In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 931-932-933-934-935

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 931-932-933-934-935

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 931-932-933-934-935

After being fussed over by John and the maid, Yvonne was feeling better. She cuddled up to John like a pitiful little kitten, snuffling a little.

I was by Hannah’s side and saw her watching emotionlessly as John waited on Yvonne hand and foot. She was calm, detached, and unfeeling.

Nothing is sadder than losing heart over someone. I suddenly realized why Hannah could take all these in her stride, unperturbed. She had given up all hopes and was prepared to leave.

Yvonne was lying in bed, giving John her woeful look. She whined to him, “Did I spoil everyone’s day? I’m so sorry. I only wanted to have a chat with Ms. Anne. I did not mean to enrage her. I was shocked she hated me so much, that she would push me into the pool. The water was so cold and I couldn’t swim. I was terrified!”

I was appalled. I used to think Rebecca was irritating, but her act was nothing compared to Yvonne’s. Yvonne was revolting. It was an eye-opening lesson for me.

Everyone in the room heard Yvonne’s accusation and turned to look at Hannah, who had paled and was biting her lips. She looked at Yvonne and muttered, “I am sorry, Ms. Wilde.” She had no intention of defending herself.

Yvonne was stunned by Hannah’s apology, but she shamelessly continued, “Ms. Anne, all I wanted was to have a chat with you. John and I are serious about one another. I also know you have a lover and would like to start a new chapter of your life. I only wanted to thank you for taking good care of John all these years.”

Hannah stared blankly at Yvonne as she continued her blabber.

Louis was stunned and puzzled. “Hannah, you…”

Hannah calmly looked Louis in the eye and said, “Uncle Louis, I had planned to confide in you this evening. John and I will be going our separate ways from now on and I would like to keep Kiki by my side. I am not trying to make use of him to milk the Stovall family, so you don’t have to worry. I just do not want him to part from his mother at such a young age. He doesn’t get any love from his father, so I would like to make up for that by loving him more. He is part of the Stovall family, so rest assured I will bring him to visit you often.”

“Look what you have done!” Louis glared at John. His tone was filled with regrets as he asked Hannah, “What are your plans for the future?”

Hannah gave him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Uncle Louis. I met a nice man. After I settle matters with the Stovall family, I will get married and start a new life with him. You have to come and visit us too, Uncle Louis.”

Louis put on a forced smile and nodded with a sigh; then, he kept quiet.

John’s face was ashen, and he seemed to be angry yet hurt. Yvonne could see his mixed emotions, so she spoke instead. “Since Ms. Anne found a good man, John and I will give you our blessings.”

“Thank you.” Hannah answered, composed as ever.

I could not take it anymore. Yvonne took advantage of Hannah and made her take all the blame.

I stared at Yvonne and asked coldly, “Ms. Wilde, did you say Hannah pushed you into the water?”

Yvonne was taken aback by my question. She resumed her pitiful act and nodded, “Yes. I know Ms. Anne did not do it on purpose, and I am fine now, so let’s not bring it up again.”

I nodded and turned to ask Hannah. “Did you really push her?”

Hannah did not answer my question. She just kept quiet.

I could not help but let out a sigh. “Now I understand why the bad guys become more atrocious and disgusting. Yvonne, it is not wrong to pursue finer things in life. Your mistake is you sacrifice others in your pursuit of a better life. Do you think you can continue with this pitiable act forever and not get exposed?”

“Ms. Stovall, what do you mean by that?” she asked woefully.

I did not bother to reply to her. I gave her a hard stare and warned, “I am not a goody-two-shoes, so I am capable of being nasty. You’d better make your confession now, or I will throw you out of our house. If I object to your marriage, even if John obliges you, you will not get anything from the family. You can verify with John if you don’t believe me.”

John saw her frightened look and groused at me. “What is that for?”

“You confess.” I raised my eyebrow and challenged Yvonne.

She started sobbing and fell into John’s arms. “John, it is my fault. I am sorry. I should not have offended Ms. Stovall by blabbering and coming to the dinner with you. I should not have barged in on your family gathering. It is all my fault!”

In love, never say never chapter 932


I was so furious I could beat her to a pulp. I roared at John. “What the hll is wrong with your eyes, John Stovall? There are so many women in K City and you had to settle for this btch?”

John was offended and he grunted, “Mind your language, Scarlett Stovall.”

I almost fainted from anger. Louis was clueless. He looked at me and pacified, “Calm down, Scarlett. What is with those bad languages? Talk nicely.”

I took a deep breath and fixed my gaze at the woman still sobbing in John’s arms. “Return the black card. You are not worthy to use the Stovall family’s black card.”

John and Louis were both stunned. Louis frowned at John and growled, “You gave her that?”

John shook his head and turned to Yvonne. “Where did you get the black card from?”

Yvonne recovered from her shock and started wailing, “What black card? I don’t even know what a black card is. Why are you asking me for it? How could I possibly get hold of such a card? How could you not trust me, John?”

John looked at me searchingly, confused.

I did not expect her to be so unrepentant. “Yvonne, do you think I am blind? Earlier at the poolside, you took the black card that Uncle Louis gave Hannah. Give it back!”

Everyone turned their attention to Yvonne. She was dazed for a brief moment, then recovered and whimpered, “Ms. Stovall, I have never done you any wrong, so why are you framing me? Ms. Anne lost the card and could not find it. Are you worried Mr. Stovall would get mad, so you falsely accuse me of stealing it? Do you think you can blatantly bully me just because I have no one to back me up?”

If I had not witnessed what happened by the pool, I would definitely buy her story. I was appalled by her shameless act.

“I am giving you another chance. You’d better give a full account of how you fell into the water, how you pressured Hannah into giving you the black card, and the words you used on the baby. Every single detail, truthfully. Otherwise, I swear you will not get to step into the Stovall residence ever again,” I warned.

John was flustered by her crying. “That is enough. Let’s call it a day. We will search for the lost card. She is fine now, so let’s forget this ruckus. It is getting late. Go home and get some rest.”

Crash! I swept the lamp off John’s bedside table and howled, “Yvonne Wilde! One last chance! Are you confessing or not?”

Ashton could see I was really incensed. He came close, tugged at me, and tenderly comforted, “Don’t get mad. It’s bad for health.”

John was also startled at my rage. He turned to question Yvonne. “Do you have anything to say?”

Yvonne looked aggrieved. She looked pitifully at him with her red, swollen eyes and shook her head. “I really have no idea what she is saying. I know she dislikes me and wanted to break us up. She set this up to force me to leave.”

She tearily cried, “Scarlett, I have never offended you. If you want to side with Hannah and make yourself look righteous, I will fulfill your wish. I will not dispute any accusations you make against me. If you think I am after the Stovall’s wealth, then I will leave John and will never see him again. You will get your way. Since you are bent on vilifying me, I stand no chance fighting back against a rich and mighty heiress like you.”

I swore I have never met someone as shameless as her.

Hannah had kept quiet all this while. She finally broke her silence and spoke, “Yvonne, stop your act. You did that to get John’s sympathy, as you know he is soft-hearted and will give in to you whenever you cry. There is something you are not aware of. Do you know why your crying works magic on him? You should thank Scarlett for that. When Scarlett was young, she was a crybaby, and John would give in to her every time she cried. After she grew up, she rarely cries anymore. But in John’s mind, he will always be Scarlett’s protector. The love he has for his sister never changed. He gave in to your crying because it reminded him of the Scarlett that put faith in him. You are just a replacement. You would be

so wrong to think that John will still be in love with you if you offend Scarlett. Once you earn Scarlett’s wrath, you’ll lose everything. You will regret kicking up this fuss and trying to stir up trouble between them.

In love, never say never chapter 933

Blood drained from Yvonne’s face. “What do you mean?”

“I literally meant what I said,” Hannah continued plainly. “At first I thought there was nothing worth explaining since I didn’t intend to compete with you anyway. But if you think I stayed silent because I was afraid, then you’re wrong.”

Glancing around at everyone, she added calmly, “Regarding what all of you saw just now, I wasn’t going to bother defending myself. But now that even Scarlett is speaking up on my behalf, I won’t keep quiet anymore. Besides, the more I remain silent, the more somebody here tries to take advantage. That’s utterly shameless.”

“Hannah Anne!” Yvonne screamed suddenly, her voice somewhat shaky as she glared at Hannah with a trace of horror on her face. “You’re lying!”

Hannah wasn’t in the least bit intimidated. She turned towards Louis with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Uncle Louis. I failed to take good care of the black card you gave me earlier. Ms. Wilde demanded that I hand it over to her since she’s now a part of the Stovall family, and so I did. As long as it’s a woman whom John loves, I have no qualms. However, at this point, it seems that Ms. Wilde isn’t suited for the title of ‘Mrs. Stovall’ after all.”

At that, Louis pursed his lips and shifted his gaze onto Yvonne.

“If Ms. Wilde still insists that I’m responsible for causing her to fall into the pool…” Hannah glanced at Yvonne coldly. “Then, all I can say is, perhaps I shouldn’t have evaded her when she tried to attack me

just now.”

Just then, a child’s cry rang from outside. Hannah looked at John and continued, “I have no objections to you being together with someone else, John. But as someone who understands you to some extent, heed my advice—be careful with who you choose to bring into the Stovall family.”

“Goodbye, everyone,” Hannah said as she bowed, then turned and left towards the door.

John was silent, though his face paled with a painful expression.

Yvonne began sobbing as she tugged on his arm. “It wasn’t like that, Johnny!” she pleaded with innocent eyes. “I didn’t do any of those things. They’re lying!”

Despair clouded John’s face as he stared at Hannah’s disappearing back, completely ignoring Yvonne who clung desperately onto him. I suddenly realized—perhaps from the very beginning, John had never cared about what happened to Yvonne and whether Hannah really did anything. His only concern was Hannah’s attitude towards himself. He’d been putting up a facade all along in hopes of gaining her attention and seeing if she’d show any signs of jealousy at how he treated Yvonne.

Unfortunately for him, Hannah was completely indifferent. She no longer cared.

Yvonne was still persistently keeping up with her acting. I couldn’t help but feel nauseated at that woman’s despicable pretense, thus I held out the recording in front of her. “Just give up already. Whatever happened just now were all recorded here, and I’ve already sent it to everyone. I’m afraid you won’t be able to set foot in the Stovall residence from now on. Good luck!”

The last trace of color disappeared from her cheeks. No longer sobbing nor pleading, she stared at the screen in silence as her face twisted into a conflicted grimace.

Was she thinking about how to make a quiet escape from all of this? I had no idea. With how she’s cornered at this moment, there was no way she could pull another dirty trick.

That being said, there was no telling how shameless a person could be.

Yvonne looked up at me with teary, pitiful eyes. “Why are you doing this to me, Scarlett? Everything I did was out of love for John. What’s wrong with that? I don’t get it…” She then eyed John sideways for a second, as if making sure he’s watching her. “You guys went on and on about doing things for his sake, but where was everyone when he needed somebody by his side? And on top of deserting him, now you’re trying to get rid of me. Don’t you think you people have gone overboard?”

Gosh, what’s with that incessant damsel-in-distress act? I frowned, not knowing what else to say. It’d only be a waste of time to continue arguing. This woman would surely keep up her act and try to prove herself blameless for as long as she could, even if her true colors were already becoming evident.

I snatched my phone back and threw her a sarcastic smile. “Well then, feel free to carry on with your disgusting acts. I wish you all the best in defending your noble love!”

After bidding Uncle Louis a quick farewell, I dragged Ashton out of the house.

I was no longer in the mood to talk as we headed home, though I could tell Ashton was glancing at me occasionally as he drove.

“Well, Hannah’s gotten over it. You’ve said and done everything you could, too,” he spoke after a long silence. “Let’s just leave it to John now. However things may turn out, he’s the only one responsible for his own decisions.”

I sighed and nodded. Of course I knew that. “I know, it’s just… It still pisses me off. I’ve always thought that someone like Rebecca Larson was atrocious enough, but it turns out Yvonne’s on a whole different level. It’s almost unbelievable.”

In love, never say never chapter 934

Ashton didn’t respond. I pursed my lips and shot him a sidelong glare. “What? Are you upset about that sweetheart of yours?”

He raised a brow and chuckled. “No. I was just thinking you seem a little more naggy these days.”

What a bummer. I rolled my eyes and gave up talking, leaning aside and looking out the window instead.

The scenery outside flew by in a haze. My eyelids felt heavier as time passed. Why was I getting tired so easily these days?

As soon as we got home, Ashton proceeded to settle some of his pending work. It was already late, so I went back into the bedroom and headed straight to the shower. Just as I was about to call it a night, Hailey’s message came in.

I didn’t expect her to keep in touch with me so regularly, since we’d only met once.

The message was brief. Hello, Ms. Stovall. Have you slept already?

I texted back: Not yet. What’s the matter?

Not really… Just wondering when you are coming over to A City again.

It had indeed been a while since I last went there. Is there something you want to talk about?

Her reply came in almost instantly: Nothing much, just wanted to ask since it’s been a while.

It wouldn’t have bothered me so much if such an answer came from somebody else, but Hailey’s different. For someone who was dealing with depression, there could be a hidden message behind her seemingly casual response.

I’ve been a little tied up these days, but I’ll definitely pay a visit when I’m free! If you aren’t too busy, why don’t you come over to K City?

Okay. Silence then followed.

Something felt odd, though I was too exhausted to think about it. My consciousness drifted off as soon as I lay in bed that I didn’t even realize when Ashton came in that night.

The next morning.

I was woken up when my phone rang. But while I was still tossing in bed, Ashton had already reached for it and answered the call for me.

“Who’s that?” I croaked groggily.

Instead of replying me, he sat up in a sudden jolt.

I rubbed my eyes and gazed at his alarmed face. “What happened?”

“Summer had a severe nosebleed and started coughing up blood,” he explained as he hung up the call and scrambled out of bed. “They’ve sent her to the hospital.”

At that, Ashton put on his clothes hastily and rushed into the bathroom.

I sat up in a daze for a good few minutes before it finally dawned on me. Summer is hospitalized! I thus jumped out of bed and immediately dialed Cameron’s number, but it went unanswered.

So I called Emery instead. When she answered, her voice sounded somewhat fuzzy against the noise in the background. “Scarlett! Summer’s ill. Come to the hospital quickly!”

Before I could answer, Emery hung up abruptly. Perhaps she was in too much of a panic to explain everything over the phone. There wasn’t much time to waste, so I quickly grabbed a change of clothes.

Ashton came out just as I was done.

Hence, we left to the hospital right away.

Ashton’s phone rang constantly as we drove. Having both hands occupied on the steering, he glanced at me quickly. “Can you help me answer that?”

I took his phone in my hands and looked at the flashing ID. “It’s a number from W City!”

He signaled with a nod.

As I turned on the speaker, an unfamiliar voice echoed, “Mr. Fuller, we’ve got some news. The factory where the child was sent to back then turns out to be a chemical plant. It seems quite a number of its workers were diagnosed with cancer due to radioactive pollution. The factory belongs to the Crest family, and it’s currently shut down.”

None of us said a word, and the voice continued, “That pollution was caused by an explosion which happened shortly before that incident with Mr. Crest. All workers who got involved had since undergone a health examination, though not everyone was affected by the chemical hazards.”

My mind went blank. The air around me felt heavy as I mulled over those words. I hung up the phone and looked at Ashton. “Jared did send Summer to the factory and let her stay there for some time. Could it be that she…”

My shaky voice trailed off. Ashton pondered in silence for a moment before he began, “Summer was with Kristina when we found her, so I’ve always thought that my initial hunches about her staying at the plant was wrong. Now it seems like she was indeed at the factory from the beginning, and Jared probably sent her to Kristina after the explosion.”

“But why would he do that? Summer is his child!” I could hear my own voice heightening as I fought against the tears that started to well up in my eyes. “Why did he send her there in the first place if he knew that it’s so dangerous?”

Ashton bit his lip for a second. “Who knows? Maybe he really wasn’t aware about it at first, which was why he handed her over to Kristina later on.”

“Even if that’s true, shouldn’t he have informed us? We could’ve brought Summer for a check up if we knew what happened! That way we could’ve at least made sure if she’s alright after that incident…”

At this point, I didn’t know what else to think about or say anymore. A storm had begun raging within myself, and I saw the hardened expression on Ashton’s face too. “Let’s not jump into conclusions for now. We’ll wait and see what the doctor says later. It could be that she just happened to be under the weather these days.”

He was right. There was nothing we could do except hoping that Summer would be just fine.

In love, never say never chapter 935

At the hospital, Xavier was wailing as Emery struggled to hold him still in her arms. “Sorry, Scarlett. He’s been making a fuss the whole time.” She looked at me somewhat apologetically and continued, “I think I should bring him home first. Hunter’s off at school, but both Zachary and Cameron are here. The doctor’s still checking on Summer, but don’t worry too much, I believe everything will be fine!”

I nodded and urged her to go. It’s only understandable that a child would feel uncomfortable under the cold weather and amidst the tense atmosphere.

The nurses wheeled Summer into the examination room while Cameron and Zachary followed closely behind them.

As we waited outside the room, Cameron began tearing up. “This is my fault, I should’ve brought her here for a check-up way earlier…” She sobbed. “The poor child’s had a few rounds of fever, but I’ve always thought they were just bouts of cold due to the changing weather. I just gave her the usual meds last night, thinking that she would get better after that. She suddenly started coughing out blood so much this morning!”

I held my mother’s hands in mine. “Don’t worry, Mom. Summer has always been a little weak, it’s likely that her body just isn’t faring so well under the weather. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

How was I supposed to tell her about the incident at W City? After taking care of Summer all this while, they had gotten so attached to her as if she was their own grandchild.

Zachary sat on the chair, panting slightly in exhaustion as worry clouded his weary face. Clearly, hurrying after the doctor and nurses back and forth throughout the hospital had taken a toll on his aging body.

Before long, the doctor came out from the room with a report in his hand. He glanced around at all of us before asking, “Is anyone here a family member of the patient?”

“We all are!” I answered, my eyes fixated on the sheets of paper in his grip.

He then gestured for us to follow him. “In that case, shall we all have a discussion in my office?”

In the doctor’s office.

He handed the report to Ashton while explaining, “These are the test results. The ALP levels in the child’s lymph nodes and liver are high, and her white blood cell count is severely beyond normal. Her bones and joints are damaged as well. I’m afraid things aren’t looking positive for the patient.”

In that instant, I felt as if my surroundings began to spin. Just as I lost balance, Ashton got hold of me and carefully sat me down on the nearest chair. As calm and collected as he would usually be, he was definitely shaken this time around. I could feel a slight tremor in his hands as he held onto my shoulders. “Doctor, is there anything we can do?” he asked.

The doctor replied, “Acute leukemia isn’t the easiest to control, though there’s definitely a chance of recovery. Having said that, we’ll need your utmost cooperation as we do what we can for the patient. The treatment will also involve a handful of equipment and specific drugs from overseas, and frankly speaking, not everyone is able to bear the costs.”

“Money isn’t a problem,” Zachary responded, his face looking somewhat pale. “We’ll bear all the expenses as long as the child can be treated.”

Cameron nodded and chimed in, “Yes, that’s right! We’ll do everything that we can on our part. Please help us save the child!”

She then paused for a short while before adding, “Is there a reason behind Summer’s condition, doctor? She was born slightly premature, but there hasn’t been any other problem with her physical health thus far… Could it be hereditary?”

The doctor pondered for second before he answered, “Leukemia isn’t usually inherited, but it’s not entirely impossible. In most cases, it’s due to lifestyle and environmental factors, such as exposure to chemical hazards.”

He then looked up at us with a curious frown. “On that note, the report indicates that the patient’s condition was likely induced by external substances. Would you mind if I ask, has the child been exposed to any sources of such substances over a period of time? Like a laboratory or a chemical plant…”

I couldn’t take this any longer. Suppressing my raging emotions, I interrupted, “We’ll leave the child in your hands, doctor.”

As we exited the office, Cameron tugged on my arm. “Did you know something behind this, Scarlett?”

I dragged my feet in silence as we walked along the corridor.

They had the right to know after all, but where should I even begin? “Sometime last year, Jared took Summer to W City…” I started hesitantly. “He placed her in the Crest family’s factory for some time while using her as a hostage to threaten Ashton. And at some point, there was an explosion which led to chemical leaks. We had no idea about this either until recently.”

Zachary’s face burned with anger. “How rotten! Are the Crests even humans at all?”

Cameron’s eyebrows knitted together as she gasped in horror. “Isn’t Jared her father regardless? How could he do such a thing to his own child?”

I sighed helplessly. Regret filled me as I reflected on my decisions back then. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t let him take Summer with him to W City!

A dreadful silence filled the air as a gloomy cloud casted upon everyone’s face. The next moment, Zachary pulled out his phone and began making a few calls.


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