Indestructible God King

Chapter 56.1

Chapter 56.1: One of Your Own (1/2)

Zhu Hongyi had brought an army of nearly a thousand demons; their sheer numbers terrified the Golden Crow Sect’s disciples into utter despair. The righteous and the demonic cultivators were irreconcilable! Since the righteous side was already injured, none of them would survive if the fighting continued!

It would be even worse for Wang Ke, being Chen Tianyuan’s disciple.

But then, at that moment of despair, they watched as Wang Ke walked up fearlessly to meet the demons. Although Zhang Shenxu considered Wang Ke as a shameless enemy, he somehow looked at Wang Ke’s unselfish and indignant demeanor with a tinge of respect. Anyone who could face death face to face was a brave warrior!

Still, who would have thought that Wang Ke’s first words were…

“Parlor Lord, I’m one of your own!”

All the Golden Crow Sect’s disciples felt suffocated for a moment after hearing those words. Damn you, Wang Ke, how shameless can you be? How dare you say that?Most importantly, can you really turn to the enemy’s side successfully with such a last-minute attempt?

But Zhu Hongyi and his demons’ reaction gave the righteous sect disciples a good lesson.

None of the demons suspected Wang Ke for even a second; all their eyes instantly turned soft as they looked at him.

What is happening?Are the demons blind?He’s Chen Tianyuan’s disciple! He’s a downright pure disciple of a righteous sect! And he managed to infiltrate their ranks just like that? Zhang Shenxu and his men were unable to get a grasp on the situation. Why... Why is this happening?Something went wrong with all the demons’ brains?Did Wang Ke cast some kind of a spell on them?

The demons couldn’t be blamed for accepting Wang Ke though, since he was dressed like a typical demon in black robes! The black robe was meant to indicate the “mourning” for his clan members who had died; it ended up serving as authentication for Wang Ke’s identity.josei

Moreover, many demon corpses were scattered on the ground, and a bunch of righteous sect disciples were encircling him, ready to attack.

The situation was so apparent that the demons felt no need to analyze further. Who would be so dumb to doubt which side the person in front of them was on? All of them heard him saying, ‘Parlor Lord, I’m one of your own.’

“Which branch are you from?” Zhu Hongyi asked.

Those demons killed just then didn’t seem to be Zhu Hongyi’s subordinates, so he didn’t recognize Wang Ke.

“I just entered the demonic sect. These big brothers were giving me an orientation; all the inner workings are still very confusing to me. These senior brothers said a few days ago that the Qing Emperor had invited our branch’s people to do something in the Zhu Cultivation Town. It was something about the Nether Demon Assembly. I’m not sure; I just followed along. But we didn’t expect to be caught in an ambush from these righteous sect disciples... They almost wiped us out. I would have died too if not for the Parlor Lord’s timely arrival…!” Wang Ke replied in grief, sobbing.

Branch? Wang Ke knew nothing about the branches! He could only divert the topic. He flung out interesting and controversial points like “Qing Emperor,” “Nether Demon Assembly,” “ambushed” for everyone to join in the discussion!

“An ambush from a righteous sect? Damn those Golden Crow Sect’s people!”

“The Nether Demon Assembly? Could they be here to snatch that Netherborn? Why would they know she’s here?”

“The Qing Emperor? The invitation was from him?”




Indeed, the demons started talking among themselves fervently. They no longer cared about which branch Wang Ke was from because those three topics were much more interesting.

“Zhu Yan? How did he learn about Princess Youyue’s location and the Nether Demon Assembly? And he even brought you here?” Zhu Hongyi asked with stern eyes.

All the demons turned and waited for Wang Ke’s answer in silence.

Although Zhu Hongyi was interrogating Wang Ke, the latter felt relieved. Thank goodness! You stopped caring about which branch I’m from. I bluffed my way through!

The Nether Demon Assembly? Wang Ke didn't know much about it; he had heard it from Zhu Yan’s mouth when he was whipping him, the emperor, in the palace.

“I’m not very sure either, but I think I heard Zhu Yan accidentally saying he had eavesdropped on a conversation from Immortal Qing!” Wang Ke explained.

“Immortal Qing?” all the surrounding demons were confused.

“Humph!” Zhu Hongyi harrumphed and asked, “Where is Zhu Yan?”

“Zhu Yan? He killed himself along with She Tianba. He’s over there!” Wang Ke pointed toward the two charred bodies.

Zhu Hongyi’s face twitched; the rage he had for Zhu Yan also subsided. He’s dead?He’s the only descendant of my older brother. He shouldn’t have died, even though I really disliked him!

“Did you mention She Tianba?” Zhu Hongyi asked again with a grim-looking face.

“Yes, he’s over there! The two were engaged in fierce combat. She Tianba detonated his flying sword in the end, and then…! I wanted to prevent it, but I was too weak; I couldn’t do it!” Wang Ke’s face was covered with regret.

Princess Youyue and the Golden Crow Sect’s disciples who were standing at a relatively close distance sucked in a mouthful of cold air when they heard this.

She Tianba killed himself along with Zhu Yan?You wanted to prevent it?There’s really someone who can lie as blatantly in this world?I would have swallowed the whole story had I not witnessed how you killed them both!

The demons rushed toward the two charred bodies.

“Parlor Lord, the two of them are still alive but too severely injured,” a demon reported loudly after inspecting them.

She Tianba and Zhu Yan are still alive? Wang Ke’s heart sank, while Zhu Hongyi heaved a sigh of relief.

“They’re still alive? That’s good! I would really have a hard time explaining this to Qing'er! Bring both of them back!” Zhu Hongyi instructed.

“Yes, Parlor Lord!” the demons acknowledged.

Zhu Hongyi looked toward Wang Ke once again and said indifferently, “Were you and your other brothers trying to snatch the Netherborn Princess Youyue so you could eat her before the Nether Demon Assembly?”

“What? The Fifth Parlor Lord found the Netherborn to host the Nether Demon Assembly! And you guys wanted to take her for yourselves? Were you trying to disrupt the Nether Demon Assembly?” The demons shot stares at Wang Ke.

Before Wang Ke could explain himself—Princess Youyue shouted while still standing behind him, “You’re mistaken. He was protecting me just now, or else I would have died!”

“Hmmm?” Everyone looked toward Princess Youyue.

Of course, most of the demons did not know her; only Zhu Hongyi had seen Princess Youyue’s portrait.

“You are Princess Youyue? And you’re saying that this lad was protecting you? Zhu Hongyi aked.

“Indeed.” Princess Youyue nodded.

All their eyes turned crimson after confirming the princess’ identity, just as if they were looking at a delicacy.

Wang Ke felt fortunate after seeing how the demons reacted. Fortunately, She Miejue was keeping Princess Youyue here, in the Zhu Cultivation Town. She could have already been taken had she been in the Great Qing Royal Palace.

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