Shane’s gambling addiction had caused the family to lose most of their relatives, and since Renee was also ill, the two elderlies were the only

people present to send Renee off.

The lonely, empty funeral neither had a stream of people coming to see Renee off nor any flowers. Only the two empty-handed elderly were there.

Unable to stand it any longer, I looked at Ashton and said, “Can you get the funeral home to send over some funeral items for children? It’s Renee’s last journey, so we should let her go happily.”

Although I did not know if ghosts or gods truly existed in the world, I knew that Sasha’s parents had spent all their money just to treat the child’s illness. They wanted to give her the best, but reality forced them to bid their farewells in such a miserable way.

Ashton nodded in reply and walked off to make a call.

The staff at the cemetery registered Renee’s burial site, he noticed that there were only two elderly people and got slightly shocked but did not probe any further. Perhaps he had gotten used to such a sight since he was working in a place full of sorrowful parting. He had seen too many families having to part and was used to the ways of the world.

Soon, the staff at the funeral home had arrived and proceeded with the burial processes and customs. Reluctant to let Renee go, Sasha’s mother looked at me with her eyes full of hesitation instead.

I gave her a slight smile as I comforted her, saying that everything would be fine as long as the child left peacefully and comfortably.

Even though the burial was only for a child, the sky had already darkened by the time the funeral ended. Sasha’s father squatted in front of the small grave, his face full of pain and desolation.

Sasha’s mother then raised her hand to wipe away the tears in her eyes and said, “My dear, let’s go home. Renee will keep Sasha company now. They won’t be lonely!”

Not good with words, the old man simply wiped away his own tears before he replied, “That’s good. At least the mother and the daughter can be together without us being a burden to them. They’ll be able to live well.”

When we left, the elderlies were too embarrassed to take our car back and insisted that they would wait for a taxi. However, as the cemetery was far from the city and the sky was already dark, Ashton and I did not want to let them wait alone.

Seeing that we were still keeping them company while they waited, the elderly couple sheepishly got into the car, thanking us the whole way back.

When we arrived at the urban village, Sasha’s mother said, “Thank you for sending us back. The village roads are narrow, so it’s not easy to drive in. Thanks so much for today. You can drop us off here, and we’ll walk in ourselves.”

Ashton had originally wanted to drive in, but the car could not squeeze through the road indeed. Thus, we could only stop the car and let the couple walk in by themselves.

As he watched the two white-haired elderly walk down the narrow dirt road, Ashton asked, “Have they always lived here?”

I paused for a moment, then shook my head slightly. “I’m not very sure. I think Joseph mentioned to me that Shane had gambled away their house. After that, Sasha rented another house somewhere. I think it is probably the one here.”

In love, never say never chapter 924

The houses in the urban village were old, and the structures and facilities were all inconvenient and there were a lot of safety hazards. However, they could survive here at the very least as it was cheap.

As Ashton continued to watch the elderly couple walking further away, he hesitated, then said, “How long has it been since Sasha left?”

“Almost three or four months.”

He frowned slightly. “Most of the houses here have their leases renewed every three months!”

At first, I did not understand what he meant. Then, as soon as I got it, I hurriedly got out of the car and chased after the couple. Houses in the urban village had a short rental period. Previously, when Renee was still hospitalized, Sasha’s parents had basically lived there with her. Afterward, they had brought her out for such a long period of time, so it was likely that their house lease was already up.

The dirty path was filled with muddy puddles, so it was not easy to walk in. Ashton grabbed me and glanced at the path in front of us, then frowned. “This place is very uncared for.”

I looked around the area and could not help but feel a little cold and lost. The roads and streetlights were mostly faulty, so some parts of the road had no light. As a result, we had to use the flashlights on our phones to light the way. Indeed, this place truly reflected the stark contrast between the poor and depressing living conditions of the bottom rank of the social classes to the luxury lifestyle of the rich people in this city.

After Ashton and I walked for a while, we realized that the couple seemed to have already walked far off. I was about to give Sasha’s mother a call before we heard some noises.

The sound came from behind an old building. Using his phone’s light, Ashton managed to find a small trail. However, it was very narrow, and only one person could cross at a time. He turned to me and said, “Follow me. Be careful!”

I nodded and followed after him. A while later, a small yard of about ten square meters appeared. It was littered with a mess of items.

Although it was dark, one could clearly see that the items included some daily necessities, old pots and pans, clothes, and many other random items.

“You stupid old fools. These things have been stored in my house for free for a few months. You should be glad that I didn’t collect any storage fees from you. Instead, you dare to come to take them from me? Don’t you feel embarrassed? Why would I want all these things? They’re such a mess. Just take them away and don’t get in my way!” The one speaking was a middle-aged woman who looked a little rough. I could vaguely make out her features in the dim light. She was wearing a poor-quality mink coat and a pair of overly dramatic gold earrings. Her lipstick shade looked strikingly scary. As she scolded them, she continued to throw the items outside.

With reddened eyes, Sasha’s mother said, “Mary, I didn’t mean it like that. We’re just here to take some clothes since winter is almost here. As for the rent we owe you, it’s acceptable that you take all this as payment. But our clothes aren’t worth any money and you have no use for them anyway. If you just let us take them, we’ll be able to survive this winter.”

The woman snorted coldly. “Take them then. Don’t cry to me about how miserable you are. I’ve seen too many of such people in my lifetime. Who isn’t struggling to survive? If you want your clothes, just take them. But if you can’t afford to pay the rent, don’t even think about living here anymore. There are many other people who want to rent this place!”

Sasha’s mother nodded as she searched for their clothes in the small yard. On the other hand, Sasha’s father squatted, staring at something. Although the light was dim, it seemed like he was looking at a photograph.

“Mrs. Brooks!” I said as I walked into the yard.

When she heard the sound, Sasha’s mother looked toward us and froze for a moment before she asked, “Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, why are you here?”

As she spoke, she intertwined her fingers in embarrassment. I smiled and replied, “Ashton and I were worried, so we came to check on you.”

“I’m sorry you have to see this,” replied Sasha’s mother, embarrassed.

I understood how she was feeling as this was a showcase of their poverty and embarrassment. Sadly, there was nothing she could do to hide them.

Without dragging it on any longer, I looked at the landlord and said, “They are old. Do you still have any houses on the first floor?”

When the woman recovered from her dazed state, she looked at me and replied, “Of course. Do you want to rent it?”

I nodded. “Help them bring all these back in first. I’ll pay you accordingly!”

She looked at me, then at Ashton, and soon put on a smile as she nodded. Then, she started to move things back.

Sasha’s mother looked at me blankly. “Mrs. Fuller, you’ve helped us enough. This…”

“Mrs. Brooks, live here with peace of mind and don’t worry about anything else. Just take some time to recover. Everything will get better in the future.” I did not know how else to comfort her.

When the woman was done moving the things back in, she looked at us with a bright smile and asked, “I’ve taken care of whatever’s here. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

In love, never say never chapter 925

I smiled slightly before taking out some money from my wallet and stuffing it into her hands. “This is enough for them to stay here for some time. The extra cash is for you to help me take good care of

them. You’ll get more next time.”

As soon as the woman received the money, her smiled was so wide that her entire face scrunched up, as she continuously nodded and said some nice, reassuring words.

Since I had taken out all the cash I had on me, I looked at Ashton. He smiled back at me helplessly as he retrieved his wallet from his blazer and passed it to me.

I smiled at him before opening his wallet to take out all his cash, then handed it to Sasha’s mother. “Mrs. Brooks, take this money first. We’ll be back to visit you sometime later. Just give me a call if you need anything else.”

She repeatedly declined, “I can’t take this money. You’ve already been kind by paying the rent for us, so we can’t take any more money from you. Please take it back, Mrs. Fuller.”

I shook my head and replied, “Just take it. The two of you can use it to live well here. I’ll only feel better if you accept the money. Otherwise, I won’t feel at ease. Just take it and live a better life with Mr. Brooks. Don’t worry; things will definitely get better in the future.”

Looking at the tears on her face constantly flowing down, I did not know what else to say. I merely said some kind words to her before I left with Ashton.

When we were back in the car, I could not help but let out a sigh.

Ashton looked at his watch, then to me. “What do you want to eat?”

If he had not reminded me, I had almost forgotten that we had not eaten anything since morning. Thinking about it, I could not help but look back into the dark path.

Ashton seemed to know what I was thinking, for he said, “Don’t worry, I’ve already gotten someone to send over some food. Just put everything aside for now and think about what you want to eat.”

After some time, I replied, “Let’s go get and have stew. It’s already quite late, so let’s eat somewhere nearby.”

His smile carried a hint of helplessness as he squeezed my cheeks. “After busying around the whole day, do you even remember what you originally intended to do today?”

I nodded. “Let’s go to the hospital when we have time. There’s no need to rush these few days.”

He gave me a light kiss on the cheek and replied in a helpless, pampering tone, “Let’s grab a bite then!”

Ashton was busy for most of the following days. As it was November, Fuller Corporation had to prepare a quarterly business report and plan for next year’s developments. Resultantly, he left early for work and returned home late almost every day.

Although I no longer worked at Murphy Corporation, the resignation procedure still had to be handled accordingly. I had originally wanted to have dinner with Nora, but when I was finally done with my work and gave her a call, she said that she had already gone to A City.

I could tell that Nora had something she wanted to say, but she did not want to talk about it over the phone. As for Louis, since nothing was found, they had let him go.

As Louis was getting old, he liked to be in lively atmospheres. Thus, after he came out, he kept calling us over for a meal.

Soon, it was Friday afternoon.

John and I had agreed to go to Stovall Residence for a meal. I had originally wanted to ask him about the situation with Hannah, but since he seemed reluctant to talk about it, I did not probe any further.

I got myself ready and changed into some warm clothes at home. I then headed over to Fuller Corporation, planning to go to Stovall Residence with Ashton.

After I parked in the underground parking lot, I gave Ashton a call. However, even after a few calls, he still did not answer any of them. Since he was probably busy, I stopped calling after that and flipped through my phone while waiting in the car.

Just then, my phone vibrated and a notification popped up about a new message on WhatsApp. I was stunned as I looked at the message. It was from Hailey.

For a moment, I could not remember who she was. Then, when I eventually remembered her, I clicked open the message. It read: Hi Scar, I’m Hailey.

Scar? I was taken aback. No one had ever called me that before, so I was not used to it.

I texted back: Hello, nice to meet you.

She seemed to be just as bad at socializing as I was because she immediately got to the point and replied: When will you come over to A City? I want to have a chat with you.

I hesitated for a while as I pondered. I had no time to go to A City recently. I replied: I don’t know yet. What’s up? Did something happen?

She only gave a one-word reply before she stopped responding to me. She texted: No!

Although Hailey and I had only met once, fate was a difficult thing to predict. The impression she had given me back then was that of a gloomy, cold person. However, it was weird because I was neither scared of her nor did I dislike her. To some extent, at least she was quite a truthful person.

Bam! As soon as I heard the sound of a car door closing, I put away my phone and looked out the car. Ashton was helping a young girl out of his car.

They both looked injured. The girl seemed to have passed out, and her condition looked quite serious. Meanwhile, Ashton was covered with dust, and there was a scratch on one side of his face.


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