In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 936-937-938-939-940

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 936-937-938-939-940

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 936-937-938-939-940

Cameron and Ashton too, began dialing away on their phones as they tried to contact all the health experts they knew of.

A throbbing pain stung my abdomen yet again. I had felt it from the moment I knew about Summer’s illness earlier that day, and I figured it must have been a symptom of stress and anxiety.

But as time went by, I realized something was wrong. While Ashton was still on the phone, the pain suddenly intensified and I felt a warm trickle down my thighs. Fear poured into my mind in an instant. “Ashton, I have a bad feeling…”

He quickly hung up and rushed over to my side. “What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well?”

I grabbed onto him and shivered in pain. “My stomach hurts!”

His pupils constricted the moment he noticed the blood in between my legs. “Get the obstetrician!” he exclaimed loudly.

“I-I’m fine…” I resisted, although my legs were giving away under the intense pain.

As Zachary hurried off to get the doctor, Cameron came over and helped support me. “My dear, when was the last time you had your period?”

Cold droplets of sweat had already emerged on my forehead by then. “I don’t know, it’s never been regular…”

Come to think of it, it had supposedly been over a month since I last menstruated. Ever since I lost my baby, my period cycle had never been normal.

Seeing the mixed emotions on their faces, I knew what it meant. I am probably pregnant.

That explained my unusual exhaustion these days! How ignorant I’d been… I’ve always thought that my extra sleepiness was because of the weather.

Everything happened in a flurry as I was wheeled into the emergency ward. The pain in my abdomen became more and more unbearable. The voices around me soon became muffled and distant as my view blurred…

When I jolted awake, I broke out in cold sweat. Cameron and Zachary were by my bedside, but there was no sight of Ashton.

Although my mother sighed in relief as I regained consciousness, I was unable to comprehend the teary look on her face. “Why are you crying, Mom? What happened to me?”

She smiled while wiping her tears away with the back of her hands. “You’re pregnant, my dear! It’s almost two months already.”

Before I could react, Zachary’s face too, lit up with an endearing smile. “The doctor said that the fetus isn’t very stable at the moment, so you have to take care of yourself and be careful!”

I am… pregnant? An indescribable feeling surged up within me. It felt like a mix of delight and loss at the same time, amongst a variety of other emotions.

I suddenly remembered about Summer. “Mom, Dad, what about Summer? How is she now?”

“She’s awake now, and we’ve gotten in touch with the best medical team we knew,” Cameron consoled. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure we get the best possible treatment for her!”

I nodded in slight relief. “Where’s Ashton?”

“He’s making arrangements for you and Summer! You both have to stay in the hospital for a few days. We’ve gotten the maids to bring over everything you need, so just rest up as much as you can. Your

Dad and I will keep you both company as well over the next couple of days,” Cameron explained, joy and concern intertwined on her face.

I understood what she felt. She was happy about my pregnancy and worried about Summer at the same time.

A while later, my parents left and went over to Summer’s ward. I lay in bed in a daze until Ashton came back. He gazed at my blank expression with a gentle smile. It was a rare sight.

He chuckled softly. “What are you thinking about?”

I wriggled upright and leaned on his chest, wrapping my arms around him. “This child is a surprise… I didn’t even expect myself to be able to conceive! But whatever it is, promise me, Ashton. Summer is and will always be our child too, okay?”

Ashton dazed for a moment and smiled at me. “Since when have I started losing your trust? Don’t think too much. We have two kids now, and I’ll do everything to make sure Summer gets well!”

At his reassurance, I buried my head deeper in his embrace. Back then, I once thought that I’d let Summer make her own decision about living with her biological father when she’d grow up one day. But I’ve made up my mind this time—for someone like Jared who would go so far as to put his own child in danger, he no longer had the right to be her father.

“My dear Mrs. Fuller, please take good care of yourself from now on. You can’t be so reckless anymore now that you’re bearing a child,” Ashton teased jokingly with a hint of helplessness in his voice. “I know you’re worried about Summer and about how I might favor this upcoming child over her. But Scarlett, please trust me, okay?”

I nodded, albeit unable to shake off my fears completely. “Do you think Summer’s condition can be fully treated?” I blurted as memories of Renee resurfaced in my mind again. That poor child! She looked so

miserably different after a month of chemotherapy. I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing Summer becoming like that too.

Ashton nodded. “We’ve found the best doctors, and all we need to do now is to find her a suitable candidate for her bone marrow transplant. Once she’s recovered, we’ll be able to spend the rest of our days together as a family.”

In love, never say never chapter 937

Bone marrow transplant!

I was taken aback. “Let’s get Jared. Since he’s Summer’s biological father, his bone marrow should be a match, right?”

Ashton nodded slightly and spoke, “I have something to tell you. Jared had been heavily injured in prison earlier today.”

“Did he get into a fight?” I was shocked. Since Jared entered prison, he had been living fine with the Crest family’s support. How did he get beaten up?

“It must’ve been Uncle Zachery. He must’ve gotten someone to beat Jared up as he was upset by what had happened to Summer,” Ashton replied.

I was in a daze—I could not believe it. “Why would Dad think of getting someone in the prison to…” However, when I thought deeper, I remembered how he became very protective of Rebecca when he found out that she was part of the Moore family.

I knew that Zachary was an impulsive person. When he heard that Jared had caused Summer’s illness, it was in his character to beat Jared up.

Soon, I knocked out in Ashton’s arms, likely due to the meds.

I was woken up shortly by a dream of the scene where Renee passed away on the hospital bed. Ashton was not around, and I was worried about Summer, so I went to her ward.

Cameron was there with her. “Why are you here? Go back to your ward and rest. You need the rest now,” she advised me.

I nodded in response while turning my gaze to look at Summer, who was sound asleep. She resembled her mother more as she grew up, though she was pale due to her sickness.

Cameron gestured for me to head back. “Mom, I’m fine. I couldn’t sleep anyway. Let me take a look at her a while more,” I pleaded.

She had no choice but to cave in. Then, she passed me a hand pack and nagged, “Here, hold it. Your body is so cold. You should learn to take better care of yourself.”

I smiled at Cameron in response and turned to look at Summer. I studied her face and couldn’t believe that she was already six years old. Since we returned from R Province, I had placed her under Ashton’s care as I did not have sufficient time and energy for her. For that, I had missed many precious moments with her.

Time flew, and six years had passed—it was near the new year now. At times, I would find myself imagining that everyone was still around like they used to.

“Don’t worry. Zachary had gotten the best doctor and the latest technologies for her. Summer is our lucky star, so she’ll definitely recover,” Cameron comforted. “You’re already a mother, so you should take good care of yourself too. Let’s go out for a family outing when you’re feeling better.”

I looked at her and nodded while leaning on her shoulder. That was the closest I had ever been with her. “Mom, thank you for taking care of Summer these few days. She might’ve been in a better condition if only I had brought her to the doctors earlier.”

She let out a sigh. “This is not your fault. None of us expected this. Luckily, your father and I had sufficient savings for the upcoming treatment. As long as there’s hope, we’re willing to spend everything on Summer to help her recover.”

I started tearing up as I felt blessed. With the financial support of the Moores and the Fullers, Summer had an increased probability of recovering.

It was the reality. In the face of death, those with money could extend their life, even if it’s only for a day. On the other hand, those without money were only left with one choice—surrender their life to fate.

“Mom, did you hand over all the projects of J City to Nick?” I asked as Nick came to my mind.

She nodded. “Most of the projects of J City are from the Harrisons. His father passed not long after I got married to him. Nick was still too young at that time, so I had to take over the management of Cruise Corporation. Since Nick has grown up, it’s only right for me to hand the business over to him. Why did you ask suddenly?”

I stared into a blank space, thought for a moment, and told her, “When Summer’s situation starts to stabilize, I plan to bring her to J City to help with her recovery. The weather there is more suitable for recovery compared to K City, so she might recover faster there.”

She processed that thought and nodded. “Okay. Zachary and I will let the doctor know. We’ll transfer her to J City and arrange for her surgery to be performed there once we’ve found a suitable donor. Zachary and I could retire in J City too. However, Fuller Corporation is doing very well now, I think you should talk about this with Ashton too.”

In love, never say never chapter 938

I let out a sigh. “I just thought of it and have yet to tell him anything.”

“There’s no need to rush. You should bring it up when everything else has stabilized.”

It was November in K City, and the temperature had dropped lower than usual. It felt like it was about to start snowing.

I was discharged after a few days of rest in the hospital. Meanwhile, Summer had to undergo chemotherapy. After her first session, she had lost quite a bit of weight. Her organs were affected by her illness to the extent that she had lost her appetite completely and didn’t feel like eating anything.

Zachary got some experts from overseas to discuss with the top specialist to come up with the best treatment plan for Summer. Ashton was listening intently. He had been busy at work, probably dealing with Murphy Corporation’s move on Fuller Corporation.

“The most prominent damage is on the patient’s kidney. Even if we manage to get a suitable bone marrow donor, she would not be able to fully recover, as she needs a kidney transplant as well,” the doctor explained with a dull expression.

Another doctor added, “Unfortunately, these two organs are difficult to find. Every year, many patients do not make it till they get a donor. Hence, I suggest that Summer continues with the existing treatment.”

My heart broke upon hearing that news. Cameron pulled me out and consoled, “My dear, you’re currently pregnant. It’s not good for you to get too emotional. Don’t worry. I’ve got an idea to resolve Summer’s issue.”

I knew she was trying to comfort me. I recalled that Renee also had leukemia. Since she could not find a suitable donor, Sasha’s mother decided to stop the treatment and brought Renee to complete her bucket list.

I did not wish to do the same for Summer. That was just too cruel.

However, I had no clue what to do. It seemed like we were stuck in a corner.

After the discussion ended, Cameron and Zachary stayed to take care of Summer while Ashton brought me to the office. He was worried that I might overthink if I stayed at the hospital.

I had been zoning out frequently, thinking about Summer’s condition. Ashton was worried, so he had been bringing me around with him everywhere.

At the lobby, a lady welcomed us with a bright smile. “Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, these dried mangoes are pretty sweet. Please try some.”

I could not remember her identity while Ashton looked at me and asked, “Do you like these?”

I shook my head.

“Mrs. Fuller, you’ve got to try it first!” The lady passed a piece to me. I stared at her blankly and eventually tasted it.

As she looked at me expectantly, I recalled that she was Stella. I had forgotten as I had too much on my mind.

“How is it? Is it good?” Stella asked while smiling in excitement.

I nodded and replied, “It’s quite sweet!”

“See, I told you! I like it very much. I thought of you and wanted to pass them to you, but you had not been around lately. I bought these to express my appreciation, so please accept them.”

I was taken aback by her chattiness. I recalled that incident and asked, “How are your injuries? Are you feeling better?”

She nodded. “I’ve already recovered. Don’t worry. I’m quite tough.”

I let out a sigh of relief and took the dried mangoes. “Thank you. Please don’t buy me anything. Instead, I should be thanking you for taking that blow for Ashton.”

Her face flushed. “You’re too kind. It was actually Mr. Fuller who had saved me. I ended up being a burden instead.”

“Let’s go. You shouldn’t be standing for too long!” Ashton said while he hugged me. I nodded in agreement as I felt uncomfortable after standing for some time.

Stella waved while smiling very brightly.

Ashton took over the bag of dried mangoes and advised, “Next time, don’t force yourself to accept what you don’t like.”

“She has good intentions. Also, these are sweet. You should try some.” I handed him a piece. “Stella seemed to be livelier than she used to be,” I said to Ashton with a skeptical look.

Ashton took a bite and continued, “There were some after-effects from her head injury.”

I recall that the doctor mentioned the possibility of a concussion. I looked up at Ashton and asked, “Could being livelier be a sign of a concussion?”

In love, never say never chapter 939

“She had forgotten many things. She had even forgotten Justin. Sometimes, her memories are jumbled up.”

I raised my brows, “Justin?”

He nodded. “That guy who went along to the hospital.”

The lift arrived at the office. There were snacks on the coffee table—all my favorite snacks.

In no time, I focused on the snacks and stopped asking him questions.

Ashton started to contact people to help speed up finding a suitable donor. It was a difficult task. Even if a donor was found, that person had to be a match. We had to find a kidney donor as well. Furthermore, it had to be a child’s kidney.

I lost my appetite after those thoughts occurred to me, so I looked at Ashton, who was staring into blank space.

There was a knock on the door. “Come in.”

It was Stella. She brought some drinks for us. She placed a cup of green tea in front of Ashton and a cup of hot milk tea for me. “Mrs. Fuller, please try this. I made this using my special recipe.”

I smiled and thanked her. I took a sip, and it was not bad.

Slam. Ashton stood up while his face darkened. The green tea that Stella prepared dropped on the floor and shattered. He was holding his phone and exclaimed, “Bring him to the hospital immediately! I’ll be there.”

“What happened?” I shot up and asked, thinking that something bad happened to Summer.

He grabbed his jacket and told me, “Jared was almost killed in prison. I have to go now.” He glanced at Stella and ordered, “Stella, please sent Mrs. Fuller back later.”

He rushed off right after.

I was lost in thought. He had been fine in there all this while. What exactly happened? Could it be that Zachary got someone to beat Jared up again for what happened to Summer?

However, according to his personality, he would have beaten him up brutally the first time. Why did he do it again?

Furthermore, that person tried to kill him.

Stella was taken aback and looked at me. “Mrs. Fuller, I’ll send you back in a bit, but I don’t know your address. I need you to tell me.”

I gave a small smile and replied, “Thank you.”

She shook her head while smiling. “No worries, it’s my job.”

Ashton took his car, so we walked to Stella’s car. “Don’t worry. Even though I had just gotten my driving license, I am a good driver.”

I smiled and got on to the front seat. I wondered how she got promoted to a secretary. “It must’ve been tough for you. Ashton is very picky. Your job as a secretary must’ve been busier than the time you were working at the front desk.”

She started the car and explained, “It’s okay. Mr. Fuller had been kind to me. He would get others to teach me the things that I don’t know.”

I nodded and kept silent.

She stopped along the side of the road and took a grey bag out of the trunk.

She placed the bag on the back seat and explained, “I have to pass this to someone later. I brought it out in case I forget.”

I nodded in response.

She was indeed a steady driver. As she drove to the villa, she looked around and commented, “Mrs. Fuller, your house is so big. I’m so envious of you!”

I chuckled. “If you have time, would you like to come in with me?”

She shook her head. “I don’t think I can. I have plans already. Maybe next time. I believe that I’ll have many chances to do so in the future.”

I thanked her and got off the car. I stood there and watched as her car left.

It seemed that all the innocent things in this world either did not exist or were killed. The journey of growing up was indeed a long one.

Ashton was only back at night. He was worried that if anything bad happens to Jared, it might be difficult for him to donate his bone marrow to Summer.

I was waiting for Ashton in the living room. When he returned and was changing his shoes in the hallway, I asked, “How’s he? Is he badly injured?”

“He’s still in critical condition. Joe is there. Why are you still up?”

I walked over and replied, “I was waiting for you because I’m worried.” While I spoke, he placed a grey bag at the side.

I furrowed my brows. That bag looked similar to the one Stella had in her car. Why did he have it?

In love, never say never chapter 940

Ashton was tired. He rubbed his temples and rested on the sofa. I pursed my lips and stared at the grey bag. I walked over to him and massaged his shoulders. “I see that you’ve brought a grey bag. What’s that?”

“That was a jacket that I lent Stella. She sent it for wash and returned it. Could you help me to get the helper to have it when she’s here tomorrow?”

I recalled as I continued staring at the bag. That day, Ashton had indeed passed a jacket to Stella. I remember buying him a new set of clothes.

“You’re so wasteful! These clothes were expensive.”

He opened his eyes slightly and smiled. “Since when were you so materialistic? Are you feeling the pinch over a set of clothes?”

I leaned on his shoulder and replied, “Well, we’re going to spend a lot on Summer’s surgery. Furthermore, all that money is from your hard work. I don’t wish to waste it like that.”

He lifted his head and kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry. Even if your husband is dead, he would make sure you live a good life.”

I used my head to bump into his. “Don’t curse yourself. Do you really wish for me to remarry with two kids?”

He pulled me onto his lap. “I’m still alive, and yet you’re thinking of remarrying already? You’d better erase that thought, or I’ll punish you tonight.”

I rolled my eyes at him as I leaned against his shoulder, and said, “Both of us have to take care of ourselves and stay well. Let’s head back to J City when our kids are grown up. I’d love to open a small flower shop, and you’ll be my employee. We’d get to celebrate all the festive seasons with our parents.”

I smiled and looked at him. “I realize I have no ambitions. I’m already thinking of retirement. Do you disdain me for it?”

He smiled and pecked on my cheek while holding my tummy. “Your dream is my dream. We’ll do what you want when we get old.”

It seemed like after we reach a certain age, humans tend to crave peace and stability.

As I thought of Jared, I asked, “How did Jared get injured in prison? Was it my Dad?”

He shook his head. “No. If Uncle Zachery wanted to make a move, he would do it only once. He would not have done it twice. It was caused by a drug addict that had a dispute with others, went mad and attacked Jared.”

I nodded my head. “Is the Crest family still trying to bail him out of jail?” Since the first day of Jared’s admission to the prison, the Crest family had been channeling money there in hopes of getting him out early.

He did not answer my question and asked me one instead. “What if he makes it out?”

I raised my brows to his reaction. “Are you trying to get him out too?” I used to be afraid of Jared, and I understood his hatred for Ashton too. However, I started to hate him after what he did to Summer.

He had used his own child. No matter if it was intentional or accidental, I could never erase that cruel image of him from my mind.

Ashton avoided the question and said, “We need him to do a test to see if he’s a matching donor for Summer.”

I frowned. “I agree for him to do the test, but I do not agree for him to be released from prison.”

The conversation ended, and he carried me up to the bedroom. I had been feeling sleepy very often, probably due to the pregnancy.

I fell asleep almost immediately after I went to bed.

The next day before sunrise, Cameron called. She informed me that Summer had been coughing blood after her therapy session.

Ashton and I rushed to the hospital while Summer was transferred to the ER. “The cancer cells are spreading fast. Despite using the best treatment, the effect was too small. We’d have to hurry and find suitable bone marrow and kidney, or it might spread to the other organs soon,” the doctor explained.

Ashton nodded. Cameron was unsure of what to do, so she called Zachary.

In the hallway, everyone was silent but feeling anxious inside. We have all the resources, but the most critical was still the bone marrow and kidney. We could get the bone marrow from Jared, but what about the kidney? It was near impossible to find a child’s kidney in such a short time.

Ashton thought for a moment and said, “Y’all should stay here. I’ll go and get Jared.” He was worried about me, so he repeated, “Don’t go anywhere. If you’re feeling unwell, please let me know. If you’d like to eat something, let me know too. Also, don’t stand for too long.”


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