In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 941-942-943-944-945

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 941-942-943-944-945

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 941-942-943-944-945

I forced a smile. “I get it. I’ll take care of myself, just go.”

He was still worried despite that and told Cameron some dos and don’ts before he left. Then, Cameron looked at me. “He’s really nice to you.”

I smiled. Then my phone rang. It was from Armond, who hadn’t called me in a long time. I frowned in annoyance when I saw his number. Ever since what happened in Moranta, I lost any good impression I had for him. But I took his call anyway. “What is it?”

His voice was deep, but also depressing. “It’s been a while. We might not be friends anymore, but we don’t have to be enemies; so, you don’t have to be so hostile. “

I sneered. “You tried to harm my husband. If that’s not enough to antagonize me, I don’t know what will.”

He laughed mirthlessly. “Are you free? Why don’t we meet up? You might gain something, you know.”

“Thanks but no thanks,” I refused.

“Come on, don’t say no so fast.” He chuckled. “I heard you’re trying to find a matching kidney for the Crests’ kid. I’m your friend, Scarlett, and I’m a kind man. I don’t mind getting a suitable kidney for the child. All you have to do is ask,” he said casually, much to my surprise.

I frowned. “What are you trying to do now, Armond?”

“Let’s meet up and talk. You raised the child, didn’t you? You can take this risk. You risked your life in Moranta for Ashton, so why not for the child? Is she worth less than your husband? All I want to do is to chat with you.”

I was surprised that he could sound so nonchalant since he was usually a stern man. What is he really like deep down?

My prolonged silence prompted him to speak. “So it’s a no, huh? I feel bad for the poor child.”

“Give me the location.” I took a deep breath. I didn’t know how he would find the kidney, but it was a pressing matter, so I had to give it a try.

He laughed as if his plan had worked. “You are always so loyal, Scarlett. I’m looking forward to our meeting, but don’t tell anyone about this, and don’t try to pull any tricks behind my back. Or I’ll make sure your daughter is bedridden for life even if she gets the bone marrow she desperately needs. You know I can do that.”

He said goodbye with a laugh before hanging up. Then, he sent me the location.

I pursed my lips. The city center, huh? And the most bustling place too. I heaved a sigh of relief. If that’s the case, he can’t do anything to me even if he wants to.

Cameron came back with the vitamins after I kept my phone. “Take these vitamins once in the morning and once at night. It’ll help the baby.”

I nodded and put the pills in my bag. At the same time, I was thinking about what to tell her since I want to go out.

The ER’s door swung open, and out came Summer on a gurney surrounded by doctors. Cameron and I followed them into the ward, but Summer was still in a coma even after the doctors had left.

I looked at Cameron. “I’m going out to get some stuff, Mom. Look after Summer for me. I’ll be back in a minute.”

She looked at the time and nodded. “Go on. I’ll look after her.”

I went straight to the location Armond sent me after coming out from the hospital. It was a café near the hospital. When I arrived at the place, Armond was already waiting for me. He gave me a warm smile when we met. “I thought you won’t come.” Then, he called the waiter to take his order.

I looked at him. “Please make this quick.”

He pursed his lips calmly. “So I’m not even your friend now.”

“Do you think we can still be friends after what you did?” I held my anger back. He was no longer my friend from the moment he tried to kill Ashton in Moranta. In fact, he was my enemy since then.

He smiled despondently. “You know I would never harm you.”

“Depends on how you define ‘harm.’” I sneered. “That’s enough of pleasantries. You have plotted ever since we met, but I don’t really care about your reason. Just cut to the chase.”

He pursed his lips and squinted at me. “Very well then. Remember the sandalwood box you promised to give me back in Venria? I took your girls back safe and sound, but what did you do? You gave me a fake box. Do you think I’m an idiot, Scarlett?”

I froze for a moment. Oh, so he found out about that. I pursed my lips. “I know nothing about that box. You wanted it, so I gave it to you. I can tell you that my grandma gave it to me, so it’s just something my grandma left me. I have no idea what the content means to you, and I don’t know what you want from it.”

In love, never say never chapter 942

He sneered. “Shifting the blame, are we? Fine. If you don’t want to give me the box, then there’s no meaning to this meeting. Your daughter is on her own now.”

A frown creased my forehead. “I have no idea where the box is right now. It’s always been in the villa and guarded by Ashton.”

He gave me a nod and squinted. “So that means you can retrieve it.”

I frowned again. “I cannot,” I denied.

He chuckled. “Well, the box isn’t the only chip you have, but I wonder if you’ll accept the deal.”

I hesitated for a moment before asking, “What’s your price?”

He pointed at me. “You.”

I frowned at him, flabbergasted and waited for a further explanation.

He smiled. “Haven’t you realized? I’ve been interested in you for a while now.”

I almost spewed the water out, then I stared at him in shock.

He ignored my surprise and continued, “The first time I met you was at J City’s auction. You weren’t exactly beautiful, but you were attractive. Maybe it’s because Ashton was beside you, so I only had eyes for you then. And then the meeting at the cemetery. You probably didn’t know this, but I was the one who sent the guy who attacked you. Anyway, I wasn’t planning to hurt you, and I just wanted to have a reason to talk with you. Fortunately, we got to know each other after that. Then, I wanted to get closer to you, and you gave me a chance. You were in A City then, and coincidentally, you were in my company. Also, you know Savini and that’s one great coincidence. Whatever it is, we got to know each other after that.”

I stared at him in disbelief. “You’re the president of Animus?”

He nodded. “Murphy Corporation has a lot of subsidiaries in A City. Some are just newly acquired, so they aren’t named after the corporation yet.”

I felt a chill running down my spine as I recalled everything that had happened. Then, I grabbed his hand. “So you were the one behind the night I was arrested because of kyanine possession? Those cops are your henchmen?”

He paused for a moment, surprised. “Wow, you’re getting smarter.”

No, I was not. I just remembered seeing him that night at the hotel, and I was falsely accused not long after that. I couldn’t understand why I was the one who was targeted out of everyone there. I thought Savini was behind it, but he didn’t seem surprised when I met him after coming back from Venria alive. And he was all ready for my questioning.

When I thought back to those hellish days, I realized there were a lot of loopholes that couldn’t be explained. Tabitha and Laurel came from normal families, but Nora wasn’t. But even so, Channing didn’t say a word about her kidnap.

I must have looked concerned, but all Armond did was throw me a dark smile. “Are you thinking about the happy days we had in Venria and Western Europe?”

My face fell, and I got ready to leave before the waiter came back with our coffee, but he stopped me. “Your daughter can’t wait around any longer, Ms. Stovall. Stop throwing a tantrum and take my offer.”

He was smiling when he said that, as if Summer’s life was just a chip for him to play with. Disgusting. I glowered. “What do you want?”

He gave me an eerie look. “Why don’t you start dating me?”

“Are you mad, Murphy? I’m married! And I won’t date you even if I’m not! If you don’t love Nora, then tell her! Don’t make her wait!” The man was not just a hypocrite. He could act like a gentleman, a scheming bstard, a cold warlord, and a shameless perert. Suddenly, I realized I never knew this creature—he’s a demon in human skin.

“I won’t make it hard for you.” Then, he pinned me down on the seat. “Why not give me a chance? If you date me, I’ll get your daughter the kidney that she needs so desperately.”

I glared at him incredulously. He was making the source of kidneys sound like something within his reach. Then, he sat back before me. “All you have to do is nod. I’ll make sure your daughter gets treated immediately.”

I looked at him. He’s already beyond disgusting. Any description is going to be an understatement. I took the coffee the waiter served and splashed it on his face. “Get professional help if you have a mental illness. You’re going to hurt someone sooner or later.”

In love, never say never chapter 943

Then, I left without saying a word. Armond shocked me to my core once again. I had the feeling he could take any human organ he wanted at any time. All he had to do was say the word. That fact alone made him terrifying.

At that moment, Cameron gave me a call to ask me why I was out for so long. I lied by saying that I had gone quite a distance, so I couldn’t get back that soon. In the end, I bought some stuff at a convenience store nearby before going back.

Summer was lying in the bed. She was looking skeletal after the chemotherapy sessions, and looking at her broke my heart. Even so, I couldn’t cry before her, so I forced a smile. “Are you angry with Mommy, Summer? It’s been a while since I last saw you.”

Summer shook her head and held my hand weakly. “No. Grandma said you have a baby in your belly, so you can’t stay here for too long, or the baby’s going to get sick.”

I took a deep breath before holding her hand back firmly. I couldn’t face her because of my guilt. I felt that everything was my fault. If I hadn’t let her go with Jared to W City, she wouldn’t have to suffer that much.

If I hadn’t left for A City, if I hadn’t left her behind with Cameron, I would probably notice something wrong with her. Cameron even called me to talk about Summer’s symptoms, but I delayed her treatment because of my carelessness. I shouldn’t have gotten pregnant either. I always thought I cared and loved Summer with all my heart, but I realized I was only acting out of my selfish desires. I brought her to R Province because I thought it was best for her, then I brought her back to K City and left her alone for the same reason. I brought this suffering unto her.

I felt guilty, and I couldn’t face her because of that.

“What are you thinking about, Mommy?” Summer waved her hand before me, snapping me out of my trance. “I’m not scared, Mommy. Granny told me lots of people fall sick, but everyone gets better if they follow the doctor’s orders.”

I nodded, but I felt sad. I knew I would break down the moment I started talking, so I felt relieved when Cameron came in. “Talk to granny for a bit, Summer. I’ll be back in a second.”

Cameron wanted to ask me something, but since I was in a hurry, she stopped herself.

My tears finally fell when I got to the staircase. Ashton called me, but I waited for a bit before answering the call. He was silent for a while before asking, “Have you taken dinner. Is Summer fine?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “What about Jared? Did he agree to it?”

“Yes. I’ll take him to the hospital tomorrow. What happened? Your voice sounds hoarse. Are you crying?”

I wanted to say no, but I knew I couldn’t hide it from him. “Summer’s just skin and bones now. It’s heartbreaking whenever I see her.” I didn’t know how to break the meeting with Armond to him. First, I didn’t know what Armond was trying to do; secondly, I couldn’t understand why Armond said it was easy for him to get a suitable kidney for Summer.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to Summer. Mrs. Dune told me you look tired. Don’t forget to rest up when you get home. I don’t want you to exhaust yourself,” he said gently. Well, he did mellow out over the years.

I stayed at the staircase for a bit after hanging up, then Nora called me. I thought it’d be awkward, but I took the call anyhow. Nora was as vivacious as usual though. “Can you pick us up at the airport, Scarlett? We just got here, so everything’s really unfamiliar.”

I froze up. “You’re in K City?”

“Yeah. Armond said you’re really worried about your daughter when I called him. I can’t really help you, but I can take care of her for you. I won’t trouble you, I promise,” she said a lot, and I was surprised, but I felt touched.

I could feel tears coming up again, but I answered, “Thank you. I—”

“Oh, stop yammering and come pick us up quickly. K City’s freezing. I should have worn more clothes. It feels so chilly right after we landed, you know,” she grumbled.

I smiled. “Alright, I’m coming over. Wait, ‘we’? Who did you come with?”

“A new friend I got to know. She’s here on a business trip, so we came together. I’ll introduce her to you later.” Her teeth were chattering from the cold.

In love, never say never chapter 944

“Okay.” I hung up and told Cameron a few things before leaving.

She wasn’t wearing anything thick, and it was already winter in K City. It was impossible for me to take some clothes from the house, so I had to pick her up first.

It was hard to get a ride at the hospital, so I was left waiting, much to my chagrin.

“Scarlett!” someone called out to me, much to my surprise. I looked around to see who was calling me and saw Hannah, which was quite a shock.

She was wearing a tan-colored jacket, and her hair was tied up in a bun, making her look younger. She was also wearing an elegant pair of pearl earrings. Hannah didn’t have the cute look of a young lady, for she was already in her thirties, but she was mature, attractive, and elegant.

“Why did you come to the hospital? Are you sick?” I smiled at her.

She returned the smile and came up to me. “Not me. My boyfriend’s mother. We came to visit her. I was just going to call you to see which room Summer is in so we can see her too.”

At the same time, Hannah’s boyfriend parked his car at the roadside and greeted us.

Hannah asked, “Are you going somewhere? We can give you a lift. It’s hard to get a ride right now, and you guys can get to know each other. Don’t want you guys to feel awkward if you bump into each other next time, you know.”

I paused for a moment, then I smiled at her boyfriend. “I need to go to the airport. It’s quite a distance away, but let’s catch up some other time.”

“Eh, it’s fine. We don’t have anything to do today, so I’ll go with you. I have something to discuss anyway. You’re really busy lately, aren’t you? If I let this chance slip, god knows when the catching up will happen.” Hannah took me to the car and went into the backseat.

She told her boyfriend, “To the airport, Chandler.”

The man nodded and revved up the car.

Hannah held my hand. “He’s Chandler, my boyfriend. He works as a programmer.”

The man gave me an honest smile, and I smiled back. Hannah continued, “And this is my friend, Scarlett. I told you about her.”

We got to know each other after that. Chandler looked like an honest man, and he seemed to be younger than Hannah. I met him before at the restaurant. He was about six feet four in height. A towering giant, really. He wasn’t conventionally handsome, but he sent out a good vibe.

Then, I looked at Hannah. I never bumped into her again after leaving the Stovall residence. Well, it was just a few days though. I was about to ask her about John, but it looked like she had probably decided to dump him.

I kept my mouth shut since her life was peaceful at the moment. Dating John was not a golden experience for her. To say it was torture might even be an understatement. In any case, nobody could fault her for leaving.

“Oh, are you picking someone up at the airport?” Hannah asked.

I nodded. “Yeah. My friend from A City came. It’s chilly right now, and it’s hard to get a ride there. Moreover, she isn’t wearing a lot of clothes right now either.”

Hannah nodded. “I think we have some clothes here.” Then, she asked Chandler, “Chandler, did you take the clothes in the trunk home? You know, the ones I put a few days ago.”

Chandler shook his head. “No. Work has been hectic these couple of days. I’ve forgotten about it.”

She pouted. “You always forget what I told you. Man, you and that bad memory of yours, but this is actually good.” She smiled at me. “Your friend’s a girl, right? If it’s fine for her, I can lend her my clothes. Winter in K City can be a nightmare Don’t let her fall ill.”

I nodded. Hannah seemed different somehow. She used to be elegant and hard to approach, but she was warmer and more approachable now.

She was surprised to see me smile though. “Are you going to ask about John and I?”

I froze up for a moment, but she explained, “It’s fine. Chandler knows about it, so you don’t have to hold back. Ask away. Oh, I almost forgot about this, but Chandler and I are getting married. I was going to ask you to come with me to the bridal house for the gown fitting. You know I don’t have many friends, so you’re the first person I thought of. But with Summer being hospitalized, I know you must be busy as well.”

I stopped for a moment to process what she said. Then I smiled. “My mother’s looking after Summer. Tell me in advance if you’re going to try out the gowns. But you sure you talked it out with my brother? Kiki’s still young, so I support you, but…”

She nodded at me. “I know what you’re trying to say, but I’m going to be thirty-three soon. My best years are coming to an end. I’ve let go of everything and did everything I had to. I thank god for having met Chandler when life seems to be at a dead end. He spoils me a lot, and thanks to him, I found out

that love can come in such an adorable way. We may fall in love with a lot of people throughout our lives, but there can only be one person who walks with us until the end. I want to live my life with Chandler, and I know the kind of life I want to lead. I know you’re worried about your brother and Kiki, but I think of you as my friend, Scarlett. I hope you can think about this from my perspective, alright?”

In love, never say never chapter 945

Yeah. Hannah had kept herself exclusively for John for too long. She accepted every sh*tty thing he did for the sake of a twisted love. Because of that, she had forgotten that she too, was in need of love.

She resolved to leave because she wanted to live her own life. I guess John would never know who he had lost. I guess he would never come across someone who’d wait for him for years anymore. He lost someone who’d give everything up just to give him a home.

I held her hand. “Uncle Louis and I will support you no matter what, Hannah. Uncle Louis sees you as his own daughter, and I know he’ll give his blessing. We’re grateful for you because you gave us Kiki. We’re your family, so tell us if you ever need anything.”

She chuckled. “I know you’d support me.” She poked Chandler. “Don’t ever try to bully me, you hear? I have a family behind me now.”

Chandler grinned. “You always had a family behind you.”

I smiled. Then, I realized that we couldn’t get what we wanted a lot of times because we were obsessed with the illusion of a grandiose love, but happiness had always been about the little things.

Hannah had dated John for many years. All she wanted was a peaceful life for her family, but John didn’t catch up on it even though he had the same wish. Eventually, she slipped away from him.

The moment I got out of the car, I saw Nora before the airport’s entrance. She was wearing an autumn trench coat and a dress, and she was shivering.

Nora trotted up to me with her luggage in tow. “Oh my god, you’re finally here,” she gushed. “I was freezing, gosh. The winter in K City can kill, literally speaking. I mean, why is everyone flocking to this place anyway?”

She kept grumbling as I helped her with the luggage. Before I could put it in the trunk, Chandler had already taken it from me. He grinned. “Leave this to me.”

Hannah took out a thick down jacket from the trunk. “Is this fine?” she asked me.

I nodded and covered Nora with it. “You should have called me. I could have gotten you some clothes. Oh, you came with a friend, didn’t you? Where is she?”

The down coat warmed her up a little, and she looked around. “She said she was going to warm her hands up. Oh, there she is.” She pointed at the exit, so I looked in that direction. Much to my surprise, I saw a familiar face. It was none other than Hailey, who texted me a lot just a few days ago.

She was in even thinner clothing than Nora was, and she was pushing her luggage while coming up to us. Hailey’s constitution wasn’t that good, to begin with, so she was starting to turn blue from the cold. Of course, she looked surprised to see me too.

“You didn’t get any hot water, huh? Told you this airport’s too big.” Nora noticed she wasn’t holding anything.

I looked at Hannah awkwardly, but she only smiled and took out a grey coat. “Good thing Chandler didn’t take them out.

I thanked her before going up to Hailey with the coat. She smiled at me. “We meet again, Scar.”

I handed her to coat. “Looks like it.” She was the only one who’d call me that.

Nora looked at us in surprise. “You guys know each other?”

I nodded. “We met before.”

She pouted. “What are the odds of that!”

After the simple introduction, Chandler put their luggage in the trunk before coming back into the car. “Where will you go now, Ms. Stovall?”

I told him the villa’s address, then he revved the car up again. But then Nora quipped, “Oh, I rented a place in the city center, so it’s fine. Hailey and I will be staying there.”

I pouted. “But the servants have already cleaned the house, and staying by yourself is going to be a hassle.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t. I have a ton of stuff to deal with, so staying at your place is going to be a hassle for you instead. And the place is really more convenient for us too.” Nora was still as talkative as a child.

I wanted to convince her, but Hailey said, “We’ll stay at the place Nora rented for now. She told me you have a lot on your plate now, so let’s not add more to that, okay?”

I stopped persuading them after that. Chandler sent them to the place they rented in the city center. It was an apartment with two bedrooms. It wasn’t big, but the decor was nice.

Since she had nothing to do, Hannah and I helped the girls tidy up the place before going to the mall to purchase a lot of winter apparel.


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