In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 926-927-928-929-930

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 926-927-928-929-930

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 926-927-928-929-930

I hurriedly alighted and ran over to his car. “What happened?” I asked.

Ashton turned around upon hearing my voice. “I have encountered a trouble maker. Why are you here?” He was surprised to see me.

“Uncle Louis is back, so John invited us over for dinner.” I had a better look at the girl he was supporting. She was Stella, the reception at Fuller Corporation. Ashton helped her into the car and remarked, “Okay, but we have to send her to the hospital first.”

I nodded in agreement. From a distance, a man came running. It was the guy who proposed to Stella in the lobby.

“Let me go with you, Mr. Fuller,” he requested. His worried gaze never left Stella, who was lying unconscious in the backseat.

Ashton nodded and signaled him to get into the car.

I noticed Ashton was injured, so I stopped him from getting into the driver’s seat. He looked at me, baffled.

“You are injured. Let me drive.” I got into the driver’s seat and started the car, not giving him any chance to object.

Ashton sat in the passenger seat and kept silent throughout the journey. I had many questions in mind but keep quiet as well since he was not ready to talk about it. Much to the distress of her friend, Stella remained unconscious.

At the hospital, Stella’s friend went off to make payment after checking her in. Ashton and I were standing in the corridor, watching the sky as it darkened. He was engrossed in thought.

I approached a nurse and arranged for him to get his wounds cleaned up. Next, I went to a nearby mall to get him a new jacket. Ashton was only wearing a black sweater as he had removed his jacket to keep Stella warm.

On my way back, Stella’s friend called out to me in the lobby of the hospital. “Mrs. Fuller, thank you for sending Stella here.”

He must have been extremely anxious over Stella’s injury, as he looked disheveled and his face beaded with sweat. “Don’t mention it. It was no big deal,” I assured him

I paused, then queried, “Can you tell me what happened earlier today?”

He was momentarily taken aback by my question. “It was Sasha’s brother. He wanted to attack Mr. Fuller, but Stella blocked him. He behaved like a crazy man. Mr. Fuller was worried Sasha’s brother would get more agitated upon seeing him, so he left the building via the underground garage. The lobby at Fuller Corporation must still be in chaos now,” he reported.

He did not go into many details, but I could imagine the scene. What puzzled me was that Shane had always been based in Moranta. Why did he come back?

“We should thank you and Stella instead,” I nodded and thanked him.

After we ended our conversation, I went up to the ward, shopping bag in hand. Ashton’s wounds were dressed. The doctor had attended to Stella and found she had suffered head trauma. There were various abrasion wounds on her body too. “Why is she still unconscious, doctor?” I queried.

“She was injured on the head, and was also traumatized, so it may take a few hours before she regains consciousness.” The doctor advised as he gave instructions for her to be warded.

“Will she suffer from any long-term side effects?” Her friend was concerned.

“We can’t tell for now. With head injuries, we cannot rule out a concussion. We will find out when she wakes up.”

I handed the newly bought jacket to Ashton. He looked sullen. “Can we still make it to meet Uncle Louis tonight? If not, I will give him a call so they won’t expect us.” I asked.

Ashton’s expression softened as he turned his gaze on me. He took the jacket from me and put it on. “It’s alright. We can head over in a while,” he responded.

Thereafter, he turned to Stella’s friend and asked, “You are Justin, right?”

“Yes, I am, Mr. Fuller,” Justin replied.

“You stay and take care of Stella. Should anything happen, call the number on this name card. You can contact me anytime if you need anything, be it money or other things.” Ashton handed a name card to Justin.

I grimaced. Ashton had an unusual way of dealing with people and situations.

“Thank you.” Justin’s expression changed, but he still took the name card.

Ashton was about to lead me away when I stopped and took a bank card from my bag. I handed over the card to Justin and said, “Please help us take good care of Stella. Use this card to pay for her medical fees and any other expenses. Feel free to contact us if you need other assistance. When Stella wakes up, kindly let her know that she should rest well and not worry about anything else. We will handle the other matters.”

Justin hesitated for a moment before accepting the bank card and nodded in appreciation.

After that, Ashton and I left the hospital.

He made a few calls while I was driving to Stovall residence. He called to remind Joseph, who was in Moranta, to be careful. A few calls were made to give instructions to look into the incident that happened earlier in the day. He heard that Shane was taken away by the police.

I drove in silence while he was busy, not wanting to interrupt him.

After a while, I broke the silence. “Why did Shane try to attack you? You did not harass his woman, and you have no monetary conflict with him either. Why is a gambler after you?”

In love, never say never chapter 927

Ashton looked out of the car window, deep in thoughts. It took him a while to answer, “He is after money, but not from me.”

I looked at him, puzzled.

He raised his eyebrow and warned, “Look out! Red light!”

I turned back to look ahead and jammed the brakes, startled.

He clapped his hand on his forehead and mocked, “I managed to escape unharmed from Shane, but in the end, I die from my wife’s carelessness. That is a little outrageous, don’t you think?”

I frowned and chided, “Stop spouting nonsense.”

He chuckled and the atmosphere lightened.

The traffic light turned green and I drove on.

Along the way, he filled me in on the details. “It is Armond. He must have faced a lot of pressure from his family when he lost big due to the incident in Moranta. He hired Shane to make a scene, officially declaring war on me. I suspect he planned to pursue a long-neglected matter.”

“What long-neglected matter?” I was clueless.

He started telling me a story.

Thirty years ago, the Murphys were not involved in the oil industry. They had some factories and a pharmaceutical company. Their business then was not as diversified nor huge as compared to now. The main player in the oil sector was the Sanders, one of the most prominent families in K City during those days. The oil sector wasn’t a major industry at that time, so the Sanders assigned the concession of that business to their adopted daughter, Winona Stovall. When Winona married into the Murphy family, she brought the oil business into that family as well.

I was shell-shocked. “The Winona Stovall you mentioned is my grandma?” I had to clear my doubts.

Ashton nodded.

“Isn’t she adopted by the Sanders? Why is her family name Stovall?”

“Mrs. Sanders had difficulty conceiving, so they adopted a daughter, naming her Winona Sanders. However, Mrs. Sanders got pregnant not long after and had her own baby. Due to some personal reasons not privy to us, the Sanders changed your grandma’s last name to Stovall, which was Mrs. Sanders’ family name.”

I nodded and probed, “What happened next?”

He gently swept back some messy strands of hair from my forehead and continued, “After Winona married into the Murphy family, the industrial revolution and development of the electronics sector caused the oil industry to grow by leaps and bounds. As the exploration rights in the country were in your grandma’s hands, the Murphys jumped in and did big-scale exploration and extraction. Instantly, they rose to become one of the richest families in K City. Some of the old-money families tried to cozy up to the Murphys. Others felt threatened by their rise, so they plotted against the Murphys. As your

grandma held the key to the rise of the Murphys, she was targeted and suffered much. Your grandma knew the importance of oil to the family and the country, so she planned to control the development to make it sustainable in the long run. The Murphys were blinded by greed and did not heed her advice. Out of desperation, your grandma hid the oil concession document in a secret compartment of a box and left with it.”

“The box with the secret compartment is the sandalwood box grandma left for me, isn’t it?” I made an intelligent guess.

He nodded. “Yes, that is the one. Armond tried to get close to you because he was eyeing that box.”

I recalled when I first met Armond, it was at my grandma’s burial ground. He stood in front of my grandma’s tombstone for quite a while. I did not really pay attention at that time as I thought he was just a casual passerby. Looking back, I should have suspected otherwise as he had an unusual expression.

“I had already given Armond the box!” To me, that was just an ordinary box. That was why I gave it to Armond without any hesitation when he asked me for it when we were in Venria.

Ashton looked at me and nodded, “I know.”

My eyes popped out of my head. “How can you be so calm when you knew?” I could not imagine the consequence, now that the oil concession agreement fell into Armond’s hand. Although the oil concession had reverted back to the state, it was previously a private asset. There was no official handover, so the Murphys could bring up the issue and seek legal redress.

He grinned and confessed, “I had the foresight to switch the box.”

I was stunned. “If Armond knew about that, he would kill us. The document in that box is worth an obscene amount of money. If the Murphys get hold of that money, they will have some breathing space and can continue their fight with the Fullers.”

“From the look of it, he had not opened that box.” Ashton confidently smiled. I was intrigued by his nonchalant manner. “How can you be so sure he had not opened that box?”

“If they had opened the box, knowing how the Murphys are, they would have publicized it to bring attention to themselves. They would also have contacted the Finance Ministry to taken legal recourse to relook into the matter. This would bring in loads of money for the Murphys. It would be difficult not to hear about that,” he quipped.

In love, never say never chapter 928

“What will happen if the Murphys opened the box and realized they had been fooled?” I questioned.

“They had the fake box, which had no openings. Unfortunately, that also means they will continue to hound us, so we are in for more trouble,” Ashton smiled and predicted.

“At the end of the day, the Murphys are after money. They are already very wealthy. Why the obsession with money?” I sighed.

Before we knew it, we had arrived at the Stovall residence. The compound was brightly lit. The housekeeper and a few staff were waiting for us. The housekeeper greeted us, handed our car key to the valet, and led us into the house.

The table was already set, but only Louis was in.

“Letty, you have arrived! Come, dinner is ready. Let’s eat.” Louis came up to warmly welcome us.

After greeting Louis, I looked around and realized John was not around. “John is not back yet?”

“He is on his way. We shan’t wait for him. Let’s get started.” Louis showed us to our seats and instructed the maids to serve dinner.

Just as we got seated, we heard a car driving in. “This rascal sure has a good sense of timing. He will appear right on the dot when dinner is served,” Louis derided.

“Oh my, you are early. I did not expect you to come this early. I thought the two of you will only stroll in around 8 p.m.,” John said as he walked in.

I turned to look and scowled when I caught sight of his companion.

“Rascal, get out!” Louis hollered.

“Uncle Louis, don’t be so mean. I was busy, yet still took time off to come back when you asked me to. How can you chase me out before I could even warm the seat?” He then turned to Yvonne, who was standing next to him and urged, “Yvonne, present the gift you bought specially for Uncle Louis. That should please him.”

Yvonne duly walked over to Louis with a big smile and a gift box in hand. “Uncle Louis, Johnny said you enjoy tea. I hope you will like this premium. Do try it when you are free.”

She presented the tea with both hands and had a perfect smile on her face. She looked every inch a well-mannered, elegant scion.

All the time she spent hanging around the socialites was not wasted after all. She had learned a lot from those ladies. If I had not seen the ugly side of her when we met in the bar years ago, I would have thought she was an heiress of a wealthy family.

Time had worked miracles, transforming her into a lady.

Louis did not take the gift from her hands. His dark gaze was on John. “What are you thinking?” he bellowed.

John shrugged and nonchalantly said, “Yvonne is presenting you with a gift. Out of courtesy, you should at least take it from her hand. If you want to nag at me, do wait till everyone leaves after dinner. If you flare now, you will spoil the day for all of us.”

He then took the gift from Yvonne, placed it next to Louis, and led her to sit at the table. “What is everyone waiting for? Let’s eat!” He acted as if nothing had happened.

I glanced at the indifferent John, stood up, and poured Louis a glass of water. “Uncle Louis, have some water.”

Louis took the water from my hand. He was visibly furious, staring sternly at John. He looked like he was ready to thrash John anytime. John couldn’t care less and was eating his dinner, unconcerned.

Louis was angry as it was supposed to be a family dinner, so Yvonne’s presence was not welcomed. John clearly understood that, but he still brought her along.

It was not a good time to find out why he did that, so I kept quiet.

Another car drove in shortly. I was surprised as I did not expect more guests.

Hannah walked in with her nanny and her son. Louis’ face broke into a smile when he heard Quilo’s voice. He hurried out to carry him.

“In the future, let me send the driver to pick you. It is a struggle for you, with baby in tow.” Louis started chatting with Hannah.

Hannah’s gentle voice could be heard saying, “It is just a short distance from here. I called to inform you I’ll be late, and not to wait for us, yet you…”

She abruptly stopped in the middle of her sentence. The sight of Yvonne and John caught her by surprise.

She recovered quickly and turned to us, her smile still intact on her face. “My apologies for being late, Scarlett and Mr. Fuller. We left home late and got caught in a traffic jam.”

I smilingly shook my head to assure her it was okay. We chatted briefly before sitting down to dinner. Quilo was left in the nanny’s care in the next room.

What was supposed to be a cozy family dinner turned into an awkward one. Only John continued eating, unaffected.

In love, never say never chapter 929

Yvonne was fawning over John, serving him food, feeding him, and catering to his every need.

Hannah was impassive. She occasionally updated Louis on Quilo’s development and shared she was thinking of enrolling him into a sensory class for babies. Louis was all for it and encouraged her to do so.

He handed Hannah a black credit card and gave her full authority to spend as she deemed fit. He also told her to look for a house nearer the town center if she was not satisfied with the villa she was staying in.

Yvonne stole a few glances at Hannah, but she did not betray any emotions in her expressions. Ever since she cozied up to John, she should have received big allowances. John had bad spending habits and would have splurged on her.

Regardless, she must be envious when she saw the black card Louis gave Hannah.

Everyone was preoccupied with their own thoughts during dinner. As soon as it was over, Hannah went to feed Quilo. I got the maid to distract Yvonne and dragged John into the garden.

“Are you out of your mind, John Stovall? Why did you bring along Yvonne?” I chastised.

He shrugged, leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, and dismissed, “Why can’t I bring my girlfriend? Since it is a family dinner, and she will be family, then what’s the harm?”

“Are you serious?” I looked at him, dumbstruck.

He nodded. “At the end of the day, I will have to get married. There is nothing wrong with Yvonne. She is pretty and has an ordinary family background. At least she would not have the guts to betray me and mess around behind my back.”

“John, you would never look within and see if you had done anything wrong, would you? Put your hand on your heart. How long have you kept Hannah waiting for you? You took her love for granted. Do you really think it is fair for you to neglect her?” I rebuked him.

“And what justified her to have an affair with another man?” John hollered. “She could have told me directly if her needs were not met. Why betray me in that disgusting manner?”

I nearly laughed out loud. “What about you? She had an affair with one man. Have you counted the number of women you have fooled around with all these years? Have you ever rejected any woman who throws herself at you? No! You happily embrace one after another. Have you ever considered how much it pains a woman to have to bear with all these? She gave birth to your child, gave up her life to cater to your every need, and learned to cook all the dishes you like. What have you done for her? John, her frustrations and disappointment were built up over time. It took her many years to finally muster the courage to live her own life. Of all the people, you have the least right to criticize and blame her.”

John was shell-shocked and stared blankly at me, lost for words. I gave him a piece of my mind, although I was not sure if he took in what I said.

I let out a sigh as I turned to walk back to the hall. Aren’t we all the same? We do not treasure what we have nor work on the relationship with those we love. In the end, we either lose them, or things turn ugly between us.

If we don’t invest time to nurture those relationships, we have no right to complain when things fall apart.

There was a huge swimming pool in the garden at the Stovall residence. It was left unused in the winter as none of us had the habit of swimming in the winter. On top of that, we installed a spa in the house, so the pool became a white elephant.

“You have no right to take anything from the Stovall family since you are going your separate ways. Hannah, you knew John will not be marrying you, so nothing in this house belongs to you.” I heard a commotion, stopped, and turned to investigate.

It was Yvonne. She and Hannah were seated by the pool. They were not on friendly terms, so the only common subject they could talk about was John.

Hannah had her gaze fixed on the pool as she refuted Yvonne. “Why are you harping on this? Are you trying to tell me that I should not take anything from the Stovalls or that I should hand them to you instead? I know what is on your mind. I know you do not want me to reap any financial gains from John. Unfortunately, you are not part of the Stovall family yet. Under the law, you are not a Stovall, and most importantly, no one here recognizes you as family. Ms. Wilde, I like to keep things simple. I won’t bother anyone, and I don’t like others to bother me, so please leave me alone. You can make your demands known to John. If he obliges, you get it. If he doesn’t, then too bad.”

In love, never say never chapter 930

Hannah was very composed and not ruffled by Yvonne’s attitude. She either did not care about Yvonne, or John no longer has a place in her heart.

Yvonne was upset she did not successfully agitate Hannah. She glared at Hannah. “I know, but it is only a matter of time before I get married to him. He will definitely dote on me more compared to you, and you will disappear from our sights in the future. As for now, I would not allow you to take advantage of him. You are not worthy of him, and you should not reap any gains from the Stovall family.”

Hannah looked at her and all of a sudden, she laughed out loud. “I was wondering why your eyes were on me the whole evening. So this is what you are after!” She took the black card from her purse and placed it in front of Yvonne. “Are you jealous because of this card? If you want it, take it. Stop irritating me.”

Yvonne was infuriated, but she still reached out to take the card. “At least you have some decency. Don’t you dare eye on anything of the Stovall family! Move out of the villa and transfer the deed back to them. You can stop dreaming about driving John’s cars as well. I will not let you have any of them. As for the clothes and jewelry John bought for you previously, you can keep them, as rewards for your time spent on him,” she fumed.

“Haha, Ms. Wilde, you are making decisions on the distribution of the Stovall family’s wealth? Do you think you are Mrs. Stovall?” Hannah mocked her.

“John and I will certainly get married, so I have the right to do this.” Yvonne boasted as she fiddled with the black card.

Hannah could not care less. As she was standing up to leave, she jibed, “Congratulations then. I hope you marry into money soon.” It was obviously a sarcastic remark.

After going through all the trouble, Yvonne managed to get the black card that she was eyeing, but she was also deeply annoyed by Hannah’s attitude. She aggressively stomped over to block Hannah’s exit and scoffed, “I don’t need you to give me your good wishes. Since you are aware of my relationship

with John, if I were you, I would get out of here immediately with the b**tard child and stop tarnishing the Stovall family.”

I frowned at the harsh words Yvonne used.

Hannah’s expression turned dark, and she barked, “Yvonne Wilde, mind your language. I can’t be bothered to get into a dispute with you, but that does not mean you can step all over me.”

I could not understand what John saw in Yvonne. She was average-looking, materialistic, and uncouth. He could have married any of the heiress or socialites in K City, yet he chose such a woman. How unfortunate.

Before I could step in, Yvonne grabbed Hannah’s arm and roared, “Who are you to tell me off? Don’t you know you are a sl*t? Stop this high and mighty act. You are way more disgusting than I am. I hate show-offs like you!” Then, she gave Hannah a heavy push towards the pool.

I quickly ran towards them, shocked. Surprisingly, Hannah successfully fended her off. She grabbed Yvonne’s hand, ducked, and managed to keep her balance. Yvonne fell into the pool instead.

I almost forgot. Hannah grew up in the countryside and spent her childhood exploring the wilds. She was nimble and agile. The ability to fend off danger was deeply ingrained in her.

Yvonne struggled to stay afloat in the pool and was screaming for help. I reached the poolside and checked on Hannah. “Are you alright?”

“I am fine,” Hannah nodded.

Those in the hall came running when they heard Yvonne’s scream. John saw her, frowned, and jumped into the pool to scoop her up. He placed her on the ground and started giving her first aid. She had merely swallowed some water, so was in no danger.

By then, Louis and Ashton also reached the scene, and they asked, “What happened?”

Yvonne recovered from her shock, flung herself into John’s arms, and wailed. John held on to her tightly and roared at the maid who was there. “Get moving! It is freezing cold. Can’t you see we need a towel here?”

The maid stumbled into the house and brought a blanket to keep Yvonne warm. John immediately carried her into his room. He turned to instruct the maid to summon the doctor and prepare some chicken soup for Yvonne.

Louis was displeased, but he was too gracious to make his guests feel uncomfortable.


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